55 research outputs found

    A holistic approach in reducing organizational cynicism: The role of job autonomy

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    The paper aims to develop a framework regarding organizational cynicism. The model of this study seeks to explain the relationship between job autonomy and organizational cynicism.An extensive review helps to develop the possible relationship between the variables.The proposed framework of this study is useful for the future researchers to expand more studies on organizational cynicism.In order to fill the gap and inconsistencies found in the past studies, it is assumed that the role of job autonomy is important to reduce organizational cynicism

    Fighting cynicism in organizations: the role of job autonomy

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    This research examined the role of job autonomy in influencing the level of organizational cynicism.By using a survey method through the questionnaires distribution, 504 dataset was utilised for the analysis.Several statistical techniques such as factor analysis, reliability test, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were conducted in this research.Through the data analysis, this research indicates a negative relationship between and organizational cynicism.With based on the analysis result, this research suggests that job autonomy could be favourable towards decreasing the level of organizational cynicism

    Impact of organizational trust on whistle-blowing intentions at Malaysian enforcement agency

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    The current study investigated the relationship between organizational trust and whistle-blowing intentions at Malaysian Enforcement Agency.For further analysis, a sample of 346 employees working at Malaysian Enforcement Agency was selected using proportionate stratified random sampling method. For measurement, this study has adopted by Bews (1999) for organizational trust and adopted by Park (2009) for whistle-blowing intentions. To show the relationship between organizational trust and whistle-blowing intentions, this study using factor analysis and correlation analysis.The data analysis indicated that the organizational trust has positive impact on whistle-blowing intentions.The results also showed that organizational trust has significant and positive impact on the dimension of whistle-blowing intentions (internal whistle-blowing and external whistle-blowing)


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    This study is based on the habits and lack of interest of students who have not been able to fulfill their duties and responsibilities maximally, especially reading and writing. This is due to the students' habits compared to the culture of literacy, and the characteristics of students with backgrounds of thinkers, workers, organizational activists and mediocre ones. This study aims to reveal the habits of students PBSI in terms of literacy and kelisanan, both to meet the needs of the task as a student or for other purposes such as to fill the spare time. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This research data is the result of student activity done inside and outside campus. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the student literacy culture of PBSI Unipa Surabaya in this research is still "low", because the result of the research has been done, there are 24, 28, and 35 students reading books in 1 day, 1 month. While There are 25 writing poems, 17 short stories and 19 students who have interest to write articles. Students of PBSI Unipa Surabaya also have different characteristics. They have the character of thinkers, idlers, workers, and organizational activists

    Cynicism in organizations: does organizational justice matter?

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    This research investigated the influence of organizational justice on organizational cynicism. By using a survey method through the questionnaires distribution, 504 data were collected and analysed. Based on the data analysis result, this research indicates a negative relationship between organizational justice and organizational cynicism.Additionally, procedural justice was found to be the strongest organizational justice dimension that significantly influencing organizational cynicism level. Moreover, the limitations and directions for the future research are also discussed

    Work stress, pay satisfaction, psychological empowerment and organisational commitment among academic staff

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    This study investigated the mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between work stress, pay satisfaction, and organisational commitment among academic staff in public universities.A total number of 297 academics responded to this study and Statistical Package Software for Social Science (SPSS) Version 21.0 was used to analyse the collected data.The results indicated that work stress is associated with organisational commitment, whereas pay satisfaction, psychological empowerment, and organisational commitment have significant relationships with each other.Furthermore, multiple regression analysis revealed that psychological empowerment partially mediated on the relationship between pay satisfaction and organisational commitment.It is recommended that future research could further extend by including non-academic staff as well

    Relationship between hygiene factor dimensions and intention to leave among prison personnel: A study in northern region of Malaysia

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between dimensions of hygiene factors and intention to leave among prison personnel, as well as to identify any dominant dimension of hygiene factor that has higher effect than other dimensions related to intention to leave. This is done by mean of survey, where questionnaires were distributed to 310 randomly selected respondents. The statistical method involved reliability test, Pearson correlations and multiple regression.The data was analyzed by using SPSS version 16.0.The findings indicate that there is significant negative relationship between three dimensions of hygiene factor and intention to leave, however only one dimension was found to be not significant. Coworker is the dominant dimension that has the highest influence on intention to leave.These findings show that the related factors should be given attention to retain employees in the organization.Some suggestions have been made to the organization concerned and for the new direction of future research


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    peran Dinas Perhubungan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan berlendara di Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan peran Dinas Perhubungan dalam meningkatkan disiplin berlendara di Kabupaten Luwu Utara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kemudian validasi data dengan cara triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan dilakukan dengan merancang kegiatan manajemen lalu lintas dan rekayasa pembangunan di jalan umum berdasarkan identifikasi masalah. 2) Pengaturan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan sejumlah titik yang masih belum dilengkapi rambu-rambu lalu lintas yang didukung kegiatan sosialisasi. 3) Rekayasa belum berjalan optimal. 4) Pemberdayaan dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan bimbingan teknis rutin oleh internal Departemen Perhubungan. 5) Pengawasan dilakukan dengan melakukan pengawasan dan pengaturan jalan secara harian dan menugaskan petugas untuk berjaga di beberapa lokasi pusat arus lalu lintas.Kata kunci: Peran, Disiplin Mengemudi, Lalu Linta

    Pengaruh Harga, Atribut Produk dan Keluarga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Berbasis Android di Kota Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari uji ANOVA didapat nilai F hitung 52.985 > F tabel 2.47 dengan probabilitas 0.000, maka variabel harga, atribut produk dan keluarga secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian smartphone berbasis Android di Kota Makassar. Sedangkan hasil dari uji t, variabel harga menghasilkan t-hitung (9.013) > t-tabel (1,661) dengan nilai probabilitas signifikansi sebesar 0.00. Variabel atribut produk menghasilkan t-hitung (3,315) > tabel (1,661) dengan nilai probabilitas 0.001. Variabel keluarga menghasilkan hitung (-0.761) < t tabel (1,661) dengan nilai probabilitas signifikansi sebesar 0.448. Hasil pengujian koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,623, hal ini berarti 62.3% variasi keputusan pembelian dapat dijelaskan oleh variasi dari ketiga variabel bebassedangkan sisanya (100% - 62,3% = 37,7%) dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab yang lain diluar model. Dari uji Standardized Coefficients Beta, variabel harga paling dominan memengaruhi keputusan pembelian dengan hasil sebesar 0,635

    HRM practices-engagement-performance relationships: a conceptual framework for RMG sector in developing economy

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    The relationships among the HRM practices, employee engagement and performance have received a significant attention all over the world.This study has attempted to develop a conceptual framework using the role of employee engagement as mediator in HRM practices and performance relationship in the ready made garment industry in Bangladesh.The proposed framework portrayed that HRM practices have positive influence on both employee engagement and performance.Similarly, employee engagement also has a positive influence on performance. The policy makers and other HR consultants and practitioners certainly can improve the employee performance by using this model
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