1,433 research outputs found

    Classification of motor imaginary EEG signals using machine learning

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    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a term that was first introduced by Jacques Vidal in the 1970s when he created a system that can determine the human eye gaze direction, making the system able to determine the direction a person want to go or move something to using scalp-recorded visual evoked potential (VEP) over the visual cortex. Ever since that time, many researchers where captivated by the huge potential and list of possibilities that can be achieved if simply a digital machine can interpret human thoughts. In this work, we explore electroencephalography (EEG) signal classification, specifically for motor imagery (MI) tasks. Classification of MI tasks can be carried out by using machine learning and deep learning models, yet there is a trade between accuracy and computation time that needs to be maintained. The objective is to create a machine learning model that can be optimized for real-time classification while having a relatively acceptable classification accuracy. The proposed model relies on common spatial patter (CSP) for feature extraction as well as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) for classification. With simple pre-processing stage and a proper selection of data for training the model proved to have a balanced accuracy of +80% while maintaining small run-time (milliseconds) that is opted for real-time classifications

    Smart street lighting system

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    A c, light pole, lamppost, street lamp, light standard or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or path. Street lighting provides a number of important benefits. It can be used to promote security in urban areas and to increase the quality of life by artificially extending the hours in which it is light so that activity can take place. Street lighting also improves safety for drivers, riders, and pedestrians..

    Fire fighting robot

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    Fire-fighting is an important but dangerous occupation. A fire-fighter must be able to put out fire quickly and safely. This is a common way to prevent fatalities and further damages. So, technology has done its part by bridging up the gap between fire fighters and machineries. So, a robot is invented in order to combine both man kind and technology [1]. Fire Fighting Robot is designed to put out a fire, before it reaches out of control. Robot with these fire-handling abilities is a great advantage to replace fire extinguishers [2]. Water-based robot will be an advantage for users to refill the tank as it goes empty. Users can fill up water and keep the robot in a safe position. Water is a basic non-chemical liquid which will not experience any expiry or damage or corrosion. This invention would be a great contribution to mankind in order to ease their work and minimize the risk during fire put out


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    The lack of use of learning media in learning situations makes students less enthusiastic about participating in learning. In learning, students need learning media that is easy to understand and view repeatedly. In order to create effective learning conditions, it is necessary to take steps to implement learning, one of which is preparing and using various media in learning. Media, one of the communication tools in conveying messages, is certainly very useful if implemented into the learning process. Therefore, teachers must do something in the learning process so that students make repetitions in learning. One source of learning media that can be viewed repeatedly is video-based. Animated video learning materials are learning materials that contain images, sound and movement at the same time. Animated video learning materials are very helpful in conveying material to students. The aim of this research is to increase students' interest in learning in class and outside of class. The data collection technique used by researchers was collecting various references from books and interviews with elementary school students at SDN Cilayang 2 in the lower classes, and using qualitative methods. In this case, the qualitative method is a social science research method that collects and analyzes human words and actions, and researchers do not need to calculate the results of the research. Animated video learning materials are very good for increasing students' interest in learning, because the characteristics of elementary school students are imitating, observing and being very interested in animated cartoons. In animated cartoons, colors and images are presented that attract students' attention to make them more enthusiastic in participating in learning

    IR sensor for line following robot

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    Generally, in a line following robot as shown in Figure 1.1, IR sensor is used for the robot to detect the line either white or black. The line can either be black on a white surface and white on a black surface. The sensors are installed at the bottom of a front part of the robot. Multiple IR sensors are needed in order to get a more accurate output. The IR sensors come with pair that is a receiver and also a transmitter, we called it Tx and Rexford this application, the transmitter and the receiver is placed near to each other to make it easier to detect the line. When the IR sensor is supplied with certain voltage, the transmitter will transmit the infrared ray. Receiver will receive it. It is usually use to detect an object and also to detect a line on a surface

    EFL Teachers' Experiences During the Pandemic: Stories From Rural Area in Tungkal Ilir District

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    ABSTRACTThis article explores the implementation of online learning by English teachers in the age of the coronavirus pandemic in the Tungkal Ilir district, West Tanjung Jabung Regency. This article examines two research questions: (1) How do EFL teachers describe their practices and perceptions of online learning during the pandemic, and (2) What challenges EFL teachers face while implementing online learning during the pandemic. In this small-scale qualitative study, three English teachers took part. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather information. The result revealed that teachers in remote areas used social media and digital platforms to carry out their online teaching. On the other hand, these teachers had some issues incorporating online learning. The problems can be divided into two categories: (a) unfamiliarity with the platforms and (b) inability to respond to students quickly. In addition, some suggestions are also given for further researchers to conduct a similar study. ABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas tentang implementasi pembelajaran online oleh guru bahasa Inggris di era pandemi virus corona di kecamatan Tungkal Ilir, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Artikel ini membahas dua pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana guru EFL menggambarkan praktik dan persepsi mereka tentang pembelajaran online selama pandemi, dan (2) Apa tantangan yang dihadapi guru EFL saat menerapkan pembelajaran online selama pandemi. Tiga guru Bahasa Inggris diambil sebagai responden dalam studi kualitatif skala kecil ini.  Wawancara semi terstruktur digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru di daerah terpencil telah menggunakan media sosial dan platform digital untuk melaksanakan pengajaran online mereka. Disisi lain, guru memiliki beberapa masalah dalam penerapan pembelajaran online. Masalah dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori: (a) ketidaktahuan dengan platform dan (b) ketidakmampuan untuk merespon siswa dengan cepat. Selain itu, beberapa saran juga diberikan bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan penelitian serupa


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk manajemen keuangan yang diterapkan pada pondok pesantren Isti’dadul Mu’allimien Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendalaman fenomena objek dilapangan.  Hasil yang didapatkan bahwasanya pondok pesantren Isti’dadul Mu’allimien telah bertransfomasi dari hanya pendidikan informal berkembang dengan menyediakan pendidikan formal. Transformasi ini menuntut perubahan pada pengelolaan dan administrasi salah satunya dalam manajemen keuangan. Manajemen keuangan pondok pesantren Isti’dadul Mu’allimien cukup unik dan menarik karena dengan pengasuh dan bendahrawan yang berbasis agama bukan ekonomi dan kepemimpinan yang mulanya “serba-mono” namun dituntut membuat laporan keuangan yang harus menyesuaikan dengan kaidah atau aturan dalam manajemen keuangan. Manajemen keuangan pondok pesantren Isti’dadul Mu’allimien telah memuat dasar-dasar dari manajemen keuangan dimana adanya perencanaan keuangan, pelaksanaan, pelaporan dan evaluasi. Ini berimplikasi, pondok pesantren Isti’dadul Mu’allimien Jambi dapat menjadi contoh bagi pesantren-pesantren lai

    A computational intelligence approach to solve the inverse problem of electrical DC resistivity sounding

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    Electrical methods have been widely used in geophysical surveying to obtain high-resolution information about subsurface conditions, since the last few decades. Resistivity is an important parameter in judging the ground properties, especially detecting buried objects of anomalous conductivity. Electrical DC (i.e. Direct Current) resistivity sounding is the commonly used technique to obtain the apparent 2-D resistivity of the region under investigation. Acquiring the true resistivity from collected data remains a complex task due to nonlinearity particularly due to contrasts distributed in the region. In this work, a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) metamodelling approach is proposed to solve the 2-D resistivity inverse problem. The model was trained with synthetic data samples obtained for a homogeneous medium of 100O.m. The neural network was then tested on another set of synthetic data. The results show the ability of the proposed approach to estimate the true resistivity from the 2-D apparent resistivity sounding data with high correlation. The proposed technique, when executed, appears to be computationally-efficient, as it requires less processing time and produces less error than conventional metho
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