74 research outputs found

    Analisis Sentimen dan Klasifikasi Kategori terhadap Tokoh Publik pada Twitter

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    Keberadaan Twitter telah digunakan secara luas oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Kebiasaan masyarakat mem-posting tweet untuk menilai tokoh publik adalah salah satu media yangmerepresentasikan tanggapan masyarakat terhadap tokoh publik. Menjelang pemilihan umum, biasanya ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang ingin mengetahui sentimen dan tanggapan terhadap tokoh publik. Tokoh publik yangdinilai adalah tokoh yang dianggap layak dan memiliki kemampuan untuk dipilih menjadi pemimpin. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis tweet berbahasa Indonesia yang membicarakan tentang tokohpublik. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan klasifikasi tweet yang berisi sentimen masyarakat tentang tokoh tertentu. Metode klasifikasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Naive Bayes Classifier. Naive BayeClassifier dikombinasikan dengan fitur untuk dapat mendeteksi negasi dan pembobotan menggunakan term frequency serta TF-IDF. Klasifikasi tweet pada penelitian ini diperoleh berdasarkan kombinasi antara kelasentimen dan kelas kategori. Klasifikasi sentimen terdiri dari positif dan negatif sedangkan klasifikasi kategori terdiri dari kapabilitas, integritas, dan akseptabilitas. Hasil pengujian pada aplikasi yang dibangun dan padatools RapidMiner memperlihatkan bahwa akurasi dengan term frequency memberikan hasil akurasi yang lebih baik daripada akurasi dengan fitur TF-IDF. Metode Support Vector Machine menghasilkan akurasi performansyang lebih baik daripada metode Naive Bayes baik dalam klasifikasi sentimen maupun dalam klasifikas kategori. Namun demikian, secara keseluruhan penggunaan metode Support Vector Machine dan Naive Baye sama-sama memiliki performansi yang cukup baik untuk melakukan klasifikasi tweet

    Speech Acts of Classroom Interaction

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    Speech acts of classroom interaction have been an interesting topic both in ESL and EFL context. Little research, however, has been held in analyzing speech acts of classroom interaction and its relation to strategies used in EFL context. This paper aims at investigating the types and frequency of speech acts performed in terms of teacher-student interactions. It also focuses on analyzing strategies used by teachers and students in performing the illocutionary act of imperatives. Qualitative method is used by means of mixed pragmatic-discourse approach. The data were collected through observation and recording. Three English teachers and 30 male students grade IX of MTs NW Putra Nurul Haramain are participants for gathering the data. The study reveals that four types of speech acts performed are imperatives, assertive, expressions, and commissives. Of those speech acts performed, the very dominant type of speech acts performed, about 120 acts or 43% is imperatives.  Assertions about 117 acts or 42% are dominant acts.  Expressions about 34 acts or 12% area less dominant category and Commissives about 7 or 2,5% are not dominant. In relation to strategies used in realization of imperatives, the study recognizes that requests as strategies used in realization of request are (a) formal completeness (propositional completeness and modification), (b) level of directness (mood derivable, performative, hedged performative, locution derivable, and conventionally indirect), (c) point of views, (d) context, and (e) mood. The study reveals that imperatives as the most type of illocutionary act performed in classroom interaction. Furthermore, it also indicates the lack of students' pragmatic competence in performing such an act. For that reason, teachers need to expose the learners with communication strategies in order to speak accurately and appropriately in different context. It needs a further study about pragmatic competence needed in EFL context and material designs for teaching such competences

    Ragam Makna Kesahihan Hadis

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    The scholars of hadith have standards and criteria for determining the validity of the hadith. Therefore, their standards vary and through the different criteria are different in interpreting the authentic hadith. This difference of meaning must be explained in relation to the practice of hadith and its use as an argument. The true meaning according to Muhammad Haqqi al-Nāzilī is a continuous hadith, not narrated through the siqah narrator, in spite of syaż and 'illat and his traditions conveying the privileges of the sunna practices that can motivate someone to carry out the practices of the sunna. So someone who performs these deeds based on authentic hadith and get a reward that doubled because it already knows the virtue of the hadith.The validity of the traditions contained in the book of Khazīnat al-Asrār Jalīlat al-Ażkār based on the criteria of the jumhur ulama of hadith states that these traditions do not reach the valid degree. But the traditions in it are dominated by hadith hasan and ḍa'īf. From a number of hadiths sampled in this study proves that there are 14 Hadiths, Hadiths that have ḍa'if degree of hadith 24 hadith, and hadith reaching degree ṣaḥīḥ only 8 hadith. However, according to al-Nāzili hadith in the book of Khazīnat al-Asrār are authentic hadiths based on the standard of criteria that he possesses.  Para ulama hadis mempunyai standar dan kriteria untuk menentukan kesahihan hadis. Maka dari itu, standar mereka berbeda-beda dan melalui perbedaan kriteria tersebut maka berbeda pula dalam memaknai hadis sahih. Perbedaan makna ini harus dijelaskan terkait dengan pengamalan hadis dan penggunaannya sebagai hujah. Makna sahih menurut Muhammad Haqqi al-Nāzilī adalah hadis yang sanadnya bersambung,  tidak diriwayatkan melalui perawi yang ṡiqah, tidak terhindar dari syaż dan ‘illat dan hadis-hadisnya menyampaikan keistimewaan dari amalan-amalan sunah yang dapat memotivasi seseorang untuk melaksanakan amalan-amalan sunah. Sehingga seseorang yang melaksanakan amalan-amalan tersebut berdasarkan hadis sahih dan mendapatkan pahala yang berlipat ganda karena sudah mengetahui keutamaannya dari hadis tersebut. Kesahihan hadis yang terdapat dalam kitab Khazīnat al-Asrār Jalīlat al-Ażkār berdasarkan standar kriteria jumhur ulama hadis menyatakan bahwa hadis-hadis tersebut tidak mencapai derajat sahih. Melainkan hadis-hadis di dalamnya didominasi oleh hadis hasan dan ḍa’īf. Dari sejumlah hadis yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa hadis yang berderajat hasan ada 14 hadis, hadis yang berderajat ḍa’if ada hadis 24 hadis, dan hadis yang mencapai derajat ṣaḥīḥ hanya 8 hadis. Tetapi, menurut al-Nāzili hadis dalam kitab Khazīnat al-Asrār merupakan hadis-hadis sahih berdasarkan standar kriteria yang ia miliki. 

    Effect of feeding Lupin (Lupinusangustifolius) on carcass composition of Boer goat

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    This study was undertaken to measure the effects of different dietary treatments on carcass composition of Boer goats. The main protein source in the diet was Lupinusangustifolius and other ingredients were palm kernel expeller (PKE), soya bean meal, fish meal, wheat pollard, corn, molasses, crude palm oil, broken rice, and Brachariahumidicola hay. The protein level and energy level in all treatment diet was isocaloric and isonitrogenous (Crude Protein ~ 16.3% and Metabolizable Energy ~ 10.3MJ/kg). The Lupin composition in three treatment diets was 0%, 10% and 30%, respectively. Twenty four Boer goats, age 8-9 months old were used in this study which was divided into three equal groups. The adaptability period was 14 days and the feeding trial goes for 103 days. All goats were slaughtered according to Malaysian Halal Protocol 2009. The results revealed no significant differences (P<0.05) in the initial weight, final weight, weight gain, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight and dressing percentage among the groups. There was also no significant difference on carcass composition: production of lean meat, and bone to fat ratio among the groups. Thus, this study showed that Lupin can be used as an alternative for protein source in goats reared in tropical condition and its performance in term of weight gain and carcass composition is as good as soybean meal

    Peran Kepercayaan Politik Dan Kepuasan Demokrasi Terhadap Partisipasi Politik Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hubungan kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi dengan partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 307 mahasiswa yang berasal dari Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Universitas Riau dan Universitas Islam Riau. Dalam mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode survey dengan kuesioner tentang kepercayaan politik, kepuasan demokrasi serta partisipasi politik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang positif antara kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Artinya, semakin tinggi kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi, maka semakin tinggi tingkat partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Sementara kepuasan demokrasi tidak berhubungan langsung dengan partisipasi politik tetapi melalui kepercayaan politik. Artinya kepercayaan politik menjadi variabel mediator antara kepuasan demokrasi dan partisipasi politik

    Asymptotic normalization coefficients for 8B->7Be+p from a study of 8Li->7Li+n

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    Asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANCs) for 8Li->7Li+n have been extracted from the neutron transfer reaction 13C(7Li,8Li)12C at 63 MeV. These are related to the ANCs in 8B->7Be+p using charge symmetry. We extract ANCs for 8B that are in very good agreement with those inferred from proton transfer and breakup experiments. We have also separated the contributions from the p_1/2 and p_3/2 components in the transfer. We find the astrophysical factor for the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction to be S_17(0)=17.6+/-1.7 eVb. This is the first time that the rate of a direct capture reaction of astrophysical interest has been determined through a measurement of the ANCs in the mirror system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Bioassay Guided Isolation and Identification of a Cytotoxic Compound from Azadirachta indica Leaves

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    This study aimed to investigate the structural features of the isolated flavonol glycoside, which might behave as a cytotoxic compound. The hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and aqueous fractions of an 80% methanol solution of Neem (Azadirachta indica) (Family: Meliaceae) leaves were subjected to a cytotoxicity bioassay against brine shrimp, Artemia salina. The ethyl acetate fraction exhibited the highest cytotoxic effect, supported by the lowest lethal concentration, a LC50 value of 1.35±0.40 ppm. A compound, Quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, was isolated from the most toxic fraction of the ethyl acetate via preparative liquid chromatography and then identified via ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis), infrared (IR), mass spectrum (MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. The compound was further confirmed by physical state, color, solubility, and melting point determination. The cytotoxic results suggest that the leaf ethyl acetate fraction consists of toxic compounds, which point towards the isolation of Quercetin 3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside