506 research outputs found

    Regular vs. classical M\"obius transformations of the quaternionic unit ball

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    The regular fractional transformations of the extended quaternionic space have been recently introduced as variants of the classical linear fractional transformations. These variants have the advantage of being included in the class of slice regular functions, introduced by Gentili and Struppa in 2006, so that they can be studied with the useful tools available in this theory. We first consider their general properties, then focus on the regular M\"obius transformations of the quaternionic unit ball B, comparing the latter with their classical analogs. In particular we study the relation between the regular M\"obius transformations and the Poincar\'e metric of B, which is preserved by the classical M\"obius transformations. Furthermore, we announce a result that is a quaternionic analog of the Schwarz-Pick lemma.Comment: 14 page

    Incommensurability and edge states in the one-dimensional S=1 bilinear-biquadratic model

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    Commensurate-incommensurate change on the one-dimensional S=1 bilinear-biquadratic model (H(α)=∑i{Si⋅Si+1+α(Si⋅Si+1)2}{\cal H}(\alpha)=\sum_i \{{\bf S}_i\cdot {\bf S}_{i+1} +\alpha ({\bf S}_i\cdot{\bf S}_{i+1})^2\}) is examined. The gapped Haldane phase has two subphases (the commensurate Haldane subphase and the incommensurate Haldane subphase) and the commensurate-incommensurate change point (the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki point, α=1/3\alpha=1/3). There have been two different analytical predictions about the static structure factor in the neighborhood of this point. By using the S{\o}rensen-Affleck prescription, these static structure factors are related to the Green functions, and also to the energy gap behaviors. Numerical calculations support one of the predictions. Accordingly, the commensurate-incommensurate change is recognized as a motion of a pair of poles in the complex plane.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    String Interactions from Matrix String Theory

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    The Matrix String Theory, i.e. the two dimensional U(N) SYM with N=(8,8) supersymmetry, has classical BPS solutions that interpolate between an initial and a final string configuration via a bordered Riemann surface. The Matrix String Theory amplitudes around such a classical BPS background, in the strong Yang--Mills coupling, are therefore candidates to be interpreted in a stringy way as the transition amplitude between given initial and final string configurations. In this paper we calculate these amplitudes and show that the leading contribution is proportional to the factor g_s^{-\chi}, where \chi is the Euler characteristic of the interpolating Riemann surface and g_s is the string coupling. This is the factor one expects from perturbative string interaction theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures, JHEP Latex class, misprints correcte

    Inversion of perturbation series

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    We investigate the inversion of perturbation series and its resummation, and prove that it is related to a recently developed parametric perturbation theory. Results for some illustrative examples show that in some cases series reversion may improve the accuracy of the results

    A reliable Pade analytical continuation method based on a high accuracy symbolic computation algorithm

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    We critique a Pade analytic continuation method whereby a rational polynomial function is fit to a set of input points by means of a single matrix inversion. This procedure is accomplished to an extremely high accuracy using a novel symbolic computation algorithm. As an example of this method in action we apply it to the problem of determining the spectral function of a one-particle thermal Green's function known only at a finite number of Matsubara frequencies with two example self energies drawn from the T-matrix theory of the Hubbard model. We present a systematic analysis of the effects of error in the input points on the analytic continuation, and this leads us to propose a procedure to test quantitatively the reliability of the resulting continuation, thus eliminating the black magic label frequently attached to this procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 eps figs, revtex format; revised version includes reference to anonymous ftp site containing example codes (MapleVr5.1 worksheets) displaying the implementation of the algorithm, including the padematinv.m library packag

    Regular Moebius transformations of the space of quaternions

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    Let H be the real algebra of quaternions. The notion of regular function of a quaternionic variable recently presented by G. Gentili and D. C. Struppa developed into a quite rich theory. Several properties of regular quaternionic functions are analogous to those of holomorphic functions of one complex variable, although the diversity of the quaternionic setting introduces new phenomena. This paper studies regular quaternionic transformations. We first find a quaternionic analog to the Casorati-Weierstrass theorem and prove that all regular injective functions from H to itself are affine. In particular, the group Aut(H) of biregular functions on H coincides with the group of regular affine transformations. Inspired by the classical quaternionic linear fractional transformations, we define the regular fractional transformations. We then show that each regular injective function from the Alexandroff compactification of H to itself is a regular fractional transformation. Finally, we study regular Moebius transformations, which map the unit ball B onto itself. All regular bijections from B to itself prove to be regular Moebius transformations.Comment: 12 page

    Fluctuation force exerted by a planar self-avoiding polymer

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    Using results from Schramm Loewner evolution (SLE), we give the expression of the fluctuation-induced force exerted by a polymer on a small impenetrable disk, in various 2-dimensional domain geometries. We generalize to two polymers and examine whether the fluctuation force can trap the object into a stable equilibrium. We compute the force exerted on objects at the domain boundary, and the force mediated by the polymer between such objects. The results can straightforwardly be extended to any SLE interface, including Ising, percolation, and loop-erased random walks. Some are relevant for extremal value statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 22 figure

    Quasisymmetric graphs and Zygmund functions

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    A quasisymmetric graph is a curve whose projection onto a line is a quasisymmetric map. We show that this class of curves is related to solutions of the reduced Beltrami equation and to a generalization of the Zygmund class Λ∗\Lambda_*. This relation makes it possible to use the tools of harmonic analysis to construct nontrivial examples of quasisymmetric graphs and of quasiconformal maps.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    The Universal Phase Space of AdS3 Gravity

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    We describe what can be called the "universal" phase space of AdS3 gravity, in which the moduli spaces of globally hyperbolic AdS spacetimes with compact spatial sections, as well as the moduli spaces of multi-black-hole spacetimes are realized as submanifolds. The universal phase space is parametrized by two copies of the Universal Teichm\"uller space T(1) and is obtained from the correspondence between maximal surfaces in AdS3 and quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of the unit circle. We also relate our parametrization to the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 gravity and, infinitesimally, to the holographic (Fefferman-Graham) description. In particular, we obtain a relation between the generators of quasiconformal deformations in each T(1) sector and the chiral Brown-Henneaux vector fields. We also relate the charges arising in the holographic description (such as the mass and angular momentum of an AdS3 spacetime) to the periods of the quadratic differentials arising via the Bers embedding of T(1)xT(1). Our construction also yields a symplectic map from T*T(1) to T(1)xT(1) generalizing the well-known Mess map in the compact spatial surface setting.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Commun.Math.Phy

    Monte Carlo study of the hull distribution for the q=1 Brauer model

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    We study a special case of the Brauer model in which every path of the model has weight q=1. The model has been studied before as a solvable lattice model and can be viewed as a Lorentz lattice gas. The paths of the model are also called self-avoiding trails. We consider the model in a triangle with boundary conditions such that one of the trails must cross the triangle from a corner to the opposite side. Motivated by similarities between this model, SLE(6) and critical percolation, we investigate the distribution of the hull generated by this trail (the set of points on or surrounded by the trail) up to the hitting time of the side of the triangle opposite the starting point. Our Monte Carlo results are consistent with the hypothesis that for system size tending to infinity, the hull distribution is the same as that of a Brownian motion with perpendicular reflection on the boundary.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure
