18 research outputs found

    Implementing criteria-based early switch/early discharge programmes:a European perspective

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    AbstractEarly switch (ES) from intravenous (IV) to oral antibiotic therapy programmes is increasingly included as a component of hospital antimicrobial stewardship initiatives that aim to optimize antimicrobial therapy while limiting toxicity and resistance. In terms of prioritizing the most cost-effective stewardship interventions, ES has been seen as a ‘low-hanging fruit’, which refers to selecting the most obtainable targets rather than confronting more complicated issues. Administration of highly bioavailable oral antibiotics should be considered for nearly all non-critically ill patients and has been recommended as an effective and safe strategy for over two decades. However, to accrue the most benefit from ES, it should be combined with an early discharge (ED) plan, protocol, or care pathway. Benefits of this combined approach include improved patient comfort and mobility, reduced incidence of IV-line-related adverse effects, reduced IV antimicrobial preparation time, decreased hospital stays, reduced antimicrobial purchasing and administration costs, decreased patient deconditioning, and shortened recovery times. Results from published studies document decreases in healthcare resource use and costs following implementation of ES programmes, which in most studies facilitate the opportunity for ED and ED programmes. Barriers to the implementation of these programmes include clinician misconceptions, practical considerations, organizational factors, and a striking lack of awareness of IV to oral switch guidance. These and other barriers will need to be addressed to maximize the effectiveness of ES and ED programmes. As national antimicrobial stewardship programmes dictate the inclusion of ES and ED programmes within healthcare facilities, programmes must be developed and success must be documented

    Understanding patient access patterns for primary health-care services for Aboriginal and Islander people in Queensland: a geospatial mapping approach

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    This paper explores the patterns of patients' accessing six Aboriginal and Islander Community Controlled Health Services (AICCHSs) in Queensland. Between August 2011 and February 2014, 26199 patients made at least one visit over a 2-year period prior to at least one of six Queensland AICCHS - one urban service (RA 1) in south-east Queensland, and five services in regional towns (RA 3) in Far North Queensland. Geospatial mapping of addresses for these registered patients was undertaken. The outcomes analysed included travel times to, the proportion of catchment populations using each AICCHS and an assessment of alternative mainstream general practice availability to these patients was made. In brief, the use of AICCHS was higher than Australian Bureau of Statistics census data would suggest. Approximately 20% of clients travel more than 30min to seek Aboriginal Health services, but only 8% of patients travelled longer than 60min. In the major city site, many other general practitioner (GP) services were bypassed. The data suggest Aboriginal and Islander patients in Queensland appear to value community-controlled primary care services. The number of Indigenous clients in regional locations in the Far North Queensland registered with services is often higher than the estimated resident population numbers

    Understanding patient access patterns for primary health-care services for Aboriginal and Islander people in Queensland: a geospatial mapping approach

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    This paperexplores the patterns ofpatients'accessingsix Aboriginal and Islander CommunityControlled Health Services (AICCHSs) in Queensland. Between August 2011 and February 2014, 26199 patients made at least one visit over a 2-year period prior to at least one of six Queensland AICCHS-one urban service (RA 1) in south-east Queensland, and five services in regional towns (RA 3) in Far North Queensland. Geospatial mapping of addresses for these registered patients was undertaken. The outcomes analysed included travel times to, the proportion of catchment populations using each AICCHS and an assessment of alternative mainstream general practice availability to these patients was made. In brief, the use of AICCHS was higher than Australian Bureau of Statistics census data would suggest. Approximately 20% of clients travel more than 30min to seek Aboriginal Health services, but only 8% of patients travelled longer than 60min. In the major city site, many other general practitioner (GP) services were bypassed. The data suggest Aboriginal and Islander patients in Queensland appear to value community-controlled primary care services. The number of Indigenous clients in regional locations in the Far North Queensland registered with services is often higher than the estimated resident population numbers