5 research outputs found

    Prediction Models for Water Erosion Risk Management: A Review

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    In order to estimate the potential soil erosion hazard of an area, erosion prediction models are needed. Various models have been used by researchers, which ranges from mathematical and conceptual simple approaches to complex models that try to include the complexities of the real world. Six (6) models are reviewed in relation to their suitability for use. The KINEROS, CORINE and EUROSEM were best suited for water erosion risk prediction in cultivated soils. On the other hand, the KINEROS, PESERA, CORINE and EUROSEM were found to be applicable in all sectors (Agronomy, water resources management and road construction) highlighted. The GLASOD had the least applicability with respect to this study.Keywords: Water Erosion, sediment transport models, Model structure and suitability for us

    Effects of neem seed cake on the growth and yield of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) in Ilorin, north central Nigeria.

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    Soils of the Southern Guinea Savanna are generally inherently infertile owing to low vegetation cover, soil erosion and low organic matter content occasioned by constant bush fire. Consequently, farmers move close to streams and rivers in the dry season where okra is cultivated by irrigation. Field experiments were conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin Nigeria during the 2012 and 2013 cropping seasons to evaluate the effects of neem seed cake on the performance of okra. The neem seed cake was incorporated into the soil one week before planting of the okra seeds at the rate of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 t/ha. The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design replicated three times. Data were collected on growth parameters (plant height, number of leaves, and number of branches) and yield parameters (fruit length and girth, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight per plant and fruit weight per hectare). The result of the experiments indicated that applying neem seed cake significantly affected the growth and yield parameters that were evaluated. Applying neem seed cake however gave the highest yield at 3t/ha. Percentage mean for the two years combined was 75.81 over the control. The results generally indicated that neem seed cake can be used when inorganic fertilizers are unavailable or beyond the reach of peasant farmers for improved crop growth and development.Keywords. Neem seed cake, soil properties, growth and yield of okr

    The assessment of water quality for irrigation and sediment along Asa River

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    The effects of industrial, agriculture and domestic discharges on the quality of water for irrigation along Asa River located in Ilorin were assessed. In this study, Asa river in which effluent from different industries is discharged was studied for heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd) to ascertain its water quality for irrigation and sediment. Water and sediment samples were collected at four points used for dry season irrigation along the river. The total concentration of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) (210/211 VAP model). The range of concentration of these metals in water were Cu (1.23 5.60)mg/l, Pb (2.20-4.10), Zn (2.60-5.11)mg/l and Cd (1.80-5.01)mg/l, while that of sediment were Cu (1.80-5.09)mg/kg, Pb (2.54-5.89)mg/kg, Zn (3.84 5.21)mg/kg and Cd (3.02-6.02)mg/kg. It was found that the metals in water and sediment were above the permissible level by FEPA(1999) and W.H.O (1996). The index of salinity hazard in water was found below the FAO (1997) standard for EC (0.04-0.29) and pH (6.0-6.3) as well as U.S Salinity (1954) level for SP (0.17-0.44) %, which showed that the water was not saline. Pyrite was prominent at location three receiving effluent from a detergent and pharmaceutical industries ladened Osere river and received by Asa River. The finding showed that the quality of Asa River water for irrigation is very poor due to the high level of heavy metals in water and sediment. Consequently, the high level of metal concentration in the study area would lead to the people dependent on this river water for domestic use including cooking, bathing, washing and even drinking or for agricultural uses like fishing and farming may be exposed to public health risks. Also, the irrigated soil by this River water would influence soil processes and soil organism induction to the soil ecosystem through a reduction in the soil microbial population and the concomitant soil nutrient transformation. Similarly, due to the high level of these metals in the soil which could be transfered to the plant tissue (vegetables), their consumption could be cancerous.Keywords: Asa River, Heavy metals and salinity hazard, water quality and sediment pollutio