17 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Senyawa Aktif secara Maserasi dan Digesti dalam Berbagai Pelarut dari Mikroalga Dunaliella Salina

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    Telah dilakukan uji aktivitas antibakteri dan identifikasi senyawa aktif yang terkandung dalam mikroalga Dunaliella salina. Sebanyak 20 g biomasa kering Dunaliella salina masing-masing diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut petroleum eter, aseton, dan etanol dengan cara maserasi dan digesti. Uji aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan difusi cara cakram dengan bakteri uji Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli, sedangkan identifikasi senyawa aktif menggunakan KG-SM (Kromatografi Gas-Spektrometer Massa). Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa, semua ekstrak Dunaliella salina mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri uji dan zona terbesar ditunjukkan pada ekstrak etanol, baik secara maserasi maupun digesti. Hasil identifikasi dengan KG-SM menunjukkan bahwa senyawa aktif yang terkandung dalam ekstrak etanol adalah Asam Heksadekanoat, Asam. 9,12- oktadekadienoat, Asam. 9,12-metil ester oktadekadienoat, Neophytadiena, Phytol, dan Asam. 8,11-metil ester oktadekadieoat

    Peran Perceived Quality Memediasi Price dengan Perceived Value

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    This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the effect of variable price (the price) and perceived quality (perceived quality) of the perceived value (perception niali), as well as the role of perceived quality (perceived quality) in mediating the effects of price (the price) of the perceived value (perceived value). The method used to determine the sample is non-probability sampling form of purposive random sampling with a sample size of 77 respondents. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires directly in Denpasar and Badung. Data analysis techniques used adalan Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that the price (the price) significant and positive impact on the perceived quality (perceived quality) and berepengaruh significantly and positively to the perceived value (perceived value), as well as the perceived quality (perceived quality) significant and positive impact on the perceived value (perception niali) and positive and significant effect on the price (the price). Perceived quality (perceived quality) play a significant role in mediating the relationship between price (the price) and perceived value (perceived value)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Air Kelapa Muda Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Banjar Pisang Desa Taro Kabupaten Gianyar

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    Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease characterized by increasing blood pressure above the normal limit with systolic is more than 140 mmHg and diastolic is over 90 mmHg. Unhealthy lifestyle like consuming higher salinity food, junk food, food containing cholesterol, and lack of physical activities can increase the number of hypertension case. Many things can be done to lower high blood pressure such as by applying non-pharmacological therapy, one of them is by granting young coconut water, it has some contents like sugar, vitamin C, protein, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. High content of potassium in young coconut water can lower blood pressure of the hypertension patients. This study aimed at knowing the influence of granting young coconut water for lowering blood pressure of hypertension patients. This study used pre experimental design with one group pretest and posttest design with the number of sample was 72 respondents using purposive sampling. The data was analyzed using Wilcoxon test to compare pretest and posttest result. The result of this study showed that there was a significant influence between the average of pre and post after granting young coconut water and z value was 5,729 and z table with a = 1,96 meant that z value was higher than z table therefore it could be concluded that there was an influence of granting young coconut water for lowering high blood pressure of hypertension patients in Banjar Pisang Taro village Gianyar regency. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Lingkungan terhadap Niat Beli Pendingin Ruangan Plasmacluster dengan Sikap pada Lingkungan sebagai Pemediasi

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    Testing purposes in this study to test the role of attitudes on the environment in mediating the effects of environmental knowledge on purchase intention Sharp Plasmacluster air conditioning in Denpasar. Non-Probability Sampling methods used in the determination of the selected sample 110 respondents, with data collection via questionnaires 5-point Likert scale to measure 11 indicators. Path analysis is used to analyze the role of attitudes on the environment in mediating the effects of environmental knowledge on purchase intention Sharp Plasmacluster air conditioning in Denpasar. The influence of positive and significant environmental knowledge both to the environment and attitude on purchase intention Sharp Plasmacluster air conditioning in Denpasar. Attitude positive and significant impact on purchase intentions Sharp Plasmacluster air conditioning in Denpasar. The study also proved that the attitude of environmental knowledge significantly mediates the effects of the environment on purchase intention Sharp Plasmacluster air conditioning in Denpasar

    Effect Induction Bio Hormone on Production and Content of Nutritional Substances on Tomato Fruit Variety Cherry Small Fry and Cherry Japan

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    Food quality could be determined based on the criteria of food security, nutrition content, and trade standard on foodstuffs to food and beverages (Anonymous, 1996). At the stage of production or tomato cultivation system, the treatment accorded aims to increase the quantity and quality of tomatoes such as increased shelf life, organoleptic quality, and nutritional content. The content of the most prominent nutrient in tomatoes are vitamin C and carotene as forming pro-vitamin A. The content of vitamin C and carotene in tomatoes was useful to help the healing process sprue disease and night blindness. This type of research is experimentally using factorial completely randomized design. Factor I: Varieties of tomatoes which consists of two varieties, namely Cherry Small Fry (CSF) and Cherry Japan (CJ) and the second factor is the addition bio hormone i.e. non-induction bio hormone (B0) and induction bio hormone (B1). Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that overall there are 12 experimental units. Duncan test showed the CJ  tomato induced growth hormone has the highest production with the average amount of 2449.10 grams

    Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia Asam Lemak dari Mikroalga Lyngbya SP. - (Antibacterial Activity And Fatty Acid Compounds Identification From Microalgae Lyngbya SP.)

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    Fatty acid has biological activity to terminate or inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Lyngbya sp. is one of microalgae that producing fatty acid. This study aims to obtain a compound with antibacterial activity from Lyngbya sp. The extraction method used specifically to isolate fatty acid with dichloromethane solvents. The A, B and C extracts were tested its antibacterial activity using diffusion method with paper disc. The C extract which most active was fractionated using SiO2 column chromatography, dichlromethane-ethyl acetate (1:1). The result then tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Fraction that had antibacterial activity with highest inhibition zone was identified using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. The 16th fraction of the C extract had the highest antibacterial activity with inhibition zone of 30.30 mm. The identification of 16th fraction showed it was phthalic acid (bis(2-ethylhexyl) phatalate 1.2 benzene dicarboxylic acid) with retention time 19.73 minutes which classified as fatty acid

    Formula Kahiguru High Protein for Making of Food Supplement as Elimination Stunting

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    In general, the objective of the study was to create a high protein "kahiguru" formula consisting of a mixture of green beans (Vigna radiata) flour, gude nuts (Cajanus cajan) flour and lemuru fish (Sardinella L.) flour. The preparation of kahiguru formula and supplementary feeding products (PMT) was made using a randomized block design. The nutrient content of kahiguru formula is the lowest protein content in formula A (25,2054%) and highest formula F (52,3365%); the lowest fat content in Formula A (3.6901%) and highest formula F (6.8923%). The highest amino acid arginine content in the formula F (3.033%), histidine in the formula D (4.744%), Isoleucine in the formula E (2.606%), Leucine in the formula F (2.920%), lysine in the formula B (12.765%), methionine in the formula D (3.828%), phenylalanine in the formula F (1.822%), threonine in the formula F (3.526%) and valine in the formula F (1.909%). Based on the amino acid content kahiguru formula can be made variations of PMT are preferred child under five years, such as cake, cookies, or brownies. The conclusion is 1) "kahiguru" formula containing high protein as the base material of PMT is a combination of green bean flour, gude bean flour and lemuru fish flour, 2) nutrient content of best kahiguru formula is formula "F" (20-20 -60) containing 52.3 grams of protein and 6.9 grams of fat,    3) high kahiguru formula containing amino acid hystidine (4.74%) is the formula "D"; methionine (3.82%) and isoleucine (2.60%) is the formula "E"; threonine (3.52%), arginine (3.03%), valine (1.90%), phenylalanine (1.82%), and leucine (2.92%) were the formula "F"

    Potency of Endo-Exopolysaccharide From Porphyridium Cruentum (S.F.Gray) Nägeli as Antioxidant (DPPH) and Biological Toxicity (BSLT)

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    Sources of antioxidants are abundant in nature, one of which is derived from microalgae. Microalgae species that have potentially to be developed as a producer of antioxidant compounds is Porphyridium cruentum (S.F.Gray) Nägeli. P. cruentum is a red microalga (Rhodophyceae) and has been known as polysaccharides producer (exopolysaccharide and endopolysaccharide) and as an antioxidant. This study aims to determine antioxidant activity of the extracts and biological toxicity of endo- and exopolysaccharide P. cruentum. The antioxidant activity use reduction method of free radicals (DPPH), whereas toxicity uses Brine Shrimp Lethality Test. (BSLT). The result shows that there is an antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 50.586 5 mg · kg–1 (exopolysaccharide) and 145.998 8 mg · kg–1 (endopolysaccharide). In addition, the result indicates the toxic nature of the Artemia salina Leach. with LC50 values of 513.175 1 mg · kg–1 (exopolysaccharide) and 521.823 3 mg · kg–1 (endopolysaccharide). Therefore, endo- and exopolysaccharide produced by P. cruentum suitable to be used as an alternative source of natural antioxidants and potential for further developed as antitumor drugs

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Tentang Senam Desminorea untuk Mengurangi Nyeri pada Siswa SMA di Kota Denpasar

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    INCREASED KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DESMINOREA GYMNASTICS TO REDUCE PAIN IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN DENPASAR CITY. Menstrual pain or dysmenorrheal is a physical disorder that is often felt by women every menstruation. Dysmenorrheal is often reported to interfere with daily activities. The incidence of dysmenorrheal shows that the experience of dysmenorrheal is mostly experienced by adolescents, including adolescent in high school. To reduce the menstrual pain every menstruation requires sufficient knowledge and understanding of the actions that can be done to reduce menstrual pain, one of them is dysmenorrheal exercises. This activity aims to provide education about dysmenorrheal exercises used to reduce menstrual pain. The method used is to provide health education about menstrual pain and training about dysmenorrheal exercise. Before and after counseling pre test and post test. The results of counseling showed an increase in teenagers understanding of dysmenorrheal exercise to reduce menstrual pain, from 52.5% to 80%. Based on these results it is expected that teenagers are able to practice dysmenorrheal exercises to reduce menstrual pain