18 research outputs found


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    This study aims to examine the application of critical thinking conducted by Indonesian EFL pre-service teachers in English instruction. This study focused on four pre-service teacher participants and used a qualitative approach, narrative research design with observation and interviews as data collection instruments. This study addresses to Bloom’s Taxonomy critical thinking framework. The result the application of critical thinking applied by pre-service teachers is at a low to moderate level. Keywords: Critical thinking, pre-service teachers, Bloom’s Taxonom

    Transitivity System in Research Journal Articles: A Content Analysis

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    Artikel jurnal penelitian sangat penting untuk komunitas akademik, tetapi menulis artikel penelitian ini tidak mudah khususnya penulis non-native. Oleh karena itu, studi ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan dan mengeksplorasi artikel jurnal penelitian yang sudah diterbitkan secara internasional berdasarkan sudut pandang functional grammar khususnya sistem transitivity. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan analisa isi sebagai metode penelitian. Sumber datanya adalah enam artikel jurnal penelitian yang terdiri dari tiga bidang yaitu pengajaran bahasa, bahasa dan kesehatan. Setiap bidang terdiri dari penulis native dan non-native. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa enam artikel jurnal penelitian yang terdiri dari native dan non-native menggunakan proses material dan relasional. Partisipan yang selalu muncul adalah goal, phenomenon, attribute, value, verbiage, and existent. Partisipan tersebut menunjukkan objektivitas dalam artikel jurnal penelitian. Sirkumstansi yang sangat sering muncul adalah keterangan tempat dan kualitas. Sistem transitivity yang terdiri dari jenis proses, partisipan, dan sirkumstansi memiliki peranan dalam menjelaskan karakteristik artikel jurnal penelitian. Kata kunci: Sistem transitivity, SFL, makna ideasional, artikel jurnal penelitian***********Research journal articles are important for academic communities, however, writing a research journal article is not easy especially for non-native writers. Therefore, this study is conducted to find out the characteristics of internationally published research journal articles based on functional grammar viewpoint especially transitivity system. This study employs qualitative approach and content analysis as research method. The data sources are six published research journal articles which each them consists of English Language Teaching, linguistics, and medical. Each of field comprises non-native and non-native English speaking research journal articles. The result shows that all six published research journal articles both native and non-native use material and relational process. The participants are dominated by goal, phenomenon, attribute, value, verbiage, and existent. They reflect the objectivity in research journal articles. Moreover, circumstance of place and quality occur more frequently. Transitivity system that consists of process types, participants, and circumstances have roles in describing the characteristics of research journal articles. Key words: Transitivity system, SFL, ideational meaning, research journal articl


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    Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan defisiensi berpikir kritis siswa. Salah satu faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap defisiensi berpikir kritis adalah bahan ajar yang digunakan. Mobile learning memiliki potensi untuk mengembangkan berpikir kritis siswa terutama di masa pandemi Covid-19. Namun tidak banyak studi yang mengkaji mobile learning yang menekankan pada berpikir kritis sebagai capaian belajar. Oleh karena itu studi ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris mobile English with Noni yang mengintegrasikan berpikir kritis, menguji dampak bahan ajar mobile English with Noni terhadap berpikir kritis siswa dan mengeksplorasi persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan bahan ajar tersebut. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian berbasis desain dengan pendekatan gabungan. Metode penelitian berbasis desain terdiri atas tahapan preliminary study, prototyping dan assessment. Tahapan preliminary dan prototyping berkontribusi pada temuan kualitatif. Selanjutnya adalah tahapan assessment (evaluasi sumatif) dimana data dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan rancangan kuasi-eksperimen untuk menguji tingkat berpikir kritis 65 siswa di salah satu SMP di Jakarta dengan memberikan post-test. Selain itu, wawancara semi-structured digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi persepsi siswa dan observasi kelas yang berkontribusi pada temuan kualitatif. Temuan kualitatif menggambarkan pengembangan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris mobile English with Noni yang mengintegrasikan berpikir kritis sedangkan temuan kuantitatif mengindikasikan tingkat berpikir kritis siswa kelompok eksperimen yang menggunakan bahan ajar bahasa Inggris mobile English with Noni lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Temuan kualitatif juga menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelompok eksperimen memiliki persepsi positif dalam menggunakan bahan ajar tersebut. Studi ini juga mendiskusikan implikasi. Luaran penelitian berupa artikel yang terbit di jurnal internasional bereputasi (Q1), HaKi manual book, sertifikat sebagai pemakalah international conference dan surat keterangan rekognisi dari Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Agam. *********** Previous studies discover students’ critical thinking deficiency. One factor contributing is the learning material used. Mobile learning has potential to develop students’ critical thinking particularly in Covid-19 pandemic situation. However, there is scarcity of investigation on mobile learning for developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, the study aims to illustrate the development of mobile English with Noni infusing critical thinking, examine its impact on students’ critical thinking, and students’ perception of using it. This study employed design-based research method with mixed method approach. The design-based research method consisted of preliminary, prototyping, and assessment phase. The preliminary and prototyping phases contributed to qualitative findings whereas the assessment phase comprising summative evaluation was analyzed quantitatively applying a quasi-experimental design to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta by administering a post-test. In addition, a semi-structured interview to explore students’ perception of using mobile English with Noni and class observation also contributed to the qualitative findings. The qualitative findings suggested the development of mobile English with Noni infusing critical thinking. Futher, the quantitative finding indicated that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using mobile English with Noni was better than control group. The qualitative finding also showed that the experimental group had positive perceptions of using it. The implications of this study are also discussed. The outcomes of this study consist of article published in reputable internationally journal (Q1), HaKi manual book, certificate as a presenter at international conference, and certificate of recognition from Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Agam


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    This study reports the students’ assessment through applying the project-based learning in science class for elementary school. The research methodology applied is case study with qualitative approach. The participants of this study are teacher and students of grade 1 and 5 at Budi Luhur elementary school. The instruments to collect data are classroom observation sheets, interviews and rubric of project-based assessment for science class. The result shows that project-based learning is conducted in semester 2 as the substitution of written mid-term test. It is non-test because project-based learning emphasizes on the authentic learning, therefore it is applicable and meaningful for the students. The steps undertaken in project-based learning consist of planning, implementation and evaluation. The assessment of project-based learning uses analytical rubric comprising four scales, 4 (excellent), 3 (good), 2 (fair), dan 1 (poor). To conclude, the project-based learning makes the students glad and enthusiastic. It also encourages the students to have higher cognitive thinking (synthesizing level in Bloom’s taxonomy) and build students’ character.Kata Kunci : assessment, project-based learning, rubric

    The Praxis of Literacy Movement in Indonesian Context

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    Indonesia faces challenges in improving its literacy rank. In 2011, the literacy level of Indonesian fourth graders were in the 45th rank (with score 428 under 500) from 48 countries in PIRLS. In 2015 PISA’s report the fifteen-year-old Indonesian Junior High School students, occupied the 64th rank of 72 countries with score 396 under 496. To overcome this problem, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture issued its Ministerial Regulation no. 23/2015 pertaining the students’ character building. This constitutes the basis of school-based literacy movement (Gerakan Literasi Sekolah). This study explores the praxis of literacy movement at one school (has implemented GLS since 2016) located in the condensed slum area of North Jakarta. Stratified purposeful sampling was deployed to select the research participants, i.e. 290 students and 20 teachers. The data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews. The result showed that not all teachers read the literacy guidelines determined by the government and their reading habit had not met the ideal number. Both teachers and students have different perception regarding to the time and frequency of schoolbased literacy activity. The fifteen minutes reading activity and reading strategies taught by the teachers were not varied. The teachers merely supervised the students while conducting the literacy activity. The students read the books they brought from home. The school-based literacy program gained the students’ literacy competence in understanding level (understand the content of the book they read) and built students’ character such as tolerance, teamwork skills, perseverance, responsibility, confidence, independence, politeness, and composure. Keywords: literacy movement, reading literacy, literacy competence, 15-minutereading activit

    Indonesian EFL Students’ Experience towards Distance Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid-19 pandemic has shifted face-to-face learning to distance learning since 2020.  It occurs around the world including Indonesia. Generally, distance learning is new for the students but they have no choice to learn during this pandemic situation. Thus, this qualitative study aims to explore college students’ experience towards distance learning during Covid-19 pandemic. The college students taking English course at a Hindu Religion School located in Jakarta, Indonesia were administered a close and open-ended questionnaire and interviewed. The data were analyzed thematically. Findings suggested that the technology platform mostly used in the learning      process was Zoom. In addition, most students did not find the obstacles to learning      and only a few students had problems getting a stable internet access during learning. They also had adequate financial resources to undertake distance      learning. They lacked time to study during the pandemic. Majority of them perceived that their language skills (speaking, reading, writing, listening, and vocabulary) were quite improved. They also reported that distance learning had positive and negative impacts. By comparing those impacts, they preferred distance learning to face-to-face learning in future. The recommendations for the instructors and policy makers are explicated to improve future learning better

    Profil kompetensi pedagogik: gender sebuah peran kunci

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    Fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan ditemukan bahwa rendahnya kompetensi pedadodik guru di sekolah dasar. Sehingga diperlukan upaya reflektif mengenai bagaimana melakukan ulang kembali upaya mengkonstruk dan mempertajam praktek kebiasaan pedagogik. Dalam hal ini gender memegang peran kunci pembaharuan pedagogic. Adapun pembaharuan kompetensi pedagogik tersebut mencakup kompetensi mengenai dimensi pengetahuan, reflektif, emosi dan pola komunikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan apakah gender menjadi faktor prediktor dalam pembentukan profil kompetensi pedagogik. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan komparatif. Pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 20 orang guru di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Duri Kepa 05 Pagi Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penggunaan instrumen angket dengan skala likert dengan lima alternatif jawaban. Analisis data menggunakan tools Partial least square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh positif dan perbedaan rata-rata secara signifikan pada gender perempuan terhadap profil kompetensi pedagogi

    Mobile learning application: Infusing critical thinking in the EFL classroom.

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    The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing students’ critical thinking. However, there is a scarcity of investigation on mobile learning applications’ impact on developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, this study reports the effect of a mobile learning application, ‘English with Noni’, designed to infuse critical thinking instruction in EFL classes on students’ critical thinking level by employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia, by administering a post-test assessed using a SOLO rubric. Semi-structured interviews to explore students’ responses from using the ‘English with Noni’ application and class observation contributed to the qualitative findings. The quantitative result showed that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using this application improved significantly more than the controlled group did. The qualitative result suggested that the experimental group had positive responses to using it. They confirmed that it was interesting. They also admitted that it contributed to developing their critical thinking (i.e., predicting, providing reasons, expressing viewpoints, finding alternatives, and making conclusions), language skills (i.e., listening, reading, and writing), and sub-skill (vocabulary). The findings imply that critical thinking activities and learning affordances provided in the ‘English with Noni’ application is a potential tool to enhance students’ critical thinking infused in the EFL class, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, by emphasizing self-regulated learning


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    Bullying has become an international problem and usually occurs in the school environment. Bullying behavior in children can be significantly reduced thanks to the cooperation of the community, counselors, teachers and students. Teacher commitment is a decisive factor in reducing bullying cases. Most teachers have not responded to bullying incidents effectively and tend to ignore them. One of the reasons for the lack of handling done by the teacher is the teacher's low knowledge of bullying behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine knowledge about teacher bullying in Jakarta in terms of teaching levels. This study used a comparative design involving 64 teachers of kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school in Jakarta and its surroundings. The measuring instrument used is based on references from Olweus (1993) and the Teacher Inventory of Skills and Knowledge (TISK) compiled by Horne, Bartolomucci, & Newman (2004). Data analysis using ANOVA and the results obtained were no differences in knowledge about bullying in terms of teaching level (F = 0.512, p> 0.05). Then based on the distribution of data, it can be seen that many teachers who teach at the elementary level have high knowledge of bullying. More female teachers have high knowledge of bullying than male teachers. The higher the age, the more knowledgeable about bullying is low. Keywords: Knowledge, Bullying, TeacherPerundungan sudah menjadi masalah internasional dan biasanya terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Perilaku perundungan pada anak-anak dapat berkurang secara signifikan berkat kerjasama masyarakat, konselor, guru dan siswa. Komitmen guru menjadi faktor yang menentukan dalam penurunan kasus perundungan. Kebanyakan guru belum merespon peristiwa perundungan secara efektif dan cenderung mengabaikan. Salah satu penyebab minimnya penanganan yang dilakukan guru adalah pengetahuan guru yang rendah mengenai perilaku perundungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan mengenai perundungan pada guru di Jakarta ditinjau dari jenjang mengajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan komparatif dengan melibatkan 64 guru TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA yang berada di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Alat ukur yang digunakan ber berdasarkan acuan dari Olweus (1993) dan Teacher Inventory of Skills and Knowledge (TISK) yang disusun oleh Horne, Bartolomucci, & Newman (2004). Analisis data dengan menggunakan Anova dan diperoleh hasil tidak ada perbedaan pengetahuan mengenai perundungan ditinjau berdasarkan jenjang mengajar (F=0,512, p > 0,05). Kemudian berdasarkan sebaran data dapat diketahui bahwa guru yang mengajar pada jenjang pendidikan SD banyak yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perundungan yang tinggi. Guru perempuan lebih banyak yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perundungan yang tinggi dibandingkan guru laki-laki. Semakin tinggi usia, semakin banyak yang memiliki pengetahuan mengenai perundungan yang rendah. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Perundungan, Gur