11 research outputs found

    Drying Process Optimization and Efficiency of Aluminum Fluoride (AlF3) Plant

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    Aluminum Fluoride (AlF3) is a substantive material used to reduce the melting point temperature of the Aluminum from 1500oC to 600-850oC. The production applies a wet process using raw materials of Fluosilicic Acid and Aluminum Hydroxide with a by-product of Silica Dioxide. In this case, AlF3 products are expected to have a maximum H2O content of 2.6%. However, in the production process, the H2O content reached 3% due to the inoptimum drying process. Therefore, the optimization process was carried out by increasing the dry air temperature of the recycle from stage 2 to stage 1 in the drying process, so that the mass transfer of H2O from AlF3 crystals to the air can be maximized. After the optimization, it was found that the H2O content has met the quality standard of 1.8%

    Study the Effect of pH on the Fermentation Anaerobic-Aerobic Siwalan (Borassus flabellifer L.) Sap to Produce Acetic Acid

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    This research is to study the effect of ethanol fermentation aerobic pH on acetic acid product. Anaerobic fermentation uses saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce ethanol, and aerobic fermentation uses acetobacter acetic for acetic acid production. In aerobic ethanol fermentation using pH 3; 3.5; 4 and 5.  The ethanol concentration was evaluated using GC ULTRA Scientific Gas Chromatography, DSQ II detector, and MS 220 column. Acetic acid produced was analyzed using an alkalymetric method. Anaerobic fermentation uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 1-day log phase, while aerobic fermentation uses acetobacter aceti with a 5-day log phase. Fermentation using saccharomyces cerevisiae within 24 hours so that reduction sugar could stably decrease, optimum ethanol could be got at optimum pH 6 which could decrease 55 % of reducing sugar concentration to produce 8,20583 %v/v ethanol. Fermentation acetate acid content observed in 3 days at pH 6 and 30 ⁰C will produce 6,659 g/l also shows that pH 4-6 at 30 ⁰C will produce 6,605 g/l acetate acid. Aerobic fermentation of acetate acid in 3 days shows that pH 4-6 is highly affected by temperature at 30⁰C. Statistical analysis shows, in ethanol production pH and fermentation time give significant effect, but interaction has no significant effect

    Caracterization of Liquid Smoke Bamboo Waste with Pyrolysis Method

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    This research was aimed to produce and to analyze the quality and chemical composition of liquid smoke from bamboo waste by pyrolisis process. Temperatur of pyrolisis reactor were 140 oC, 180 oC, 220 oC, 260 oC and 300 oC for 5 hours to produce liquid smoke. Liquid smoke purified by filtration, distillation and adsorption. Resulted liquid smoke were analyzed yield, acidity, and density. Identifying the chemical composition of liquid smoke was by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).  Yield of liquid smoke 1,6977% up to 3,9713 %; Acidity of  liquid smoke were 1.49 up to 1,9; the density of liquid smoke 1,004 up to 1,045. The results of GC-MS test showed that chemical composition of the liquid smoke have Phenolic compounds 0,5 – 0,6ppm and liquid smoke found not containing of carsinogenic Benz (a) Pyrene

    The Production of Gelatin from Snapper Scales (Lutjanus camphecanus Sp.) through Enzymatic Pretreatment

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    Fish wastes such as fish bones and scales have a potential to be used as a gelatin source. It can be used as an alternative material to replace pork or bovine which ordinarily conflicted with religion issue. Gelatin from fish has different characteristics compared with mammalian source. It has several advantageous properties such as high amount of hydrophobic amino acids, less proline and hydroxy proline, lower gelling ability, and melting point. In this study, gelatin was produced from fish waste especially snapper scales using the bromelain enzyme at the pre-treatment stage to improve its characteristic. The snapper scales soaking in hot water at 80⁰C for about 30 minutes to remove the fat which attached the scales. A pre-treatment has been conducted using bromelain enzyme solution at various concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% for 6 hours to remove non-collagenous proteins and loosen the bonds of the fish scales. The next step is demineralization using a 15% concentration of citric acid solution for 3 days. The ossein formed in the demineralization stage was then hydrolyzed at 50⁰C and 70⁰C for 9 hours with stirring at 300 rpm. The best gelatin yield was obtained from the pretreatment of bromelain enzyme solution with a concentration of 3% at a hydrolysis temperature of 70⁰C with a yield of 9.13%, pH value of 3.86, water content of 8%, ash content of 0.80%. FTIR spectra shows the presence of functional groups correspond to gelatin formation, such as carbon, hydrogen, hydroxyl group (O-H), carbonyl group (C=O), amine group (N-H) and alkene group (C=C). The heavy metal content test showed that the gelatin contained no heavy metal content of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As)

    Analisa Kandungan Logam Berat Krom pada Air Sumur Menggunakan Spektrofotometri

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    Clean water has many uses in human daily life. The quality of clean water can be seen from three aspects: chemical, physical, and biological. Chromium (VI) or Cr (VI) is one type of heavy metal that can be harmful to human health if it is present in water because it is carcinogenic. This research will determine the level of chromium in well water samples in the Kalipecabean, Keputih, Kapas Madya, Nginden, and Madura areas using UV-Vis spectrophotometry and compare it with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 32/MENKES/PER/2017. The initial stage of the experiment includes the preparation of reagent solutions, followed by the calibration of the instrument and the preparation of a standard curve by making standard solutions with concentrations of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ppm. The standard solutions are then tested for their absorbance using a spectrophotometer. The final stage is adding reagents to the water samples and measuring their absorbance using a spectrophotometer. From the results of the study, it was found that the levels of chromium in the well water samples in the Kalipecabean, Keputih, Kapas Madya, Nginden, and Madura areas are 0.004 ppm, 0.005 ppm, 0.005 ppm, 0.002 ppm, and 0.003 ppm, respectively. The experimental results show that the level of chromium contained in the well water is relatively low and still meets the maximum chromium content level in water according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 32/MENKES/PER/2017

    Novel Thermosensitive-<i>co</i>-Zwitterionic Sulfobetaine Gels for Metal Ion Removal: Synthesis and Characterization

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    Zwitterionic betaine polymers are promising adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from industrial effluents. Although the presence of both negative and positively charged groups imparts them the ability to simultaneously remove cations and anions, intra- and/or inter-chain interactions can significantly reduce their adsorption efficiencies. Therefore, in this study, novel gels based on crosslinked co-polymers of thermosensitive N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAM) and zwitterionic sulfobetaine N,N-dimethylacrylamido propyl ammonium propane sulfonate (DMAAPS) were synthesized, characterized, and evaluated for ion removal. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) analyses confirmed the success of the co-polymerization of NIPAAM and DMAAPS to form poly(NIPAAM-co-DMAAPS). The phase transition temperature of the co-polymer increased with increasing DMAAPS content in the co-polymer, indicating temperature-dependent amphiphilic behavior, as evidenced by contact angle measurements. The ion adsorption analyses of the poly(NIPAAM-co-DMAAPS) gels indicated that co-polymerization increased the molecular distance and weakened the interaction between the DMAAPS-charged groups (SO3− and N+), thereby increasing the ion adsorption. The results confirmed that, with a low concentration of DMAAPS in the co-polymer gels (~10%), the maximum amount of Cr3+ ions adsorbed onto the gel was ~58.49% of the sulfonate content in the gel