85 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor Good Corporate Governance, Free Cash Flow, Dan Leverage Terhadap Manajemen Laba

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    The aim of this research is to provide empirical evidence on the impact of good corporate governance, free cash flow, and leverage ratio on earnings management. Good corporate governance is measured by audit committee\u27s size, the proportion of independent commissioners, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership. Discretionary accrual is the proxy of earning management. This research used 14 textile companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange, selected using purposive sampling method, during the research period 2007-2011. Data were analyzed using multiple regression method. Based on the result of analysis concluded that all components of good corporate governance (audit committee\u27s size, the proportion of independent commissioners, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership), have no significant effect on earnings management, while leverage ratio has a significant effect on earnings management, and free cash flow has a negative and significant effect on earnings management. It means that companies with high free cash flow will restrict the practice of earnings management

    Model altman z-score modification sebagai early warning system untuk memprediksi financial distress UMKM di kabupaten Banyuwangi Indonesia

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    AbstractThe aim of this study is to predict financial distress in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Banyuwangi by using the Altman Z-score modification model from 2016 to 2019. This study involves 100 MSMEs registered in Creative House of Banyuwangi Regency. The data is obtained from the 2016 to 2018 businesses’ financial statement between 2016 until 2018. The data then was analysis by using a descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that the majority of MSMEs have financial distress. These results contribute to the mapping of the financial conditions of MSME, and hence, it becomes an early sign to mitigate bankcruptcy risk for business actors and local governments to maintain the financial performance of MSMEs. Financial stability of MSMEs might reduce the poverty gap, strengthen regional and national economies and create new job opportunities.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi potensi financial distress usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Banyuwangi pada periode 2016-2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan model modifikasi Altman Z-Score. Sample penelitian ini adalah 100 pelaku UMKM yang terdaftar di Rumah Kreatif Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah laporan keuangan tahun 2016 hingga 2018. Teknik analisis data penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar kondisi keuangan UMKM mengalami financial distress. Hasil penelitian ini berkontribusi pada strategi pemetaan kondisi keuangan pelaku UMKM yang berpotensi financial distress, sehingga menjadi peringatan dini untuk melakukan mengurangi resiko kebangkrutan usaha bagi pengusaha dan dan pemerintah daerah untuk mempertahankan kinerja keuangan UMKM yang baik. Kondisi tersebut dapat mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan, memperkuat perekonomian daerah dan nasional serta dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan baru

    Influence of the Internal Corporate Governance, Leverage Ratio, and Earnings Management to the Stock Share Return

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    ABSTRACT The aim of this paper was to study and to know the empirical evidence about the influence of internal corporate governance, leverage ratio, and earnings management due to the stock share return. The internal corporate governance included the managerial property and the independent board of director. This study was as a basic research by using quantitative approach. Secondary data was used in this study and it included the finance report and the asset market of Manufacture Company which was registered in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) during the year of 2006 to 2009. The kind of company was selected as go public emitted manufacture in Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ). In addition, this study used stock share value data of Indonesia Securities Market Directory (ISMD) from the Asset Market Data Centre (Pusat Data Pasar Modal, PDPM), Faculty of Economy, University of Airlangga, and Surabaya of Indonesia. Result showed that the internal corporate governance, leverage ratio, and earnings management influenced the stock share return. This result could be used to contribute on the development of theory especially the study of financial accounting about the agency theory and corporate governance which had relation to earnings management. In addition, this result could be used as a consideration of the investor in making decision on the infestation

    The Moderating Role of Risk Monitoring Committee on the Effect of Risk Disclosure on Financial Performance in Islamic Banks

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    This study examines the impact of risk disclosure on the financial performance of Indonesian Islamic banks and the ability of the Risk Monitoring Committee to moderate them. Quantitative research. OJK regulations in 2014 limited the selection of samples of Islamic banks so that the sample used is 72 Islamic banks in Indonesia from 2014 to 2021. These measures were calculated using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 20) software SPSS tool (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). The variables used are the dependent variable (ROE), independent variable (RD), moderating variable (RMC), and control variables (FDR, NPF, and CAR ratios). The findings show that the lower the risk disclosure, the lower the risks the bank faces and the higher it is financial performance. The existence of a risk monitoring committee can moderate the impact of risk disclosure on financial performance. Future research is expected to be able to compare Islamic and conventional commercial banks by adding variations and increasing the number of samples. Additional research can determine whether the findings of this study apply to Islamic banks in other countries. This research is beneficial for banking decision-makers because the completeness and risk assessment are always under the supervision of the risk disclosure committee. This study also adds novelty to the measurement of risk disclosure by utilizing the average inherent risk value


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    This study aimed to prove the impact locus of control and situational leadership behavior to auditor job performance through job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach that focused on testing the hypothesis. Independent variables are locus of control (LOC), situational leadership behavior (PKS), while the dependent variable are job satisfaction (KK) and job performance (PKA). Data collection procedures in this study was done by a survey using a questionnaire. The respondent was the auditor in accounting firm in East Java. Data analysis techniques to test the research hypotheses are conducted using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the test, the conclusions obtained are locus of control and situational leadership behavior simultaneously have a significant impact on job satisfaction. Partially, locus of control has no significant influence on job satisfaction but situational leadership behaviors has a significant influence on job satisfaction. Locus of control and situational leadership behavior simultaneously effect significantly on auditor job performance. Partially, locus of control has a significant effect on job performance, but the situational leadership behavior has no significant effect on job performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on auditor job performance. The study of locus of control effect on job performance through job satisfaction is not proven. The study proves that there is an indirect effect situational leadership behavior to auditor job performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable


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    Perkembangan pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tampaknya merupakan konsekwensi logis dari implementasi praktik Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Dengan menerapkan CSR, diharap perusahaan akan memperoleh legitimasi sosial dan memaksimalkan kekuatan keuangannya dalam jangka panjang, sehingga akan mempengaruhi nilai penjualan saham perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh struktur kepemilikan dan jumlah dewan direksi terhadap pengungkapan CSR dan reaksi pasar. Struktur kepemilikan dalam hal ini adalah proporsi kepemilikan publik dan kepemikian manajerial. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi. Variabel eksogen yang digunakan adalah jumlah dewan komisaris, proporsi kepemilikan publik, dan proporsi kepemilikan manajerial. Variabel endogen adalah pengungkapan CSR dan reaksi pasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah dewan komisaris berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pengungkapan CSR, proporsi kepemilikan publik tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan CSR, dan proporsi kepemilikan manajerial tidak berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan CSR. Jumlah dewan komisaris memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap reaksi pasar. Proporsi kepemilikan publik tidak berpengaruh terhadap reaksi pasar. Proporsi kepemilikan manajerial tidak berpengaruh terhadap reaksi pasar. Penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa pengungkapan CSR tidak berpengaruh terhadap reaksi pasar.


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    This study aimed to prove the impact locus of control and situational leadership behavior to auditor job performance through job satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach that focused on testing the hypothesis. Independent variables are locus of control (LOC), situational leadership behavior (PKS), while the dependent variable are job satisfaction (KK) and job performance (PKA). Data collection procedures in this study was done by a survey using a questionnaire. The respondent was the auditor in accounting firm in East Java. Data analysis techniques to test the research hypotheses are conducted using multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the test, the conclusions obtained are locus of control and situational leadership behavior simultaneously have a significant impact on job satisfaction. Partially, locus of control has no significant influence on job satisfaction but situational leadership behaviors has a significant influence on job satisfaction. Locus of control and situational leadership behavior simultaneously effect significantly on auditor job performance. Partially, locus of control has a significant effect on job performance, but the situational leadership behavior has no significant effect on job performance. Job satisfaction has a significant effect on auditor job performance. The study of locus of control effect on job performance through job satisfaction is not proven. The study proves that there is an indirect effect situational leadership behavior to auditor job performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable


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    ABSTRAK Tulisan ini membahas tentang penentuan jenis kelamin bayi perspektif al-Qur’an dan sains (kajian i’jaz ilmi). Di dalam al-Qur’an Allah SWT menyebutkan kata-kata nutfah (air mani) di surah dan ayat yang berbeda-beda sebagai penjelasan dari penentuan jenis kelamin bayi. Perkembangan zaman dan teknologi yang semakin pesat menimbulkan berbagai macam argumen pemikiran masyarakat dalam menentukan jenis kelamin bayi di dalam kandungan. Sehingga melahirkan argumen-argumen pemikiran dan eksperimen yang berdiri bersandingan dengan ilmu pengetahuan pada bidangnya. Penerapan adat kebiasaan masyarakat awam dalam menetapkan jenis kelamin bayi yang dikandung salah satunya dengan melihat fisik ibu hamil, seperti bentuk perut, kebiasaan keseharian. Selain dari pada itu, juga muncul eksperimen percobaan soda kue untuk menentukan jenis kelamin bayi dalam kandungan. Menurut keilmuan sains dalam bidangnya mengungkapkan bahwa manusia memiliki jenis kromosom seks yang berbeda diantara laki-laki dan perempuan. Untuk menjawab penelitian ini jenis penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah penelitian kepustakaan (libarary research), yaitu mengumpulkan data-data melalui bacaan dan literatur-literatur yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan penulis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode korelatif, mencari keterhubungan dalam pembahasan penulis. Setelah penulis melakukan penelitian bahwa apa yang sudah dijelaskan oleh mufassir menurut al-Qur’an dan sains menunjukkan korelasi atau hubungan mengenai kuasa Allah SWT yang berhak menentukan jenis kelamin bayi itu serta nutfah (air mani) pada laki-laki yang menjadi pemeran besar dalam penentuan jenis kelamin bayi yang hanya dapat dipastikan lagi melalui pemeriksaan fisik pada ibu terhadap bayi yang dikandung secara sains

    El efecto de la intensidad de la moral y el control interno sobre la tendencia al fraude contable

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    Fraud has occurred not only in the state-owned enterprises but also in the government sectors whereas the factors that affect the fraud are morality intensity and government internal control systems. This research aimed to obtain the evidence and interaction between morality intensity and accounting fraud tendency and to obtain evidence between government internal control systems and accounting fraud tendency. This research is causative research. Respondent is the auditor of Indonesia’s National Government Internal Auditor. This research uses census sampling. Data was collected by giving a questionnaire to all respondents. Data is analyzed with multiple regression method by SPSS 20.0. The result shows that morality intensity has a negative significant effect to the accounting fraud tendency, and internal control has a negative significant effect to the accounting fraud tendency.El fraude ha ocurrido no solo en las empresas estatales, sino también en los sectores gubernamentales, mientras que los factores que afectan el fraude son la intensidad de la moralidad y los sistemas de control interno del gobierno. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo obtener la evidencia y la interacción entre la intensidad de la moralidad y la tendencia del fraude contable y obtener evidencia entre los sistemas de control interno del gobierno y la tendencia del fraude contable. Esta investigación es una investigación causal. Respondet es el auditor del Auditor Interno Nacional del Gobierno de Indonesia. Esta investigación utiliza muestreo censal. Los datos fueron recolectados dando un cuestionario a todos los encuestados. Los datos se analizan con el método de regresión múltiple mediante SPSS 20.0. El resultado muestra que la intensidad de la moral tiene un efecto negativo significativo en la tendencia al fraude contable, y el control interno tiene un efecto significativo negativo en la tendencia del fraude contable
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