171 research outputs found

    Impacts of sea-level rise-induced erosion on the Catalan coast

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10113-016-1052-xThe Catalan coast as most of the developed Mediterranean coastal zone is characterized by the coincidence of stresses and pressures on the natural system with a high exposure and low adaptive capacity. Due to this, climate change-induced effects will increase natural hazards and aggravate their associated impacts and, in consequence, it is necessary to assess their effects for proper long-term management. In this work, we assess the impact of sea-level rise (SLR)-induced shoreline retreat on the Catalan coast for three scenarios ranging from 0.53 to 1.75 m by the year 2100. Implications are analysed in terms of affectation of two main functions provided by beaches, i.e. recreation and protection. Obtained results show that CC will be a serious threat to analysed functions since the expected enhanced shoreline retreat will severely decrease the recreational carrying capacity and the capacity of protection in the near future under tested scenarios. The actual level of development along the coastal zone reduces the natural resilient capacity of beaches to SLR in such a way that the lack of accommodation space can be identified as a main factor for the estimated impacts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Menhires/monolitos: estructuras monolíticas en el sector central de la cornisa cantábrica

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    Abordar el estudio de los menhires exige plantear previamenle una cuestión terminológica y por ende de conceptualización del fenómeno y en relación con ello de asignación cronocultural y funcional de las evidencias. El tema podria reducirse a tres grupos de preguntas: ¿es adecuada esta terminología para las manifestaciones de la zona?, ¿qué monumentos debemos considerar Menhires?, y ¿qué grupos humanos son responsables de su construcción y qué papel desempeñaron estas estructuras dentro de su sistema ideológico?.An approach to the study of menhirs requires some preliminary questios, first a terminological one and, consequently, of conceptualization of the phenomenon and in relation to this, questions about their chronocultural and functional context. The theme could be reduced to three groups of questions: is this term adequate for the manifestations of the area under study? What monuments should we consider Menhirs ?, and what human groups are responsible for their construction and what role did these structures play within their Ideological system

    Casos complejos: Enfermedad de Peyronie: cirugía sin/con implante de prótesis de pene.

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    Introducción y objetivo El tratamiento de elección en pacientes con enfermedad de Peyronie con dificultad para la penetración o disfunción eréctil sin adecuada respuesta a fármacos es la cirugía. Se han descrito múltiples técnicas, y cada una de ellas acarrea posibles complicaciones y secuelas que el urólogo debe conocer para ofrecer al paciente la mejor alternativa posible. Pacientes y métodos Se exponen 3 casos complejos de pacientes con enfermedad de Peyronie. El primero de ellos es un paciente con una secuela tras una plicatura peneana por una curva importante dorsal. El segundo es un paciente con dificultad para la penetración anal secundaria a un problema de dirección de la erección tras una cirugía de incisión de placa con injerto de mucosa oral. El último caso es un paciente con una complicación tardía en el postoperatorio de una colocación de prótesis de 3 componentes con incisión de la placa y parche de colágeno equino. Resultados Se detallan y discuten las posibles opciones quirúrgicas para los 3 pacientes. Los pacientes fueron informados de las diferentes opciones y se decidió de manera consensuada la cirugía definitiva. Conclusiones La cirugía de la enfermedad de Peyronie exige al urólogo la consideración de las esferas funcional, estética y psicológica a la hora de plantear alternativas de tratamiento. Un abordaje sistemático de todas ellas evita complicaciones y secuelas, y mejora los resultados.pre-print1298 K

    Studying the effects of laccase treatment in a softwood dissolving pulp: cellulose reactivity and crystallinity

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    An enzymatic biobleaching sequence (LVAQPO) using a laccase from Trametes villosa in combination with violuric acid (VA) and then followed by a pressurized hydrogen peroxide treatment (PO) was developed and found to give high bleaching properties and meet dissolving pulp requirements: high brightness, low content of hemicellulose, satisfactory pulp reactivity, no significant cellulose degradation manifested by a-cellulose and HPLC, and brightness stability against moist heat ageing. The incorporation of a laccase–mediator system (LMS) to bleach sulphite pulps can be a good alternative to traditional bleaching processes since thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the laccase treatment prevented the adverse effect of hydrogen peroxide on fibre surface as observed during a conventional hydrogen peroxide bleaching treatment (PO). Although VA exhibited the best results in terms of bleaching properties, the performance of natural mediators, such as p-coumaric acid and syringaldehyde, was discussed in relation to changes in cellulose surface detected by TGAPostprint (author’s final draft

    Implications in union rights of an anachronistic concept of industry

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    Este artículo de investigación se propone poner de presente las implicaciones prácticas que tiene el hecho, que a pesar de existir en Colombia una clasificación taxativa de organizaciones sindicales que pueden constituirse, la figura del sindicato de industria ha venido siendo objeto de una desfiguración que implica que esa taxatividad deja de ser muy clara. Esto se ha dado principalmente por la falta de definición o limitación que tiene el concepto de industria o de rama de actividad económica, a los cuales se hace referencia en el artículo 356 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo. Se busca demostrar la manera en que tener un concepto de industria sin definición o con una definición atemporal a las dinámicas sindicales actuales, tiene implicaciones importantes en materia del derecho laboral colectivo.This research paper intends to present the practical consequences of a phenomenon that is happening in Colombia; nevertheless here exist a restricted classification for the unions that may be established, the figure of the union of industry has been suffering a disfigurement that implies that the aforementioned limitation, may not be applying efficiently. This has been mainly due to the lack of definition or limitation of the concept of industry or branch of economic activity, to which the article 356 of the Labor Code refers. It also aims to demonstrate how the fact of having a concept of industry without definition or having an anachronistic one to the present dynamics of the unions, have important implications in the collective labor law

    Approach to the industry collective bargaining in Colombia

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    El presente artículo de investigación, se propone hacer un análisis de las dinámicas de negociación colectiva en Colombia, y sus problemáticas, de cara a la regulación existente y a las recientes recomendaciones de la OCDE de implementar un modelo de negociación colectiva de industria o sector económico. Igualmente, evalúa las figuras de derecho comparado que podrían ser de utilidad para la implementación del modelo sugerido por la OCDE, adaptado al caso colombiano y a sus retos actuales.This research paper intends to analyze the dynamics of the collective bargaining in Colombia, and its difficulties, according to the actual regulation and the recent recommendations that the OECD raised for the implementation of a two-tier bargaining model. It also aims to study legal instruments that apply in other countries, which could be useful for implementing the model suggested by the OECD, adapted to the Colombian situation, and its current challenges and perspectives

    Cédula, 1785-7-2.

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    Sign. A5Rúbrica autógrafa de Antonio Agustín de QuintanaDocumento fechado en Bilbao, 13 de agosto de 1785Primera impresión en Madrid : en la Imprenta de Don Pedro Marín, 1785Copia digital. Madrid. Vitoria-Gasteiz : Ministerio de Cultura, Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria : Fundación Sancho el Sabio, 200

    Colchicine treatment in children with periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and cervical adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome: A multicenter study in Spain

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    Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of colchicine therapy in pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome who present with an incomplete response to the standard treatment or with frequent episodes (an interval of less than 14 days between two disease flares). Methods: A multicenter cohort study of children diagnosed with PFAPA syndrome and treated with colchicine was performed in three separate hospitals located in Spain. The patients clinical and laboratory data were reviewed by accessing their medical records. Response to colchicine was evaluated after 12 months of treatment for frequency, duration, and intensity of PFAPA episodes. Results: A total of 13 children were included in our study, 43% of whom were boys. Median age of the colchicine therapy initiation was 6 years (interquartile range (IQR)=3-9.5). Following a 12-month period of colchicine therapy (median dosage of 0.02 mg/kg/day; IQR=0.02-0.03), a significant decrease in the median number of flares (median 8; IQR=7-14 vs 3; IQR=2-4; p=0.005) and the duration of disease episodes (median 4 days; IQR=3.25-5.125 vs 1 day; IQR=1-2; p=0.003) was observed. Furthermore, the highest degree of fever during disease flares was reduced from median 40ºC (IQR=39.5-40) to 38.5ºC (IQR=37.7-38.9) (p=0.002). Conclusion: Colchicine therapy decreased the frequency and intensity of PFAPA. The use of colchicine could be an effective treatment in pediatric patients with PFAPA syndrome who present with frequent or severe relapses
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