392 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis between Online and Offline English Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Era: Students’ View

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    The objectives of this research were to find out which is the more effective learning between online and offline English learning, and the strengths and weaknesses of online learning and offline English learning. A descriptive qualitative research design was used in this research. The results of the research showed that all of the participants perceived that offline learning is more effective than online learning for many kinds of reasons such as offline learning can know and feel the situation directly in the learning process, teamwork is better in offline learning, students focus more to the teachers’ explanation delivered in the classroom. Then, the strengths of online learning are the time, place and condition are flexible and it is able to maintain the teaching and learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. The weaknesses of online learning are limited interactions among the students, network constraints, and students’ out of control issues. Besides, the strength of offline learning is the ability to interact and share directly in the classroom as well as easy to comprehend the material while the weaknesses of offline learning are the time and place are not flexible and the risk of contagion

    Small Group Discussion Strategy Towards Students\u27 Reading Comprehension of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba

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    The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of Small Group Discussion Strategy in improving the students\u27 reading comprehension ability at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba. This research employed quasi experimental design with pre-test and post-test design. There were two variables; they are independent variable (Small Group Discussion Strategy) and dependent variable (the students\u27 reading comprehension). The population of this research was the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba in academic year 2013/2014 which consisted of 122 students. The researcher took 56 students as the sample of the research with 28 students as experimental class in XI IPA 1 and 28 students as control class in XI IPA 2. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling. The instrument of this research was a written testused in pre-test and post-test. The result of the data indicated that there was a significant difference between students\u27 post-test in experimental class and controlled class. The mean score of post-test (77.3) in experimental class was greater than the mean score of post-test (71.9) in controlled class and from t-test, the researcher found that the value of t-test (3.176) was greater than t-table (2.000) at the level of significances. It means that this is a significant difference between the result of the students\u27 pre-test and post-test. Therefore, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher had drawn a conclusion that the use of Small Group Discussion Strategy in Improvingthe student\u27s reading comprehension at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 11 Bulukumba was effective


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    One of many duties of teachers is as a facilitators of students learning activities. As facilitator a teacher has to be capable in serving various kinds of instructional medias. This research aims to develop instructional media by applying the computer assisted as simulation trainer of DCS in order to run processing control system, and analyzing it’s characteristics on processing control system, interactively, intuitively, effectively, and efficiently. This DCS/SCADA trainer was developed using LabVIEW application as the Human Machine Interface (HMI) which usually present on Distributed Control System (DCS). The Arduino microcontroller as replacement for Programmable Logic Control (PLC) device, that was applied controlling systems are Proportional Integral and Derivative (PID) control on single loop level and cascade loop level. From the research result by using mixed methods acquired qualitative and quantitative data, data then analyzed through triangulation process by using the support of NVivo application until it’s validity and credibility can be approved as assessment on the instructional media which had been developed. To know the effectiveness of this media toward the student comprehension about DCS had been tested through pretest and posttest. The analysis results of the qualitative data obtained the information, where stakeholders in the development of instructional media have confirmed the agreement on the suitability of media that is developed with the curriculum in instrumentation processing control program. Meanwhile the results of the effectiveness testing of this media can be proven by the average value of the posttest that revealed as greater than pretest, here the effectiveness is then expressed in Cohen’s - d where the results indicate a positive difference.;-- Salah satu tugas seorang guru diantaranya yaitu sebagai fasilitator pada pembelajaran siswa, sebagai fasilitator guru idealnya harus mampu menyajikan berbagai bentuk media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer berupa simulasi trainer DCS untuk menjalankan sistem pengendalian proses, dan menganalisis karakteristik pada sistem pengendalian besaran proses secara interaktif, intuitif, efektif, dan efisien. Trainer DCS/SCADA ini dikembangkan menggunakan aplikasi LabVIEW sebagai program Human Mechine Interface (HMI) yang biasa terdapat pada sistem Distributed Control System (DCS), mikrokontroler Arduino sebagai pengganti dari Programmable Logic Control (PLC), juga beberapa perangkat masukan dari sensor dan keluaran ke beberapa aktuator. Sistem pengendali yang diterapkan berupa kontrol PID pada loop level tunggal dan bertingkat (cascade). Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode campuran (mixed methods) diperoleh data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis melalui proses triangulasi dengan menggunakan bantuan aplikasi NVivo sehingga dapat dinyatakan validasi dan kredibilitasnya mengenai penilaian terhadap media pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan trainer yang dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran ini, maka dilakukan pengujian pemahaman siswa sebelum pembelajaran dengan mengunakan media (pretest) dan hasil akhir pembelajaran setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran (posttest). Hasil analisis data kualitatif dipereloh informasi bahwa, pemangku kepentingan dalam pengembangan media pembelajaran ini menyatakan persetujuannya mengenai kesesuaian media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dengan kurikulum dalam Program Instrumentansi Kontrol Proses. Serta hasil pengujian efektivitas media tersebut dapat terbukti melalui nilai rata-rata hasil posttest yang lebih besar daripada pretest, efektivitas ini kemudian dinyatakan dalam nilai Cohen-d dimana hasilnya menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang positif

    Pengaruh Atribut Sidlacom Terhadap Penilaian Kinerja Jasa Konsultansi Core Team Jalan Nasional Pada Snvt-p2jn Provinsi Gorontalo

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    Consultant has a very important role in coordinating project at the planning and supervision step. At present the performance of companion consultancy service (core team) in SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo is based on the absorption of core team's contract value itself. This study aims to determine the effect of SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land acquisition, Action program, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance) attributes towards core team's performance in the working area of SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Analysis results of four methods, i.e. IPA method, CSI method, factor analysis, and regression analysis show that the attributes which determine the effect of SIDLACOM are: (1) Survey, consist of data accuracy and validation; (2) Investigation, consist of investigation of problem and obstacle control in the site and investigation of method accuracy; (3) Detail Engineering Design, consist of inspection of DED anticipation towards the changes in the site, appropriate of dimension in accordance with technical standard and criteria; and relevant to the technology; (4) Land Acquisition, consist of accuracy of land acquisition cost analysis; (5) Action Program, consist of examination of accurate DED preparation; (6) Construction, consist of making of road construction Standard Operating Procedure (SOP); (7) Operational, consist of investigation of traffic volume growth prediction data preparation; and (8) Maintenance, consist of the progress of making road maintenance Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Keywords: core team, performance appraisal, SIDLACOM Konsultan memiliki peran penting dalam melakukan koordinasi pekerjaan proyek pada tahap perencanaan dan pengawasan. Selama ini penilaian kinerja jasa konsultansi pendamping (core team) di lingkungan SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo dilakukan berdasarkan penyerapan nilai kontrak. P2JN belum memiliki metode penilaian kinerja core team ditinjau dari tugas dan fungsinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh atribut SIDLACOM (Survey, Investigation, Design, Land Acquisition, Action Program, Construction, Operation, Maintenance) terhadap penilaian kinerja core team di wilayah kerja SNVT-P2JN Gorontalo. Metode nalisis yang digunakan adalah metode IPA, CSI, analisis faktor dan regresi, yang hasil analisisnya menyimpulkan beberapa atribut SIDLACOM yang berpengaruh terhadap penilaian kinerja core team: (1) Survey, meliputi kesiapan akurasi dan validasi data; (2) Investigation, meliputi pengendalian masalah dan kendala serta pemeriksaan ketepatan metode yang digunakan; (3) Detail Engineering Design, meliputi antisipasi terhadap Perubahan di lapangan, kesesuaian dimensi terhadap standar dan kriteria teknis, dan relevansinya terhadap perkembangan teknologi; (4) Land Acquisition, meliputi analisis kebutuhan biaya pengadaan lahan; (5) Action Program, meliputi penyusunan desain dan program pendanaan yang akurat; (6) Construction, meliputi pembuatan manual pekerjaan jalan; (7) Operational, meliputi penyusunan data prediksi pertumbuhan volume lalulintas; dan (8) Maintenance, meliputi pembuatan manual pemeliharaan jalan. Kata

    A Comparative Analysis of English Learning Motivation between the Rural and Urban Students

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    The objectives of this research are to find out (1) the motivation of the rural and urban students (2) the types of motivation influence the rural and urban students (3) the factors influence the motivation of the rural and urban students (4) the effective ways to foster the motivation of the rural and urban students. This research employed descriptive qualitative research design. The subject of this research is the ninth grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah Lempangang as urban students and the ninth grade students of MTs N 4 Bulukumba as rural students. The number of participants is 20 students. The result of research showed that (1) all of the informants of MTs N 4 Bulukumba as a rural area are motivated in Learning EFL. It is similar with the informants of MTs Muhammadiyah Lempangang as an urban area. They are also motivated. Both of areas are different in the level of motivation(2)the types of motivation dominantly influence in the rural students are both of integrative and instrumental motivation whereas in the urban students are instrumental motivation(3)the similarity between both of students area either internal or external factors are the expectancy, the teachers and the activities and materials whereas the difference from both of them are the relevance, the goal setting and the school environment(4)the effective ways to foster the motivation of the rural students in learning EFL is the teacher always trains the pronunciation of the vocabulary whereas the urban students is the teacher should have more practice activity in learning and teaching process


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    This study is the background for errors in solving relationship and function problems. The study with the subject of class VIII students of State Junior High School 3 Cililin aims to describe the level of error carried out by students in solving relationship and function problems, the research methodology used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, and the data produced in this study comes from the test results given to students with indicators of questions 1) Determining Relationships which are functions,  2) Applying the concepts of relationships and functions, 3) Determining the value of functions, 4) Finding the concept of function relations, 5) Defining relationships and functions. From these results, it was found that the average student error was at a moderate criterion of 65%

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Pedoman Staffing Model Untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Usaha Pada PT. Asuransi Bangun Askrida Bandung

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    This community service activity was carried out in Kelurahan, Cijagra, Lengkong District, Bandung City, 40253 with the target of PT. Askrida Insurance Bandung. Based on interviews and observations, the problems faced by partners today are the amount of premium rates that are difficult to compete with similar companies, poor work governance that requires employees to work overtime every day and the slow delivery of services to customers. This program has the following objectives: 1) improving the welfare of the community through the improvement of healthy financial institutions, especially insurance 2) improving the skills and professionalism of the community 3) increasing business efficiency for partners so that they are able to compete and serve the community better. This activity uses two approaches, namely the training and mentoring approach. The training approach includes: 1) job analysis training; 2) training on work load analysis (work load analysis); and 3) skills training for the preparation of staffing model guidelines. While the mentoring methods include: 1) assistance in conducting job analysis; 2) workload analysis assistance; 3) assistance in the preparation of staffing model guidelines. The results of this community service activity have an impact on clients to be able to organize their employees well, so as to improve business efficiency and serve the community better
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