140 research outputs found

    Urban Consumer Behavior On Buying Multi-Products On Shopee Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    People who live in urban areas can be explained as social groups that are sociologically in the middle class, have a productive life, and are part of social change. Shopee as one of the marketplaces in Indonesia always needs to consider the factor of technology usage that allows users to make purchases with a variety of products (multi-product) available. This study aims to analyze the behavior of using Urban Consumer Behavior with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. Data analysis using SMART PLS 3.0 involving 163 samples in Jakarta with survey-questionnaire as a method of data collection. The results of this study explain that two hypotheses were accepted and two more hypotheses were rejected. In this case, Shopee's website/app usage behavior is influenced by the Ease of Use Factor. Furthermore the Benefit factor is influenced by the Ease of Use factor. On the other hand, usage is not influenced by usage behavior. Then the use is not influenced by the expediency factor. TAM as a classic model in explaining technology adoption in aspects of daily life is still needed to gain more understanding, especially on the characteristics of various or different samples

    Social Support and Academic Stress for Overseas Students : Case Study of Students from Outside Java Island

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    As overseas students, of course, they have different demands, in addition to carrying out their duties and responsibilities as overseas students, of course, they must be able to adapt to new circumstances and surroundings. Internal and external factors can affect the smoothness and capability of overseas students in getting education at the university level. The responsibilities and demands faced by overseas students are seen to affect education and cause academic stress. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach, the data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive analysis using descriptive statistics and the participants who acted as subjects in this study amounted to 100 students of Satya Wacana Christian University So, researchers conducted this study with the aim of knowing the correlation between social support and academic stress levels in students who came from outside Java. The results obtained from this study were that there was no correlation between social support and academic stress. The implications of this study highlight the importance of looking at other factors that can affect the academic stress of overseas students and identifying effective strategies to cope with such stress.Sebagai mahasiswa rantau tentu saja memiliki tuntutan yang berbeda, selain melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai mahasiswa rantau tentunya harus dapat beradaptasi dengan keadaan dan lingkungan sekitarnya yang baru. Faktor internal dan eksternal dapat mempengaruhi kelancaran dan kapabilitas mahasiswa rantau dalam mengenyam pendidikan di tingkat perguruan tinggi. Tanggung jawab dan tuntutan yang dihadapi mahasiswa rantau dipandang dapat mempengaruhi pendidikan dan menyebabkan stres akademik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif, teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif yang menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan partisipan yang berperan sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 mahasiswa Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Maka, peneliti melakukan studi ini dengan tujuan untuk  mengetahui korelasi antara dukungan sosial dengan tingkat stres akademik pada mahasiswa yang berasal dari luar pulau Jawa. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada korelasi antara dukungan sosial dengan stres akademik. Implikasi penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya melihat faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi stres akademik mahasiswa rantau dan mengidentifikasi strategi yang efektif untuk mengatasi stres tersebut

    Hotel Bisnis Bintang Empat di Kota Medan

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    Mengikuti Kota Besar lainnya yang ada di Indonesia, Medan menjadi salah satu Kota Metropolitan dengan tujuan bisnis dan wisata. Sejak tahun 2011 lalu Kota Medan oleh pemerintah Indonesia telah ditetapkan sebagai salah satu dari 10 kota utama sebagai tujuan wisata MICE di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2014 wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Kota Medan adalah sebanyak 232.724 orang. Pertambahan Wisata Mancanegara rata-rata 10 % per tahun. Angka tersebut sudah termasuk wisatawan yang berkunjung untuk kegiatan yang berkaitan kepentingan pekerjaan seperti konvensi, meeting, hingga pameran/ekshibisi atau yang lebih dikenal dengan istilah MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition). Tingkat okupansi hotel berbintang di Medan yang tiap tahunnya meningkat menjadikan investasi di bidang perhotelan sangat menjanjikan. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Medan, Tarif Penghunian Kamar pada tahun 2013 kenaikan terbesar terjadi pada hotel bintang 4 yaitu sebesar 65,28%. Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia di Medan, tingkat okupansi hotel terutama bintang empat dan bintang lima di Kota Medan rata-rata diatas 70% dalam kurun 3 tahun terakhir. Guna mengantisipasi kedatangan pengunjung lokal dan mancanegara ke kota Medan dengan berbagai tujuan dan kepentingan seperti berwisata dan berbisnis, hotel bisnis bintang empat di kota Medan saat ini harus ditingkatkan jumlahnya. Dengan keberagaman potensi yang dimiliki kota Medan seperti berinvestasi, agar dapat mengakomodasi jumlah pengunjung yang berkunjung ke kota Medan diperlukan sebuah penginapan berbintang mengingat jumlah pendatang lokal dan mancanegara asing yang datang meningkat setiap tahunnya. Sebuah Hotel Bisnis berbintang empat merupakan gagasan yang tepat untuk dibangun di Kota Bisnis. Hotel Bisnis berbintang empat walaupun berperan utama sebagai sarana akomodasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para pebisnis dalam hal menginap juga direncanakan akan memiliki fasilitas pendukung untuk mewadahi aktivitas bisnis dengan kapasitas besar dan jenis kegiatan pertemuan yang lebih beragam dari hotel bisnis yang ada di Medan. Oleh karena itu, Hotel Bisnis bintang empat memiliki prospek yang baik kelak untuk mendukung akomodasi penginapan dan aktivitas bisnis bagi para pebisnis di Kota Medan

    Pengaruh job satisfaction dan motivation terhadap organizational citizenship behavior melalui employee engagement pada generasi milenial

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh job satisfaction dan motivation terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior melalui Employee Engagement pada Generasi Milenial di Jawa Timur. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada Generasi Milenial sebanyak 199 responden yang disusun berdasarkan variabel yang telah ditentukan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SEM (Structural Equation Model) dengan menggunakan LISREL sebagai alat bantu pengolahan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa job satisfaction berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior melalui Employee Engagement dan motivation berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior melalui Employee Engagement pada Generasi Milenial di Jawa Timur. Saran yang diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah mempertimbangkan aspek job satisfaction karyawan sebagai faktor untuk rekruitmen. Selain itu perhatian lebih pada motivasi yang dimiliki oleh generasi milenial dalam bekerja,. Sehingga perusahaan mampu untuk lebih memahami Generasi Milenial dan memilih kandidat yang tepat. Kata Kunci: Job satisfaction, Motivation, Employee Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior


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    Avian Influenza (AI) merupakan penyakit viral pada unggas yang sangat menular dan bersi(at zoonosis yang disebabkan virus influenza A yang termasuk dalam famili Orthomyxoviridac. genus b?fluenzavirus. VirusAl dapat diklasifikasikan dalam bebcrapa SUblipc berdasarkan perbedaan s!(at antigenik 2 glikoprotein pada permukaan virus yaitu glikoprolein hemagglutinin (HA) dan neuraminidase (NA). Metode untuk diagnosis cepat virus Al yang berbasis molekuler sudah banyak dikembangkan, contohnya adalah dengan metode RT-PCR. Melode ini merupakan salah satu metode amplifikasi untuk mengidenlifikasi genom virus AI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan mctode diagnosis. ccpat virus Al sublipe H5NI dengan metode Reverse Tran.l\u27criptase Polymerase Chain Reaclion (RT-PCR) yang berbasi.l\u27 single step multiplex. Metode diagnosis cepat ini diharapkan berguna dalam upaya pengendalian dan pengontrolan penyebaran virus Al pada peternakan ayam pedaging di Indonesia. Sebanyak 13 sampel diisolasi dari ayam pedaging yang diperoleh dari peternakan ayam pedaging di Kabupaten KaranganywJawa Tengah. Sampel diperoleh dari swab trachea dan diekstraksi untuk mendapatkan RNA virus AI. Selanjutnya RNA virus tersebul digunakan sebagai template untuk amplifikasi secm\u27a single step multiplex RT-PCR. Produk RT-PCR dielektroforesi.\u27 pada gel Agarose 1.5%, diwarnai dengan ethidium bromide dan divisua/isasikan menggunakan transi/uminator UV Hasi/ penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa dari 13 sampellapangan terdapat 8 sampel yang posit!( terin(eksi virus Al tipe A. Hasi/ amplifikasi secw\u27a single step multiplex RT-PCR pada 2 sampel posit!lmenunjukkan bahwa sampel posil!lno 3 adalah virus Al tipe A subtipc H5 namun hukan suhtipe NI, dan sampel posit!(no 5 adalah virus Al tipe A suhtipe H5 dan NJ


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    The Randu Kuning prospect is situated at Selogiri area, Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia. This location is about 40 km to the south-east from Solo city or approximately 70 km east of Yogyakarta city. Many Tertiary dioritic rocks related alterationmineralisation were found at the Randu Kuning area and its vicinity, including hornblende microdiorite, hornblende-pyroxene diorite and quartz diorite. Mineralisation type of the Randu Kuning prospect was interpreted as porphyry Cu-Au and a number epithermal Au-base metals deposits in its surrounding. The closed existing of porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au-base metals type deposits at the Randu Kuning area produced a very complex of veins and hydrothermal breccias crosscutting relationship. A lot of porphyry veins types were found and observed at the Randu Kuning area, and classiïŹed into at least seven types. Most of the porphyry veins were cross cut by epithermal type veins. Many epithermal veins also are found and crosscut into deeply porphyry vein types. There are genetically at least two type of hydrothermal breccias have recognized in the research area, i.e. magmatic-hydrothermal breccia and phreatomagmatic breccia. Magmatic hydrothermal breccias are mostly occured in contact between hornblende microdiorite or quartz diorite and hornblende-pyroxene diorite, characterized by angular fragments/clasts supported or inïŹlled by silicas, carbonates and sulphides matrix derived from hydrothermal ïŹ‚uids precipitation. Phreatomagmatic breccias are characterized by abundant of the juvenile clasts, indicated contact between hot magma with ïŹ‚uid or water as well as many wall rock fragments such as altered diorites and volcaniclastic rock clasts set in clastical matrix. The juvenile clasts usually compossed by volcanic glasses and aphanitic rocks in rounded-irregular shape. Both veining and brecciation processes have an important role in gold and copper mineralisation of the Randu Kuning Porphyry Cu-Au and epithermal Au-base metals deposits, mostly related to the presence of quartz veins/veinlets containing signiïŹcant sulphides, i.e., quartz with thin centre line sulphides (Abtype) veins, pyrite±chalcopyrite (C type) veinlets, pyrite+quartz± chalcopyrire±carbonate (D type) veins of porphyry types as well as epithermal environment quarts+ sulphides+carbonate veins

    Penerapan GDLC Dalam Perancangan Game Cerita Daerah Kutukan Raja Pulau Mintin

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    Game merupakan merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang sering dilakukan oleh kebanyakan orang pada saat bosan atau untuk mengisih waktu luang. Dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini membuat perkembangan game menjadi semakin bagus hal segi grafis maupun dari akses yang mudah didapatkan, salah satunya adalah game bergenre RPG (role playing game). Tetapi dari perkembangan tersebut membuat banyak sekali pengaruh salah satunya masuknya budaya asing dari laur negeri yang membawa cerita luar masuk dan membuat cerita rakyat semakin terlupakan, sehingga dibuatlah suatu game yang bisa mengakat cerita rakyat tersebut. Hal ini juga menjadi media edukasi dalam pengenalan cerita rakyat ini, dan juga metode yang digunakan adalah metode GDLC (Game Developmen Live Cyle) digunakan dalam pembuatan game. Dan proses pembuatan game ini mengunakan aplikasi perangkat lunak yaitu adalah RPG maker MZ. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah telah berhasil membuat game bergenre RPG mengunakan RPG maker MZ. Game ini juga bisa digunakan sebagai sarana dalam edukasi dan penyampain cerita daerah yang ada dikalimantan tengah

    Metamorphic rock-hosted orogenic gold deposit style at Bombana (Southeast Sulawesi) and Buru Island (Maluku): Their key features and significances for gold exploration in Eastern Indonesia

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    In Indonesia, gold is commonly mined from epithermal-, porphyry-, and skarn-type deposits that are commonly found in volcanic belts along island arcs or active continental margin settings. Numerous gold prospects, however, were recently discovered in association with metamorphic rocks. This paper focuses on metamorphic rock-hosted gold mineralization in Eastern Indonesia, in particular the Bombana (SE Sulawesi) and Buru Island (Maluku) prospects. At Bombana, gold-bearing quartz-veins are hosted by the Pompangeo metamorphic complex. Sheared, segmented veins vary in thickness from 2 cm to 2 m. Gold is mainly present in the form of ‘free gold’ among silicate minerals and closely related to cinnabar, stibnite, tripuhyite, and in places, minor arsenopyrite. The gold distribution is erratic, however, ranging from below detection limit up to 134 g/t. At least three generations of veins are identified. The first is parallel to the foliation, the second crosscuts the first generation of veins as well as the foliation, and the late-stage laminated deformed quartz-calcite vein represents the third mineralization stage. The early veins are mostly massive to crystalline, occasionally brecciated, and sigmoidal, whereas the second-stage veins are narrower than the first ones and less subjected to brecciation. Gold grades in the second- and third-stage veins are on average higher than that in the earlier veins. Microthermometric and Raman spectrometric studies of fluid inclusions indicate abundant H2O-NaCl and minor H2O-NaCl-CO2 fluids. Homogenization temperatures and salinities vary from 114 to 283 ÂșC and 0.35 to 9.08 wt.% NaCl eq., respectively. Crush-leach analysis of fluid inclusions suggests that the halogen fluid chemistry is not identical to sea water, magmatic or epithermal related fluids, but tends to be similar to fluids in mesothermal-type gold deposits. In Buru Island (Gunung Botak and Gogorea prospects), two distinct generations of quartz veins are identified. Early quartz veins are segmented, sigmoidal discontinuous and parallel to the foliation of the host rock. This generation of quartz veins is characterized by crystalline relatively clear quartz, and weakly mineralized with low sulfide and gold contents. The second type of quartz veins occurs within the ‘mineralized zone’ of about 100 m in width and ~1,000 m in length. Gold mineralization is intensely overprinted by argillic alteration. The mineralization-alteration zone is probably parallel to the mica schist foliation and strongly controlled by N-S or NE-SW-trending structures. Gold-bearing quartz veins are characterized by banded texture particularly following host rock foliation and sulphide banding, brecciated and rare bladed-like texture. Alteration types consist of propylitic (chlorite, calcite, sericite), argillic and carbonation represented by graphite banding and carbon flakes. Ore mineral comprises pyrite, native gold, pyrrhotite, and arsenopyrite. Cinnabar and stibnite are present in association with gold. Ore chemistry indicates that 11 out of 15 samples yielded more than 1 g/t Au, in which 6 of them graded in excess of 3 g/t Au. All high-grade samples are composed of limonite or partly contain limonitic material. This suggests the process of supergene enrichment. Interestingly, most of the high-grade samples contain also high concentrations of As (up to 991ppm), Sb (up to 885ppm), and Hg (up to 75ppm). Fluid inclusions in both quartz vein types consist of 4 phases including L-rich, V-rich, L-V-rich and L1-L2-V (CO2)-rich phases. The mineralizing hydrothermal fluid typically is CO2-rich, of moderate temperature (300-400 ÂșC), and low salinity (0.36 to 0.54 wt.% NaCl eq). Based on those key features, gold mineralization in Bombana and Buru Island tends to meet the characteristics of orogenic, mesothermal types of gold deposit. Metamorphic rock-hosted gold deposits could represent the new targets for gold exploration particularly in Eastern Indonesia

    Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization of the Randu Kuning Porphyry Cu-Au and Intermediate Sulphidation Epithermal Au-Base Metals Deposits in Selogiri, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The Randu Kuning Porphyry Cu-Au prospect area is situated in the Selogiri district, Wonogiri regency, Central Java, Indonesia, about 40 km to the South-East from Solo city, or approximately 70 km east of Yogyakarta city. The Randu Kuning area and its vicinity is a part of the East Java Southern Mountain Zone, mostly occupied by both plutonic and volcanic igneous rocks, volcaniclastic, silisiclastic and carbonate rocks. Magmatism-volcanism products were indicated by the abundant of igneous and volcaniclastic rocks of Mandalika and Semilir Formation. The Alteration zones distribution are generally controlled by the NE–SW and NW–SE trending structures. At least eight types of hydrothermal alteration at the Randu Kuning area and its vicinity had been identified, i.e. magnetite + biotite ± K-feldspar ± chlorite (potassic), chlorite + sericite + magnetite ± actinolite, chlorite + magnetite ± actinolite ± carbonate (inner propylitic), chlorite + epidote ± carbonate (outer propylitic), sericite + quartz + pyrite (phyllic), illite + kaolinite ± smectite (intermediate argillic), illite + kaolinite ± pyrophyllite ± alunite (advanced argillic) and quatz + chlorite (sillisic) zones. The Randu Kuning mineralization at Selogiri is co existing with the porphyry Cu-Au and intermediate sulphidation epithermal Au-base metals. Mineralization in the porphyry environment is mostly associated with the present of quartz-sulphides veins including AB, C, carbonate-sulphides veins (D vein) as well as disseminated sulphides. While in the epithermal prospect, mineralization is particularly associated with pyrite + sphalerite + chalcopyrite + carbonate ± galena veins as well as hydrothermal breccias. The Randu Kuning porphyry prospect has copper gold grade in range at about 0.66–5.7 gr/t Au and 0.04–1.24 % Cu, whereas in the intermediate sulphidation epithermal contain around 0.1–20.8 gr/t Au, 1.2–28.1 gr/t Ag, 0.05–0.9 % Zn, 0.14–0.59 % Pb and 0.01–0.65 % Cu
