2,350 research outputs found

    Yield Performance of Locally Selected Cocoa Clones in North Luwu

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    Participatory selection in North Luwu District selected some locally cocoa clones, of which MCC 01 and MCC 02 the most promising to be developed as clonal material. This research has objectives to observe the stability performance of yield of these clones that enable be characterized of the potency as the basis for recommendation. Observation were carried out in 35 selected-farms be differentiated according to clone\u27s type, namely MCC 01, MCC 02 and Sulawesi 01 (control) and the year of planting (age). These farms were establised at the main area of cocoa in North Luwu. The assessed variables were the number of pod, yield components, the resistance to cocoa pod borer (CPB), vascular-streak dieback (VSD) and phytophthora pod rot (PPR). Data were recorded through 20 sampled-trees per farm in the period of April 2013 to April 2014 with monthly basis assessment. Data were analyzed refer to Eberhart & Russel method to perform stability parameters of the yield. The results indicate that these clones stable performing yield potency among plant age. MCC 01 and MCC 02 performed yield potency in amount of 3,682 kg/ha and 3,132 kg/ha respectively higher than Sulawesi 01 of 2,772 kg/ha. Evaluation of the resistance, MCC 01 having moderate resistance to CPB and VSD and resistance to PPR, however MCC 02 having resistance to CPB, VSD and PPR. Referring to the potency thus MCC 01 and MCC 02 were legally recommended as clonal material for farmers, restricted at the agroclimatic area similar to the condition in North Luwu

    Sensitivity Analysis of Transportation Production Costs in Indonesia

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    The transportation production cost (TPC) considerably has strong influence to the national economic condition. This paper focused on the analysis of the transportation production cost sensitivity in relation to the variation of the external affecting factor, which are fuel price, rupiah exchange rate and Bank of Indonesia interest rate. Based on the R2 values, the TPC components in general have significant correlation, with the fuel prices. However, they do not have high correlation to the fluctuation of interest rate and rupiah exchange rate. The sensitivity analysis shows that a 10% rise on fuel price would cause 6%, 2%, 7%, 2.4%, and 4.9% rise on the TPC of intercity bus, ferry ship, interisland ship, train, and airline, respectively

    Relationship Between Physiological Characteristic and Bean Quality on Some Cocoa Clones (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Photosynthesis is one of the physiological process that influence the bean weight and this process related with the efectiveness of the stomata character and chlorophyll content in the leaves. The research was conducted at Kaliwining Research Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute. Design of experiment was randomized complete block design (RCBD) consisted of six clones as treatment were Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2, Sca 6, ICS 60, TSH 858, ICCRI 03, PA 300. Each treatment was replicated three times. Stomata resistance diffusion, tranpiration,the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll total (a+b), bean number and bean weight were observed. The resuts of experiment showed that difference in chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll total (a+b), stomata resistance diffusion, bean number and bean weight existed within six clones tested. Transpiration rate did not show the significantly different between six clones tested. Sulawesi 1 showed the highest content of chlorophyll a and ICS 60 and ICCRI 03 showed higher content of chlorophyll b than the other clones. Chlorophyll a, b and total (a+b) showed positively influence on bean number and bean weight. Transpiration rate had negatively influence to bean number per pod, on the otherhand it showed positively influence to bean weight. Chlorophyll total (a+b) showed high genetic variance (σg2), high phenotypic variance (σf2) and high estimated value of heritability (H). The chlorophyll a,b had moderate genetic variance, moderate phenotypic variance and high of estimated value of heritability. Chlorophyll total (a+b) could be used a selection criteria based on the value of correlation, genetic variance, phenotypic variance and estimated value of heritability would give high opportunity in selection process

    Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction on Cocoa Hybrids (Theobroma Cacao L.) Resistance to Phytophthora Pod Rot

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    Phenomenon of genotype by environment interaction was able to influence the stability performance of cocoa resistance to Phytophthora pod rot (PPR). This research had an objective to evaluate the effect of genotype by environment interaction on resistance of cocoa hybrids to PPR. The tested hybrids were F1 crosses between selected clones of TSH 858, Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2, NIC 7, ICS 13, KEE 2 and KW 165. There were 14 tested hybrids and an open pollinated hybrid of ICS 60 x Sca 12 was used as control in multilocation trials at four different agroclimatic locations, namely Jatirono Estate ((highland-wet climate), Kalitelepak Estate (lowland-wet climate), Kaliwining Experimental Station (low land-dry climate) and Sumber Asin Experimental Station (highland-dry climate). Trials were established in the randomized complete block design with four replications. Resistance to PPR were evaluated based on the percentage of infected pod for the years during wet climate of 2010 in Jatirono, Kalitelepak and Kaliwining followed in dry climate of 2011–2015 in Kaliwining and Sumber Asin. Variance of data were analyzed for detecting the effect of genotype by environment interaction (GxE) then visualized with a graph of genotype main effect and genotype by environment interaction (a graph of GGE) biplot. There was consistently no interaction effect between hybrid and location to PPR incidence which was affected by single factor of hybrid, year, location and interaction between year and location. The effect of year indicated yearly change of weather was more important to PPR incidence than location difference. A graph of GGE biplot indicated a stable performance of the tested hybrids among locations

    Penentuan Jalur Evakuasi Bencana Kebakaran di Gedung Menggunakan Algoritma Jalur Jamak

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    Manajemen bencana pada gedung merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan bagi pengelola gedung. Salah satu manajemen bencana kebakaran pada gedung adalah penentukan jalur penyelamatan keluar dari gedung. Guna mengurangi risiko terhadap bencana di gedung, penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem evakuasi penghuni dan pengunjung gedung terhadap bencana kebakaran. Sistem ini akan membantu penghuni gedung dalam menyelamatkan diri, dengan menghindari tempat yang berbahaya ataupun berisiko dan memilih jalur/tempat yang aman. Penentuan jalur evakuasi tergantung dari posisi letak titik-titik kebakaran dan posisi dari penghuni. Penentuan jalur evakuasi diolah oleh jejaring piranti embedded. Jejaring piranti embedded tersebut merepresentasikan peta titik/node dan jalur didalam suatu gedung. Masing-masing piranti embedded dilengkapi dengan sensor deteksi kebakaran dan layar TV/panel output. Algoritma dan protokol komunikasi untuk menentukan jalur evakuasi ditanan dalam jejaring piranti embedded tersebut. Setelah peta node dan jalur terbentuk oleh protokol komunikasi, algoritma routing penentuan jalur dijalankan. Penentuan jalur evakuasi bencana ini membutuhkan rute jalur jamak. Penelitian ini mengembangkan algoritma ruting Bellmand Ford untuk dapat menangani routing jalur jamak (multi-path route). Routing jalur jamak dimaksudkan untuk dapat mengurangi beban arus dari banyak titik

    Evaluasi Teknik Operasional Persampahan Kecamatan Sambas

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    Permasalahan sampah timbul karena tidak seimbangnya produksi sampah dengan pengelolaannya. Menurut data dari Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil, Kecamatan Sambas memiliki 56.787 warga pada tahun 2015. Setiap hari warga Kecamatan Sambas menghasilkan sampah sekitar 156,164 m3/ hari dan hanya 45% warga yang terlayani dengan asumsi satu orang menghasilkan 2,75 liter sampah perhari. Kinerja dari sistem pengelolaan sampah pada suatu kawasan atau wilayah akan menentukan kondisi lingkungan pada wilayah tersebut. Pengelolaan sampah di Kecamatan Sambas merupakan suatu permasalahan yang menjadi prioritas untuk diselesaikan. Peningkatan volume sampah yang dihasilkan dari berbagai aktivitas masyarakat membutuhkan penanganan dengan teknik operasional pengelolaan sampah perkotaan agar sampah – sampah yang dihasilkan oleh aktivitas masyarakat tidak menimbulkan berbagai masalah yang dapat mengganggu lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui umur zona timbunan TPA Sorat dan mengevaluasi teknik operasional persampahan di Kecamatan Sambas. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengamatan langsung di lapangan dan membandingkan antara kondisi teknik operasional di Kecamatan Sambas dengan SNI 19-2454-2002 tentang Tata Cara Teknik Operasional Pengelolaan Sampah Perkotaan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan sesuai dengan SNI 3242-2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah di Permukiman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur zona timbunan TPA Sorat diprediksi dapat mencapai hingga 9 tahun kedepan dengan akumulasi timbunan sampah mencapai 122.315 m3 dan zona timbunan yang dipersiapkan seluas 1,25 Ha, yaitu dari tahun 2016 sampai tahun 2025 serta teknik operasional persampahan pada aspek pengumpulan sampah dan pengangkutan sampah di Kecamatan Sambas masih belum seluruhnya menerapkan SNI 19-2454-2002
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