1,372 research outputs found


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    Buddleja cordata ssp. cordata is a shrubor tree that is widespread in Mexico. Thisstudy evaluated its propagation and usefulness through macromorphological aspects of germination, seedling developmentand wood anatomical characteristics in mature individuals. Seeds took 3 to 5 days togerminate; 91% germinated at 22ºCwith 50%humidity and a photoperiod of 12 hourslight-12 hours darkness. Germination andseedling morphology is described; 95% ofseedlings survived under nursery conditions. Wood was considered appropriate toproduce paper pulp: its fibers have a lowrigidity index and medium flexibility values,characteristics associated with high resistance to tension force, explosion, tearingand the passage of water and air.Buddleja cordata ssp. cordata es una especie de distribución amplia en México.Este trabajo valoró su propagación y utilidad a través de aspectos macromorfoló-gicos de la germinación, del desarrollo deplántulas y de las características anatómicas de su madera en individuos adultos.Se observó que las semillas tardaron engerminar de tres a cinco días y que el 91%germinaron a una temperatura de 22ºC, 50%de humedad y con un fotoperiodo de 12horas luz-12 horas oscuridad. Se describióla germinación y la morfología de lasplántulas. El porcentaje de supervivencia,en condiciones de vivero, fue del 95%. Lamadera se consideró como buena para elaborar pulpa para papel debido a que susfibras presentaron un bajo índice de rigidez y valores medianos de flexibilidad, características que se relacionan con una altaresistencia a la fuerza de tensión, de explosión, de rasgado y al paso del agua y delaire

    A global review of pollination syndromes: a response to ollerton et al. 2015

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    In a recent literature review, we demonstrated that the evolution of floral traits is driven by adaptation to the most effective pollinators. In a critique of this study, Ollerton et al. 2015 claimed there were apparent flaws with data collection, analyses and interpretation of results. We disagree since many of OLT´s observations and recommendations are subjective and overlook basic aspects of meta-analysis. Here, we address the main criticisms of Ollerton et al 2015.Fil: Aguilar, Ramiro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); ArgentinaFil: Martén Rodríguez, Silvia . Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; México. Instituto de Ecología; MéxicoFil: Avila Sakar, Germán. The University of Winnipeg; CanadáFil: Ashworth, Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (p); ArgentinaFil: Lopezaraiza Mikel, Martha. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero; MéxicoFil: Quesada, Mauricio. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    El Videojuego. Un enfoque educativo en el área de la matemática

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    Documento elaborado para ser utilizado como apoyo en el trabajo docente.Con el auge en las modalidades educativas en los últimos tiempos, así como en las propuestas en el modelaje de la elaboración de nuevos materiales didácticos que apoyen el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, además del aporte que ofrecen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación; elementos conjuntos que demandan un cambio de fondo en el diseño de herramientas lúdicas, en cuanto a las metodologías y estrategias educativas, están dando como resultado nuevas formas de enseñar y de aprender. En este sentido, se han realizado diversas acciones para proporcionar recursos educativos, derivados del juego, que apoyen la actividad diaria de docentes-discentes. Es por ello que la propuesta de investigación va encaminada a presentar un videojuego educativo y la manera en que puede estimular el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Todo lo anterior desde la perspectiva de los estilos de aprendizaje de los educandos, tomando en consideración las teorías de Gardner. Para este caso de estudio, se implementó un software denominado MALV en el área de la matemática para la resolución de ecuaciones de primer grado con una incógnita, como apoyo para alumnos de una licenciatura de la UAE

    Las Verbenaceae empleadas como recurso herbolario en México

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    En este trabajo se documentaron las especies de Verbenaceae empleadas como recurso herbolario en México. Con base en la información obtenida de la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas, del trabajo de herbario y de observaciones propias de los autores, se reconocieron 41 taxones correspondientes a 12 géneros y 37 especies; cuatro solo a nivel de género. 461 registros indicaron que Lantana camara, Verbena carolina, Phyla scaberrima y Lippia graveolens son las más citadas. Se reconocieron 198 nombres populares para las especies estudiadas; Lantana camara es la que presentó el mayor número de denominaciones. El conocimiento del uso medicinal de la familia proviene principalmente de investigaciones realizadas en la zona centro del país. Las patologías registradas se organizaron en 16 categorías; destacan los malestares del aparato digestivo, aparato reproductor femenino, sistema músculo esquelético y síndromes de filiación cultural. Esto es apoyado por el análisis de similitud al concentrar en un gran conjunto al 92 % de las especies para tratar enfermedades del aparato digestivo e incluir en éste a otros grupos de especies relacionadas con los aparatos y enfermedades mencionados. El análisis fenético también separó a otros dos conjuntos para tratar padecimientos de piel y aparato urinario. Solo seis especies se encuentran en proceso de ser incluidas en la Farmacopea Herbolaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FHEUM), por lo que esta información será de utilidad para que éstas y otras especies de Verbenaceae sean incorporadas a la FHEUM. 

    Fructosyltransferase Sources, Production, and Applications for Prebiotics Production

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    Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are considered prebiotic compounds and are found in different vegetables and fruits but at low concentrations. FOS are produced by enzymatic transformation of sucrose using fructosyltransferase (FTase). Development of new production methods and search for FTase with high activity and stability for FOS production Is an actual research topic. In this article is discussed the most recent advances on FTase and its applications. Different microorganisms have been tested under various fermentation systems in order to identify and characterize new genes codifying for FTase. Some of these genes have been isolated from bacteria, fungi, and plants, with a wide range of percentages of identity but retaining the eight highly conserved motifs of the hydrolase family 32 glycoside. Therefore, this article presents an overview of the most recent advances on FTase and its applications

    Researchers' Seedbeds for the Development of Research Skills in Universities

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    The objective of this study is to demonstrate the effects of the application of the pedagogical strategy "researcher's seedbed" in the development of research skills in universities. This research is of quasi-experimental, longitudinal and prospective design, where 2 groups were formed: control and experimental, of 18 students each. A validated instrument was used to measure the research competences, as well as a rubric for the evaluation of the research projects. It began with a pre-test, and after 14 weeks of the development of the strategy, through different educational sessions, the post-test was administered. Likewise, the research projects carried out were evaluated. The results obtained showed that the pedagogical strategy had a positive effect on the development of research skills, with the highest evaluation being found in 40% of the students, with statistically significant differences between the control and experimental groups (Mann Whitney U, p=0.007), and between the pre-test and post-test (Wilcoxon, p=0.00). In the development of cognitive and procedural competence, an effect was also found in the strategy, but not in the attitudinal competence (Mann Whitney U, p=0.496). The application of this study is based on the fact that the formation of research groups in universities strengthens formative research in higher level students. This study shows the benefits of the implementation of strategies for the development of research competencies, since the product will be to train professionals with a scientific culture in favor of society

    The Perceived Quality of Life of Older People in Spain Who Care for Grandchildren and Related Variables: A Mixed Methods Study

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    Grandparental care of grandchildren is a prevalent social phenomenon. This study explores the perceptions of health-related quality of life of grandparents caring for their grandchildren. A mixed methods design was developed. In the first phase, participants were interviewed using a baseline questionnaire. The second phase consisted of focus groups with 19 of the 100 participants in the quantitative phase. The scores obtained from the quantitative analysis are in line with the qualitative data; they reflect that grandparent carers who are more involved in the care of their grandchildren have more symptoms of depression and stress and have poorer perceptions of physical health-related quality of life. What may at first appear to be a positive aspect, keeping grandparent carers active, can become negative when it comes to shared care and when the grandparents’ willingness to provide care is abused.This research was funded by the Office of the Vice President of Research and Knowledge Transfer for the promotion of R&D in the University of Alicante 2019 Programme, Grant/Award Number: GRE19-08

    Circulating Cell-Free DNA-Based Liquid Biopsy Markers for the Non-Invasive Prognosis and Monitoring of Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

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    Liquid biopsy may assist in the management of cancer patients, which can be particularly applicable in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). In this study, we investigated the utility of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA)-based markers as prognostic tools in metastatic PDAC. Plasma was obtained from 61 metastatic PDAC patients, and cfDNA levels and fragmentation were determined. BEAMing technique was used for quantitative determination of RAS mutation allele fraction (MAF) in cfDNA. We found that the prognosis was more accurately predicted by RAS mutation detection in plasma than in tissue. RAS mutation status in plasma was a strong independent prognostic factor for both overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Moreover, RAS MAF in cfDNA was also an independent risk factor for poor OS, and was strongly associated with primary tumours in the body/tail of the pancreas and liver metastases. Higher cfDNA levels and fragmentation were also associated with poorer OS and shorter PFS, body/tail tumors, and hepatic metastases, whereas cfDNA fragmentation positively correlated with RAS MAF. Remarkably, the combination of CA19-9 with MAF, cfDNA levels and fragmentation improved the prognostic stratification of patients. Furthermore, dynamics of RAS MAF better correlated with patients’ outcome than standard CA19-9 marker. In conclusion, our study supports the use of cfDNA-based liquid biopsy markers as clinical tools for the non-invasive prognosis and monitoring of metastatic PDAC patients