154 research outputs found

    Best Practices and Methodologies for IT Project Portfolio Management

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    Abstract. In today's business environment, a key factor for decision making is the IT projects portfolio management (ITPPM). IT projects must be aligned with the objectives, goals and strategies, which is achieved through the appropriate application of a methodology for ITPPM. The experienced application of a methodology depends on the experience of the managers of ITPPM, considering that the application of methodologies generates best practices, it becomes necessary to study some of the more representative methodologies and obtain the best practices that allow novice administrators to initiate their portfolio management activities in information technology projects. In this article, three methodologies are studied, from which best practices are obtained, as results; a hierarchy of best practices is obtained so that project managers can be guided or introduced in their field

    Physical Education Classes as a Precursor to the Mediterranean Diet and the Practice of Physical Activity

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    Physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet are remaining unresolved issues among young people. According to the World Health Organization, young people do not get enough exercise during the week, and physical education classes are the best way to promote healthy habits. This study aims to analyze how the role of the teacher influences the frustration of psychological needs, coping strategies, motivation, and the adoption of healthy eating habits through the Mediterranean diet and the regular practice of physical activity. The study involved 1031 boys and 910 girls between the ages of 13 and 18. To explain the relationships between the different variables included in this study, a model of structural equations has been developed. The results showed that autonomy support negatively predicted the frustration of four psychological needs. The failure to meet four psychological needs negatively predicted resilience. Likewise, resilience positively predicted autonomous motivation, and this positively predicted the Mediterranean diet and the practice of physical activity. Thus, the results obtained in the present study are in line with those of various studies wherein physical education classes were seen to help consolidate healthy living habits

    Evaluación de competencias digitales de egreso en programas educativos en computación y tecnologías de información bajo el paradigma de la sociedad 5.0

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    The objective of this work is to define means of assessing the educational programs of Information Technology through the achievement of digital graduation competences, both soft skills and specific (competences of the different disciplines of the specialties) within the paradigm Industry 4.0. A model of assessment of graduation competences is presented considering three important moments of the process: 1. Planning, 2. Execution and 3. Assessment. A case study is presented to demonstrate the application of the proposer assessment model, in which the fulfilment of graduation competencies for an educational program can be observed

    Candelilla wax edible coating with Flourensia cernua bioactives to prolong the quality of tomato fruits

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    The improvement of the postharvest quality of tomato fruits was evaluated using an edible coating functionalized with an Flourensia cernua extract evaluating the antifungal, structural, barrier, and optical properties. The formulation and evaluation of an edible coating and its application on tomato was evaluated using a response surface methodology to determine the ideal concentrations of candelilla wax, whey protein, and glycerol. Edible films showed good barrier properties, with water vapor permeability varying from 0.4350.404 g mm/m2 day kPa. The addition o F. cernua extract showed significant improvement in the transparency of films. The edible coating applied to tomato reduced weight and firmness loss. The sensory evaluation proved that the product obtained is acceptable for consumers. The edible coating added with F. cernua extract was the most effective in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic fungi and the visual appearance at the end of storage confirmed the beneficial effect of the edible coating.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Paradigma Experimental en la Ingeniería de Software – Caso Programación en Pareja

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    La Ingeniería de Software (IS) es unadisciplina compleja donde a día de hoy el resultado de laaplicación de alguna tecnología para apoyar el desarrollo desoftware es impredecible. De manera similar a otras disciplinasingenieriles, la IS requiere de construcción de modelos, experimentacióny aprendizaje. La experimentación es un recurso valiosoque permite evaluar de manera objetiva las distintastecnologías disponibles para desarrollar software. Objetivo: Conla finalidad de promover el paradigma experimental en la IS, eneste artículo se aplica el paradigma experimental para estudiaralgunos efectos de la programación en pareja. Método: A travésde un diseño experimental cuadrado latino con dos factores debloqueo, se emplearon 21 estudiantes del programa de licenciaturaen IS de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY)para examinar la duración y esfuerzo que conlleva la programaciónen pareja. Los estudiantes se agruparon en 7 parejas y 7individuos donde codificaron durante dos sesiones dos programaspequeños. Resultados: Los resultados del experimento sugierenuna diferencia significativa (en un nivel ?=0.1) en favor de laprogramación en pareja con respecto a la duración de codificaciónde los ejercicios asignados (28% decremento en tiempo).Por el contrario, los resultados sugieren una diferencia significativa(en un nivel ?=0.1) en favor de la programación individualcon respecto al esfuerzo (30% decremento en esfuerzo). Conclusiones:En este artículo se presenta el paradigma experimentalaplicado a la IS. A través del paradigma experimental es posibleobtener observaciones de manera objetiva para acumular uncuerpo de conocimientos que pueda ser usado de manera confíablepor profesionales en IS

    Enhancement of fructosyltransferase and fructooligosaccharides production by A. oryzae DIA-MF in Solid-State Fermentation using aguamiel as culture medium

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    The aim of this work was to improve the production of fructosyltransferase (FTase) by Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) using aguamiel (agave sap) as culture medium and Aspergillus oryzae DIA-MF as producer strain. SSF was carried out evaluating the following parameters: inoculum rate, incubation temperature, initial pH and packing density to determine the most significant factors through Box-Hunter and Hunter design. The significant factors were then further optimized using a Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology. The maximum FTase activity (1347 U/L) was obtained at 32 °C, using packing density of 0.7 g/cm3. Inoculum rate and initial pH had no significant influence on the response. FOS synthesis applying the enzyme produced by A. oryzae DIA-MF was also studied using aguamiel as substrate.Authors thank National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico by the financial support through the project No. CB-2011-C01-167764. Author D. B. Muñiz-Márquez also thank CONACYT for the financial support during her postgraduate program (Doctorate) in Food Science and Technology offered by the University Autonomous of Coahuila, Mexico


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    Two new records of the genus Vaucheria arereported for the Pacific Coast of Mexico fromBaja California and Guerrero. Vaucherialongicaulis Hoppaugh and V. velutina C.Agardh (Vaucheriaceae, Xanthophyceae) were collected in September 1995 and May2000. Data concerning the morphology,reproductive stage, habitat and distributionas well as drawings are presented.Se registra por primera vez a Vaucherialongicaulis Hoppaugh y Vaucheria velutinaC. Agardh (Vaucheriaceae, Xanthophyceae)para la costa del Pacífico de México, conbase en el material recolectado en la costaoccidental de Baja California y Guerrero,durante septiembre 1995 y mayo del 2000.Se describen en forma detallada los talos, asícomo su hábitat y distribución en el PacíficoMexicano

    Typical Mexican agroindustrial residues as supports for solid-state fermentation

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    Biological wastes contain several reusable substances of high value such as soluble sugars and fiber. Direct disposal of such wastes to soil or landfill causes serious environmental problems. Thus, the development of potential value-added processes for these wastes is highly attractive. These biological wastes can be used as support-substrates in Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) to produce industrially relevant metabolites with great economical advantage. In addition, it is an environment friendly method of waste management. In this study were analyzed six different Mexican agro industrial residues to evaluate their suitability as support-substrate in SSF, between physicochemical properties that have included Water Absorption Index (WAI), Critical Moisture Point (CHP) and Packing Density (PD). The selection of an appropriate solid substrate plays an important role in the development of an efficient SSF process. The results provided important knowledge about the characteristics of these materials revealing their potential for use in fermentation processes.(undefined