1,495 research outputs found

    El bullying en el AMG. Acoso y agresión en el ámbito escolar

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    Uno de los mayores problemas que sufren muchos niños y jóvenes que asisten a la escuela es el bullying. El bullying es la acción de agredir a alguien de manera física o psicológica para humillarla. La sociedad ha tardado en darse cuenta de que a lo que llamaban “juego de niños” o “carrilla” no era más que la normalización del abuso físico o psicológico que muchos estudiantes sufrían. ¿Por qué se produce este problema? ¿Qué es lo que impulsa a niños, adolescentes y jóvenes a agredir?. Con esta investigación buscamos comprender qué es lo que el victimario piensa y siente, y si es consciente de sus acciones y sus consecuencias.ITESO, A.C

    Mouse cytomegalovirus-experienced ILC1s acquire a memory response dependent on the viral glycoprotein m12.

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are tissue-resident sentinels that are essential for early host protection from pathogens at initial sites of infection. However, whether pathogen-derived antigens directly modulate the responses of tissue-resident ILCs has remained unclear. In the present study, it was found that liver-resident type 1 ILCs (ILC1s) expanded locally and persisted after the resolution of infection with mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). ILC1s acquired stable transcriptional, epigenetic and phenotypic changes a month after the resolution of MCMV infection, and showed an enhanced protective effector response to secondary challenge with MCMV consistent with a memory lymphocyte response. Memory ILC1 responses were dependent on the MCMV-encoded glycoprotein m12, and were independent of bystander activation by proinflammatory cytokines after heterologous infection. Thus, liver ILC1s acquire adaptive features in an MCMV-specific manner

    Transcriptional activation of muscle atrophy promotes cardiac muscle remodeling during mammalian hibernation

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    Background. Mammalian hibernation in thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) is characterized by dramatic changes on a physiological and molecular level. During hibernation, mammalian hearts show a propensity to hypertrophy due to the need for increasing contractility to pump colder and more viscous blood. While cardiac hypertrophy is quite often a process characterized by decompensation, the ground squirrel studied is an excellent model of cardiac plasticity and cardioprotection under conditions of hypothermia and ischemia. The forkhead box O (Foxo) family of proteins and myogenin (MyoG) are transcription factors that control protein degradation and muscle atrophy by regulating the expression of the E3 ubiquitin ligases, MAFbx and MuRF1. These ligases are part of the ubiquitin proteasome system by transferring ubiquitin to proteins and targeting these proteins for degradation. Regulation of Foxo1 and 3a occurs through phosphorylation at different residues. The threonine-24 (Thr-24) and serine-319 (Ser-319) residues on Foxo1, and the Thr-32 residue on Foxo3a are phosphorylated by Akt, leading to cytoplasmic localization of Foxo. We propose that the described mechanism contributes to the changes taking place in cardiac muscle throughout hibernation. Methods. Total and phosphorylated protein levels of Foxo1 and Foxo3a, as well as total protein levels of MyoG, MAFbx, and MuRF1, were studied using immunoblotting. Results. Immunoblotting results demonstrated upregulations in Foxo1 and Foxo3a total protein levels (1.3- and 4.5-fold increases relative to euthermic control, for Foxo1 and 3a respectively) during late torpor, and protein levels remained elevated throughout the rest of torpor and at interbout arousal. We also observed decreases in inactive, phosphorylated Foxo1 and 3a proteins during throughout torpor, where levels of p-Foxo1 Ser319 and Thr24, as well as p-Foxo3a Thr32 decreased by at least 45% throughout torpor. MyoG was upregulated only during late torpo


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    El artículo menciona la imperiosa necesidad que tenemos los docentes de afrontar los cambios en el paradigma educativo, que impone la modalidad a distancia. Por lo que inicia describiendo algunos antecedentes de los cambios ocurridos en México durante los inicios del siglo XXI. Incorpora varias de las características de los hogares y usuarios de internet en México, según la Encuesta Nacional sobre Disponibilidad y Uso de Tecnologías de la Información en los Hogares 2015 (ENDUTIH). Aborda además, algunas concepciones teóricas de autores que conciben la educación virtual como parte de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, dando a conocer algunas de las características que tienen los alumnos del nuevo esquema virtual y concluye destacando los retos que tienen las Instituciones para incorporar educación formal y continua, aprovechando los modernos recursos tecnológicos

    Returning to the Past to Rethink Socio-Political Antagonisms: Mapping Today’s Situation in Regards to Popular Insurrections

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    This article seeks to elaborate a map or cartogram based on a number of protests and social mobilizations that took place in different parts of the world -mainly in Latin America, but also in Europe and Asia. Beyond the data and figures available from various sources, which never speak for themselves, an interpretation is proposed here to reveal the meaning of these events. In other words, by displaying a map of these social movements, the authors propose not only the visualization of a collection of data, but also an illumination of these events in the light of history. From there, the authors offer hypothetical predictions. These predictions allow the authors to consider the lessons that, sometimes, seem to be forgotten or are not learned yet

    Recognition of host Clr-b by the inhibitory NKR-P1B receptor provides a basis for missing-self recognition

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    The interaction between natural killer (NK) cell inhibitory receptors and their cognate ligands constitutes a key mechanism by which healthy tissues are protected from NK cell-mediated lysis. However, self-ligand recognition remains poorly understood within the prototypical NKR-P1 receptor family. Here we report the structure of the inhibitory NKR-P1B receptor bound to its cognate host ligand, Clr-b. NKR-P1B and Clr-b interact via a head-to-head docking mode through an interface that includes a large array of polar interactions. NKR-P1B:Clr-b recognition is extremely sensitive to mutations at the heterodimeric interface, with most mutations severely impacting both Clr-b binding and NKR-P1B receptor function to implicate a low affinity interaction. Within the structure, two NKR-P1B:Clr-b complexes are cross-linked by a non-classic NKR-P1B homodimer, and the disruption of homodimer formation abrogates Clr-b recognition. These data provide an insight into a fundamental missing-self recognition system and suggest an avidity-based mechanism underpins NKR-P1B receptor function

    Plan de negocios para implementar una empresa productora y comercializadora de galletas con harina de ca?ihua

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    La Ca?ihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule), es uno de los granos andinos con mayores propiedades nutricionales que existen en nuestro pa?s, cuenta con un nivel elevado de prote?nas 18,8g/100g, muy superior a otros granos como la Kiwicha y Quinua que si est?n muy bien cotizados en el mercado. Actualmente las tendencias alimenticias est?n cambiando, podemos ver c?mo est?n proliferando las tiendas de comidas saludables (Biomarkets) y la preocupaci?n de las personas en su salud es un detalle importante que est? marcando el perfil del consumidor. Tomando como referencia lo antes mencionado, este plan de negocio busca desarrollar una opci?n alimenticia r?pida y saludable para el p?blico de Lima Metropolitana a trav?s de la venta de galletas con harina de Ca?ihua, y satisfacer un nicho de mercado que se encuentra dispuesto a pagar un precio superior por un producto saludable y con contenido nutricional superior al promedio. El plan de negocio para implementar una empresa productora y comercializadora de galletas con harina de Ca?ihua demuestra que el mercado de Lima Metropolitana cuenta con una demanda insatisfecha que el presente proyecto busca solucionar y demuestra la viabilidad de establecer este modelo de negocio

    Quantic Analysis of the Adherence of a Gram-Negative Bacteria in A HEPA Filter

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    It is known that Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) are the most frequent bacteria in hospital units. It is also known that GNBs generate a greater number of nosocomial infections in critical areas. In the present work, the adhesion of the bacterial cell wall (BCW) to the compounds of the material layers of a high efficiency filter (HEPA) was analyzed. The analysis was carried out by means of molecular simulation and quantum chemistry. The BCW and HEPA molecules were designed using Hyperchem software for simulation. The calculations of the quantum interactions of the molecules were carried out using the theory of the electron transfer coefficient (ETC). It obtained from 4 to 6 compounds that are more likely to interact even as a chemical reaction. The compounds of the glass fibers are the ones that work best for the adhesion and destruction of the BCW

    Factorial and Economic Evaluation of an Aqueous Two-Phase Partitioning Pilot Plant for Invertase Recovery From Spent Brewery Yeast

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    Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) have been reported as an attractive biocompatible extraction system for recovery and purification of biological products. In this work, the implementation, characterization, and optimization (operational and economic) of invertase extraction from spent brewery yeast in a semi-automatized pilot plant using ATPS is reported. Gentian violet was used as tracer for the selection of phase composition through phase entrainment minimization. Yeast suspension was chosen as a complex cell matrix model for the recovery of the industrial relevant enzyme invertase. Flow rates of phases did not have an effect, given that a bottom continuous phase is given, while load of sample and number of agitators improved the recovery of the enzyme. The best combination of factors reached a recovery of 129.35 ± 2.76% and a purification factor of 4.98 ± 1.10 in the bottom phase of a PEG-Phosphate system, also resulting in the removal of inhibitor molecules increasing invertase activity as reported by several other authors. Then, an economic analysis was performed to study the production cost of invertase analyzing only the significant parameters for production. Results indicate that the parameters being analyzed only affect the production cost per enzymatic unit, while variations in the cost per batch are not significant. Moreover, only the sample load is significant, which, combined with operational optimization results, gives the same optimal result for operation, maximizing recovery yield (15% of sample load and 1 static mixer). Overall res ults of these case studies show continuous pilot-scale ATPS as a viable and reproducible extraction/purification system for high added-value biological compounds

    Quantic Analysis of Formation of a Biomaterial of Latex, Retinol, and Chitosan for Biomedical Applications

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    The present work shows the quantum theoretical analysis and practical tests for the formation of a homogeneous mixture with Latex (Lx), Chitosan (Qn) and Retinol (Rl), which work as possible biomaterial for regeneration of epithelial tissue. Lx, Qn, and Rl compounds molecules were designed through Hyperchem to get the coefficient of electrostatic potential calculations. The amounts used to create the biomaterial are minimum depending on the quantities of molecules used in chemical design. A positive calculation was obtained for the reaction of these three compounds and the formation of the biomaterial in physical checking theory etc