305 research outputs found

    Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes, Evaluation of Forward Prices and Interest Rates

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    We consider mean-reverting stochastic processes and build self-consistent models for forward price dynamics and some applications in power industries. These models are built using the ideas and equations of stochastic differential geometry in order to close the system of equations for the forward prices and their volatility. Some analytical solutions are presented in the one factor case and for specific regular forward price/interest rates volatility. Those models will also play a role of initial conditions for a stochastic process describing forward price and interest rates volatility. Subsequently, the curved manifold of the internal space i.e. a discrete version of the bond term space (the space of bond maturing) is constructed. The dynamics of the point of this internal space that correspond to a portfolio of different bonds is studied. The analysis of the discount bond forward rate dynamics, for which we employed the Stratonovich approach, permitted us to calculate analytically the regular and the stochastic volatilities. We compare our results with those known from the literature.: Stochastic Differential Geometry, Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes and Term Structure of Specific (Some) Economic/Finance Instruments

    Quantifying Flexibility Real Options Calculus

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    We expose a real options theory as a tool for quantifying the value of the operating flexibility of real assets. Additionally, we have pointed out that this theory is an appropriated methodology for determining optimal operating policies, and provide an example of successful application of our approach to power industries, specifically to valuate the power plant of electricity. In particular by increasing the volatility of prices will eventually lead to higher assets values.real options, Black-Scholes Approach, Wiener processes, stochastic processes, Quantifying Flexibility, volatility


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    Burnout syndrome is defined as a response to chronic work stress made up of negative attitudes and feelings towards the people with whom one works and towards one\u27s professional role, as well as the experience of being emotionally exhausted. This response occurs frequently in professionals. This generally happens when there is no clarity in the roles and tasks that each of the employees must perform. Also, excessive competition between colleagues, an unhealthy physical place to work and the scarcity of tools or supplies are often a matter of disorganization. Another factor that influences is the individual and her ability to adapt. In recent times, work stress has become one of the important factors of disability. Therefore, “burnout syndrome appears when the compensatory mechanisms of adaptation to work situations with sustained stress fail”. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in University Teachers of the Argentine Republic. A cross-sectional study was conducted. The EBA scale (Atienza Burnout Scale) was used, a population of 243 teachers belonging to National Universities of the Argentine Republic grouped in FEDUN (GREMIO), Federation of teachers of national universities. The respondents participate in a workshop on Burnout and in this framework, with prior consent, the scale was applied. The prevalence of Burnout syndrome in teachers is 61.2%, with 34.6% moderate and 26.7% severe, 30.1% did not present burnout syndrome. More than half of the teachers presented Burnout, to achieve educational quality it is necessary to preserve the health of its members. It becomes necessary that the ministerial authorities together with the union or guild contemplate the implementation of comprehensive programs to improve working conditions to avoid the deterioration, frustration and disappointment of the professional. SECYT project: comparative study of the prevalence of burnout syndrome in undergraduate students, postgraduate students and university teachers.El síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo se define como una respuesta al estrés laboral crónico integrado por actitudes y sentimientos negativos hacia las personas con las que se trabaja y hacia el propio rol profesional, así como por la vivencia de encontrarse emocionalmente agotado. Esta respuesta ocurre con frecuencia en los profesionales. Esto sucede, generalmente, cuando no hay claridad en los roles y las tareas que debe desempeñar cada uno de los empleados. También la competencia desmedida entre los compañeros, un lugar físico insalubre para trabajar y la escasez de herramientas o útiles suelen ser tema de desorganización. Otro factor que influye es el individuo y su capacidad de adaptación. En el último tiempo, el estrés laboral se convirtió en uno de los factores importantes de incapacidad. Por lo tanto, “el síndrome de burnout aparece cuando fracasan los mecanismos compensatorios de adaptación ante situaciones laborales con un estrés sostenido”.  Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en Docentes Universitarios de la Republica Argentina. Se realizó un estudio de tipo transversal. Se utilizó la escala EBA (Escala Burnout de Atienza), población de 243 docentes pertenecientes a Universidades Nacionales de la República Argentina nucleados en FEDUN (GREMIO), Federación de docentes de las universidades nacionales. Los encuestados participan en un taller sobre Burnout y en ese marco previo consentimiento se aplicó la escala. La prevalencia del síndrome de Burnout en los docentes es del 61.2%, con un 34.6% de modo moderado y 26.7% grave, el 30.1% no presentaba síndrome de burnout. Mas de la mitad de los docentes presentó Burnout, para lograr calidad educativa es necesario preservar la salud de sus miembros. Se torna necesario que las autoridades ministeriales en conjunto con el sindicato o gremio contemplen implementación de programas integrales de mejora de las condiciones laborales para evitar el deterioro, la frustración y la desilusión del profesional. Proyecto marco SECYT: Estudio comparativo de prevalencia sobre síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes de grado, post grado y docentes universitarios.

    Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes, Evaluation of Forward Prices and Interest Rates

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    We consider mean-reverting stochastic processes and build self-consistent models for forward price dynamics and some applications in power industries. These models are built using the ideas and equations of stochastic differential geometry in order to close the system of equations for the forward prices and their volatility. Some analytical solutions are presented in the one factor case and for specific regular forward price/interest rates volatility. Those models will also play a role of initial conditions for a stochastic process describing forward price and interest rates volatility. Subsequently, the curved manifold of the internal space i.e. a discrete version of the bond term space (the space of bond maturing) is constructed. The dynamics of the point of this internal space that correspond to a portfolio of different bonds is studied. The analysis of the discount bond forward rate dynamics, for which we employed the Stratonovich approach, permitted us to calculate analytically the regular and the stochastic volatilities. We compare our results with those known from the literature

    Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes, Evaluation of Forward Prices and Interest Rates

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    We consider mean-reverting stochastic processes and build self-consistent models for forward price dynamics and some applications in power industries. These models are built using the ideas and equations of stochastic differential geometry in order to close the system of equations for the forward prices and their volatility. Some analytical solutions are presented in the one factor case and for specific regular forward price/interest rates volatility. Those models will also play a role of initial conditions for a stochastic process describing forward price and interest rates volatility. Subsequently, the curved manifold of the internal space i.e. a discrete version of the bond term space (the space of bond maturing) is constructed. The dynamics of the point of this internal space that correspond to a portfolio of different bonds is studied. The analysis of the discount bond forward rate dynamics, for which we employed the Stratonovich approach, permitted us to calculate analytically the regular and the stochastic volatilities. We compare our results with those known from the literature

    Quantifying Flexibility Real Options Calculus

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    We expose a real options theory as a tool for quantifying the value of the operating flexibility of real assets. Additionally, we have pointed out that this theory is an appropriated methodology for determining optimal operating policies, and provide an example of successful application of our approach to power industries, specifically to valuate the power plant of electricity. In particular by increasing the volatility of prices will eventually lead to higher assets values

    Two-component Analogue of Two-dimensional Long Wave-Short Wave Resonance Interaction Equations: A Derivation and Solutions

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    The two-component analogue of two-dimensional long wave-short wave resonance interaction equations is derived in a physical setting. Wronskian solutions of the integrable two-component analogue of two-dimensional long wave-short wave resonance interaction equations are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, revised version; The pdf file including all figures: http://www.math.utpa.edu/kmaruno/yajima.pd

    Seletividade de Metarhizium anisopliae à Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae).

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    Telenomus podisi e Metarhizium anisopliae são agentes de controle biológico que ocorrem ou podem ser utilizados conjuntamente. Entretanto, estudos de compatibilidade entre parasitoides e fungos entomopatogênicos são escassos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a seletividade do fungo M. anisopliae a adultos do parasitoide de ovos T. podisi. Suspensões de M. anisopliae (1,0×109 conídios/ml) foram pulverizadas sobre placas de vidro em Torre de Potter e secas à temperatura ambiente, formando uma película. Como testemunha foi utilizada água destilada estéril + Tween 80 (0,01%). As placas de vidro pulverizadas foram utilizadas na construção de gaiolas de exposição (IOBC) e em seu interior foram liberados adultos de T. podisi com 24 h de idade. As gaiolas foram mantidas em condições controladas de temperatura, umidade e fotoperiodo (25±1º C, 80% UR, 14 h) e os parasitóides foram alimentados com mel. Cartelas contendo ovos de Euschistus heros foram oferecidas às fêmeas de T. podisi 24 h, 48 h, 72 h e 144 h após a pulverização e, sendo posteriormente, acondicionadas em sacos plásticos para avaliar a porcentagem de parasitismo e viabilidade dos parasitoides. Os resultados obtidos indicam que mesmo com as aplicações de M. anisopliae, o parasitismo e a viabilidade foram superiores a 70%, mostrando que o fungo é seletivo aos adultos de T. podisi, sendo classificado como inócuo (classe 1), de acordo com a IOBC, e portanto, ambos os agentes de controle biológico podem ser utilizados no Manejo Integrado de Pragas.SICONBIOL 2011

    Efeito de Metarhizium anisopliae ASH. sobre Telenomus podisi (Hymenoptera: scelionidae).

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    Os agentes de controle biológico Metarhizium anisopliae e Telenomus podisi são empregados no controle de populações de pragas. Porém na literatura são citados casos de interferência entre agentes de controle. Para serem utilizados concomitantemente, a compatibilidade entre o fungo entomopatogênico e o parasitoide deve ser elucidada. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos do fungo M. anisopliae na eficiência do parasitoide de ovos T. podisi. Os bioensaios foram conduzidos em duas etapas, utilizando ovos não parasitados e ovos parasitados. Na primeira etapa, ovos de Euschistus heros esterilizados aderidos a cartelas (1×2 cm), receberam aplicações de 1,5 ml de suspensão de M. anisopliae (1,0×1010 conídios/ml), em torre de Potter, sendo posteriormente expostos ao parasitismo. Na segunda etapa, suspensões de (1,0×109 conídios/ml) foram pulverizados sobre ovos parasitados. A testemunha recebeu água destilada estéril + Tween 80 (0,01%) em ambos os ensaios. Após as pulverizações, as cartelas foram inseridas em gaiolas de exposição padronizadas pela (IOBC), mantidas em condições controladas de temperatura, umidade e fotoperiodo (25±1º C, 80%, 14:10). Os parasitoides foram alimentados com mel. Para avaliar a porcentagem de parasitismo, emergência e viabilidade dos parasitóides, as cartelas de ovos contendo os parasitoides foram acondicionadas em sacos plásticos, posteriormente observadas em lupa estereoscópica para quantificação e calculo dos parâmetros estudados, Os resultados obtidos indicam que M. anisopliae não afeta o parasitismo de T. podisi, porém a emergência do parasitoide pode ser reduzida quando o fungo é aplicado sobre ovos previamente parasitados. Possivelmente, houve alguma atividade dos fungos sobre os ovos de E. heros que impediram a emergência de T. podisi e fatores físicos e bioquímicos podem estar envolvidos durante a infecção e penetração pelo córion. Entretanto, a redução da viabilidade do parasitismo quando o fungo foi aplicado em ovos parasitados foi percentualmente pequena. Por tanto, M. anisopliae é inócuo e seletivo a T. podisi, e ambos podem ser utilizados no manejo de pragas, preferencialmente quando as aplicações do fungo e liberações do parasitoide sejam realizadas em momentos diferentes para conseguir maior eficiência.SICONBIOL 2011

    TSS-1 - Orbiter current and voltage experiments

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76697/1/AIAA-1993-702-280.pd