12 research outputs found

    The identity of the nursing academic : between education and research

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    This study aimed to analyze how nurses represent their role as nursing academics and their conceptions, strategies and feelings involved in teaching-learning and research in nursing. A qualitative study was conducted. To achieve this goal, a semi-structured interview was carried out with seven nurses who worked as teachers and researchers at a university in Barcelona, Spain. The data were analyzed through categories validated in a previous study with the support of The Atlas Ti program. The results evidenced that nurses are less equipped to develop the researcher role, and that the profession is not justified without a close relationship between nursing theory and practice. The nursing academics look for a balance between teaching and research and they also wish to promote the development of models and theories in their own discipline.O estudo teve como objetivo analisar como as enfermeiras representam seu papel como acadêmicas de enfermagem, suas concepções, suas estratégias e seus sentimentos envolvidos nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem e pesquisa na enfermagem. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi através da entrevista semiestruturada aplicada a sete enfermeiras que trabalham como docentes e pesquisadoras em uma universidade de Barcelona, Espanha. Os dados foram analisados através de categorias validadas em um estudo anterior com o apoio do programa de ATLAS ti. Os resultados evidenciarem que as enfermeiras sentem-se menos preparadas para desenvolver o papel de investigadoras e que a profissão não se justifica sem uma estreita relação entre a teoria e a prática de enfermagem. As acadêmicas de enfermagem buscam equilíbrio entre a docência e a pesquisa e sentem-se desafiadas a desenvolver teorias e modelos em sua disciplina.El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar cómo las enfermeras representan su rol como académicos de enfermería, sus concepciones, sus estrategias y los sentimientos involucrados en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje e investigación en la enfermería. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, y la recolección de datos fue a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada a siete enfermeras que trabajan como docentes e investigadoras en una universidad de Barcelona, España. Los datos se analizaron a través de categorías validadas en un estudio anterior con el apoyo del programa Atlas Ti. Los resultados evidenciaron que las enfermeras se sienten menos preparadas para desarrollar el rol de investigador, y que la profesión no se justifica sin una estrecha relación entre la teoría y la práctica de la enfermería. Los académicos de enfermería buscan un equilibrio entre la docencia y la investigación y se sienten desafiadas a desarrollar teorías y modelos en su propia disciplina

    Nursing students' perceptions of the efficacy of narrative photography as a learning method : A cross-sectional study

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    Although active learning methodologies promote students' creativity and motivation regarding learning objectives, traditional unidirectional teaching methods remain more common. The objective of this study was to determine nursing students' perceptions regarding the efficacy of narrative photography as a learning method, including self-perceived satisfaction. Narrative photography is an art-based technique inspired by Photovoice that promotes empathy, creativity, and reflection. A cross-sectional study was conducted using a nonprobabilistic sample of 66 nursing students from a public university in Barcelona, Spain. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected anonymously using an electronic tool. Descriptive statistics and thematic analyses were used to analyze the data. Sixty valid questionnaires were returned. The respondents found narrative photography's ability to promote creativity and assist understanding of theory to be its most satisfying aspect (>95% somewhat/totally agree). Narrative photography's usefulness, ability to foster self-criticism, and the associated workload was the least satisfactory aspect (>55% somewhat/totally agree). Significant differences regarding satisfaction levels were found for both age and sex. Narrative photography is a helpful and satisfactory learning method, especially for promoting creativity and understanding theoretical concepts

    TRANSALUD : A qualitative study of the healthcare experiences of transgender people in Barcelona (Spain)

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    Transgender identities are still considered a psychiatric pathology in many countries according to the prevailing biomedical model. However, in recent years, this pathologizing vision has begun to shift towards a perspective that focuses on the diversity of transgender peoples' experiences. However, some transgender people still face denial of services, discrimination, harassment, and even violence by healthcare professionals, causing them to avoid seeking ongoing or preventive healthcare. This article describes the health experiences of transgender people in Barcelona regarding their access and use of non-specialized health services. Semi-structured interviews were conducted using a descriptive phenomenological approach with sixteen transgender people between December 2018 and July 2019. The data were analyzed descriptively and thematically following the method proposed by Colaizzi with the help of the Atlas.ti8 software. Transgender people care experiences were divided into three categories: overcoming obstacles, training queries, and coping strategies. Participants identified negative experiences and difficulties with the health system due to healthcare providers' lack of competence. Discriminatory, authoritarian, and paternalist behaviors are still present and hinder the therapeutic relationship, care, and access to healthcare services. There is a fundamental need for the depathologization of transgender reality and training for healthcare professionals in the field of sexual diversity. Training in sexual and gender diversity must be included in the curricula of university courses in the health sciences

    The nurse teacher.: construction of a new professional identity

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    Objective. To represent how a new identity is being constructed by nurses initiating their activities as teachers. Methodology. In 2010, a descriptive-interpretative qualitative research was conducted of four cases of nurse teachers from Nursing Schools. Aspects of teacher identity and management of critical incidents in the classroom were reviewed. The information was obtained through a structured survey and the data underwent analysis of contents. Results. The nurses surveyed state that the teaching exercise is a culmination stage of clinical nursing. Teaching confers them stability in their professional life; however, they report that the complexity of the educational practice poses a big challenge. They feel responsible for the formation of future nursing professionals. In spite of defining themselves as constructivists in the way of teaching, they are governed by a technical conception on the way of approaching the educational practice. They attribute the critical incidents to which they are exposed to the types of students entering the universities; these turn out uncomfortable and do not feel responsible for their development. These incidents are lessons to better face similar situations in the future. Conclusion. The nurses participating in this study are facing their new role as teachers of human resource, seeking to construct a new identity different from what they had when working in direct care of individuals.Objetivo. Representar como está construindo uma nova identidade a enfermeira que inicia sua atividade como formadora. Metodologia. Em 2010 se realizou uma investigação qualitativa de corte descritivo-interpretativo de quatro casos de enfermeiras professoras de Escolas de Enfermaria. Revisaram-se aspectos da identidade docente e do manejo de incidentes críticos no sala de aula. A informação foi obtida mediante entrevista estruturada e aos dados se lhes fez análises de conteúdo. Resultados. As enfermeiras entrevistadas afirmam que o exercício docente é uma etapa de culminação da enfermaria clínica. O labor da docência lhes confere estabilidade em sua vida profissional, no entanto asseguram que a complexidade da prática educativa lhes propõe um grande desafio. Sentem-se responsáveis da formação dos futuros enfermeiros. Apesar de definir-se como construtivistas na maneira de ensinar, regem-se por uma concepção técnica na forma de abordar a prática educativa. Os incidentes críticos aos que se veem expostas os atribuem ao tipo de estudante que ingressa nas universidades, resultam-lhes incômodos e não se sentem responsáveis do desenvolvimento dos mesmos. Estes incidentes são uma aprendizagem para enfrentar-se melhor a situações similares no futuro. Conclusão. As enfermeiras participantes neste estudo estão enfrentando seu novo papel como formadoras de recurso humano, tentando construir uma identidade nova diferente à que tinham quando trabalhavam em cuidado direto às pessoas.Objetivo. Representar cómo se construye una nueva identidad la enfermera que inicia su actividad como formadora. Metodología. En 2010 se realizó una investigación cualitativa de corte descriptivo-interpretativo de cuatro casos de enfermeras profesoras de Escuelas de Enfermería. Se revisaron aspectos de la identidad docente y del manejo de incidentes críticos en el aula. La información fue obtenida mediante entrevista estructurada y a los datos se les hizo análisis de contenido. Resultados. Las enfermeras entrevistadas afirman que el ejercicio docente es una etapa de culminación de la enfermería clínica. La labor de la docencia les confiere estabilidad en su vida profesional, sin embargo aseguran que la complejidad de la práctica educativa les plantea un gran desafío puesto que se sienten responsables de la formación de los futuros enfermeros. A pesar de definirse como constructivistas en la manera de enseñar, se rigen por una concepción técnica en la forma de abordar la práctica educativa. Los incidentes críticos a los que se exponen los atribuyen al tipo de estudiante que ingresa, les resultan incómodos y no se sienten responsables del desarrollo de los mismos. Estos incidentes son un aprendizaje que les permitirá enfrentarse mucho mejor a situaciones similares en el futuro. Conclusión. Las enfermeras participantes en este estudio enfrentan un nuevo rol como formadoras de recurso humano, para lo cual intentan construir una identidad nueva diferente a la que tenían cuando trabajaban en el cuidado directo de las personas

    The identity of the nursing academic : between education and research

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    This study aimed to analyze how nurses represent their role as nursing academics and their conceptions, strategies and feelings involved in teaching-learning and research in nursing. A qualitative study was conducted. To achieve this goal, a semi-structured interview was carried out with seven nurses who worked as teachers and researchers at a university in Barcelona, Spain. The data were analyzed through categories validated in a previous study with the support of The Atlas Ti program. The results evidenced that nurses are less equipped to develop the researcher role, and that the profession is not justified without a close relationship between nursing theory and practice. The nursing academics look for a balance between teaching and research and they also wish to promote the development of models and theories in their own discipline.O estudo teve como objetivo analisar como as enfermeiras representam seu papel como acadêmicas de enfermagem, suas concepções, suas estratégias e seus sentimentos envolvidos nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem e pesquisa na enfermagem. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi através da entrevista semiestruturada aplicada a sete enfermeiras que trabalham como docentes e pesquisadoras em uma universidade de Barcelona, Espanha. Os dados foram analisados através de categorias validadas em um estudo anterior com o apoio do programa de ATLAS ti. Os resultados evidenciarem que as enfermeiras sentem-se menos preparadas para desenvolver o papel de investigadoras e que a profissão não se justifica sem uma estreita relação entre a teoria e a prática de enfermagem. As acadêmicas de enfermagem buscam equilíbrio entre a docência e a pesquisa e sentem-se desafiadas a desenvolver teorias e modelos em sua disciplina.El estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar cómo las enfermeras representan su rol como académicos de enfermería, sus concepciones, sus estrategias y los sentimientos involucrados en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje e investigación en la enfermería. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, y la recolección de datos fue a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada a siete enfermeras que trabajan como docentes e investigadoras en una universidad de Barcelona, España. Los datos se analizaron a través de categorías validadas en un estudio anterior con el apoyo del programa Atlas Ti. Los resultados evidenciaron que las enfermeras se sienten menos preparadas para desarrollar el rol de investigador, y que la profesión no se justifica sin una estrecha relación entre la teoría y la práctica de la enfermería. Los académicos de enfermería buscan un equilibrio entre la docencia y la investigación y se sienten desafiadas a desarrollar teorías y modelos en su propia disciplina

    Attitudes and beliefs of nurses and physicians about managing sexual health in primary care : a multi-site cross-sectional comparative study

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    This research did not receive any funding from entities or agencies in the public, commercial and/or not-for-profit sectors. The publication of this research is partially supported through a research dissemination grant received from the Universidad Norbert Wiener (VRI-D-07-001-RDG) by Prof. Dr. Patrick A. Palmieri.To understand the attitudes and beliefs of nurses and physicians about managing the sexual health of patients during office visits in primary care centres. A questionnaire-based, cross-sectional multi-centre study. The study was performed in 15 primary care centres in Barcelona (Spain), from December 2017-February 2018. Obtained data were analysed with descriptive and bivariate statistics. Nearly half the participants believed they should manage sexual health in primary care, but a third of them disagreed this is a priority. Participants also believed patients are not comfortable speaking with them about sex. Statistically significant differences were observed between the professions as nurses more often reported receiving sexual health questions from patients and believed they had enough knowledge to appropriately respond. Most participants wanted additional education to speak with patients more comfortably and confidently about sex

    Autonomy and isolation experienced by patients and primary caregivers during COVID-19 hospitalization in Barcelona (Spain)

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    Altres ajuts: acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThis study aims to describe patients' and family caregivers' hospitalization experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using qualitative exploratory descriptive methods, thirteen patients admitted to the largest hospital in Barcelona (Spain) due to COVID-19 were interviewed by telephone once discharged, as were eight primary caregivers. Data were analyzed using the content analysis method proposed by Krippendorff. Two main themes were identified: a) Acceptance of mandatory isolation for patients and family caregivers, which refers to the verbalization of a feeling that justifies the imposed isolation and the need for the use of personal protective equipment by the health team for everyone's safety, and b) Limited autonomy during hospitalization for patients and family caregivers, which describes participants' perceptions of autonomy during hospitalization. Patients and caregivers experienced feelings of loneliness, which negatively affected their emotional health. In addition, they experienced reduced autonomy due to new habits and routines intended to control the pandemic for public and global health

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescents' Mental Health in Catalonia (Spain) : A Qualitative Study

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    This study aimed to understand the experiences of adolescents regarding the perceived impact of COVID-19 on their mental health in Catalonia (Spain). A qualitative exploratory methodology was used with a purposive sample of 30 high-school students regarding their experiences of the self-perceived impact of COVID-19 on their mental health. Data were thematically analyzed using Braun and Clarke method. Three main themes emerged from the data: (a) the challenge of living confined, (b) the footprint of COVID-19 on adolescents' mental health, and (c) school dynamics during the lockdown. The COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted adolescents' mental health, and adolescents perceived a lack of emotional support from educational centers. Therefore, incorporating emotional support in educational centers and offering emotional self-management tools to young students should be a priority. School nurses can play an essential role in recognizing and managing emotional needs and being the natural link between educational and primary care centers

    Exploring adolescents' experiences of continuing to wear face masks during COVID-19 : A qualitative descriptive study in Barcelona (Spain)

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABBackground: The COVID-19 pandemic prompted the use of face masks as a social distancing measure. Although evidence supports their effectiveness in preventing infection, it remains unclear why some adolescents choose to continue wearing them postpandemic, even when it is no longer mandatory. This study aims to explore adolescents' experiences of wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic when their use was no longer mandatory. Method: In this exploratory qualitative study, data were collected from 16 adolescents through face-to-face semistructured interviews. The participants were asked about the reasons and feelings associated with continuing to wear masks, as well as the contexts in which they felt safe without a mask. The collected data were analysed using Braun and Clarke's thematic analysis. Results: Three main themes were identified: (1) Navigating complex decision-making: balancing safety and self-image, (2) peer influence dynamics and (3) managing the future: weather dynamics and pandemic evolution. Discussion: The potential implications of withdrawing COVID-19 preventive measures, such as mask-wearing, beyond the pandemic remain understudied. It is crucial to further investigate the perceptions related to wearing masks and its cessation, especially amongst vulnerable individuals. Patient or Public Contribution: Due to methodological constraints associated with participants' age, they were not engaged in the design, data analysis, data interpretation or manuscript preparation phases of the study

    Reproductive decision-making of Black women living with HIV: A systematic review

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    Background: Black women living with HIV account for a higher proportion of new HIV diagnoses than other groups. These women experience restricted access to reproductive services and inadequate support from healthcare providers because their position in society is based on their sexual health and social identity in the context of this stigmatizing chronic disease. By recognizing the analytical relevance of intersectionality, the reproductive decision-making of Black women can be explored as a social phenomenon of society with varied positionality. Objective: The purpose of this review was to synthesize the evidence about the reproductive decision-making of Black women living with HIV in high-income countries from the beginning of the HIV epidemic to the present. Methods: This systematic review was guided by the JBI evidence synthesis recommendations. Searches were completed in seven databases from 1985 to 2021, and the review protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD420180919). Results: Of 3503 records, 22 studies were chosen for synthesis, including 19 observational and three qualitative designs. Nearly, all studies originated from the United States; the earliest was reported in 1995. Few studies provided detailed sociodemographic data or subgroup analysis focused on race or ethnicity. Influencing factors for reproductive decisionmaking were organized into the following seven categories: ethnicity, race, and pregnancy; religion and spirituality; attitudes and beliefs about antiretroviral therapy; supportive people; motherhood and fulfillment; reproductive planning; and health and wellness. Conclusion: No major differences were identified in the reproductive decision-making of Black women living with HIV. Even though Black women were the largest group of women living with HIV, no studies reported a subgroup analysis, and few studies detailed sociodemographic information specific to Black women. In the future, institutional review boards should require a subgroup analysis for Black women when they are included as participants in larger studies of women living with HIV