1,890 research outputs found

    Quantum versus classical counting in nonMarkovian master equations

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    We discuss the description of full counting statistics in quantum transport with a nonMarkovian master equation. We focus on differences arising from whether charge is considered as a classical or a quantum degree of freedom. These differences manifest themselves in the inhomogeneous term of the master equation which describes initial correlations. We describe the influence on current and in particular, the finite-frequency shotnoise. We illustrate these ideas by studying transport through a quantum dot and give results that include both sequential and cotunneling processes. Importantly, the noise spectra derived from the classical description are essentially frequency-independent and all quantum noise effects are absent. These effects are fully recovered when charge is considered as a quantum degree of freedom.Comment: 12 pages; 3 figure

    The puzzling interpretation of NIR indices: The case of NaI2.21

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    We present a detailed study of the Na I line strength index centered in the KK-band at 2210022100, {\AA} (NaI2.21 hereafter) relying on different samples of early-type galaxies. Consistent with previous studies, we find that the observed line strength indices cannot be fit by state-of-art scaled-solar stellar population models, even using our newly developed models in the NIR. The models clearly underestimate the large NaI2.21 values measured for most early-type galaxies. However, we develop a Na-enhanced version of our newly developed models in the NIR, which - together with the effect of a bottom-heavy initial mass function - yield NaI2.21 indices in the range of the observations. Therefore, we suggest a scenario in which the combined effect of [Na/Fe] enhancement and a bottom-heavy initial mass function are mainly responsible for the large NaI2.21 indices observed for most early-type galaxies. To a smaller extent, also [C/Fe] enhancement might contribute to the large observed NaI2.21 values.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Band alignment at metal/ferroelectric interfaces: insights and artifacts from first principles

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    Based on recent advances in first-principles theory, we develop a general model of the band offset at metal/ferroelectric interfaces. We show that, depending on the polarization of the film, a pathological regime might occur where the metallic carriers populate the energy bands of the insulator, making it metallic. As the most common approximations of density functional theory are affected by a systematic underestimation of the fundamental band gap of insulators, this scenario is likely to be an artifact of the simulation. We provide a number of rigorous criteria, together with extensive practical examples, to systematically identify this problematic situation in the calculated electronic and structural properties of ferroelectric systems. We discuss our findings in the context of earlier literature studies, where the issues described in this work have often been overlooked. We also discuss formal analogies to the physics of polarity compensation at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces, and suggest promising avenues for future research.Comment: 29 pages, 23 figure

    Entanglement between charge qubits induced by a common dissipative environment

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    We study entanglement generation between two charge qubits due to the strong coupling with a common bosonic environment (Ohmic bath). The coupling to the boson bath is a source of both quantum noise (leading to decoherence) and an indirect interaction between qubits. As a result, two effects compete as a function of the coupling strength with the bath: entanglement generation and charge localization induced by the bath. These two competing effects lead to a non-monotonic behavior of the concurrence as a function of the coupling strength with the bath. As an application, we present results for charge qubits based on double quantum dots.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Finite-frequency counting statistics of electron transport: Markovian Theory

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    We present a theory of frequency-dependent counting statistics of electron transport through nanostructures within the framework of Markovian quantum master equations. Our method allows the calculation of finite-frequency current cumulants of arbitrary order, as we explicitly show for the second- and third-order cumulants. Our formulae generalize previous zero-frequency expressions in the literature and can be viewed as an extension of MacDonald's formula beyond shot noise. When combined with an appropriate treatment of tunneling, using, e.g. Liouvillian perturbation theory in Laplace space, our method can deal with arbitrary bias voltages and frequencies, as we illustrate with the paradigmatic example of transport through a single resonant level model. We discuss various interesting limits, including the recovery of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem near linear response, as well as some drawbacks inherent of the Markovian description arising from the neglect of quantum fluctuations.Comment: Accepted in New Journal of Physics. Updated tex

    From Andreev to Majorana bound states in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires

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    Electronic excitations above the ground state must overcome an energy gap in superconductors with spatially-homogeneous s-wave pairing. In contrast, inhomogeneous superconductors such as those with magnetic impurities or weak links, or heterojunctions containing normal metals or quantum dots, can host subgap electronic excitations that are generically known as Andreev bound states (ABSs). With the advent of topological superconductivity, a new kind of ABS with exotic qualities, known as Majorana bound state (MBS), has been discovered. We review the main properties of ABSs and MBSs, and the state-of-the-art techniques for their detection. We focus on hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowires, possibly coupled to quantum dots, as one of the most flexible and promising experimental platforms. We discuss how the combined effect of spin-orbit coupling and Zeeman field in these wires triggers the transition from ABSs into MBSs. We show theoretical progress beyond minimal models in understanding experiments, including the possibility of different types of robust zero modes that may emerge without a band-topological transition. We examine the role of spatial non-locality, a special property of MBS wavefunctions that, together with non-Abelian braiding, is the key to realizing topological quantum computation.Comment: Review. 23 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Shareable published version by Springer Nature at https://rdcu.be/b7DWT (free to read but not to download

    Origin of the anomalies: the modified Heisenberg equation

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    The origin of the anomalies is analyzed. It is shown that they are due to the fact that the generators of the symmetry do not leave invariant the domain of definition of the Hamiltonian and then a term, normally forgotten in the Heisenberg equation, gives an extra contribution responsible for the non conservation of the charges. This explanation is equivalent to that of the Fujikawa in the path integral formalism. Finally, this approach is applied to the conformal symmetry breaking in two-dimensional quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Current noise of a superconducting single electron transistor coupled to a resonator

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    We analyze the current and zero-frequency current noise properties of a superconducting single electron resonator (SSET) coupled to a resonator, focusing on the regime where the SSET is operated in the vicinity of the Josephson quasiparticle resonance. We consider a range of coupling strengths and resonator frequencies to reflect the fact that in practice the system can be tuned to quite a high degree with the resonator formed either by a nanomechanical oscillator or a superconducting stripline fabricated in close proximity to the SSET. For very weak couplings the SSET acts on the resonator like an effective thermal bath. In this regime the current characteristics of the SSET are only weakly modified by the resonator. Using a mean field approach, we show that the current noise is nevertheless very sensitive to the correlations between the resonator and the SSET charge. For stronger couplings, the SSET can drive the resonator into limit cycle states where self-sustained oscillation occurs and we find that regions of well-defined bistability exist. Dynamical transitions into and out of the limit cycle state are marked by strong fluctuations in the resonator energy, but these fluctuations are suppressed within the limit cycle state. We find that the current noise of the SSET is strongly influenced by the fluctuations in the resonator energy and hence should provide a useful indicator of the resonator's dynamics.Comment: Reduced quality figures for arXiv version; v2 minor correction

    Charge qubit dynamics in a double quantum dot coupled to phonons

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    The dynamics of charge qubit in a double quantum dot coupled to phonons is investigated theoretically in terms of a perturbation treatment based on a unitary transformation. The dynamical tunneling current is obtained explicitly. The result is compared with the standard perturbation theory at Born-Markov approximation. The decoherence induced by acoustic phonons is analyzed at length. It is shown that the contribution from deformation potential coupling is comparable to that from piezoelectric coupling in small dot size and large tunneling rate case. A possible decoupling mechanism is predicted.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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