156 research outputs found

    El tango y la cultura popular en la reciente narrativa argentina

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    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to show that Tango as scenario, background, atmosphere or lending its stanzas and language, helps determine the tone and even the sentiment of disappointment and nostalgia, which are in much of Argentine recent narrative. In addition, this thesis aims, to answer questions like: How is it possible for Tango to transform itself into a literary component, and to be considered essential to Argentinean identity? Which of its characteristics allow it to provide literary language, atmosphere and even inspiration to the narrative’s creative process? How is the intertextual dialogue between its lyrics and the examined works? What is the connection between Tango and the city where it reveals itself

    Uso y abusos del derecho a morir

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    Tradicionalmente, la Doctrina de la Santidad de la vida humana reguló las conductas del fin de la vida, independientemente de que se fundara su sacralidad o bien en un Dios personal o bien en el valor que le atribuimos a la vida per se, siendo éste el punto crucial en el que se centra la prohibición de intervenir en prácticas eutanásicas y de muerte asistida. Sin embargo, por primera vez en la historia humana, intervenciones invasivas condensadas en la expresión “encarnizamiento terapéutico” permiten sostener una vida meramente biológica, sin posibilidades de desplegar una vida biográfica. Confrontado a esa perspectiva amenazante, el ser humano puede tomar la decisión de morir. Cuando esa conducta condensa actitudes autónomas, el Estado no puede obligar a seguir la doctrina de la Santidad de la vida humana, violando el principio de libertad de conciencia. El escenario es diferente cuando se discute la posibilidad de regular, mediante políticas públicas, las prácticas eutanásicas y de suicidio asistido. En esos escenarios, el fantasma del abuso por parte de la familia, delpersonal sanitario y de las instituciones (hospital, seguridad social, etc.) amenaza las mejores intenciones. Se trata, entonces, de examinar el peso de esas amenazas en los diversos contextos socioculturales


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    Analytical Study of Sub-Wavelength Imaging by Uniaxial Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterial Slabs

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    We discuss the imaging properties of uniaxial epsilon-near-zero metamaterial slabs with possibly tilted optical axis, analyzing their sub-wavelength focusing properties as a function of the design parameters. We derive in closed analytical form the associated two-dimensional Green's function in terms of special cylindrical functions. For the near-field parameter ranges of interest, we are also able to derive a small-argument approximation in terms of simpler analytical functions. Our results, validated and calibrated against a full-wave reference solution, expand the analytical tools available for computationally-efficient and physically-incisive modeling and design of metamaterial-based sub-wavelength imaging systems.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures (modifications in the text; two figures and several references added

    Development of mental health first aid guidelines for problem drinking: a Delphi expert consensus study in Argentina and Chile

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    BACKGROUND: Among all psychoactive substances, alcohol consumption presents the most significant public health problem and is a leading risk factor for overall disease burden in Latin America. However, most people who meet criteria for a substance use disorder do not receive treatment in primary or secondary care sources. Community members can play a role in helping people to seek help as they are likely to encounter people experiencing problem drinking and recognize the signs. However, many do not have adequate mental health first aid knowledge or skills to provide help. We aimed to culturally adapt the existing English-language mental health first aid guidelines for helping someone with problem drinking for Argentina and Chile. METHODS: The Delphi consensus method was used to determine the importance of helping actions translated from the English-language guidelines and to add new actions suggested by expert panellists. The importance of each statement was rated by two expert panels. Panel one included people with lived experience (either their own or as a support person, n = 23) recruited in Argentina and panel two included health professionals (n = 31) recruited in Argentina and Chile. RESULTS: Overall, 165 helping actions were endorsed by panellists across two consecutive survey rounds. Endorsed items included 132 of the 182 items translated into Spanish from the English-language guidelines and 33 of the 61 new items generated from panellists' comments in the first survey round. CONCLUSIONS: While there were some similarities in recommended helping actions between English-speaking countries, and Argentina and Chile, key differences were seen in attitudes to low-risk drinking. While there was a relatively high level of agreement between health professionals and people with lived experience, some divergence of opinion was seen, particularly in the area of commitment to recovery as a condition for help. Future research should explore the implementation of the guidelines

    El Qasgiq, un espai cerimonial. Una perspectiva Etnoarqueomusicològica de la reproducció social

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    Moltes societats antigues es regien per algun tipus de cicle de celebracions col·lectives que els van permetre mantenir un seguit d'estratègies socials adreçades a la seva supervivència. Discriminar i trobar indicis que evidenciïn arqueològicament aquest tipus d'activitats no sempre és fàcil o possible. Per això en aquest article proposem una visió etnoarqueomusicològica, mitjançant la qual focalitzem el nostre interès en les estratègies utilitzades per controlar la reproducció social de les antigues societats Caçadores Recol·lectores i Pescadores Yup'ik d'Alaska. Aquestes societats s'organitzaven, en general, en poblacions de petits habitatges familiars situats al voltant d'una construcció diferenciada, el qasgiq, també anomenada "la casa dels homes". Gràcies a les diverses fonts escrites antigues, que descriuen aquestes societats etnogràfiques, podrem plantejar una arqueologia social crítica. Pensem que conèixer com es duien a terme les celebracions col·lectives en aquests tipus d'edifici, revisant críticament les fonts escrites, ens permetrà obtenir un conjunt de dades. Aquestes dades s'hauran de poder transformar en hipòtesis de treball que possibilitin una anàlisi arqueològica més completa de l'organització social d'altres societats Caçadores Recol·lectores i Pescadores més pretèrites.Many ancient societies were governed by some type of cycle of collective celebration which allowed them to maintain a system of social strategies contributing to their survival, but it is not always straightforward or indeed possible to uncover archaeological evidence of this kind of activity. In this article an ethnoarchaeomusicological view of the strategies to control social reproduction adopted by the Yup'ik hunter-fisher-gatherer societies of Alaska is proposed. These societies were generally organised in groups of small dwellings housing women and children located around a special communal building, the qasgiq , also known as the "Men's House". The various written sources that describe these societies permit a critical social archaeology to be developed, and it is considered that by determining how the collective celebrations were performed in these types of buildings, through a critical review of the written records, a set of data will be obtained with which to form a working hypothesis which will make possible a more complete archaeological analysis of the organization of the social structures of other more ancient hunter-fisher-gatherer societies

    Development of mental health first-aid guidelines for depression: a Delphi expert consensus study in Argentina and Chile

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    Background: Depression is one of the most common mental health problems worldwide and, while prevalence rates in Latin America are relatively high, most people who meet the criteria for diagnosis do not receive treatment. Family and friends of a person with depression can play an important role in supporting a person to seek and engage with treatment. However, many people do not have the necessary skills or confidence to help. English-language mental health first aid guidelines have been developed to support people to provide such help. The aim of this study was to culturally adapt these guidelines for Chile and Argentina. Methods: A Delphi expert consensus study was conducted with two expert panels, one of people with lived experience of depression (either their own or as a carer; n = 26) and one of health professionals (n = 29). Overall, 172 statements from the English-language guidelines were translated and compiled into a questionnaire. Participants were asked to rate statements based on how essential or important those statements were for Chile and Argentina and to suggest new statements if necessary. Results: Data were obtained over two survey rounds. Consensus was achieved on 172 statements. A total of 137 statements were adopted from the English-language guidelines, whereas 35 new endorsed statements were generated from panel suggestions. There were similarities between the English-language guidelines and those for Chile and Argentina. The adapted guidelines did not include some of the items from the English-language guidelines related to commenting on a person’s strengths or making judgements about their character, and also incorporated new items related to the incorporation of sociocultural considerations as causes of depression and attention to inequities in mental health. Conclusions: The significant number of new items underscores the importance of undertaking a careful process of cultural adaptation. Further research on dissemination and incorporation of the guidelines into the Mental Health First Aid training course for Chile and Argentina is still required.Fil: Encina Zúñiga, Esteban. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Agrest, Martín. No especifíca;Fil: Tapia Munoz, Thamara. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Vidal-Zamora, Isidora. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Ardila Gómez, Sara Elena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado, Rubén. Universidad de Valparaíso; ChileFil: Leiderman, Eduardo A.. Universidad de Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Reavley, Nicola. University of Melbourne; Australi

    Innovative technology and mental health care: Survey on the usage of WhatsApp among Argentinian psychiatrists and psychologists

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    Objetivos: La comunicación entre pacientes y profesionales de la salud mental mediante plataformas de mensa- jería en el intervalo entre encuentros presenciales o virtuales se convirtió en una modalidad de teleconsulta asincrónica (TA) cuya utilidad y efecto en la carga de trabajo de los profesionales de salud mental no se han explorado. Método: Profesionales del campo de la salud mental que trabajan en Argentina fueron invitados a responder a una encuesta que exploraba la intensidad y utilidad de la TA, y la sobrecarga resultante. Resultados: Se recibieron un total de 527 respuestas de profesionales que trabajan en todo el país. El 69 % de los encuestados mensajes con un promedio de 1-10 pacientes/día y el 31 % con más de 10 pacientes/día; el 75 % respondió mensajes por teléfono móvil los fines de semana. Mientras que el 68 % calificó estas interacciones como positivas para el seguimiento clínico, el 47 % las consideró una fuente de sobrecarga laboral. Conclusiones: La adopción generalizada de la TA puede requerir una autorregulación adicional por parte de los profesionales y un seguimiento regular de los niveles de sobrecarga (especialmente, entre los psiquiatras) para que su práctica clínica diaria sea eficiente y sostenible.Objective: Communication between patients and mental health professionals by means of messaging platforms in the interval between synchronous encounters became a kind of asynchronous teleconsultation (AT) whose usefulness and effect on providers’ workload have not been explored. Method: Mental health providers working in Argentina were invited to answer a survey exploring the intensity and usefulness of AT, and the resulting overload. Results: A total of 527 responses from professionals working throughout the country were received. As much as 69% of respondents exchanged messages with a mean of 1-10 patients/day and 31% with more than 10 patients/day; 75% answered messages over mobile phones on weekends. While 68% rated these interactions as positive for clinical follow-up, 47% considered them as a source of work overload. Conclusions: The generalized adoption of AT may require additional self-regulation by clinicians and regular monitoring of overload levels (particularly, among psychiatrists) to make their daily clinical practice efficient and sustainable.Fil: Agrest, Martín. Proyecto Suma; ArgentinaFil: Matusevich, Leon Daniel. Instituto Universidad Escuela de Medicina del Hospital Italiano; ArgentinaFil: Nemirovsky, Martín. Proyecto Suma; ArgentinaFil: Wikinski, Silvia Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentin

    Development of mental health first-aid guidelines for suicide risk: a Delphi expert consensus study in Argentina and Chile

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    Background: Suicide continues to pose a significant global public health challenge and ranks as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Given the prevalence of suicide risk in the community, there is a significant likelihood of encountering individuals who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or plans, creating an opening for non-health professionals to offer support. This study aims to culturally adapt the original Australian Mental Health First Aid Guidelines for suicide risk to the Chilean and Argentine context. Methods: A two-round Delphi expert consensus study was conducted involving two panels, one comprising individuals with personal experience in suicide thoughts/attempts or caregiving for those with such experiences (n = 18), and the other consisting of professionals specialized in suicide assessment and support for individuals at risk (n = 25). They rated a total of 179 items mainly derived from guidelines developed by Australian experts and translated into Spanish (168), and new items included by the research team (11). The panel members were requested to assess each item utilizing a five-point Likert scale. During the second round, items that received moderate approval in the initial round were re-evaluated, and new items suggested by the local experts in the first round were also subjected to evaluation in the next round. Inclusion in the final guidelines required an 80% endorsement as “essential” or “important” from both panels. Results: Consensus of approval was reached for 189 statements. Among these, 139 statements were derived from the English-language guidelines, while 50 locally generated statements were accepted during the second round. A significant difference from the original guideline was identified concerning the local experts’ reluctance to discuss actions collaboratively with adolescents. Furthermore, the local experts proposed the inclusion of an entirely new section addressing suicide risk in older individuals, particularly focusing on suicide methods and warning signs. Conclusions: A Delphi expert consensus study was conducted to culturally adapt mental health first aid guidelines for assessing suicide risk in Chile and Argentina. This study involved professionals and individuals with lived experience. While many items were endorsed, some related to inquiring about suicide risk and autonomy, particularly for adolescents, were not. An additional section for older individuals was introduced. Future research should explore the implementation and impact of these adapted guidelines in training courses. This is vital for enhancing mental health support and implementing effective suicide prevention strategies in Chile and Argentina.Fil: Encina Zúñiga, Esteban. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Rodante, Demián. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Agrest, Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Tapia Muñoz, Thamara. University College London; Estados UnidosFil: Vidal Zamora, Isidora. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Ardila Gómez, Sara Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado, Rubén. Universidad de Chile.; ChileFil: Leiderman, Eduardo A.. Universidad de Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Reavley, Nicola. University of Melbourne; Australi