721 research outputs found

    A palladium-hinged organometallic square with a perfect-sized cavity for the encapsulation of three heteroguests

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Chemical Communications. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1039/C9CC08595E.A nanometer-sized tetrapalladium metallosquare with a pyrene-bisimidazolylidene ligand was found to display a perfect-sized cavity for the encapsulation of three heteroguests, enabling the formation of quintuple D–A–D–A–D stacks. The encapsulating properties of the metallosquare are clearly determined by the presence of the pyrene panels, which endow the metallosquare with a three-dimensional shape, and also behave as effective antennae for π-stacking interactions

    Naturalistic Driving Behaviour and Self-Regulation Practices Among Older Drivers with Bilateral Cataract: a Prospective Cohort Study

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    This naturalistic study examined older drivers before first eye, after first eye, and after second eye cataract surgery by examining how objective visual measures and other factors influenced driving habits, exposure, adverse events and driver self-regulation. The results provide evidence for timely cataract surgery, the inclusion of contrast sensitivity when assessing fitness to drive for older drivers and driver self-regulation as a strategy to improve road safety as older drivers wait for cataract surgery

    Investigation into Schempp-Hirth airbrakes of sailplanes

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    The present thesis is a study of airbrakes control forces and accelerations generated on the LS8-Standard Class sailplane. A flight test program was developed and conducted to measure the forces required to operate the Schempp-Hirth airbrakes of the LS 8 sailplane at several airspeeds inside the flight envelope and at several operating speeds. The accelerations produced after this operation were also measured and recorded. Additionally, a computer simulation for the longitudinal motion of the LS 8 was developed and presented. The flight test program was conducted successfully and representative values for control forces and accelerations generated were recorded. The results from the flight experiments were compared with the current regulations for sailplanes (JAR 22) and, for the case of the accelerations, with the simulation results. For the operating forces, results are available only from the flight experiments. It was found that, in general, the flight test results compared favorably with the flight test data. Practical procedures are recommended throughout the study

    Utilització de l'Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes (ABP) com a metodologia didàctica

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    L'obvietat, per part de les metodologies tradicionals d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, dels mecanismes psicològics naturals d'aprenentatge té unes importants conseqüències per als estudiants, com poden ser la manca de motivació o la poca significació dels continguts. Per altra banda, la utilització d'aquestes metodologies fa molt complicada la introducció en els currículums de l'aprenentatge de les competències bàsiques (consistents, a més dels sabers teòrics tradicionals, en una sèrie d'habilitats i valors). La utilització d'una metodologia pedagògica com és l'Aprenentatge Basat en Problemes ve a donar resposta a aquestes dues problemàtiques. Aquesta metodologia utilitza una situació problemàtica com a desencadenant dels processos psicològics naturals dels infants, basats en el constructivisme (i la significació dels continguts) i el treball cooperatiu

    L’impacte de la protoindustrialització en la crisi del gremi seder de Tortosa (1760-1780)

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    Societats recreatives a la Tortosa del s. XIX

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    Portafolios de logros para los estudiantes de la asignatura Expansiones del arte

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    Mostra de les experiències d’aprenentatge durant el desenvolupament de les possibilitats d’expansió de l’art a través de l’analogia entre les característiques plàstiques de diferents produccions artístiques o mitjançant processos d’hibridació

    En las manos

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic: 2017-2018Cuba ha sido siempre un país en el punto de mira para el resto del mundo. No solo desde el bloqueo endurecido por Estados Unidos en el año 1962, sino ya desde sus orígenes, los cuales no se conocen plenamente. Son muchos los países que han intentado apropiarse de la riqueza de las Antillas y, en general, de América Latina durante muchos años. El punto estratégico en el que está situada esta isla, el valor de sus tierras y la imposición de un sistema radicalmente distinguido del resto, son las que han situado a Cuba en el foco de atención de las grandes potencias económicas del mundo. El sistema capitalista necesita de los medios de comunicación para consolidar sus bases y por ello, son una herramienta fundamental en la construcción del imaginario colectivo de las sociedades a las que va dirigida dicha información. Como pasa con otros países que también tienen un sistema alejado del capitalismo consumista, así como Corea del Norte o Venezuela, estos medios emiten mensajes que en numerosas ocasiones no representan una imagen fiel de las sociedades que habitan en estos sistemas. En las manos pretende mostrar una visión de la sociedad cubana que queda alejada del eco que hacen los mass media. Para ello, se presentan una serie de fotografías acompañadas de unos textos que reflejan las reflexiones personales de la autora tras unos días en distintos puntos de la isla caribeña. En las manos, es un fotolibro realizado durante el curso académico 2017/2018 para el Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Comunicación Audiovisual.Cuba has always been a country in the spotlight for the rest of the world. Not only since the blockade hardened by the United States in 1962, but since its origins, which are not fully known. Many countries have tried to appropriate the wealth of the Antilles and, in general, of Latin America for many years. The strategic point in which this island is located, the value of its lands and the imposition of a system radically distinguished from the rest, are those that have placed Cuba in the focus of attention of the great economic powers of the world. The capitalist system needs the means of communication to consolidate its bases and, therefore, is a fundamental tool in the construction of the collective imagination of the societies to which this information is addressed. As happens with other countries that also have a system far from consumer capitalism, as well as North Korea or Venezuela, these media emit messages that in many occasions do not represent a true image of the societies that inhabit these systems. In his hands he tries to show a vision of Cuban society that is far from the echo that the mass media make. To do this, a series of photographs accompanied by texts that reflect the personal reflections of the author after a few days in different parts of the Caribbean island are presented. In the hands, is a photobook made during the academic year 2017/2018 for the Final Project of Audiovisual Communication Degree