80 research outputs found

    Problemas jurídicos do teletrabalho no Brasil

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    El texto tiene por finalidad resolver las cuestiones jurídicas derivadas del teletrabajo y esbozar una serie de propuestas para su solución.The article intents to solve the juridical issues on teleworking or telecommuting and laboral relations.O objetivo do texto é resolver as questões jurídicas decorrentes do teletrabalho e traçar uma série de propostas para a sua solução.peerReviewe

    Protección social e ingresos mínimos garantizados en la UE, ¿utopía o realidad?

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    El derecho a la seguridad social y a la protección social es considerado como integrante inalienable de los derechos fundamentales de la persona que aseveran de cierta manera la certeza y seguridad ante las distintas contingencias a las que nos podemos enfrentar a lo largo de la experiencia vital, y que aseguran y fortalecen el derecho a la existencia digna de las personas. Para que ello sea factible, es necesario que dicho derecho se caracterice de forma universal, que todos los ciudadanos sean acreedores del mismo y que su efectividad se ponga de manifiesto cuando se actualicen determinadas contingencias. Sin embargo, a pesar de que en la mayoría de los países se encuentran implantados sistemas de protección social, se pone de manifiesto, y se ha acentuado en estos momentos, que los mismos presentan evidentes brechas y deficiencias en su aplicación, y sus objetivos se ven mermados. En este análisis se tratará de aportar una visión general del reconocimiento del derecho a la protección social en distintos niveles territoriales y se centrará en observar como uno de los principales problemas que afecta desde hace años, el riesgo de pobreza y exclusión social, no encuentra suficiente cobertura por parte de los Estados. Es necesario tender a la universalización de la protección a través de los distintos mecanismos que en la actualidad están implantados y de aquellos otros que se encuentran en fase de debate y experimentación.The right to social security and social protection is considered an inalienable component of the fundamental rights of the person that asserts in a certain way the certainty and security against the different contingencies that we can face throughout our life experience, and ensure and strengthen people’s right to a dignified existence. For this to be feasible, it is necessary for said right to be universally characterized, for all citizens to be its creditors, and for its effectiveness to be revealed when certain contingencies are updated. However, despite the fact that social protection systems are in place in most of the countries, it is evident, and it has been accentuated at the moment, that they present evident gaps and deficiencies in their application, and their objectives have been depleted. This analysis will try to provide an overview of the recognition of the right to social protection at different territorial levels and will focus on observing how one of the main problems these years, the risk of poverty and social exclusion, does not find enough coverage by States. It is necessary to strive for the universalization of protection through the different mechanisms that are currently in place and those that are in the debate and experimentation phase.España. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades RED-2018-102508-

    Obtenção de cobre eletrolítico pelo processo de eletrodeposição utilizando um banho sem cianeto e tratamento eletroquímico superficial

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    A eletrodeposição de cobre em substratos ferrosos e não-ferrosos a partir de soluções contendo cianeto é uma das formas mais utilizadas industrialmente. Os depósitos obtidos por esse processo apresentam alta qualidade com baixo custo operacional, equipamentos pouco sofisticados e pré-tratamento simples no substrato. No entanto, novos eletrólitos isentos de íons cianetos têm surgido para substituir as soluções cianídricas que são tóxicas e com grande potencial de causar danos ambientais e a saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a obtenção do cobre eletrodepositado (Cu eletrolítico) por corrente contínua a partir de um banho de sulfato de amônio e citrato de sódio; e, avaliar as características deste com as do cobre eletrolítico comercial (Cu comercial), bem como analisar duas metodologias de preparação da superfície metálica para análise por microscopia. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas foram Difração de Raios-X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Microscopia Óptica (MO) e nanodureza, as superfícies das amostras foram preparadas por polimento convencional e eletrolítico. Observou-se que as amostras polidas eletroliticamente mostraram-se bastante brilhantes e apresentaram os contornos dos grãos com maior nitidez, os mesmos resultados não foram evidenciados pelo polimento convencional. O cobre obtido pelo banho isento de cianeto apresentou menores tamanhos de grãos e uma maior dureza dentro destes, quando comparado ao Cu comercial. O difratograma apresentou para o Cu eletrolítico picos de alta intensidade nos planos (200) e (111) mostrando uma maior orientação cristalográfica preferencial nas direções desses planos. Por fim, o MEV mostrou uma segregação de uma fase no Cu eletrolítico, causada pela eletrodeposição e também as formas dos grãos poligonais com microcavidades globulares do Cu comercial. Palavras-chave: cobre eletrodepositado, polimento eletrolítico, banho sem cianeto

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activity from Algae of the Genus Caulerpa

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    Marine natural products have been the focus of discovery for new products of chemical and pharmacological interest. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive activity of the methanolic (ME), acetate (AE), hexanic (HE) and chloroform (CE) extracts obtained from Caulerpa mexicana, and ME, CE and HE obtained from Caulerpa sertularioides. These marine algae are found all over the world, mainly in tropical regions. Models such as the writhing test, the hot plate test and formalin-induced nociception test were used to evaluate antinociceptive activity in laboratory mice. In the writhing test, all the extracts were administered orally at a concentration of 100 mg/kg, and induced high peripheral antinociceptive activity, with a reduction in the nociception induced by acetic acid above 65%. In the hot plate test, treatment with extracts from C. sertularioides (100 mg/kg, p.o.) did not significantly increase the latency of response, although the ME, AE and HE from C. mexicana showed activity in this model. This result suggests that these extracts exhibit antinociceptive activity. In the formalin test, it was observed that ME, AE and HE obtained from C. mexicana reduced the effects of formalin in both phases. On the other hand only CE from C. sertularioides induced significant inhibition of the nociceptive response in the first phase. To better assess the potential anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts, the carrageenan-induced peritonitis test was used to test Caulerpa spp. extracts on cell migration into the peritoneal cavity. In this assay, all extracts evaluated were able to significantly inhibit leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity in comparison with carrageenan. These data demonstrate that extracts from Caulerpa species elicit pronounced antinociceptive and anti-inflamatory activity against several nociception models. However, pharmacological and chemical studies are continuing in order to characterize the mechanism(s) responsible for the antinociceptive action and also to identify the active principles present in the Caulerpa species

    The AlfaCrux CubeSat mission description and early results

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    On 1 April 2022, the AlfaCrux CubeSat was launched by the Falcon 9 Transporter-4 mission, the fourth SpaceX dedicated smallsat rideshare program mission, from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida into a Sun-synchronous orbit at 500 km. AlfaCrux is an amateur radio and educational mission to provide learning and scientific benefits in the context of small satellite missions. It is an opportunity for theoretical and practical learning about the technical management, systems design, communication, orbital mechanics, development, integration, and operation of small satellites. The AlfaCrux payload, a software-defined radio hardware, is responsible for two main services, which are a digital packet repeater and a store-and-forward system. In the ground segment, a cloud-computing-based command and control station has been developed, together with an open access online platform to access and visualize the main information of the AlfaCrux telemetry and user data and experiments. It also becomes an in-orbit database reference to be used for different studies concerned with, for instance, radio propagation, attitude reconstruction, data-driven calibration algorithms for satellite sensors, among others. In this context, this paper describes the AlfaCrux mission, its main subsystems, and the achievements obtained in the early orbit phase. Scientific and engineering assessments conducted with the spacecraft operations to tackle unexpected behaviors in the ground station and also to better understand the space environment are also presented and discussed.Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa del Distrito Federal (FAPDF), Brasil | Ref. N/
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