69 research outputs found

    Media devices in pre-school children: the recommendations of the Italian pediatric society

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    BACKGROUND: Young children are too often exposed to mobile devices (MD) and most of them had their own device. The adverse effects of a early and prolonged exposure to digital technology on pre-school children has been described by several studies. Aim of the study is to analyze the consequences of MD exposure in pre-school children. METHODS: We analyzed the documented effects of media exposure on children's mental and physical health. RESULTS: According to recent studies, MD may interfere with learning, children development, well being, sleep, sight, listening, caregiver-child relationship. DISCUSSION: Pediatricians should be aware of both the beneficial and side effects of MD and give advice to the families, according to children's age. CONCLUSION: In according to literature, the Italian Pediatric Society suggest that the media device exposure in childhood should be modulated by supervisors

    Media use during adolescence: the recommendations of the Italian Pediatric Society.

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    BACKGROUND: The use of media device, such as smartphone and tablet, is currently increasing, especially among the youngest. Adolescents spend more and more time with their smartphones consulting social media, mainly Facebook, Instagram and Twitter because. Adolescents often feel the necessity to use a media device as a means to construct a social identity and express themselves. For some children, smartphone ownership starts even sooner as young as 7 yrs, according to internet safety experts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We analyzed the evidence on media use and its consequences in adolescence. RESULTS: In literature, smartphones and tablets use may negatively influences the psychophysical development of the adolescent, such as learning, sleep and sigh. Moreover, obesity, distraction, addiction, cyberbullism and Hikikomori phenomena are described in adolescents who use media device too frequently. The Italian Pediatric Society provide action-oriented recommendations for families and clinicians to avoid negative outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Both parents and clinicians should be aware of the widespread phenomenon of media device use among adolescents and try to avoid psychophysical consequences on the youngest

    Shape programming for narrow ribbons of nematic elastomers

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    Using the theory of Γ-convergence, we derive from three-dimensional elasticity new one-dimensional models for non-Euclidean elastic ribbons, i.e., ribbons exhibiting spontaneous curvature and twist. We apply the models to shape-selection problems for thin films of nematic elastomers with twist and splay-bend texture of the nematic director. For the former, we discuss the possibility of helicoid-like shapes as an alternative to spiral ribbons

    Derivation of a linearised elasticity model from singularly perturbed multiwell energy functionals

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    Linear elasticity can be rigorously derived from finite elasticity under the assumption of small loadings in terms of Gamma-convergence. This was first done in the case of one-well energies with super-quadratic growth and later generalised to different settings, in particular to the case of multi-well energies where the distance between the wells is very small (comparable to the size of the load). In this paper we study the case when the distance between the wells is independent of the size of the load. In this context linear elasticity can be derived by adding to the multi-well energy a singular higher order term which penalises jumps from one well to another. The size of the singular term has to satisfy certain scaling assumptions whose optimality is shown in most of the cases. Finally, the derivation of linear elasticty from a two-well discrete model is provided, showing that the role of the singular perturbation term is played in this setting by interactions beyond nearest neighbours

    Management of pediatric post-infectious neurological syndromes

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    BackgroundPost-Infectious Neurological Syndromes (PINS) are heterogeneous neurological disorders with post or para-infectious onset. PINS diagnosis is complex, mainly related to the absence of any recognized guidelines and a univocal definition.Aim of the studyTo elaborate a diagnostic guide for PINS.Materials and methodsWe retrospectively analysed patients younger than 14years old admitted to Bambino GesU Children's Hospital in Rome for PINS from December 2005 to March 2018. Scientific literature using PubMed as research platform was analysed: the key words "Post-Infectious Neurological Syndromes" were used.ResultsA polysymptomatic presentation occurred in a percentage of 88% of the children. Motor signs and visual disturbances the most observed symptoms/signs were the most detached, followed by fever, speech disturbances, sleepiness, headache and bradipsychism. Blood investigations are compatible with inflammation, as a prodromal illnesses was documented in most cases. Normal cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) characteristics has been found in the majority of the study population. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was positive for demyelinating lesions. Antibiotics, acyclovir and steroids have been given as treatment.DiscussionWe suggest diagnostic criteria for diagnosis of PINS, considering the following parameters: neurological symptoms, timing of disease onset, blood and CSF laboratory tests, MRI imaging.ConclusionsWe propose criteria to guide clinician to diagnose PINS as definitive, probable or possible. Further studies are required to validate diagnostic criteria

    Korn's second inequality and geometric rigidity with mixed growth conditions

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    Geometric rigidity states that a gradient field which is LpL^p-close to the set of proper rotations is necessarily LpL^p-close to a fixed rotation, and is one key estimate in nonlinear elasticity. In several applications, as for example in the theory of plasticity, energy densities with mixed growth appear. We show here that geometric rigidity holds also in Lp+LqL^p+L^q and in Lp,qL^{p,q} interpolation spaces. As a first step we prove the corresponding linear inequality, which generalizes Korn's inequality to these spaces

    Vitamin D in pediatric age: consensus of the Italian Pediatric Society and the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics, jointly with the Italian Federation of Pediatricians.

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    Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, particularly during pediatric age when nutritional rickets and impaired bone mass acquisition may occur.Besides its historical skeletal functions, in the last years it has been demonstrated that vitamin D directly or indirectly regulates up to 1250 genes, playing so-called extraskeletal actions. Indeed, recent data suggest a possible role of vitamin D in the pathogenesis of several pathological conditions, including infectious, allergic and autoimmune diseases. Thus, vitamin D deficiency may affect not only musculoskeletal health but also a potentially wide range of acute and chronic conditions. At present, the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is high in Italian children and adolescents, and national recommendations on vitamin D supplementation during pediatric age are lacking. An expert panel of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics reviewed available literature focusing on randomized controlled trials of vitamin D supplementation to provide a practical approach to vitamin D supplementation for infants, children and adolescents

    The management of pediatric severe traumatic brain injury: Italian guidelines

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    Introduction: the aim of the work was to update the “guidelines for the Management of severe traumatic Brain Injury” published in 2012, to reflect the new available evidence, and develop the Italian national guideline for the management of severe pediatric head injuries to reduce variation in practice and ensure optimal care to patients. eViDeNce acQUisitioN: MeDliNe and eMBase were searched from January 2009 to october 2017. inclusion criteria were english language, pediatric populations (0-18 years) or mixed populations (pediatric/adult) with available age subgroup analyses. the guideline development process was started by the Promoting group that composed a multidisciplinary panel of experts, with the representatives of the Scientific Societies, the independent expert specialists and a representative of the Patient associations. the panel selected the clinical questions, discussed the evidence and formulated the text of the recommendations. the documentarists of the University of Florence oversaw the bibliographic research strategy. a group of literature reviewers evaluated the selected literature and compiled the table of evidence for each clinical question. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: The search strategies identified 4254 articles. We selected 3227 abstract (first screening) and, finally included 67 articles (second screening) to update the guideline. This Italian update includes 25 evidence-based recommendations and 5 research recommendations. coNclUsioNs: in recent years, progress has been made on the understanding of severe pediatric brain injury, as well as on that concerning all major traumatic pathology. this has led to a progressive improvement in the clinical outcome, although the quantity and quality of evidence remains particularly low

    Foldable structures made of hydrogel bilayers

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    We discuss self-folding of a thin sheet by using patterned hydrogel bilayers, which act as hinges connecting flat faces. Folding is actuated by heterogeneous swelling due to different crosslinking densities of the polymer network in the two layers. Our analysis is based on a dimensionally reduced plate model, obtained by applying a recently developed theory [1], which provides us with an explicit connection between (three-dimensional) material properties and the curvatures induced at the hinges. This connection offers a recipe for the fabrication and design of the bilayers, by providing the values of the cross-linking density of each layer that need to be imprinted during polymerization in order to produce a desired folded shape upon swelling
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