759 research outputs found

    Due versi di Lazzaro Bonamico su Michelangelo

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    E' esaminata una poesia dell'umanista veneto Lazzaro Bonamico che contiene una sconosciuta lode di Michelangelo scultore precedente alla cruciale biografia vasariana (1550) del maestro.The essay analyzes a poetry composed by the paduan humanist Lazzaro Bonamico; this text contains an important but not yet examined mention of Michelangelo Buonarroti as sculptor before the seminal biography of the master published in 1550 by Giorgio Vasari

    Il Bembo del Giovio

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    Il contributo analizza gli scambi tra Pietro Bembo e Paolo Giovio nel campo delle arti, e il problema della iconografia del Bembo

    L’inibizione tireotropinica da metformina non si associa a segni cardiologici di ipertiroidismo subclinico

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    Recenti dati di letteratura hanno evidenziato come metformina determini una riduzione/soppressione dei livelli sierici di tireotro- pina (TSH), simulando un ipertiroidismo subclinico il cui signifi- cato clinico rimane a oggi ancora assai controverso. Sebbene l’ipertiroidismo subclinico sia nella maggioranza dei casi una condizione clinica asintomatica, è altrettanto noto come esso si associ a un aumentato rischio di aritmie (più frequentemente la fibrillazione atriale) e ad alterazioni morfo-funzionali cardiache determinando un aumento di morbilità e mortalità cardiovasco- lare. Scopo del presente studio è stato quello di valutare retrospetti- vamente le alterazioni di differenti indici elettrocardiografici in pazienti diabetici eutiroidei che, dopo aver intrapreso terapia con metformina, hanno sviluppato riduzione/soppressione dei valori di TSH comparando i dati con quelli ottenuti in pazienti con iper- tiroidismo subclinico secondario a patologie tiroidee o a terapia soppressiva con L-tiroxina. I parametri elettrocardiografici (frequenza cardiaca, durata del- l’onda P, indice di dispersione dell’onda P, QT max, QT min, indice di dispersione dell’intervallo QT) sono stati valutati in 23 pazienti diabetici in terapia con metformina prima e dopo 6 mesi dall’instaurarsi della soppressione del TSH e in 31 con- trolli con ipertiroidismo subclinico. Nessuna modifica significa- tiva è stata osservata tra i parametri elettrocardiografici rilevati prima e dopo la riduzione del TSH. Al contrario, significative dif- ferenze nella durata dell’onda P (102,9 ± 7,4 vs 92,1 ± 5,8 ms, p < 0,001), dell’indice di dispersione dell’onda P (13,1 ± 3,4 vs 7,1 ± 3,5 ms, p < 0,001), del QT max (399 ± 18 vs 388 ± 16 ms, p = 0,024), del QT min (341 ± 14 vs 350 ± 17 ms, p = 0,038) e di quello dell’intervallo QT (49,9 ± 9,6 vs 30,9 ± 9,2 ms, p < 0,001) sono state rilevate tra i controlli con iperti- roidismo subclinico e il gruppo di pazienti diabetici con valori ridotti/soppressi di TSH. I risultati del nostro studio evidenzierebbero come l’effetto di riduzione/soppressione del TSH osservato in alcuni pazienti dia- betici in terapia con metformina non si associ a marker periferi- ci cardiaci da eccesso di ormoni tiroidei. L’alterazione del profilo tiroideo metformina-indotto sembrerebbe non indicativo di iper- tiroidismo subclinico, suggerendo quindi che non sussiste la necessità di sottoporre a stretti controlli della funzione tiroidea i pazienti diabetici in terapia con metformin

    Oral liquid L-thyroxine (L-t4) may be better absorbed compared to L-T4 tablets following bariatric surgery.

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    Drug malabsorption is a potential concern after bariatric surgery. We present four case reports of hypothyroid patients who were well replaced with thyroxine tablets to euthyroid thyrotropin (TSH) levels prior to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. These patients developed elevated TSH levels after the surgery, the TSH responded reversibly to switching from treatment with oral tablets to a liquid formulation

    Long-term neuropsychological sequelae, emotional wellbeing and quality of life in patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

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    Neurological symptoms related to microthrombosis are the hallmark of acute manifestations of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Despite the achievement of hematological remission, patients may report persisting neurological impairment that affects their quality of life. To assess the long-term neuropsychological consequences of acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, we recruited 35 acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura patients (77% females, median age at onset 41 years, interquartile range 35-48) regularly followed at our out-patient clinic of thrombotic microangiopathies in Milan (Italy) from December 2015 to October 2016. Patients underwent a psychological evaluation of memory and attentional functions, emotional wellbeing and health-related quality of life at least 3 months after their last acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura event (median 36 months, interquartile range 17-54). During the psychological consultation, 17 patients (49%) referred persisting subjective neurological impairment in the frame of a remission phase, with at least one symptom as disorientation, loss of concentration, dizziness, lack of balance, headache and diplopia. Neuropsychological assessment revealed lower scores than the Italian general population pertaining to direct, indirect and deferred memory. A higher degree of impairment of memory domains was found in patients with neurological involvement at the time of presentation of the first acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura episode. Anxiety and depression were detected in 7 (20%) and 15 (43%) patients, respectively. Health-related quality of life was lower than the Italian general population, with mental domains more impacted than physical domains (mean difference 58.43, 95% confidence interval [-71.49, -45.37]). Our study demonstrates compromised memory and attention functions, persisting anxiety/depression symptoms and a generally reduced quality of life in patients surviving from acute acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. New clinical strategies should be considered to improve these symptoms

    Geographical information retrieval with ontologies of place

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    Geographical context is required of many information retrieval tasks in which the target of the search may be documents, images or records which are referenced to geographical space only by means of place names. Often there may be an imprecise match between the query name and the names associated with candidate sources of information. There is a need therefore for geographical information retrieval facilities that can rank the relevance of candidate information with respect to geographical closeness of place as well as semantic closeness with respect to the information of interest. Here we present an ontology of place that combines limited coordinate data with semantic and qualitative spatial relationships between places. This parsimonious model of geographical place supports maintenance of knowledge of place names that relate to extensive regions of the Earth at multiple levels of granularity. The ontology has been implemented with a semantic modelling system linking non-spatial conceptual hierarchies with the place ontology. An hierarchical spatial distance measure is combined with Euclidean distance between place centroids to create a hybrid spatial distance measure. This is integrated with thematic distance, based on classification semantics, to create an integrated semantic closeness measure that can be used for a relevance ranking of retrieved objects

    Anabolic steroids purchased on the Internet as a cause of prolonged hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

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    OBJECTIVE: To report a case of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to the chronic abuse of anabolic steroids purchased over the Internet. DESIGN: Case report. SETTING: Endocrinology unit of the University of Brescia. PATIENT(S): A 34-year-old man. INTERVENTION(S): A single dose (100 μg) of triptorelin (triptorelin test). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Clinical symptoms, androgen normalization, levels of serum testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. RESULT(S): Within 1 month, the patient's serum testosterone was in the normal range, and he reported a return to normal energy and libido. CONCLUSION(S): The World Anti-Doping Code has proved to be a very powerful and effective tool in the harmonization of antidoping efforts worldwide, but it is insufficient to combat this illegal phenomenon. To tackle the serious side effects caused by doping we believe that it is necessary to increase monitoring and adopt severe sanctions, particularly with regard to Internet sites

    Emissions from dryer vents during use of fragranced and fragrance-free laundry products

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    Fragranced laundry products emit a range of volatile organic compounds, including hazardous air pollutants. Exposure to fragranced emissions from laundry products has been associated with adverse health effects such as asthma attacks and migraine headaches. Little is known about volatile emissions from clothes dryer vents and the effectiveness of strategies to reduce concentrations and risks. This study investigates volatile emissions from six residential dryer vents, with a focus on d-limonene. It analyses and compares concentrations of d-limonene during use of fragranced and fragrance-free laundry products, as well as changes in switching from fragranced to fragrance-free products. In households using fragranced laundry detergent, the highest concentration of d-limonene from a dryer vent was 118g/m(3) (mean 33.34g/m(3)). By contrast, in households using only fragrance-free detergent, the highest concentration of d-limonene from a dryer vent was 0.26g/m(3) (mean 0.25g/m(3)). After households using fragranced detergent switched to using fragrance-free detergent, the concentrations of d-limonene in dryer vent emissions were reduced by up to 99.7% (mean 79.1%). This simple strategy of switching to fragrance-free products significantly and almost completely eliminated d-limonene emissions. Results from this study demonstrate that changing from fragranced to fragrance-free products can be a straightforward and effective approach to reduce ambient air pollution and potential health risks