37 research outputs found

    The role and place of health education in the curricula of secondary schools in Lodz

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    Prezentowana publikacja dotyczy wybranych zagadnień związanych z kulturą fizyczną i zdrowotną współczesnego człowieka. Autorzy – specjaliści z zakresu pedagogiki, nauk medycznych i nauk o kulturze fizycznej – podejmują m.in. problematykę wartości kultury fizycznej w procesie kształcenia i wychowania, współczesnych czynników promocji zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej, zdrowotnych uwarunkowań aktywności ruchowej czy społecznych kontekstów idei olimpijskiej. Tematyka ta wpisuje się w ważny nurt rozważań, w którym poszukuje się nowych rozwiązań pedagogicznych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do idei edukacji olimpijskiej i zdrowotnej.The article presents health education in the context of health issues as social values and the objective of the programme. The authors were trying to find out what is the opinion of youth and physical education teachers concerning school health education. Therefore, an attempt was made to present the current status of health education in secondary schools teaching programmes using the empirical studies that have been carried out among 100 pupils and 30 teachers of physical education in 5 secondary schools in Lodz. In the research process an opinion of respondents was regarded significant about the health education in the process of teaching, as well as their ratio to the health as values. On the basis of the analysis of the research results it is possible to notice, that opinion of girls and boys, as well as teachers of physical education on health concerns differ significantly from each other. The last part are the conclusions, which are at the same time, an attempt to present the role and place of health education in the school curricula of the tested schools

    Material engineering for atopic dermatitis treatment

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a prevalence of 30% for children and to 17% for adults. There is observed an increasing trend of occurring AD over time in the world. Many factors contribute to the development of the disease, such as environmental, genetic and psychological factors. The proper AD treatment should be complexed and consists of skin care with emollients and pharmacological treatment. Most of the topical corticosteroids and other drugs have unpleasant side effects, therefore, developing new therapies is very useful. To minimalize side effects with a simultaneous reduction in the duration, a NPs (nanoparticles) therapy application is highly proposed. On the other hand, hydrogels and their shielding properties with high hydrating level and drug delivery capability are also widely studied. Some works report on the combination of these two solutions with promising results. Material engineering for biomedical applications is a dynamically growing field which offers new drug delivery systems (DDS). In this paper, based on the literature we discuss the new methods of AD treatment using hydrogels and nanotechnology

    Effect of temperature on tolbutamide binding to glycated serum albumin

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    Glycation process occurs in protein and becomes more pronounced in diabetes when an increased amount of reducing sugar is present in bloodstream. Glycation of protein may cause conformational changes resulting in the alterations of its binding properties even though they occur at a distance from the binding sites. The changes in protein properties could be related to several pathological consequences such as diabetic and nondiabetic cardiovascular diseases, cataract, renal dysfunction and Alzheimer's disease. The experiment was designed to test the impact of glycation process on sulfonylurea drug tolbutamide-Albumin binding under physiological (T = 309 K) and inflammatory (T = 311 K and T = 313 K) states using fluorescence and UV-VIS spectroscopies. It was found in fluorescence analysis experiments that the modification of serum albumin in tryptophanyl and tyrosyl residues environment may affect the tolbutamide (TB) binding to albumin in subdomain IIA and/or IIIA (Sudlow's site I and/or II), and also in subdomains IB and IIB. We estimated the binding of tolbutamide to albumin described by a mixed nature of interaction (specific and nonspecific). The association constants (Lmol-1) for tolbutamide at its high affinity sites on non-glycated albumin were in the range of 1.98-7.88 × 104 Lmol-1 (λex = 275 nm), 1.20-1.64 × 104 Lmol-1 (λex = 295 nm) and decreased to 1.24-0.42 × 104 Lmol-1 at λex = 275 nm (T = 309 K and T = 311 K) and increased to 2.79 × 104 Lmol-1 at λex = 275 nm (T = 313 K) and to 4.43-6.61 × 104 Lmol-1 at λex = 295 nm due to the glycation process. Temperature dependence suggests the important role of van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding in hydrophobic interactions between tolbutamide and both glycated and non-glycated albumin. We concluded that the changes in the environment of TB binding of albumin in subdomain IIA and/or IIIA as well as in subdomains IB and IIB influence on therapeutic effect and therefore the studies of the binding of tolbutamide (in diabetes) to transporting protein under glycation that refers to the modification of a protein are of great importance in pharmacology and biochemistry. This information may lead to the development of more effective drug therapy in people with diabetes

    Analysis of antibiotic resistance genetic conditioning of Enterobacteriaceae NDM-1 family members and the related epidemiological threat in Poland

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    Antibiotic resistance is an extremely serious threat to the modern world. Since 2008, Gram-negativerods from the Enterobacteriaceae family gained the possibility of b-lactam degradation using NDM-1carbapenemase, encoded by the blaNDM gene. It often occurs in the genome of Klebsiella pneumoniaeand can occur on both bacterial chromosome and plasmids. This creates a very high risk due to thewidespread occurrence of bacteria from this family both in the environment and in human microflora.Lack of sensitivity to popular b-lactam antibiotics is especially dangerous for patients hospitalised for along time with reduced immunity. In Poland, since 2011, the number of registered NDM+ isolates andrelated infections are constantly increasing, reaching 1780 cases in 2016. Bacilli showing the presence ofthe blaNDM gene are registered very often in the Mazowieckie and Podlaskie regions, while the numberof such cases is the lowest in the Opolskie region. Inhibiting the growing number of infections caused byEnterobacteriaceae NDM+ is extremely difficult, and one of the methods to reduce this phenomenon isstrict compliance with hygiene rules

    Well-being among IT employees working remotely : post Covid-19 reality from the perspective of IT industry

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    PURPOSE: The main goal of the article is to explore and analyse the well-being among IT employees working remotely and provides some practical implications for employer branding and virtual teams management in the post-covid reality.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Researchers were particularly interested in the IT industry as being extremely competitive in terms of maintaining job satisfaction of its employees. The quantitative research was administered in September 2021, on a group of 1,889 remote workers from the seven Polish branches of the international IT corporation, which is one of the biggest employers in the Polish IT industry.FINDINGS: Although the majority of enterprises in Poland in IT Industry do not implement well-being strategies the implication indicates that the overall level of well-being of employees in remote work is high. Additionally the research indicates that the well-being programs should be developed by companies to maintain the high level of remote workers’ well-being in three dimensions, mental, social and physical.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This paper recommends companies to invest in well-being that according to managers’ assessment has a significant impact on their sustainable development. The pandemic-induced dramatic large-scale transition to remote work, and provides an opportunity to learn about how this way of working affects employees' wellbeing. The authors concluded that employer branding strategies should be revised and include a new perspective of remote workers’ well-being needs.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This research contributes to enrich the theoretical framework for the Polish context regarding well-being among IT employees and it allows contrasting the evidence with other studies at national levels.peer-reviewe

    The assessment of pit pattern on the polyps' surface as the essential part of high quality colonoscopy

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    The meaning of the term high-quality endoscopy is gradually widening and consists of multiple elements. The highest possible quality of colonoscopies constitutes the basis of anticancer protective action by the identification and treatment of early precancerous lesions. Data from randomised trials demonstrate that only top quality endoscopy has a protective value against colon cancer morbidity. On the other hand, data coming from medical centres which do not meet high standards confirm the lack of protective anticancer value of low-quality colonoscopies and an increased rate of interval cancers. The fundamental indicators of high standards are: caecal intubation rate, adenoma detection rate, colonoscopy withdrawal time and bowel preparation. These parameters are gradually widened to include other factors such as: proximal colon polyp detection rate, retrieval rate of removed polyps, sedation practice and many others. One of the biggest challenges we have to face is the effort to perform endoscopic visual assessment of polyps in vivo. The principal aim of this action is to reduce the number of redundant histopathological tests and in general to reduce histopathology workload for very low-risk lesions, especially polyps ≤5 mm in diameter, this being the so called "resect and discard" strategy. One of useful tools is the assessment of the pattern of colonic crypt outlets, known as the pit pattern. The combination of the pit pattern and the Paris polyp classification determine high-risk lesions well in terms of advanced histology and technical problems with safe removal. Lesions originally found as unresectable should be reassessed and resected endoscopically in experienced expert centres

    Comparison of local and systemic inflammatory markers in patients with community-acquired pneumonia and pneumonia coexisting with lung cancer

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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare the local and systemic markers of inflammatory processes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and in those with pneumonia coexisting with lung cancer. Material and methods: Seventeen patients with community-acquired pneumonia (group I), 14 patients with pneumonia and lung cancer (group II), and 24 patients with lung cancer (group III) were enrolled into the study. Sixteen healthy smokers served as a control group (group IV). Concentration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-&#945;) were measured in exhaled breath condensate (EBC). The levels of VEGF and TNF-&#945; were also measured in serum. Results: The concentrations of VEGF (317.83 &#177; 77.78) and TNF-&#945; (1.98 &#177; 0.13) in EBC were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer as compared to patients with community-acquired pneumonia (VEGF 30.20 &#177; 6.56; TNF-&#945; 0.31 &#177; 0.05). Also the level of H2O2 (0.96 &#177; 0.16) in EBC in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer was elevated in comparison to patients with CAP (0.66 &#177; 0.09), however the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The serum concentrations of both studied cytokines were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia (VEGF 1112.62 &#177; &#177; 244.38 and TNF-&#945; 2.6 &#177; 0.48) than in those with pneumonia and lung cancer (VEGF 392.9 &#177; 78.2; TNF-&#945; 1.6 &#177; 0.2). Conclusions: Patients with pneumonia and lung cancer exhibited higher levels of oxidative stress and local inflammatory reactions than those with pneumonia. However, inflammatory markers in serum were significantly lower in patients with pneumonia and lung cancer as compared to those with CAP. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 90-98Wstęp: Celem pracy było porównanie markerów lokalnych i systemowych procesów zapalnych u chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (CAP) oraz zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono u 17 chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (I grupa), 14 chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca (II grupa), 24 chorych na raka płuca (III grupa) oraz u 16 osób zdrowych (IV grupa - kontrolna). Oceniano stężenie nadtlenku wodoru (H2O2), naczyniowo-śródbłonkowego czynnika wzrostu (VEGF) i czynnika martwicy nowotworów &#945; (TNF-&#945;) w kondensacie powietrza wydechowego (EBC) oraz stężenie VEGF i TNF-&#945; w surowicy. Wyniki: U chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca stwierdzono znamiennie wyższe stężenie VEGF (317,83 &#177; 77,78) i TNF-&#945; (1,98 &#177; 0,13) w kondensacie powietrza wydechowego w porównaniu z chorymi na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (VEGF 30,20 &#177; 6,56; TNF-&#945; 0,31 &#177; 0,05). Choć stężenie H2O2 (0,96 &#177; 0,16) w EBC u chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca było wyższe niż stężenie występujące u chorych na CAP (0,66 &#177; 0,09), to jednak różnica nie osiągnęła istotności statystycznej (p < 0,05). Natomiast u chorych na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc obserwowano istotnie wyższe stężenie obu badanych cytokin w surowicy krwi (VEGF 1112,62 &#177; 244,38 i TNF-&#945; 2,6 &#177; 0,48) w porównaniu z chorymi na zapalenie płuc ze współistniejącym rakiem płuca (VEGF 392,9 &#177; 78,2; TNF-&#945; 1,6 &#177; 0,2). Wnioski: Chorych na zapalenie płuc współistniejące z rakiem płuca charakteryzuje wyraźna tendencja do nasilonego miejscowego stresu oksydacyjnego oraz znamiennie wzmożona lokalna reakcja zapalna w porównaniu z chorymi na pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc. Natomiast systemowa reakcja zapalna u chorych na zapalenie płuc wraz ze współistniejącym rakiem płuca jest wyraźnie zmniejszona w stosunku do chorych na CAP. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 2: 90-9

    Effect of Palmitic Acid on Tertiary Structure of Glycated Human Serum Albumin

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    Non-enzymatic glycation is a process, which can be best described as a significant posttranslational modification of various proteins. It emerges in hyperglycemic conditions and may have an impact on albumin stability as well as its activity and physical and chemical properties, essentially affecting all its physiological functions. The goal of this research was to answer the following questions: (i) how does the glycation of defatted human serum albumin by glucose–fructose syrup (GFS) alter its tertiary structure; (ii) does palmitic acid (PA), a component of palm oil, affect the in vitro glycation process and cause conformational changes of glycated albumin; and (iii) does PA inhibit the formation of Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs)? Therefore, in order to point out differences in the tertiary structure of macromolecules, the absorption and emission of fluorescence spectra and their second derivatives, excitation fluorescence and synchronous spectra, Red-Edge Excitation Shift (REES effect), and the degree of modification of sulfhydryl groups of defatted, non-glycated (HSA) and glycated human serum albumin (gHSA) with GFS and glycated with GFS and PA were investigated. In the present study, it has been confirmed that the glycation of albumin in the presence of GFS and PA causes changes in both HSA and gHSA tertiary structures, respectively. Moreover, palmitic acid, at ratios of 1.5:1 and 3:1 with glycated albumin, does not exhibit inhibition of AGEs formation. This study indicates the fact that the structural changes, especially those of glycated albumin, are important for treatment planning because the type of the interaction between the components and their primary transporter may be altered as the disease progresses or in the elderly

    Coefficients for Assessing the Visibility of Materials Used in Anti-Smog Face Masks

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    The application of phosphorescence for the modification of face mask materials is motivated by the need to appreciably increase their visibility while using graphical elements with a relatively small area. Phosphorescent dyes absorb part of the visible spectrum while emitting radiation at wavelengths that are longer than the absorbed ones. Thus, a phosphorescent substance can emit light even if it is not being illuminated at a given time (but was before). This paper describes studies of the optical properties based on parameters such as the reflectance coefficient, chromaticity coordinates, as well as luminance measured from digital images for two models of smog-protective face half-masks differing in terms of their inner layer with filtration properties and outer printed layer. The external surface of one mask type is printed with a phosphorescent solid star pattern, while the other with a phosphorescent open star pattern. The influence of the inner filter layer was assessed in correlation with the colour of the outer layer and the type of printing. Moreover, the phenomenon of phosphorescence was identified. The study resulted in developing a material with properties providing better visibility under defined use conditions

    In Vitro Investigations of Acetohexamide Binding to Glycated Serum Albumin in the Presence of Fatty Acid

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    The interaction of drugs with human serum albumin (HSA) is an important element of therapy. Albumin affects the distribution of the drug substance in the body, as well as its pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. On the one hand, inflammation and protein glycation, directly associated with many pathological conditions and old age, can cause structural and functional modification of HSA, causing binding disorders. On the other hand, the widespread availability of various dietary supplements that affect the content of fatty acids in the body means that knowledge of the binding activity of transporting proteins, especially in people with chronic diseases, e.g., diabetes, will achieve satisfactory results of the selected therapy. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a mixture of fatty acids (FA) with different saturated and unsaturated acids on the affinity of acetohexamide (AH), a drug with hypoglycaemic activity for glycated albumin, simulating the state of diabetes in the body. Based on fluorescence studies, we can conclude that the presence of both saturated and unsaturated FA disturbs the binding of AH to glycated albumin. Acetohexamide binds more strongly to defatted albumin than to albumin in the presence of fatty acids. The competitive binding of AH and FA to albumin may influence the concentration of free drug fraction and thus its therapeutic effect