98 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Responsibility in the Polish Companies

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    The aim of this study was the attempt to investigate corporate social responsibility in the selected Polish companies. During the research procedure it was possible: to determine general awareness in the investigated companies in terms of their social responsibility activities; to determine the level of competence and the use of available tools as well as CRS standards. Due to the established aims of research, the following assumptions were formulated: Corporate social responsibility plays a significant role in the business activities that are undertaken by the researched companies. Selected Polish companies abide by international CRS quality standards

    Kruchość chorych kierowanych na operacje kardiochirurgiczne — badanie pilotażowe

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    Introduction. Frailty has been recently approved in many surgical fields as the acknowledged preoperative predictor of adverse postoperative complications. Several methods are available to assess frailty assessment which focus on different patient-related data. The aims of the study were: 1) to verify whether frailty may predict early postoperative complications in cardiac surgery; and 2) to investigate the agreement between objective and subjective assessment of frailty. Material and methods. This prospective study included 54 consecutive patients (32 men; median age 75 years) hospitalized between December 2015 and February 2016. Frailty was assessed using the Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS, subjective tool) and the Modified Frailty Index (MFI, objective tool). Complications were evaluated based on medical records. Results. The median EFS was 6 (IQR 5–7) points. Frailty was observed in 15% and vulnerability in 49% of subjects. The median MFI was 0.45 (IQR 0.36–0.56). We found a weak correlation between frailty and the length of hospital stay (EFS: r = 0.22; P = 0.1; MFI: r = 0.324; P = 0.02). Neither tools could predict the occurrence of postoperative complications (EFS: AUROC = 0.602; 95% CI 0.459–0.732; P = 0.2; MFI: AUROC = 0.532; 95% CI 0.389–0.670; P = 0.2). We found no correlation between EFS and MFI (r = 0.05, P = 0.7). Conclusions. Although many elderly cardiac surgical patients are at risk of frailty, none of the evaluated methods could predict postoperative complications. Available diagnostic tools to assess frailty cannot be used interchangeably. Subjective assessment (by a patient) should be verified by objective evaluation (by a treating physician) and conclusions should be drawn based on the overall clinical picture

    Morphokinetic parameters as a source of information concerning embryo developmental and implantation potential

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to present the results of time-lapse observation and to verify whether morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential. Material and methods: The analysed data concern the development of 1,060 embryos, 898 of which (84.72%) achieved the blastocyst stage and 307 were transferred into the uterine cavity. As a result, 126 (41.04%) biochemical pregnancies and 109 (35.50%) clinical pregnancies were observed. Time from fertilisation to further divisions into 2–9 blastomeres, first to fourth round of cleavage, second to third synchronisation parameters and the duration of stages after the first, second and third division were analysed. Results: Most of the parameters in the group of embryos developed to the blastocyst stage reached lower values than in the non-developed group. Moreover, parameters in the first group clearly had less dispersion. The differences between the groups with and without a biochemical pregnancy were smaller than the differences in the analysis of development to the blastocyst stage. However, in the case of clinical pregnancy analysis, there were again larger differences between both groups. A strong correlation was found between the majority of absolute morphokinetic parameters. A weaker, but still statistically significant correlation, was established between relative and other parameters. Conclusions: Morphokinetic parameters are associated with embryo developmental and implantation potential and can be considered as predictors of their quality. However, the development of efficient pregnancy prediction models needs further research utilising information from all available parameters and using advanced biostatistical methods

    Effects of Sitting Callisthenic Balance and Resistance Exercise Programs on Cognitive Function in Older Participants

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    Background: Exercise training programs have the potential to improve cognitive function in older subjects. However, the majority of training programs are based on aerobic modality. In the current study, the influence of 3 months programs of sitting callisthenic balance (SCB) and resistance training (RT) on cognitive functioning and the mediating role that a change in the level of neurotrophic factors and strength in older, healthy participants plays were examined. Material and methods: Global cognitive function was examined using MoCA, short-term memory using Digit Span and Delayed Matching to Sample, set shifting using Trial Making Test Part B, speed of processing simple visual stimuli using Simple Reaction Time, decision making using Choice Reaction Time, visual attention with Visual Attention Test (VAT), tests. Strength of lower and upper limbs, neurotrophin level (irisin, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), neurotrophin 4/5 (NT 4/5) were examined. Results: Improved scores in RT vs. SCB were noted in MoCA (p = 0.02), reaction time in SRT (p = 0.02), TMT B (p = 0.03), errors committed in CRT (p = 0.04) and VAT (p = 0.02) were observed. No significant changes in the level of neurotrophic factors were observed. Changes in upper limb strength were related to changes in the number of errors committed in the SRT (p = 0.03). Lower limb strength changes explained the dynamics of the number of correct answers (p = 0.002) and errors committed (p = 0.006) in VAT. Conclusions: Both SCB and RT influenced multiple cognitive domains. The RT program improved global cognitive functioning, while no improvement was noticed in the SCB group. Decision making, visual attention and global cognitive function were improved after the RT program. Set-shifting, short-term visual memory processing speed of simple visual stimuli were improved after the SCB program, while a decrease in the processing speed of simple visual stimuli was noted in the RT group. Changes in irisin were related to set-shifting and short-term memory, while in BDNF to an improvement in the processing speed of simple visual stimuli. Resistance exercise training programs could be applied to prevent age related declines of cognitive function in healthy older subjects

    Pre-operative high-dose-rate brachytherapy in early-stage cervical cancer: long-term single-center results

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to report the outcomes of pre-operative high-dose-rate brachytherapy (pHDRBT), followed by hysterectomy in patients with early cervical cancer. Material and methods: From January, 1998 to December, 2003, 113 women with IB1, IB2, and IIA1 cervical cancer (according to International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics [FIGO] 2018) were treated with pHDR-BT, and 6 to 8 weeks later followed by radical hysterectomy. Patients found to have positive lymph nodes, residual cervical cancer, involved parametria, or lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) received post-operative adjuvant therapy. Results: Post-operatively, 81.4% of patients had a complete response to pHDR-BT in the cervix, and 18.6% had residual cervical cancer. Failures occurred in 11/113 (9.7%) patients (all were stage IIA1), with pelvic recurrences in 5/113 (4.4%) and distant metastasis (DM) in 6/113 (5.3%). The 5- and 10-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates were 100% for IB1 and IB2, and 86.4% and 81.3% for IIA1, respectively. Lymph node involvement and/or residual cervical cancer correlated with worse DFS. Two vesicovaginal fistulas were observed (one in a patient treated only with pHDRBT and one in a woman, who underwent adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy [EBRT]). Two rectovaginal fistulas and one case of proctitis were observed in patients treated with adjuvant EBRT. Conclusions: pHDR-BT in early cervical cancer is well-tolerated and effective in sterilizing tumor cells in the cervix. The growing number of publications in this area may help define an optimal therapeutic scheme, but randomized trials are required to determine the best candidates for this treatment modality. In our opinion, cervical cancer patients with FIGO stage IIA1 are not good candidates for pHDR-BT, and could be given this treatment only after rigorous selection, including assessment with state-of-the-art imaging, due to higher probability of treatment failure

    Vaccination against influenza among medical students of selected Medical Universities in Poland in the 2014/2015 influenza season

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    Vaccinations against influenza are one of the most beneficial elements of prevention. Adoption of measures to popularize vaccination among reluctant to be vaccinated against influenza Polish population, especially in the environment of future doctors should be one of the priorities in the universities. The article analyzes the level of basic knowledge, opinions and declared behaviors related to influenza and its prevention among medical students of selected Medical University in Poland. The study included 1,031 individuals during the 2014/2015 epidemic. It represented a diverse population of sex, age, place of residence. For the purpose of the research an original questionnaire was used. The results were subjected to statistical analysis, which reveals that only 76 individuals got inoculated against influenza, which accounted for only 7.37% of the study population of students studying in various academic centers in Poland. Analysis of own research shows that regularly over the last five influenza seasons only 70 individuals (6.79%) have got inoculated, while the vast majority – 72.45% of the population did not get inoculated at all, and 20.75% occasionally declared inoculation against the influenza. Despite seasonal influenza epidemics, undertaken educational and preventive tests among vulnerable group rather a pessimistic picture emerges of the Polish population

    New Medicine Service as support for medication adherence by chronically ill patients

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    Effective management of the treatment for chronically ill patients is a multifactorial process. The crucial is an accurate diagnosis, appropriate and well-designed pharmacotherapy, as well as patient medication adherence. Adherence is defined as the extent to which patients are able to follow the general practitioner's recommendations for the prescribed treatments. Patients’ reasons for deviating from the treatment plan are diverse and may be intentional or unintentional. They may be non-adherent during different stages of their treatment. Some patients may decide not to fill physician prescriptions and not start their treatment at all. Patients may use more or less than the prescribed medication or use their treatments at the wrong time. They may also discontinue therapy prematurely. The common reasons for medication non-adherence may include lack of symptoms, improvement in health, in patients’ subjective opinion, fear of potential side effects, long-term conditions, multimorbidity, and polypharmacy. Poor knowledge about medicines can also lead to severe consequences such as non-adherence. Several interventions may contribute to improved adherence. The current legislation in pharmaceutical care enables registered pharmacists to intervene successfully when a medicine is prescribed, increase effective medicine taking for the treatment of a long-term condition, and optimize the therapy; they also may offer the patient, opportunistic advice on healthy living or public health topics in line with the promotion of healthy lifestyles. One of the proposed pharmaceutical care services for Polish patients – the New Medicine Service, was introduced in England in 2011 as support for subjects starting a newly initiated medication for long-term treatment. The article presents the assumptions and goals for this pharmaceutical consultation in polish system of health care, discusses the interview schedule and forms, and describes the service's beneficial contribution to better medication adherence by chronically ill patients

    What has changed in the prevalence of hypertension in dialyzed children during the last decade?

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    Background: Hypertension very often accompanies progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children. A cross-sectional analysis of hypertension prevalence in dialyzed children in Poland was designed with a comparison with the data previously recorded 10 years earlier. Methods: Two cohorts of children were analyzed: 59 subjects dialyzed in 2013, and 134 children from the previous study performed in 2003 that were reevaluated according to the current methodology. The incidence of hypertension (defined by SDS of sBP or dBP >1.64), clinical data, medical history, dialysis modalities and selected biochemical parameters of dialysis adequacy were analyzed. Results: The prevalence of hypertension increased from 64% in 2003 to 78% in 2013. The efficacy of antihypertensive treatment remained unsatisfactory (61% proper BP control). Preservation of residual urine output and strict fluid balance may prevent development of hypertension in children on dialysis. Conclusions: Despite the higher awareness of hypertension and its complications in dialyzed children, the incidence of this entity has increased during the last decade, with the percentage of undertreated patients comparable to that observed 10 years ago. Thus, more attention should be paid to therapy efficacy in this population to prevent further damage to the cardiovascular system and to decrease morbidity