94 research outputs found

    Znaczenie pracy zawodowej w życiu matek wychowujących dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi

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    Developmental tasks that give a sense of agency, responsibility and independence are important in an adult’s life. These include taking up a job and keeping it as long as possible while experiencing satisfaction and fulfilment, as well as starting a family. Today, women very often feel a strong need to fulfil family and professional roles. Connecting these important living spaces is a big challenge, especially when in the family there are children with special educational needs. The article presents the results of the research on the importance of professional work in the lives of women who raise children with disabilities or other developmental difficulties.W życiu dorosłego człowieka ważne są zadania rozwojowe, które dają poczucie sprawstwa, odpowiedzialności i samodzielności. Należą do nich podjęcie pracy i utrzymanie jej jak najdłużej przy jednoczesnym doświadczaniu satysfakcji i spełnienia, a także założenie rodziny. Współcześnie kobiety bardzo często odczuwają silną potrzebę realizowania się w rolach rodzinno-zawodowych. Łączenie tych ważnych przestrzeni życia jest dużym wyzwaniem, zwłaszcza gdy w rodzinie są dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań, dotyczące znaczenia pracy zawodowej w życiu kobiet, które wychowują dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami, czy też innymi trudnościami rozwojowymi

    The area of farms and their influence on generating negative externalities

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    Purpose: The aim of the research is to identify and assess the negative external effects of agricultural activity and determine whether their level is dependent on the size of farms, agricultural area expressed, in spatial terms in Poland. Design/Methodology/Approach: The time range of the collected research material covered the years 2008-2015. A synthetic measure of the assessment was used, which enabled ranking the studied regions in terms of the indicator of agri-environmental externalities. In order to verify the accepted hypothesis, an econometric model explaining the relationship between the emerging environmental effects and the surface of farms is proposed. The collected empirical material aggregated in the panel form is used to build the model. Findings: The results indicate significant differences in the generation of negative environmental effects between regions in Poland. It is also found that there is a relationship between the size of agricultural area on farms and the level of negative agri-environmental externalities. Practical Implications: The results obtained may be used for development of the agricultural policy, aimed at agricultural companies, depending on their size, expressed as the area of arable land. Originality/Value: The results are original due to the possibility of being used in any country (region). They enable identification of environmental threats caused by agricultural production, depending on farm agricultural enterprise size. They may be used for development of prospective scenarios for agricultural policy.peer-reviewe

    Saponins as cytotoxic agents: a review

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    Saponins are natural glycosides which possess a wide range of pharmacological properties including cytotoxic activity. In this review, the recent studies (2005–2009) concerning the cytotoxic activity of saponins have been summarized. The correlations between the structure and the cytotoxicity of both steroid and triterpenoid saponins have been described as well as the most common mechanisms of action

    Kreacje zawodowe matek w ich narracjach

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    Today, many women strive to actively participate in the social space by realizing themselves professionally. The sphere of work becomes as equally important space as family or many others. The increasing level of unemployment has led many young people to reflect on their future in the context of finding employment. Quite often, one finds such statements that higher education does not guarantee finding a job; that one needs experience that is difficult to obtain for young people, and contacts in a given branch highly determine the fact of gaining employment. Such situation inspired me to search for the space for research that would allow for showing a completely different perspective on this aspect. In the following article, I present a study of cases – these are three stories of women who have been successful not only professionally, but also in the sphere of their families. Despite the fact that they encountered a variety of difficulties, they have not given up and consistently pursued their dreams and passions. The study I have realized can be characterized as qualitative research; I made three narrative interviews and the collected empirical material has been carefully analysed in accordance with the accepted concept of Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman. I believe that the presented results of the research shall open some space for optimism and will encourage other women-mothers to take similar initiatives in the professional space.Współcześnie wiele kobiet chce aktywnie uczestniczyć w przestrzeni społecznej, realizując się zawodowo. Sfera pracy staje się równie ważną przestrzenią, podobnie jak rodzina czy wiele innych. Wzrastający poziom bezrobocia skłania młodych ludzi do refleksji nad ich przyszłością w kontekście znalezienia zatrudnienia. Niejednokrotnie spotykamy się ze stwierdzeniami, że studia wyższe nie gwarantują znalezienia pracy, że potrzebne jest doświadczenie, które trudno zdobyć młodemu człowiekowi, a w zatrudnieniu ogromne znaczenie odgrywają znajomości w danej branży. Taki stan rzeczy zainspirował mnie do poszukiwania przestrzeni do badań, które pozwoliłyby mi na pokazanie zupełnie innej perspektywy w tym aspekcie. W ramach artykułu prezentuję studium przypadków - są to trzy historie kobiet, które odniosły sukces nie tylko zawodowy, ale także w sferze rodzinnej, choć napotykały na różne trudności, to nie poddały się i konsekwentnie realizowały swoje marzenia i pasje. Badania, jakie zrealizowałam mają charakter badań jakościowych. Dokonałam trzech wywiadów narracyjnych, zaś zebrany materiał empiryczny poddałam wnikliwej analizie zgodnie z przyjętą koncepcją M.B. Milesa i A.M. Hubermana. Wierzę, że zaprezentowane wyniki badań pozwolą otworzyć przestrzeń optymizmu i będą zachęcały inne kobiety-matki do podejmowania podobnych inicjatyw w przestrzeni zawodowej

    Selected aspects of change adoption and of the functioning of business process management offices in enterprises

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    Enterprises adapt their activities and structures to the requirements of the environment. One such measure, aimed at a more complete implementation of environmental requirements, is the adoption of process orientation. To this end, organizations take a number of different steps, one of them being to establish a business process management office to support various internal initiatives and thus strengthen the overall performance of the organization. The aim of this article is to present, based on personal research, the actual measures taken by Polish process-managed enterprises. This study attempts to indicate, against the backdrop of the research, the course of action prevalent in these measures and the resulting restrictions


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    Regulation of the abundance of Y‑family polymerases in the cell cycle of budding yeast in response to DNA damage

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    Y-family DNA polymerases mediate DNA damage tolerance via translesion synthesis (TLS). Because of the intrinsically error-prone nature of these enzymes, their activities are regulated at several levels. Here, we demonstrate the common regulation of the cellular abundance of Y-family polymerases, polymerase eta (Pol eta), and Rev1, in response to DNA damage at various stages of the cell cycle. UV radiation influenced polymerase abundance more when cells were exposed in S-phase than in G1- or G2-phases. We noticed two opposing effects of UV radiation in S-phase. On one hand, exposure to increasing doses of UV radiation at the beginning of this phase increasingly delayed S-phase progression. As a result, the accumulation of Pol eta and Rev1, which in nonirradiated yeast is initiated at the S/G2-phase boundary, was gradually shifted into the prolonged S-phase. On the other hand, the extent of polymerase accumulation was inversely proportional to the dose of irradiation, such that the accumulation was significantly lower after exposure to 80 J/m2 in S-phase than after exposure to 50 J/m2 or 10 J/m2. The limitation of polymerase accumulation in S-phase-arrested cells in response to high UV dose was suppressed upon RAD9 (but not MRC1) deletion. Additionally, hydroxyurea, which activates mainly the Mrc1-dependent checkpoint, did not limit Pol eta or Rev1 accumulation in S-phase-arrested cells. The results show that the accumulation of Y-family TLS polymerases is limited in S-phase-arrested cells due to high levels of DNA damage and suggest a role of the Rad9 checkpoint protein in this process