56 research outputs found

    Physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients – why lack of motivation to exercise is present?

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    In recent years a great interest in rehabilitation and physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients have developed. Despite having numerous exercise options, adverse effects of a lack of movement still are seen in this group of patients. The reasons of insufficient physical activity amongst hemodialysed patients are complications related to chronic diseases and renal replacement therapy. For patients suffering from kidney failure it is crucial to adhere to recommendations relating to regular physical activity in order to maintain health and good quality of life

    Sclerostin - a potential new marker of exercise influence on vascular calcification and mineral and bone disorder in hemodialysed adults

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    Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is defined as abnormalities of kidney structure or function, present for >3 months, with implications for health. Amongst CKD complications the most fatal is cardiovascular disease, which together with Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) share a possible origin in Wnt signaling pathway disturbances. Sclerostin, a potent Wnt signaling inhibitor may possibly be used as a potential new marker of exercise influence on vascular calcification and mineral and bone disorder in hemodialysed adults

    Risk factors for work-related eczema and urticaria among vocational students of agriculture

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    Introduction and objective. Farmers are at high risk of occupational skin diseases which may start already during vocational training. This study was aimed at identification of risk factors for work-related skin diseases among vocational students of agriculture. Materials and method. The study involved 440 students (245 males, 195 females aged 17–21 years) in 11 vocational schools which were at least 100 km from each other. The protocol included a physician-managed questionnaire and medical examination, skin prick tests, patch tests, total IgE and Phadiatop. Logistic regression model was used for the identification of relevant risk factors. Results. Work-related dermatoses were diagnosed in 29 study participants (6.6%, 95%CI: 4.3–8.9%): eczema in 22, urticaria in 14, and co-existence of both in 7 students. Significant risk factors for work-related eczema were: history of respiratory allergy (OR=10.10; p<0.001), history of eczema (itchy rash) provoked by wet work and detergents before entering the school (OR=5.85; p<0.001), as well as history of contact dermatitis to metals, rubber or cosmetics prior to inscription (OR=2.84; p=0.016), and family history of any skin disease (OR=2.99; p=0.013). Significant risk factors for work-related urticaria were: history of allergic rhinitis and asthma prior to inscription (OR=7.29; p=0.006), positive skin prick tests to work place allergens (OR=4.65; p=0.002) and to environmental allergens (OR=3.79; p=0.009), and positive Phadiatop test (OR=3.61; p=0.013). Conclusions. Work-related skin diseases are common among vocational students of agriculture. Atopy, past history of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema (either atopic, allergic or irritant) are relevant risk factors for work-related eczema and urticaria in young farmers, along with family history of any skin disease. Positive skin prick tests seem relevant, especially in the case of urticaria. Asking simple, aimed questions during health checks while enrolling students into agricultural schools would suffice to identify students at risk for work-related eczema and urticaria, giving them the chance for selecting a safer profession, and hopefully avoiding an occupational disease in the future

    Alloying Effect in Low Loaded Rh Catalysts Supported on High Surface Area Alumina on Their Activity in CH4 and NO Decomposition

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    In the alloys of transition metals (TM) and main group ones (MGM) the valence electrons from MGM can fill the d band of the TMs entirely and slightly increase the number of electrons in their s band (Azaroff, 1960; Kittel, 2005). Such Rh atoms enriched in electrons, present in Al-Rh alloys, were found to be very active electron donors (Pietraszek et al., 2007). It was revealed that they transfer the electrons to the antibonding Л orbital of adsorbed nitric oxide molecules causing NO decomposition to dinitrogen and dioxygen (Pietraszek et al., 2007). Due to the great difference in the Al and Rh electro-negativity, the alloys are sometimes considered as nonstoichiometric chemical compounds. Because of the large range of nonstoichiometry those compounds should rather be estimated as intermediate phases (IP) (Azaroff, 1960). The presence of the Al-Rh alloy nanocrystallites isostructural with Al9Rh2 (Bostrom et al., 2005) was earlier revealed in the freshly prepared Rh/δAl2O3 catalysts containing 0.06 and 1.5 wt.% Rh (Pietraszek et al., 2007; Zimowska et al., 2006)..

    Is There a Relationship between Leptin Concentration, Sympathetic Nervous System and Left Ventricular Mass Index in Patients with Essential Hypertension According to Gender and Body Mass Index?

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    Wstęp Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena współzależności między stężeniem leptyny a układem współczulnym, ciśnieniem tętniczym i masą lewej komory serca u chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym pierwotnym w zależności od płci i wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI). Materiał i metody Badaniami objęto 46 chorych (21K, 25M; śr. wiek 44,0 &plusmn; 8,4 roku), z nadciśnieniem tętniczym pierwotnym. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 37 ochotników (19K, 18M; śr. wiek 40,8 &plusmn; 9,8 roku). Badanych podzielono na grupy w zależności od płci i BMI (poniżej i powyżej 25). U wszystkich badanych oznaczano stężenie leptyny (RIA), noradrenaliny (NA) i adrenaliny (A) (HPLC) oraz NPY (RIA) we krwi; mierzono odsetek tkanki tłuszczowej i wykonywano badanie echokardiograficzne. Wyniki U chorych z nadciśnieniem tętniczym pierwotnym stężenie leptyny było podobne jak u osób bez nadciśnienia w porównywalnych grupach kontrolnych, było natomiast znamiennie wyższe u kobiet i u osób z nadwagą. Stężenie NA było istotnie wyższe u chorych z nadwagą. W badanych grupach nie wykazano różnic w stężeniu NPY, bez względu na płeć i BMI. Wskaźnik masy lewej komory serca (LVMI) był znamiennie wyższy u kobiet z nadciśnieniem tętniczym pierwotnym w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, niezależnie od BMI. Wieloczynnikowa analiza regresji wykazała w całej grupie badanych (n = 83) związek między leptyną a płcią, BMI, wiekiem, ciśnieniem skurczowym i NA (r2 = 0,28, p < 0,0001), a u kobiet i mężczyzn z nadciśnieniem tętniczym pierwotnym - związek między leptyną a odsetkiem tłuszczu i NA (r2 = 0,34, p < 0,001). U chorych mężczyzn z nadwagą analiza regresji wykazała związek między leptyną a LVMI i ciśnieniem rozkurczowym (DBP), natomiast u chorych kobiet z nadwagą - z wiekiem, odsetkiem tłuszczu i LVMI. Wnioski Uzyskane wyniki mogą sugerować udział leptyny w regulacji ciśnienia tętniczego poprzez układ współczulny, jak również w patogenezie przerostu masy lewej komory serca.Background The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between plasma leptin, sympathetic nervous system, blood pressure and left ventricular mass index in patients with essential hypertension (EH) according to gender and BMI. Material and methods The study included 46 patients (21F, 25M; mean age: 44,0 &plusmn; 8,4 yrs) with EH. Control group consisted of 37 volunteers (19F, 18M; mean age 40,8 &plusmn; 9,8 yrs). All subjects were divided into subgroups according to gender and BMI (). Concentration of plasma leptin (RIA), catecholamines (HPLC), NPY (RIA) and body fat percentage were determined in all subjects. In addition ECHO test was performed. Results In patients with EH plasma leptin concentration was comparable to controls, but values were significantly higher in women and in overweight patients. Plasma NA concentration was significantly elevated in overweight EH patients. No difference in NPY concentration was found in none of compared groups. LVMI was significantly higher in women with EH in comparison with controls, independently on body mass index. Multiple regression analysis indicated the relation between leptin and gender, BMI, age, systolic blood pressure and NA (r2 = 0,28, p < 0,0001) in all investigated subjects, as well as between leptin and body fat % and NA in EH patients (r2 = 0,34, p < 0,001). Multiple regression analysis indicated also the relation between leptin and LVMI, A and diastolic blood pressure (r2 = 0,54, p < 0,05) in overweight EH men as well as between leptin and age, body fat % and LVMI in overweight EH women (r2 = 0,69, p < 0,05). Conclusion This study suggests that leptin may contribute to regulation of blood pressure through sympathetic nervous system and may have implication in pathogenesis of left ventricular hypertrophy

    Organization of educational space

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    The research confirmed the relationship between the location of the student in the classroom and their activity. In practical and theory don't exist one optimal way of arranging the class space. It depends on the number of people in the group, the type of a lesson, an approach of the student and teacher, a mood or even the time of the day. This paper presents advantages and disadvantages chosen setting and are given recommendations their use

    Thiol-ene click reaction as an effective tool for the synthesis of PEG-functionalized alkoxysilanes-precursors of anti-fog coatings

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    Abstract The article presents a very simple method of glass modification to obtain the anti-fog effect. Silanes containing two types of functional groups, namely a hydrophilic and polar polyether group and an alkoxysilyl group (to bond with the surface of the modified material) were synthesized in thiol-ene reactions. The hydrothiolation reactions of polyethers containing a C=C terminal bond with mercaptoalkoxysilane proceeded efficiently, yielding quantitatively appropriate products under mild reaction conditions. This method enabled the synthesis of a series of alkoxysilanes functionalized with polyethers, differing in structure. The group of obtained derivatives was characterized by 1H, 13C, 29Si NMR, and FT-IR analyses, and then used to prepare coatings on glass using the sol–gel method. The coated glass surfaces exhibited transparency, superhydrophilic or hydrophilic properties, anti-fog and anti-frost performance

    Fluorocarbosilane-Based Protective Coatings for Concrete

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    The effectiveness of protective coatings based on 3-(2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoropentyloxy)propyltriethoxysilane (OFTES) in protecting concrete surfaces against water was tested. For the synthesis of OFTES, 2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoropentanol, which is a by-product in the synthesis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene), was used. The proposed silane is a cheaper alternative to the fluorinated organosilicon compounds currently used. The coatings were deposited by the sol-gel method. As a result of the creation of chemical bonds between the concrete surface and the silane, a coating was created that permanently increases the hydrophobicity of the concrete. Fluorine chains attached to silicon atoms are an effective barrier that prevents access to water and limits its impact on the concrete surface. As a result of the proposed silanization, the concrete surface obtained a hydrophobic character at contact angles of up to 126&deg;, and the water absorption of the concrete decreased by up to 96%