23 research outputs found

    CEL-Seq2: sensitive highly-multiplexed single-cell RNA-Seq

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    Single-cell transcriptomics requires a method that is sensitive, accurate, and reproducible. Here, we present CEL-Seq2, a modified version of our CEL-Seq method, with threefold higher sensitivity, lower costs, and less hands-on time. We implemented CEL-Seq2 on Fluidigm’s C1 system, providing its first single-cell, on-chip barcoding method, and we detected gene expression changes accompanying the progression through the cell cycle in mouse fibroblast cells. We also compare with Smart-Seq to demonstrate CEL-Seq2’s increased sensitivity relative to other available methods. Collectively, the improvements make CEL-Seq2 uniquely suited to single-cell RNA-Seq analysis in terms of economics, resolution, and ease of use.Seventh Framework Programme (European Commission)Israel Science Foundatio

    Increased DNA Damage Sensitivity and Apoptosis in Cells Lacking the Snf5/Ini1 Subunit of the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex

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    The gene encoding the SNF5/Ini1 core subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex is a tumor suppressor in humans and mice, with an essential role in early embryonic development. To investigate further the function of this gene, we have generated a Cre/lox-conditional mouse line. We demonstrate that Snf5 deletion in primary fibroblasts impairs cell proliferation and survival without the expected derepression of most retinoblastoma protein-controlled, E2F-responsive genes. Furthermore, Snf5-deficient cells are hypersensitive to genotoxic stress, display increased aberrant mitotic features, and accumulate phosphorylated p53, leading to elevated expression of a specific subset of p53 target genes, suggesting a role for Snf5 in the DNA damage response. p53 inactivation does not rescue the proliferation defect caused by Snf5 deficiency but reduces apoptosis and strongly accelerates tumor formation in Snf5-heterozygous mice

    Megakaryocyte- and erythroblast-specific cell-free DNA patterns in plasma and platelets reflect thrombopoiesis and erythropoiesis levels

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    Abstract Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragments are a biological analyte with extensive utility in diagnostic medicine. Understanding the source of cfDNA and mechanisms of release is crucial for designing and interpreting cfDNA-based liquid biopsy assays. Using cell type-specific methylation markers as well as genome-wide methylation analysis, we determine that megakaryocytes, the precursors of anuclear platelets, are major contributors to cfDNA (~26%), while erythroblasts contribute 1–4% of cfDNA in healthy individuals. Surprisingly, we discover that platelets contain genomic DNA fragments originating in megakaryocytes, contrary to the general understanding that platelets lack genomic DNA. Megakaryocyte-derived cfDNA is increased in pathologies involving increased platelet production (Essential Thrombocythemia, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura) and decreased upon reduced platelet production due to chemotherapy-induced bone marrow suppression. Similarly, erythroblast cfDNA is reflective of erythrocyte production and is elevated in patients with thalassemia. Megakaryocyte- and erythroblast-specific DNA methylation patterns can thus serve as biomarkers for pathologies involving increased or decreased thrombopoiesis and erythropoiesis, which can aid in determining the etiology of aberrant levels of erythrocytes and platelets

    Phosphorylated Ribosomal Protein S6 Is Required for Akt-Driven Hyperplasia and Malignant Transformation, but Not for Hypertrophy, Aneuploidy and Hyperfunction of Pancreatic β-Cells

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    Constitutive expression of active Akt (Akttg) drives hyperplasia and hypertrophy of pancreatic β-cells, concomitantly with increased insulin secretion and improved glucose tolerance, and at a later stage the development of insulinoma. To determine which functions of Akt are mediated by ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), an Akt effector, we generated mice that express constitutive Akt in β-cells in the background of unphosphorylatable ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6P-/-). rpS6 phosphorylation deficiency failed to block Akttg-induced hypertrophy and aneuploidy in β-cells, as well as the improved glucose homeostasis, indicating that Akt carries out these functions independently of rpS6 phosphorylation. In contrast, rpS6 phosphorylation deficiency efficiently restrained the reduction in nuclear localization of the cell cycle inhibitor p27, as well as the development of Akttg-driven hyperplasia and tumor formation in β-cells. In vitro experiments with Akttg and rpS6P-/-;Akttg fibroblasts demonstrated that rpS6 phosphorylation deficiency leads to reduced translation fidelity, which might underlie its anti-tumorigenic effect in the pancreas. However, the role of translation infidelity in tumor suppression cannot simply be inferred from this heterologous experimental model, as rpS6 phosphorylation deficiency unexpectedly elevated the resistance of Akttg fibroblasts to proteotoxic, genotoxic as well as autophagic stresses. In contrast, rpS6P-/- fibroblasts exhibited a higher sensitivity to these stresses upon constitutive expression of oncogenic Kras. The latter result provides a possible mechanistic explanation for the ability of rpS6 phosphorylation deficiency to enhance DNA damage and protect mice from Kras-induced neoplastic transformation in the exocrine pancreas. We propose that Akt1 and Kras exert their oncogenic properties through distinct mechanisms, even though both show addiction to rpS6 phosphorylation.Fil: Wittenberg, Avigail Dreazen. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Azar, Shahar. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Klochendler, Agnes. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Stolovich-Rain, Miri. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Avraham, Shlomit. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Birnbaum, Lea. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Binder Gallimidi, Adi. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Katz, Maximiliano Javier. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; Israel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TÊcnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Dor, Yuval. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; IsraelFil: Meyuhas, Oded. The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem; Israe

    Extensive elimination of acinar cells during normal postnatal pancreas growth

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    Summary: While programmed cell death plays important roles during morphogenetic stages of development, post-differentiation organ growth is considered an efficient process whereby cell proliferation increases cell number. Here we demonstrate that early postnatal growth of the pancreas unexpectedly involves massive acinar cell elimination. Measurements of cell proliferation and death in the human pancreas in comparison to the actual increase in cell number predict daily elimination of 0.7% of cells, offsetting 88% of cell formation over the first year of life. Using mouse models, we show that death is associated with mitosis, through a failure of dividing cells to generate two viable daughters. In p53-deficient mice, acinar cell death and proliferation are reduced, while organ size is normal, suggesting that p53-dependent developmental apoptosis triggers compensatory proliferation. We propose that excess cell turnover during growth of the pancreas, and presumably other organs, facilitates robustness to perturbations and supports maintenance of tissue architecture

    A transgenic mouse marking live replicating cells reveals in vivo transcriptional program of proliferation

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    Most adult mammalian tissues are quiescent, with rare cell divisions serving to maintain homeostasis. At present, the isolation and study of replicating cells from their in vivo niche typically involves immunostaining for intracellular markers of proliferation, causing the loss of sensitive biological material. We describe a transgenic mouse strain, expressing a CyclinB1-GFP fusion reporter, that marks replicating cells in the S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Using flow cytometry, we isolate live replicating cells from the liver and compare their transcriptome to that of quiescent cells to reveal gene expression programs associated with cell proliferation in vivo. We find that replicating hepatocytes have reduced expression of genes characteristic of liver differentiation. This reporter system provides a powerful platform for gene expression and metabolic and functional studies of replicating cells in their in vivo niche

    List of proteins that selectively interact with unphosphorylatable form of rpS6.

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    <p>Whole cell extract from HEK293 cells infected with pS6<sup>[5S]</sup>-GFP, pS6<sup>[5A]</sup>-GFP, pS6<sup>[5D]</sup>-GFP or pEGFP-N1, was subjected to GFP pull-down, and the bound proteins were size fractionated by SDS-polyacrlamide gel electrophoresis. Mass spectrometric analysis of proteins in each lane was performed as described in “material and Methods” and proteins, selectively bound to pS6<sup>[5A]</sup>-GFP in two independent experiments, are presented (numbers separated by slash [/] represent results obtained in each of the two individual analyses).</p