13 research outputs found

    Higher education institutions’ impact on the economy

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    Despite the strong public interest in the accountability and efficiency in education spending on higher education institutions (HEIs) in Lithuania, there are currently no existing studies which have examined the impact of HEIs on the country’s economy. In the present study, we have used a disaggregated input-output table for Lithuania’s tertiary education institutions in order to determine the output value added to the local economy by the presence of HEIs. The results of the study have revealed that HEIs contribute to the Lithuanian economy in the period of (2010–2016), with the average of gross domestic output (GDP) of 298.48 mln. euros. The present study is the first of its kind to use input-output table evaluate the impact of HEIs on Lithuania’s economy, and its results could be of significant value to the current policy debates regarding the status of higher education in Lithuania

    Assessment of technology transfer office performance for value creation in higher education institutions

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    Innovative activities, knowledge exchange, patenting and commercialization of know-how are crucial to the value creation process in higher education institutions and other research organizations. The article analyses the technology transfer performance indicators of value creation. The methodology to identify and assess the technology transfer activities with the highest impact on created value are proposed in the paper. The following research methods were invoked: FARE method, allowed to calculate weights of each technology transfer performance indicator, when TOPSIS method redress all different indicators’ results and rank universities. The application of the proposed methodology was based on empirical data collected from Lithuanian universities. The results of the study reveal the importance of science business partnerships, TTO competence and scientists’ trust of TTO, applying particular technology transfer policy. The obtained results would be beneficial for universities technology transfer policy formation to maximize universities created value

    Factors driving turnover and retention of information technology professionals

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    Taking into consideration turnover phenomenon and retention issues, the purpose of the paper is to reveal the employee perceptions on organisational and job-related factors impacting decisions to leave and to stay with the current employer. Based on theoretical discussion related to voluntary turnover and retention of employees, the research instrument was developed. A total of 143 responses were collected from employees working in private IT companies of Lithuania. The results revealed that base pay and challenging work content were perceived as the most important employment characteristics. Turnover prediction models disclose turnover intentions of project managers, which can be explained by participation in strategy development, support of top managers and negative perception of the base pay. Meanwhile, turnover intensions of heads of departments/ high level managers can be explained by negative associations with performance incentives/ bonuses, career opportunities and working conditions. The findings of the paper let us to develop theoretical insights and provide manager recommendations leading to the retention of information technology professionals

    Analysis of nutrition, body mass index and physical activity of children of Kazlu Ruda city

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    It is very important to know about the development of healthy lifestyle habits from an early age and not only family but also educational institutions and the environment must contribute to this formation. The aim of the work is to evaluate the nutrition, body mass index and physical activity of children in Kazlu Ruda city. Tasks: 1. To conduct a survey about the peculiarities of nutrition, health and physical activity of children and their parents. 2. To analyse the canteen menus at schools. 3. To evaluate the distribution of the body mass index of pupils according to the data provided in health certificates. 4. To evaluate the physical activity of children according to the data presented in the health certificates. Kazlu Ruda city educational institutions were chosen as the object of the research. The analysis of children's nutrition, body mass index and physical activities was performed. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions. 656 respondents participated in the study. Evaluating the dependency of the survey results, the SPSS program and the EXCEL / TOOLS DATA ANALYSIS package were used. In the course of the study, 15 days menus of three educational institutions were analysed. The health and physical activity of pupils was also assessed analysing the annual health certificates submitted to educational institutions (e / 027). The body mass index (BMI) of the pupils was analysed, and the physical activity analysis was done by evaluating the groups of physical education in the three-year period from 2016 onwards. It was found that only half (50.6%) of respondents considered their health to be well. Eighth grade pupils felt the worst. The girls had the highest number of complaints, most often complaining of bad mood and irritability. 29.7 percent of respondents consume fruit several times a day and 15.4 percent - vegetables. Milk, kefir and yoghurt products were consumed several times a day by 22.3 percent, while curd cheese was consumed by 35.2 percent. Sweets and chocolates were usually used several times a week by 36.3 percent and more often by girls. 40 percent of respondents consumed biscuits, cakes and pastries a few times a week; chips were eaten by 41.3 percent of respondents less than once a week; 17.3 percent used sweetened beverage including cola several times a week, and 81.3 percent of questioned do not consume any energy drinks. Sausages and pizzas are usually used less than once a week by 54.7%, usually by 6-7 grade pupils. Meat and its products are consumed by 22.3 percent several times a week. Most often, 65.3% of respondents have a fruit for a snack between meals. Every day, 23.4 percent of pupils buy school lunch, 10.6 percent – some rolls, 3.4 percent - chips and 2.2 percent buy fizzy drinks. 40.2 percent of respondents do not eat school lunch because it is tasteless. 54.2 percent of respondents walk to school and only 40.3 percent of interviewed spend 60 minutes outdoors; 20.1 percent - exercise or do sports in their free time. 52.1 do not attend any afterschool activity. The menus of educational institutions meet the catering description regulations partly. The number of pupils with overweight and obesity decreased during the period under review. Over 90 percent of pupils attending educational institutions in Kazlu Ruda do not have any health problems and can attend physical education lessons comprehensively

    The possibilities of personnel turnover stabilization in Lithuanian construction sector

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    Personnel turnover is inevitable in any organization. However, the reasons of personnel turnover and influence on the organization are often not properly evaluated or even ignored. This situation occurred because the model, which could assess and explain the turnover of personnel in enterprises, has not been developed yet. The article analyses the reasons of personnel turnover as well as the main factors which determine the personnel turnover. In addition, the nine elements model of personnel turnover stabilization is proposed. Meanwhile, the survey of Lithuanian construction companies has helped to identify the most frequent reasons of the change of employees. Further, the major elements of the proposed model of personnel turnover stabilization are analysed: wage, workplace, team spirit, recognition, self-expression, possibilities of career, management style, and relationships with employers. Article in Lithuanian. Personalo kaitos stabilizavimo galimybės Lietuvos statybos sektoriuje Santrauka. Personalo kaita neišvengiama bet kurioje organizacijoje. Tačiau dažnai personalo kaitos priežastys bei poveikis organizacijai nėra tinkamai įvertinamas ar net visai nenagrinėjamas. Tokia situacija susidarė dėl to, kad iki šiol nėra modelio, galinčio įvertinti ir paaiškinti personalo kaitą įmonėse. Straipsnyje analizuojamos personalo kaitos priežastys ir pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys  darbuotojų  kaitą,  siūlomas  personalo  kaitą  stabilizuojantis  devynių  veiksnių  modelis.  Remiantis  Lietuvos  statybos bendrovių apklausa, nustatytos dažniausios darbuotojų kaitos priežastys. Pagrindiniai siūlomo personalo kaitos stabilizavimo modelio elementai yra: darbo užmokestis, darbo aplinka, pripažinimas, saviraiška, karjeros galimybės, vadovų valdymo stilius ir santykiai su darbdaviais. Reikšminiai žodžiai: personalo kaita, stabilizavimo modelis, darbo vietos keitimas, darbuotojų kaitos priežastys

    The possibilities of personnel turnover stabilization in Lithuanian construction sector

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    Personnel turnover is inevitable in any organization. However, the reasons of personnel turnover and influence on the organization are often not properly evaluated or even ignored. This situation occurred because the model, which could assess and explain the turnover of personnel in enterprises, has not been developed yet. The article analyses the reasons of personnel turnover as well as the main factors which determine the personnel turnover. In addition, the nine elements model of personnel turnover stabilization is proposed. Meanwhile, the survey of Lithuanian construction companies has helped to identify the most frequent reasons of the change of employees. Further, the major elements of the proposed model of personnel turnover stabilization are analysed: wage, workplace, team spirit, recognition, self-expression, possibilities of career, management style, and relationships with employers. Article in Lithuanian. Personalo kaitos stabilizavimo galimybės Lietuvos statybos sektoriuje Santrauka. Personalo kaita neišvengiama bet kurioje organizacijoje. Tačiau dažnai personalo kaitos priežastys bei poveikis organizacijai nėra tinkamai įvertinamas ar net visai nenagrinėjamas. Tokia situacija susidarė dėl to, kad iki šiol nėra modelio, galinčio įvertinti ir paaiškinti personalo kaitą įmonėse. Straipsnyje analizuojamos personalo kaitos priežastys ir pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys  darbuotojų  kaitą,  siūlomas  personalo  kaitą  stabilizuojantis  devynių  veiksnių  modelis.  Remiantis  Lietuvos  statybos bendrovių apklausa, nustatytos dažniausios darbuotojų kaitos priežastys. Pagrindiniai siūlomo personalo kaitos stabilizavimo modelio elementai yra: darbo užmokestis, darbo aplinka, pripažinimas, saviraiška, karjeros galimybės, vadovų valdymo stilius ir santykiai su darbdaviais. Reikšminiai žodžiai: personalo kaita, stabilizavimo modelis, darbo vietos keitimas, darbuotojų kaitos priežastys

    Personnel training efficiency evaluation system: competitive ability aspect

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    Theoretical premises of personnel training efficiency evaluation as one of the factors establishing competitive ability advantage, while emphasising changes of working productivity, are analysed in this article. The analysis of general competitive ability models and the possible application of prospective in the companies’ competitive ability surveys are necessary when trying to clarify peculiarities of modelling competitive ability as a factor which forms the competitive advantage. Referring to the introduced arguments and analysis of theoretical scientific literature, the possible scheme of competitiveness evaluation is proposed. The provided methodology on the competitive evaluation may be in order to evaluate the competitiveness of a company. The elements of advantageous and efficient activity become weighty criterion assessing the competitive advantage. The criterion assists accurately and explicit of competitive advantage evaluation. In Lithuania, during the period of transformation competitive advantages were formed as a part on impact of such factors as qualified and cheap labour force, cheap raw materials, etc. It is worth while to notice the significance of results evaluation resources used to achieve those results in the methodology. Therefore, examining the personnel’s work efficiency as one of factors which forms the competitive advantage, it should be appropriate to identify the essence and methods of results evaluation and expenditure for resources of work (especially, in investments of personnel training). Personnel training importance when company‘s competitive ability is established. After analysis of modern attitudes towards personnel training efficiency evaluation it was determined that there is no coherent personnel training efficiency evaluation system.Performed analysis of questionnaire research data on companies’ attitude towards personnel training efficiency evaluation has shown that opinions of the companies also are not completely established. Place of personnel training efficiency evaluation system while evaluating company‘s competitive ability is provided, with a reference to competitive ability and personnel training efficiency evaluation methods. The position of personnel training efficiency evaluation system determined in common evaluation system of competitiveness permits evaluation and not only the impact of material devices on benefit, but also the return on investments in human factor, and the impact on working profitability. The suggested objective of personnel training may have an impact on different levels of evaluation. The proposed integrated training efficiency evaluation system is based on various objectives, levels, criteria, objects and methods in evaluation, and evaluation of the effects. Personnel evaluation system might be used in organizations in which the training is performed, and the system may be the basis of personnel training efficiency evaluation. The training efficiency evaluation acquires the strategic significance in the competitive advantage formation