3,657 research outputs found

    Person-Centered Care Provider Tip Sheet

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    Maine Primary Partners in Caregiving

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    The Maine Primary Partners in Caregiving project placed an emphasis on identification of caregivers and providing support to this group of individuals. Eighty percent of all elder caregiving occurs within the home setting, and this is often stressful due to constant challenges. The goals of this project involve demonstrating that rural primary health care practices are an effective point of early intervention, to show that caregivers will accept and utilize information, support and training, to demonstrate that the multiple risks of rural caregiving will be ameliorated by a combination of information, support, and training, by MPPC Caregiver Specialists, and to show that a productive community service partnership among primary care practitioners, a health care provider, AAAs, and a university center on aging can be established and sustained in service to family caregivers. The project utilizes brief screenings on all individuals over the age of 18 during routine PCP visits. The responses acquired during these screenings determines the appropriate action to be taken, which may include help such as follow-up phone calls or ongoing assistance. Through the project, it was concluded that higher depression scores are associated with lower levels of expressed caregiver competency and confidence, increased perceptions of caregiver burden, a greater sense of social isolation, and smaller social networks. New focuses on early intervention and proactive patient care is coming to light in order to increase awareness and support systems. This project manual evaluates the screening and referral processes as well as looks at future funding and support aspects


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pencapaian kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik di kelas VIII-A. Hal ini tampak pada peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran sebelum penelitian yaitu belum optimalnya komunikasi yang efektif, kurangnya kerjasama dalam kelompok, belum maksimalnya pelaksanaan tanggung jawab, tidak terbiasanya untuk berempati, dan minimnya aspek asertif. Selain itu guru juga belum pernah memanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai sumber belajar dalam pembelajaran IPS. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik dan membiasakan guru untuk memanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai sumber belajar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang merujuk pada pola desain penelitian Kemmis and Mc. Taggart, yaitu penelitian tindakan dipandang sebagai suatu siklus spiral dari penyusunan perencanaan (plan), pelaksanaan tindakan (act), pengamatan (observe), dan refleksi (reflect). Penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga siklus terdiri dari delapan tindakan dengan mengundang narasumber dari komite sekolah, pemilik toko/warung, tokoh agama, kepala desa, TNI, petugas Puskesmas, polisi, dan kepala BPD. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan audio-visual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan rerata kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik setelah dilakukan penelitian dalam tiga siklus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada siklus pertama, kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik bernilai 2,31 dengan kategori cukup. Pada siklus kedua terjadi peningkatan rata-rata kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik bernilai 2,38 dengan kategori cukup, dan pada siklus ketiga terjadi peningkatan kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik menjadi bernilai 2,64 dengan kategori baik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan masyarakat sebagai sumber belajar dalam pembelajaran IPS dapat meningkatkan kompetensi keterampilan sosial peserta didik.-----The background of this research is the lack of achievement of the social skills of the students in class VIII-A. This is seen in the student in the learning process before the research that is not optimal in effective communication, lack of cooperation in the group, not maximizing the implementation of responsibility, not used to empathize, and the lack of assertive aspects. In addition, teachers also have not used the community as a learning resource in social studies learning. The purpose of this research is to improve the competence of social skills of student and familiarize teachers to utilize the community as a learning resource. The research method used in this research is Classroom Action Research which refers to the design pattern of Kemmis and Mc research. Taggart, action research is seen as a spiral cycle of planning, action, observe, and reflection. The study was conducted in three cycles consisting of eight actions by inviting resource persons from school committees, shop owners/stalls, religious leaders, village heads, TNI, Puskesmas officers, police, and head of BPD. Techniques of collecting data using observation, interview, documentation, and audio-visual. The results showed that there was an increase in the average competence of social skills of students after the research in three cycles. Based on the results of research in the first cycle, the competence of social skills of students worth 2.31 with enough category. In the second cycle there is an increase in the average competence of social skills of students worth 2.38 with enough category, and in the third cycle there is an increase in the social skills competence of learners to be worth 2.64 with good category. It can be concluded that the utilization of community as a learning resource in social studies can improve the student’s social skills competence

    Moving from Place to Place Northern Maine Edition: A Consumer Navigation Guide for Seniors Involved in Health Care Transitions

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    The University of Maine Center on Aging and the Eastern Area Agency on Aging published a guide for older adults transitioning from one living situation to another. Topics discussed include transitioning from hospital to home, home to nursing home, moving from a hospital or nursing home to rehabilitation, and keeping track of medications at home


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    The NIA maintains a year-round scientific planning process that draws upon interactions with scientists throughout the world, members of Congress, the Institute's National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) and other advisory committees, constituency groups, and the public. These interactions stimulate internal consideration of potential new research strategies and provide a broad perspective for refining plans. Emphasis is given to novel proposals and collaborative projects that promise to stimulate activities with other research organizations

    A Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities

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    [Excerpt] This Toolkit provides the Aging Network and its partners with a replicable and easy-to-use method for providing respectful, inclusive, and sensitive services for any diverse community. The Toolkit consists of a four-step process and a questionnaire that assists professionals, volunteers and grassroots advocates with every stage of program planning, implementation and service delivery for older adult communities, their families and caregivers. The core principles of the toolkit include respect, inclusion and sensitivity as the hallmarks of quality service. This Toolkit is an invitation to make a cultural shift in service provision, to learn, to grow and fully appreciate the diverse community of older adults that agencies and their partners serve

    Report to the Legislature: Home and Community-Based Long Term Care

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    This is the second annual Long Term Care (LTC) report submitted by the Department of Aging, as required by the Supplemental Language to the Budget Act of 1985, on the incremental development of a home and community-based, long term care service delivery system. The report reflects the Department\u27s comprehensive efforts this year towards building a responsive system of care for frail elderly and younger functionally impaired adults. Organizationally, the report consolidates a number of separate reports to the Legislature so that a broad spectrum of issues related to system building efforts could be addressed in tandem
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