110 research outputs found

    The ability of civil society to act against corruption

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    Actions against any acts of criminal nature should be complex. Fight against corruption as a multi aspect social phenomenon especially requires a complex approach. Each state that considers corruption as a negative social phenomenon and is willing to eliminate it, uses, maximum possible resources in compliance with political position of a ruling class. First of all, a state makes full use of legal remedies – regulative and protective (punitive). It is reasonable to make the steps in social and economic direction. However, reliance only on public law measures in terms of preventing and fighting corruption cannot be justified. The reason lies in the corruption itself, its expansion and tolerant attitude of the society. This proves the need to uproot corruption determinants not only “from the top” but from “down”, i.e. from the civil society as well. On the one hand, the society serves as a social base for corruption; on the other hand, it is the civil society that is able to control corruption and the work of public authorities in terms of corruption combat. The aim of this paper is to designate civil society as a subject fighting against corruption. The objectives are to detect the means with the help of which civil society could significantly increase efficiency in terms of combating corruption adding to governmental means. The authors of the paper applied traditional methods of criminal science. The paper presents the results of criminological studies carried out by the authors of this paper and by other researches concerning corruption combating.peer-reviewe

    Передовые зарубежные методы управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении

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    The state and development prospects of administration methods of production program of product development in the aircraft industry is considered. The modern W model of the design process of life cycle is offered. The modern design technology of construction in the aircraft industry is described.Рассмотрены состояние и перспективы развития методов управления программой разработки изделия в авиастроении. Предложена современная W-модель процесса проектирования жизненного цикла. Описаны современные технологии проектирования изделия в авиастроении

    Эмерджентные свойства магнитных ионов и наночастиц в мицеллярных растворах ПАВ: Использование для тонких технологий

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    Objectives. To establish expected emergent (unexpected) properties of magnetic materials when obtained in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants (aqueous quantum materials), and their use in fine technologies.Methods. Chemical synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants of various nature. Characterization of magnetic solutions and nanoparticles by magnetic measurements, spectroscopy, diffractometry, small-angle X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, and others.Results. The term “water quantum material” refers to materials (micellar solutions) whose properties are mainly determined by the nuclear quantum effect on macroscopic scales (emergent property). Micellar solutions exhibit phenomena and functionality not always consistent with the classical theory of micellization. The article presents in detail the experimental results that suggest the manifestation of the emergent properties of magnetic materials obtained in aqueous micellar solutions of surfactants. In particular, Gd3+ ions in an aqueous micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate exhibit paramagnetic properties, possibly indicating their random arrangement in solution contrary to the classical theory of micellization with an ordered adsorption layer on micelles. Hybrid Pt–Gd nanoparticles are formed in a quantum material with cetylpyridinium chloride as a matrix, although Gd3+ ions must be repelled by CP+ ions on micelles. Nanosized powders of cobalt ferrite and nickel ferrite obtained in a micellar solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate have superparamagnetic properties, although the presence of their precursor ions in the adsorption layer in classical micelles should lead to ferromagnetic properties.Conclusions. The synthesis of nanoparticles in a quantum material opens up the possibility of reducing ions of different signs in one stage during the processing of metallurgy waste, in order to obtain nanoparticles of various metals and their composites. Magnetic nanoparticles obtained in a quantum surfactant material self-assemble on various substrates, enabling the creation of materials whose residual magnetization and coercive field can be controlled at room temperatures.Цели. Выявить предполагаемые эмерджентные (неожиданные) свойства магнитных материалов при их получении в водных мицеллярных растворах поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) (водных квантовых материалах), которые можно использовать для тонких технологий.Методы. Химический синтез магнитных наночастиц в водных мицеллярных растворах ПАВ различной природы; характеризация магнитных растворов и наночастиц методами магнитных измерений, спектроскопии, дифрактометрии, малоугловой рентгеновской дифракции, сканирующей зондовой микроскопии и другими.Результаты. Термин «водный квантовый материал» относится к материалам (мицеллярным растворам), свойства которых в основном определяются ядерным квантовым эффектом в макроскопических масштабах (эмерджентное свойство). Мицеллярные растворы демонстрируют явления и функциональные возможности, не всегда соотносимые с классической теорией мицеллобразования. В статье подробно представлены экспериментальные результаты, которые позволяют предположить проявление эмерджентных свойств магнитных материалов, получаемых в водных мицеллярных растворах ПАВ. В частности, ионы гадолиния Gd3+ в водно-мицеллярном растворе додецилсульфата натрия проявляют парамагнитные свойства, что, возможно, указывает на их беспорядочное расположение в растворе вопреки классической теории мицеллообразования с адсорбционным упорядоченном слое на мицеллах. Гибридные наночастицы Gd–Pt образуются в квантовом материале с хлоридом цетилпиридиния в качестве матрицы, хотя ионы Gd3+ должны отталкиваться ионами цетилпиридиния ЦП+ на  мицеллах. Наноразмерные порошоки феррита кобальта и феррита никеля, получаемые в мицеллярном растворе додецилсулфата натрия, обладают суперпарамагнитными свойствами, хотя присутствие их прекурсорных ионов в адсорбионном слое в классических мицеллах должно было бы привести к ферромагнитным свойствам.Выводы. Синтез наночастиц в квантовом материале открывает возможность восстановления ионов разных знаков за одну стадию при переработке отходов металлургии с целью получения наночастиц различных металлов и их композитов. Магнитные наночастицы, получаемые в квантовом материале ПАВ, самоорганизуются на различных подложках, что позволяет создавать материалы, остаточная намагниченность и коэрцитивное поле которых можно регулировать при комнатных температурах. Таким образом, показано, каким образом эмерджентные свойства квантовых материалов можно применять для тонких технологий

    Features of the frequency of occurrence of T-330G <i>IL2</i> gene polymorphism in patients with COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection is the etiopathogenetic factor of the new coronavirus infection. Susceptibility to the virus and, accordingly, the incidence differs in children and adults. On the one hand, this reflects the age-related features of the immune response. On the other hand, it is realized through the production of a number of cytokines, including IL-2, and reflects the genetically determined features of cytokine production. The aim of the study was to analyze the frequency of occurrence of T-330G polymorphic variants of the IL2 gene in patients with a new coronavirus infection. A total of 145 patients were examined, including 31.0% of children (n = 45) and 69.0% of adults (n = 100). The diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection was verified by RT-PCR confirming the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and identifying clinical symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. The control group consisted of 50 healthy volunteer donors. Allele-specific PCR with electrophoretic detection in 3% agarose gel (Litech, Russia) was used to analyze the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. To compare the frequencies of allele combinations, the χ2 test and the odds ratio OR and (95% CI) were used.The dominant genotype in patients with COVID-19 was the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene. In the group of children at risk of developing a new coronavirus infection, the GG genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated (31.1% in children and 18.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 2.047). While the homozygous TT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was a protective genotype (its occurrence rate was 26.7% in patients, 54.0% in the control group, p &lt; 0.05, OR = 0.315). In adults, the heterozygous GT genotype of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene was associated with the risk of developing a new coronavirus infection (in the group of patients – 44.0% versus control – 28.0%, p = 0.028, OR = 2.020). A low risk of developing the disease was associated with the homozygous TT variant of the T-330G polymorphism of the IL2 gene (in the group of patients 37.0% versus control – 54.0%, p = 0.024, OR = 0.500).The T-330G polymorphism of the promoter zone of the IL2 gene differently affects its production. The direction of the immune response and its effectiveness depend on the level of IL-2. Understanding the individual factors that determine the features of the immune response can help in understanding the mechanisms of development of COVID-19-associated diseases and the selection of approaches to personalized methods of their treatment

    Comparative assessment of endovideosurgical accesses in treatment of congenital hydronefrosis in children

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    Purpose. Recently published dates has confirmed that the most widespread methods of treatment primary hydronephrosis in children are endovideosurgical. But there are no significant objective criteria for choosing the optimal access: transperitoneal or retroperitoneal. We have evaluated an outcome of laparoscopic treatment hydronephrosis utilizing different access. Material and methods. Since 2008 to 2017 331 children (95 girls, 236 boys) with congenital hydronephrosis were underwent 342 endovideoscopic operations. Mean age 3.56 years (range 3m – 18 years). In 305 children was used transperitoneal access (TPA) and in 26 – retroperitoneal (RPA). We used the technique of dismembered pyeloplasty by Anderson-Hynes. Drainage was performed by an antegrade or retrograde JJ stent. Follow-up ultrasound was performed on 2 and 5 days after the operation. The ureteral stent was removed at 6-8 weeks after the operation. The continuance of hospitalization was 5-7 day. Results. 296 patients : 297 with TPA (mean age 4,8 years) and 25 with RPA(mean age 1,9 years) undergoing pyeloplasty were examined after 1-3-6-12 months. The duration of the operation with TPA was 80 ± 40 minutes, and with RPA - 110 ± 40 minutes (p <0,05). No UTI were seen. There was no difference in renal pelvis diameter (% improvement) between the two groups (TPA- 66% and 62% in RPA; p=0,6). 3 patients (1,1%) with TPA required re-intervention (2 ps -stent replacement and 1p - re-operation ), no patients with RPA required re-operation. Conclussion. Dispite of the good clinical outcome of treatment with difference accesses and statistical significance the results, the absence peritoneal injury and probability urinary extravasation make RPA in congenital hydronephrosis optimal in young children


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    The article presents the results of the analysis of clinical and morphological characteristics and a number of indicators of peripheral blood in children with a new coronavirus infection. The purpose of the study is to give clinical and laboratory characteristics of the immune response in children with a new coronavirus infection. Materials and methods. 102 children with a new coronavirus infection were examined. Evaluation of peripheral blood parameters and lymphocyte subpopulations in children of three age groups 0-4 years, 5-9 years and 10-14 years. Results. In children with a new coronavirus infection, an imbalance of the granulocytic and lymphocytic link is observed, which is most pronounced for children of the younger (0-4 years) and middle (5-9 years) age groups. The general trend of changes is characterized by an increase in lymphocytes and granulocytes at the onset of the disease and a decrease after 2 weeks. The ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes shows the predominance of neutrophils. Conclusion. The established changes are characterized as specific for most viral infections, but at the same time reflect the pathogenetic specifics of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as a combination of age-related features of the functioning of the immune system and the etiotropic effect of the virus

    The use of <i>in vitro</i> androgenesis for the involvement of interspecific hybrids between <i>Solanum tuberosum</i> L. and wild allotetraploid potato species <i>Solanum stoloniferum</i> Schltdl. et Bouché into breeding

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    Wild allotetraploid potato species Solanum stoloniferum Schltdl. &amp; Bouché from Mexico is regarded as a valuable source of resistance genes for use in breeding. However, introgression of its resistance genes into breeding material is hampered by a set of reproductive barriers. The genomic difference between S. stoloniferum (genome ААВВ) and S. tuberosum L. (AAAA) is one of them. This makes questionable the possibility of transferring a variety of valuable genes of the wild species localized on the chromosomes of its genome B into the genome of cultivated potatoes. It is proposed to produce tetraploid (4x, AAAB) interspecific hybrids of S. stoloniferum, which are regarded as more promising for homoeological recombination than pentaploid (5x, ААААВ) hybrids commonly used in the introgression schemes. However, the effective ploidy of tetraploid hybrids (3EBN) hinders their backcrossing to cultivated potatoes (4 EBN). For instance, our attempts to involve the tetraploid hybrid of S. stoloniferum IGC16/36.1 obtained by us into hybridization with potato varieties were unsuccessful for a number of years. To solve this problem, we suggested a technique based on the production of 4x plants obtained in anther culture of this hybrid. The present research was aimed at assessing the efficiency of this approach.Thirty-one plants were obtained in anther culture (androgenic clones, androclones) of the hybrid IGC16/36.1 in 2018. Most of them exceeded the initial hybrid in habitus strength and flowering intensity. As a result of crosses made in 2019, 1039 hybrid seeds were obtained from crossing 21 androclones with the ‘Lemhi Russet’ variety (8.7 seeds/pollination), 1017 seeds (7.5 seeds/pollination) from crosses of 23 androclones with the ‘Quarta’ variety, and 716 seeds (12.3 seeds/pollination) from crosses of 11 androclones and a diploid potato line IGC 17n8 capable of producing fertile unreduced (2n) pollen. The hybrid seeds had good germination rate of 70-90%. Among the androclones that gave progeny in crosses with potato varieties, we identified genotypes carrying DNA markers of late blight (LB) resistance genes Rpi-sto1, R2 and R3b, PVY resistance genes Ryadg, Rysto and Rychc, and potato wart disease resistance gene Sen2 (these markers were found in the initial accession of S. stoloniferum PI 205522 and in the IGC 16/36.1 hybrid). Despite the complex nature of inheritance of the analyzed markers in progenies of backcrosses of androclones, a number of isolated hybrids carried several markers, including those of the Rpi-sto1, a broad-spectrum gene for high resistance to late blight. Hybrids with relatively high tuber productivity, features of cultivated potatoes such as regularly shaped tubers with small eyes, and high field resistance to late blight were selected.The prospects for using androclones of the tetraploid interspecific hybrid IGC 16/36.1 for increasing the frequency of homoeologous A/B recombination of chromosomes are discussed


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    The article presents data on the physical development of youthful persons. It was revealed that a proportional physical and the predominance of muscle strength in relation to body weight, a high strength indicator, but a low recovery coefficient, are characteristic of young men. Girls are characterized by asthenia and recovery coefficient after physical activity, corresponding to a state of fatigue. The dependence of indicators of adaptation to physical activity on body types was revealed. The overwhelming majority of boys and girls had unsatisfactory adaptation rates.В статье представлены данные физического развития лиц юношеского возраста. Выявлено, что для юношей характерно пропорциональное телосложение и преобладание мышечной силы по отношению к массе тела, высокий показатель силы, но низкий коэффициент восстановления. Для девушек характерны астенизация и коэффициент восстановления после физической нагрузки, соответствующий состоянию утомления. Выявлена зависимость показателей адаптации к физической нагрузке от типов телосложения. Подавляющее большинство юношей и девушек имели неудовлетворительные показатели адаптации

    University Science Promotion: A Model of a Center for Public Science

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    В мировой практике вузовского образования длительное время существовало традиционное представление об университете как центре образования и науки. Современный городской университет расширяет границы образовательных и научных проектов и становится флагманом в формировании образовательной, социокультурной и интеллектуальной среды города и общества. В ракурсе исследовательской и социальной миссии университета появляется необходимость обновления и развития стратегий взаимодействия с городом. В качестве одного из шагов в данном направлении можно рассматривать коммуникацию с горожанами через популяризацию научных знаний и достижений университетов среди широкого круга пользователей. Это позволит решить задачи формирования интереса к фундаментальной и прикладной науке, развития человеческого капитала в интересах регионов, повышения научной грамотности населения и создания условий для интеллектуального развития молодежи, вовлечения молодых людей и других категорий населения в исследовательскую деятельность, а также повышения престижа и социальной привлекательности науки. В связи с этим в настоящей работе была предпринята попытка проанализировать опыт и форматы популяризации науки университетами и на этой основе разработать модель университетского центра публичной науки.In the international practice of higher education, a university has traditionally been considered as a center for education and science. A modern urban university, however, breaks through the boundaries of educational and scientific projects and pioneers the development of the learning, social, cultural, and intellectual environment of the city and its dwellers. In the view of the research-based and community-oriented mission of the university, there is a need to reinvent and further develop the communication strategies between the university and the urban residents. As one of the steps in this direction, the authors suggest communicating with the citizens through the promotion of university-developed scientific knowledge and research results among wider public. This will solve the challenges of making people interested in the fundamental and applied sciences, developing the human capital for the benefit of the regions, increasing the level of scientific literacy among citizens, creating conditions for the intellectual development of the youth, involving young people and representatives of other age groups in the research activities, and enhancing the prestige and social attractiveness of science. Pursuing these tasks, in this paper the authors study the practices and the formats of science promotion undertaken by the universities and suggest a model of a university-based center for public science

    A Review of the Properties of Nb3Sn and Their Variation with A15 Composition, Morphology and Strain State

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    This article gives an overview of the available literature on simplified, well defined (quasi-)homogeneous laboratory samples. After more than 50 years of research on superconductivity in Nb3Sn, a significant amount of results are available, but these are scattered over a multitude of publications. Two reviews exist on the basic properties of A15 materials in general, but no specific review for Nb3Sn is available. This article is intended to provide such an overview. It starts with a basic description of the Niobium-Tin intermetallic. After this it maps the influence of Sn content on the the electron-phonon interaction strength and on the field-temperature phase boundary. The literature on the influence of Cu, Ti and Ta additions will then be briefly summarized. This is followed by a review on the effects of grain size and strain. The article is concluded with a summary of the main results.Comment: Invited Topical Review for Superconductor, Science and Technology. Provisionally scheduled for July 200