377 research outputs found

    Measuring the Effects of a Liquid Environment on Graphene Biotransistors

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    Mobility is a measure of the ease with which electrical carriers pass through a material. This work studies the mobility of graphene when measured within a liquid electrolyte environment. We use two different techniques to measure their mobilities at different concentrations of the electrolyte to compare results


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    Abstrak Hikayat Kalilah dan Dimnah yang akan diteliti adalah kitab dalam versi Melayu. Versi ini merupakan salinan dari versi berbahasa Arab. Disalin oleh Ismail Djamil. Walaupun masuk dalam karya sastra lama, namun keberadaan hikayat ini masih relevan untuk dikaji. Dengan mempergunakan strukturalisme Levi-Strauss,  penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui   sejauh mana simbolisme  transformasi dari struktur luar tidak akan berpengaruh pada struktur dalam dari miteme ( unit tataran satuan dongeng). Struktur dalam yang akhirnya ditemukan di sini adalah nilai-nilai karakter yang meliputi : dapat dipercaya (trustwonrthiness), rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect), peduli (caring), jujur (fairness), tanggung jawab (responsibility), ketulusan(honesty), berani (courage), tekun (diligence) dan integritas. Kata kunci : struktur luar, struktur dalam, simbolisme transformas


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    Abstract The structures of Levi-Strauss Naratif  were used to study the intrinsic aspect of Folktales. Folktale Nyi Mas Kanti were studied using the manners of Levi-Strauss Naratif. The flow scheme of the plot is achieved in this order, including: parting, moving, and encountering.The flow of the story that leads into Moving is actually inline with the basic concept of Merantau which is known as an act of going away from home for a long time to persue success,glory,knowledge,or wealth.From the explanation above we can conclude that Merantau is a social foundation in the specific culture which is Indonesia and it is already been done since centuries ago. These folktales is part of the Indonesian Written Legacy that passed down to the next generation collectively using methods of Merantau as the flow of the story inside the Folktales, intentional or not. Key words : strukturalisme naratif, mytheme, scheme, moving, meranta


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan adalah sebuah sarana bagi mahasiswa program kependidikan untuk semakin meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengelola pembelajaran. Melalui kegiatan ini, keempat kompetensi guru yang meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi profesional, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi kepribadian dapat semakin ditingkatkan. Sebagai seorang calon guru PAUD mahasiswa juga bisa mengembangkan kemampuannya mulai dari menyusun RKH, membuat media, serta mengembangkan alat penilaian. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan di laksanakan selama satu bulan. Sebelum kegiatan ini dilaksanakan terdapat berbagai persiapan yang dilakukan. Persiapan ini antara lain; praktik pembelajaran micro, real puppil, pembekalan PPL, serta konsultasi program pada Dosen Pembimbing Lapangan (DPL) dan guru pembimbing. Hal-hal tersebut perlu diilaksanakan agar kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan ini dilaksnakan di TK Taman Indria Dlingo. TK Taman Indria Dlingo beralamatkan di Nglampengan, Temuwuh, Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. TK ini memiliki 2 kelas dengan 3 orang pendidik. Pembelajaran di TK ini menggunakan model kelompok. Terdapat satu ekstra yang dilaksanakan di TK ini yaitu ekstra lukis. Praktik mengajar dilakukan selama 4 kali, 2 kali secara terbimbing dan 2 kali mandiri. Rencana Kegiatan Pembelajaran yanga akan dilaksanakan di kelas terlebih dahulu harus dikonsultasikan kepada guru pembimbing. Kemudian berdasarkan RKH yang telah mendapatkan persetujuan guru, mahasiswa bisa membuat media pembelajaran dan instrumen penilaain. Semakin menarik media pembelajaran yang dibuat akan semakin membuat anak antusias dalam belajar. Penyelenggaraan kegiatan Praktik Pembelajaran Lapangan yang telah berjalan dengan lancar ini didukung oleh kerjasama antara mahasiswa dengan sekolah

    Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy with Severe Elevation of Bile Acids in the Setting of Acute Hepatitis C Infection

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a complication of pregnancy resulting in elevation of serum bile acid levels. ICP is often associated with underlying liver disease, including hepatitis C. Bile acids in relationship to the acute infection of hepatitis C virus have not yet been delineated in the literature. A 26-year-old gravida 4 para 2103 with dichorionic, diamniotic twin gestation and history of intravenous drug abuse developed ICP in the setting of acute hepatitis C infection. In addition to clinical symptoms of pruritus and right upper quadrant pain, she developed severe elevation in bile acids, 239 micromol/L, and transaminitis aspartate aminotransferase 1033 U/L, and alanine aminotransferase 448 U/L. She received ursodeoxycholic acid and antenatal testing was performed. Patient delivered vaginally at 33-week gestation following preterm rupture of membranes. Neonates were admitted to NICU and had uncomplicated neonatal courses. In the setting of ICP with significant transaminitis and severe elevation of bile acids, consideration of acute viral hepatitis is important, especially considering the worsening opioid epidemic and concurrent increase in intravenous drug use in the United States. Further study is needed regarding the acute form of HCV infection and its effect on ICP and associated bile acids

    Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy with Severe Elevation of Bile Acids in the Setting of Acute Hepatitis C Infection

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    Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a complication of pregnancy resulting in elevation of serum bile acid levels. ICP is often associated with underlying liver disease, including hepatitis C. Bile acids in relationship to the acute infection of hepatitis C virus have not yet been delineated in the literature. A 26-year-old gravida 4 para 2103 with dichorionic, diamniotic twin gestation and history of intravenous drug abuse developed ICP in the setting of acute hepatitis C infection. In addition to clinical symptoms of pruritus and right upper quadrant pain, she developed severe elevation in bile acids, 239 micromol/L, and transaminitis aspartate aminotransferase 1033 U/L, and alanine aminotransferase 448 U/L. She received ursodeoxycholic acid and antenatal testing was performed. Patient delivered vaginally at 33-week gestation following preterm rupture of membranes. Neonates were admitted to NICU and had uncomplicated neonatal courses. In the setting of ICP with significant transaminitis and severe elevation of bile acids, consideration of acute viral hepatitis is important, especially considering the worsening opioid epidemic and concurrent increase in intravenous drug use in the United States. Further study is needed regarding the acute form of HCV infection and its effect on ICP and associated bile acids


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    ABSTRAK             Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah apakah teks novel dapat dijadikan sumber inspirasi penciptaan seni tari. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut maka novel yang dijadikan materi penelitian adalah novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (Sebuah Catatan untuk Emak). Novel ini merupakan buku pertama dari trilogi Ahmad Tohari, yaitu Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk, Lintang Kemuskus Dini Hari, dan Jantera Bianglala. Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk menceritakan tentang kehidupan seorang ronggeng atau penari.            Teks Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk dalam penelitian ini dikaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan intrinsik secara khsusu yang dipergunakan adalah teori fiksi dari Robert Stanton. Teori ini fokus pada tiga hal, yaitu karakter, alur, dan latar belakang. Karakter dalam hal ini antara lain adalah bagaimana deskripsi tokoh utama dalam kegiatan sehari-hari berkaitan dengan kehidupannya. Srinthil adalah seorang penari, oleh karena itu deskripsi kegiatan Srinthil tersebut dipaparkan secara jelas dalam teks novel tersebut.            Dari hasil kajian dapat dilihat bahwa gerakan dalam tarian yang ditarikan oleh Srinthil ternyata berkaitan erat dengan beberapa konsep penciptaan seni tari, yaitu ada rangsang visual, rangsang audio, dan rangsang ide. Berkaitan dengan struktur, terdapat pembukaan, isi tarian, dan penutup. Teks sebuah novel dapat dikaji dan menjadi inspirasi dalam penciptaan seni tari. Kata kunci: kajian tari, penciptaan tari, Ronggeng Dukuh Paru

    Formulasi Tablet Effervescent Ekstrak Daun Singkong (Manihot Utillissima Pohl.) Dan Ekstrak Herba Pegagan (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban)

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    Asiaticoside compound in gotu kola extract (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) and rutin compound in extract of cassava leaves (Manihot utillissima Pohl.) has been proofed for degenerative diseases treatment. Effervescent tablet was chosen to facilitate the herb gotu kola extract and cassava leaves extract because of fresh sensation and easy to use. The aims of this study was investigated the effect of tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, their interactions, and discovered the optimum composition in order to producing effervescent tablets for quality requirements. Quality requirements term in this study were the moisture content of granule, tablet hardness, friability of tablets, dissolution time. The results showed that tartaric acid significantly influenced moisture content of granules, tablets friability, dissolution time of tablets, while sodium bicarbonate significantly affected tablets hardness. Based on super imposed contour plot, the optimum composition for effervescent tablets was at the level 1000 mg tartaric acid and 1120 mg sodium bicarbonate

    Studi Instrumen Kebijakan Gerakan Terpadu Kesehatan, Ekonomi, Pendindikan, Lingkungan, Infrastuktur (Gerdu Kempling) Kelurahan Bulusan Kota Semarang

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    An integrated movement of health, economic, education, infrastucture, enviroment (GERDU KEMPLING) program in Semarang is a policy about accelerating proverty reduction and the real action of “Sapta Program” from Semarang Goverment. The policy has a goal for reaching the decreacing of proverty's level in 2011 – 2015 at Semarang. In the first idea, it has been planned that the policy would invite all sectors in Semarang, including private sectors and the citizen. Then a policy can be applied well, if it uses a correct policy instrument in its implementation. And in this research, it will discuss about which one of policy instrument that has been used in Gerdu Kempling program. The result shows in implementing this policy, the actors use mixed instrument, and more head for subsidies instrument. It's proved by there are mixturing among regulation from compulsary instrument and family and community and market from voluntary instrument. After that, the subsidies instrument can be proved by types of help that have been given to poor citizen, which are coaching and tools. In other hand, in implementing this policy with mixed instrument has some problems in it. Over all, the problems are about support instruments have not maximal in their action