96 research outputs found

    Experiencing stress by primary school students

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    The main objective of this research was to identify stressors as well as physical, behavioral and emotional symptoms of stress among primary school students. The study covered 75 students of 4thto 6 th grades in one of primary schools in Poland. The research has shown that: 1) all of the children experienced various types of stress, 2) the main stressors in the study group are: family, friends and school, 3) the most common symptoms of stress are: headache and abdominal pain, fights and quarrels with siblings and peers, the feeling of sadness and anger.Doświadczanie stresu przez uczniów szkoły podstawowej Głównym celem badania było zidentyfikowanie źródeł stresu, a także jego fizycznych, behawioralnych i emocjonalnych objawów wśród uczniów szkoły podstawowej. Badaniem objęto 75 uczniów z klas IV–VI jednej z polskich szkół. Badanie ujawniło, że: 1) wszystkie badane dzieci doświadczają różnego rodzaju stresu, 2) głównymi stresorami w badanej grupie są kolejno: rodzina, koledzy i szkoła, 3) najczęściej występujące objawy stresu to: ból głowy i ból brzucha, bójki i kłótnie z rodzeństwem oraz z rówieśnikami, uczucie smutku i złości

    Prepubertal ultra-low-dose estrogen therapy is associated with healthier lipid profile than conventional estrogen replacement for pubertal induction in adolescent girls with Turner syndrome : preliminary results

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    estrogen replacement (LE) therapy in Turner syndrome (TS) have not been fully investigated to date. The present study aimed to compare glucose and lipids metabolism in adolescents with TS on LE and conventional estrogen replacement (CE). Methods In 14 TS (mean age 13.8), LE (17β17\beta-estradiol, 62.5 μ\mug daily) was introduced before age 12 (mean age 10.5), and followed by a pubertal induction regimen after age 12, and in 14 CE was started after age 12 (mean 14, SD 1.96). Before, and 3 years after starting 17β17\beta-estradiol growth velocity, bone age, BMI, and selected parameters of glucose and lipids metabolism were assessed. Results There were no significant differences between LE and CE in the mean levels of any parameter before introduction of 17β17\beta-estradiol [total cholesterol (TC): 4.1 vs 4.3 mmol/L, LDL cholesterol (LDLc): 2.2 vs 2.4 mmol/L, HDL cholesterol (HDLc): 1.6 vs 1.4 mmol/L, triglycerides: 0.9 vs 1.0 mmol/L, fasting glucose: 4.2 vs 4.4 mmol/L, post-load glucose: 4.8 vs 5.5 mmol/L; fasting insulin: 6.8 vs 8.0 post-load insulin: 21.3 vs 67.0 μ\muIU/mL, HOMAIR 1.3 vs 1.6]. After three years of treatment, TC and LDLc levels were significantly lower in LE group (3.8 vs 4.4 mmol/L, p = 0.004; 1.9 vs 2.4 mmol/L, p = 0.03). The other parameters did not differ significantly. There was no negative impact on growth course and bone age advancement nor on BMI in LE group. Conclusion Prepubertal LE is associated with healthier lipid profile than CE in girls with TS

    High incidence of abnormal circadian Bood Pressure profiles in patients on steroid replacement therapy due to Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia without overt hypertension : initial results

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    that disruptions in the cortisol diurnal rhythm may affect the blood pressure (BP) profile. Aim: To evaluate the circadian BP profiles of patients with secondary adrenal insufficiency (SAI) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) on steroid replacement therapy and to compare BP profiles of patients receiving hydrocortisone (HC) in different dosing schedules. Methods: The study included 33 patients: 15 SAI and 18 CAH (mean age 13.2 years 95CI 11.3-15.1). There were no patients with previously diagnosed overt hypertension. Patients with SAI received a mean of 7.39 mg/m2 of HC in 3 daily doses (in the morning (M) 50%, in the afternoon (A) 25%, in the evening (E) 25%), CAH patients 17.9 mg/m2 of HC in the following dosing schedules: 5 patients in 3 equal doses, 7 patients received M: 40% A: 40% E: 20%, the remaining 6 patients had the same dosing schedule as patients with SAI. Fludrocortisone (FC) was given to 13 patients with CAH in 2 equal daily doses. The total dose of HC/FC as well as the dosing schedule of HC was adjusted individually based on clinical and biochemical outcomes. Standard 24-hour BP monitoring (ABPM) was performed using an Ambulatory BP Monitor (Space labs 90217, USA). Results: The majority of the patients (almost 70% SAI, 80% CAH) presented with an abnormal 24-hour BP profile. There were no significant differences in ABPM results between SAI and CAH patients, and no differences between CAH patients treated with and without FC. There was no correlation between HC and FC doses [mg/m2 ] and ABPM results except that mean night SBP values increased with greater HC doses (r=0.51, p<0.05). Among the CAH group the highest percentage of abnormal ABPM results was observed in patients who received HC in doses: M: 50% A: 25% and E: 25%, the most favorable BP profile was observed in patients with dosing schedule: M: 40%, A: 40%, E: 20%. However there were no significant differences between patients with different treatment protocols, the results suggest that observed disruptions of the BP profile could be related to the HC dosing schedule. Conclusions: The incidence of abnormal BP profiles in patients on steroid replacement therapy due to SAI and CAH without overt hypertension is high. The disruptions of the BP profiles are not associated with the dose of HC or FC. The abnormal BP profiles in patients with SAI or CAH may be related to the HC dosing schedule. 24-hour ABPM seems to be a useful, non-invasive and safe method for the monitoring of HC and FC replacement therapy in patients with adrenal insufficiency. Further investigations in the larger groups of patients are needed

    The influence of selected factors on the attendance of the high-risk population in the early lung cancer detection program

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    Wstęp: Rak płuca jest jednym z najczęściej występujących nowotworów złośliwych w Polsce i na świecie. W Polsce powoduje zgon niemal 22 000 osób rocznie. Obecnie największe nadzieje na wczesne wykrywanie tego nowotworu, a tym samym jego skuteczniejsze leczenie, wiąże się z niskodawkową tomografią komputerową (LDCT). Podczas projektowania i realizacji programów wczesnego wykrywania nowotworów szczególnie istotna jest znajomość uwarunkowań socjodemograficznych wpływających na zgłaszalność uczestników.Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 1619 kolejnych osób z 8649, które zostały poddane LDCT w ramach Pomorskiego Pilotażowego Programu Badań Przesiewowych Raka Płuca (PPPBPRP). Badanie przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem ankiety oceniającej dane społeczno-demograficzne uczestników należących do grupy wysokiego ryzyka zachorowania na raka płuca.Wyniki: Wśród uczestników PPPBPRP znalazło się 777 (48%) aktualnych palaczy tytoniu. Większość z nich reprezentowała niski lub średni stopień zamożności. Badani pozytywnie ocenili sposób przeprowadzenia kampanii promocyjnej programu, jednak 43% z nich wskazało rodzinę i znajomych jako równie ważne źródło uzyskiwania wiedzy o projekcie. Za główny bodziec skłaniający do brania udziału w podobnym programie 46% uczestników wskazało kampanię informacyjną z udziałem osoby popularnej, a 45% z nich wystąpienie nowotworu u członka rodziny. Minimalny okazał się wpływ pracowników ochrony zdrowia na zgłaszanie się uczestników na badanie wczesnego wykrywania raka płuca. Ponad połowa badanych (53%) zadeklarowała gotowość współfinansowania podobnego programu profilaktycznego w kwocie nie przekraczającej 100 PLN.Wnioski: Skuteczna kampania reklamująca prowadzenie badań wczesnego wykrywania raka płuca w mediach, wpływ rodziny oraz prowadzenie kampanii reklamowej z udziałem popularnej osoby mają największy wpływ na zgłaszalność. Wpływ pracowników ochrony zdrowia na zgłaszalność jest znikomy. Deklarowana przez uczestników gotowość do współfinansowania badań jest istotna ze względu na możliwość zredukowania wysokich kosztów prowadzenia programów profilaktycznych opartych o wykorzystanie techniki LDCT.Introduction: Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide, killing almost 22,000 people in Poland every year. Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is the most promising tool of secondary prophylaxis leading to early detection and thus successful treatment of this malignancy. Knowledge about socio-demographic factors that affect participation in lung cancer early detection programs is essential for the future design and implementation of such programs.Material and methods: Among the 8649 participants of the Pomeranian Lung Cancer Screening Program (PLCSP), 1619 individuals responded to a questionnaire that had been designed to assess socio-demographic data of participants at high risk of developing lung cancer. The survey was conducted on-site after reception of results by the program participants.Results: Among the survey participants, 777 (48%) were current cigarette smokers. The majority of them represented low or medium level of wealth status. The respondents positively evaluated the promotional campaign during the PLCSP, although 43% of them indicated family and friends as a source of information about the program. As the most important action that stimulated the participation, 46% of the respondents indicated the awareness campaign involving a celebrity, and 45% of them indicated the presence of cancer in the family. The influence of healthcare employees on the participation in the screening program was minimal. More than half of the respondents (53%) declared a willingness to co-finance a similar prophylactic program in the future in an amount not exceeding 100 PLN.Conclusions: An effective promotional campaign in the media, the influence of family and a campaign involving a celebrity promoted attendance at the screening program. The influence of healthcare employees on the participation in the program was minimal. The majority of the screened population declared a willingness to actively participate in the costs of LDCT examination

    Trudności diagnostyki pierwotnego aldosteronizmu - analiza materiału własnego

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    Introduction: During the last few years, increasing evidence suggests that primary aldosteronism is the cause of over 10% of arterial hypertension (AH). There are no "gold standard" methods for PA screening. The aim of study was plasma renin activity (PRA), plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC), and ARR assessment as criteria for diagnosis of PA and their usefulness in clinical practice. Material and methods: Eighty-one consecutive patients were admitted for diagnosis of primary aldosteronism: 51 women and 30 men, aged 31-69 years. In each patient, PAC and PRA were evaluated by radioimmunoassay. In 65 patients, urine concentration of catecholamine metabolites was assayed, and in 51 patients, diagnostics for hypercortisolaemia was carried out. In patients with adrenal incidentaloma, 16-row computer tomography was performed. Results: The proportion of patients with PAC over 150 pg/ml was 35% (n = 28). The number of patients with PRA under 0.07 ng/ml/h was 19 (n = 15). The ratio of patients whose values of ARR exceeded over 20, 30, 40, 50, and 180 were 55, 47, 37, 28, and 15%, respectively. Conclusions: The most common indication for primary screening was the presence of incidentally found adrenal mass. The quotient of plasma aldosterone concentration/plasma renin activity at whichever cut-off point is not effective enough for the selection of patients for further diagnostics or its cessation. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (1): 2-5)Wstęp: W kilku ostatnich latach pojawiła się znaczna liczba doniesień sugerujących, że pierwotny aldosteronizm stanowi przyczynę ponad 10% przypadków nadciśnienia tętniczego (AH, arterial hypertension). Nie dysponujemy obecnie metodami skriningowymi pierwotnego aldosteronizmu (PA, primary aldosteronism), które można uznać za "złoty standard". Celem pracy była ocena reninowej aktywności osocza (PRA, plasma renin activity), stężenia aldosteronu w osoczu (PAC, plasma aldosterone concentration), wskaźnika aldosteron&#8211;renina (ARR, aldosterone&#8211;renin ratio) jako kryteriów rozpoznania PA i określenie ich przydatności w praktyce klinicznej. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 81 kolejnych pacjentów przyjetych w celu diagostyki PA: 51 kobiet i 30 mężczyzn w wieku 31-69 lat. U każdego chorego oznaczono PAC i PRA metodą radioimmunologiczną. U 65 pacjentów określono stężenie metabolitów katecholamin w moczu. U 51 przeprowadzono diagnostykę w kierunku hiperkortyzolemii. U pacjentów z incidentaloma nadnerczy wykonano 16-rzędową tomografię komputerową. Wyniki: Odsetek pacjentów z PAC > 150 pg/ml wynosił 35% (n = 28), zaś z PRA < 0,07 ng/ml/h 19% (n = 15). Wartości ARR przekraczające kolejne punkty odcięcia 20, 30, 40, 50 i 180 stwierdzono u odpowiednio 55, 47, 37, 28 i 15% badanych. Wnioski: Najczęstszym wskazaniem do skriningu w kierunku pierwotnego aldosteronizmu stanowiła obecność przypadkowo wykrytego guza nadnerczy. Iloraz aldosteronemii do aktywności reninowej osocza, bez względu na przyjęty punkt odcięcia, nie stanowi wystarczającego kryterium, będącego podstawą do prowadzenia dalszej diagnostyki lub jej zaniechania. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (1): 2-5

    Use of GC and PDSC methods to characterize human milk fat substitutes obtained from lard and milk thistle oil mixtures

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    The aim of this study was the analytical evaluations of human milk fat substitutes (HMFS) synthesized via enzymatic interesterification of lard and milk thistle oil mixtures by a immobilized commercial sn-1,3-specific lipase, using calorimetric and chromatographic methods. The mixtures of lard and milk thistle oil at mass ratio 6: 4 and 8: 2 were interesterified for 2, 4 and 6 h at the temperature of 60 degrees C. The determination of fatty acid composition was carried out by gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acid methyl esters. The positional distribution of fatty acids in the sn-2 and sn-1,3 positions of triacylglycerols was based on the ability of the pancreatic lipase to selectively hydrolyze ester bonds in the sn-1,3 positions. Pressure differential scanning calorimetry (PDSC) method was used for the determination of the oxidative stability of HMFS. The oxidative induction time was obtained from the PDSC curves. Due to enzymatic interesterification of mixtures of lard and milk thistle oil, new HMFS that have a similar regiospecific structure of triacylglycerols to human milk fat can be produced. The induction time obtained from PDSC measurements can be used as a parameter for the assessment of the resistance of tested fats to their thermal-oxidative decomposition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Public spirometry campaign in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease screening – hope or hype?

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    INTRODUCTION: Underdiagnosis of COPD seems to be a relevant clinical and social problem. We hypothesized that active public spirometry campaign may help identify subjects with airflow limitation consistent with COPD. The aim of the study was (1) to evaluate the willingness of random smokers to undergo public spirometry, (2) to assess the ability to obtain an acceptable quality spirometry during a public campaign, and (3) to assess the relationships between the presence and severity of respiratory symptoms and readiness to undergo spirometry. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pedestrians aged &gt; 40 years and a smoking history &gt; 10 pack-years were recruited by medical students to fill a questionnaire and perform spirometry. Those with obstructive or borderline ventilatory insuffciency were invited and encouraged to undergo stationary spirometry in a pulmonary outpatient department. RESULTS: Nine hundred and five subjects meeting the inclusion criteria were invited to the study. Only 178 subjects agreed to complete the questionnaire and undergo spirometry. Airway obstruction and borderline spirometry result (classified as possible airway obstruction) were found in 22 and 37 subjects, respectively. Of these, only 15 patients attended follow-up visit to verify public spirometry results. Extrapolation of the limited data showed the incidence of newly diagnosed airway obstruction as 10.7%. CONCLUSION: Public spirometry campaign does not seem to be an effective way of COPD screening. Smokers are reluctant to undergo complimentary spirometry even in the presence of pronounced respiratory symptoms. Our observations may be helpful in elaborating future screening programs for COPD.