484 research outputs found

    Cerita Rakyat Cindelaras Dalam Penciptaan Seni Lukis Dekoratif

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    Keberadaan cerita rakyat atau dongeng di Indonesia semakin menghilang keberadaannya, cerita rakyat merupakan peninggalan seni sastra yang menurut penulis harus dijaga kelestariannya. Dari dasar pemikiran itu penulis ingin menampilkan bentuk yang berbeda dari yang lain yang berawal dari rasa ingin untuk melestarikan keberadaan cerita rakyat nusantara yaitu menampilkan dalam bentuk seni lukis dekoratif yang mengangkat salah satu dongeng yaitu cerita rakyat Cindelaras versi Jawa dengan gaya dekoratif.                 Dalam pembentukan karya lukis ini melalui beberapa proses atau tahap dalam mencapai kesuksesannya yaitu tahap pembuatan sketsa, pemilihan bahan dan teknik pembentukan karya lukis. Dalam tahap pembuatan sketsa sampai proses finishing.                  Pada proses perwujudan karya ini dipaparkan secara keseluruhan langkah-langkah proses dari awal sampai akhir yaitu : mulai proses pembuatan desain, dari Desain karya sebelumnya kemudian di pindahkan pada kanvas dengan menggunakan pensil HB. Sketsa di atas kanvas tersebut kemudian diberi warna menggunakan cat akrilik .Agar bisa mendapatkan warna yang lebih tajam objek juga di berikan teknik blok dengan menggunakan warna putih terlebih dahulu .Pada sebagian lukisan di berikan unsur tekstur semu  di atas objek dengan menggunakan sikat gigi .Dalam proses finishing hampir semua bidang sudah diisi penuh dengan objek atau deformasi menggunakan media cat acrylic, barulah penggunaan motif-motif. Pada sentuhan akhir yaitu dengan teknik titik-titik maupun garis ,dengan mengunakan cat timbul astro maupun menggunakan kuas kecil pada bidang-bidang yang dirasa kurang harmonis baik warna maupun bentuk.                 Dari seluruh perencanaan dan melalui proses yang cukup panjang, akhirnya skripsi dengan judul “Teknik Seni Lukis Dekoratif Sebagai Ilustrasi Cerita Rakyat Cindelaras” telah selesai di susun dengan perwujudan 6 karya lukis Dekoratif. Kata kunci: Seni lukis Dekoratif, Cerita Rakyat cindelaras

    Perlindungan Pemodal Reksadana Melalui Good Corporate Government (Studi Kasus Bank Global)

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    Pasar modal merupakan tempat untuk bertemu antara pembeli dan penjual dalam penjaminan perdagangan seperti saham dan obligasi sebagai sumber-sumber nilai ekonomi yang saling menguntungkan. Oleh karenanya nilai dari dana yang dijaminkan bersama dari investasi manajer adalah tinggi dan kemudian efek yang baik dari issu tersebut untuk dasar penunjang bisnis yang lebih baik yaitu melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip pelaksanaan Perusahaan yang baik.The capital market is a place of meeting sellers and buyers to trade securities such as stocks and bonds as a source of economic value of mutual funds. So that the value of mutual fund securities of the Investment Manager is high then the effect should be good in this case the issuer is required on an ongoing basis to spur business with the better through the application of the principles of good corporate governance

    Orbital Magnetism of 2D Chaotic Lattices

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    We study the orbital magnetism of 2D lattices with chaotic motion of electrons withing a primitive cell. Using the temperature diagrammatic technique we evaluate the averaged value and rms fluctuation of magnetic response in the diffusive regime withing the model of non-interacting electrons. The fluctuations of magnetic susceptibility turn out to be large and at low temperature can be of the order of χL(kFl)3/2\chi_{L} (k_{F}l)^{3/2}, where kFk_{F} is the Fermi wavevector, ll is the mean free path, and χL\chi_{L} is the Landau susceptibility. In the certain region of magnetic fields the paramagnetic contribution to the averaged response is field independent and larger than the absolute value of Landau response.Comment: 6 pages, Latex file, figures available upon reques

    Hubungan Antara Interaksi Teman Sebaya Dengan Penyesuaian Sosial Pada Siswa

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    ABSTRACT This research aims to know the relationship between peer interactions with social adjustments on students. The hypothesis put forward by researchers i.e. There is a positive relationship between peer interactions with social adjustments on students. Research methods used in this research is quantitative methods with the total number of respondents as much as 118 people. Measuring instrument used in this research is peer interaction scale totalling 29 aitem and scale social adjustments totalling 32 aitem. Technique of data analysis used in this study was correlation product moment. Based on the results of the analysis of the data obtained correlation coefficient (r) of 0,523; p = 0.000 (p < 0.01), so the hypothesis proposed is accepted. It means that there is a very significant positive relationship between peer interactions with social adjustment. Effective contribution between peer interactions with social adjustment indicates that the determinant of the coefficient (r2) of variable interaction, so 0,273 peers contribute effectively amounted to 27.3%, in influencing the social adjustment in students, while the rest was 72,7% influenced by other variables outside of peer interaction. Key Words: Interaction, Peers, Students, Social Adjustmen

    Analisa Penerapan Kinerja Frame Relay pada Pemodelan Jaringan

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    The development of the internet today has given us so many benefits for the user as well as for industries that use it as a communication medium that is cheap, effective, and efficient. With the development of Internet and various technologies that go with it then it is also directly proportional to the need for the use of the internet is more reliable and reasonable. In the use ofthe internet there are several technologies that can be used, one of which is Frame Relay. Frame Relay network is a network share (shared services) by utilizing the Permanent Virtual Circuit(PVC) so as to ensure minimum access level CIR (Committed Information Rate) specific. Frame Relay is designed to reduce the processing on each node by reducing the format and proceduresused. In this research, frame relay network modeling and analysis of network performance using software GNS3, frame relay network performance will be determined by the parameters of delay,throughput and packet loss. With this study will be obtained performance of some frame relay network model that can be used as a reference in designing the new network

    Nonequilibrium and Parity Effects in the Tunneling Conductance of Ultrasmall Superconducting Grains

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    Recent experiment on the tunneling spectra of ultrasmall superconducting grains revealed an unusual structure of the lowest differential conductance peak for grains in the odd charging states. We explain this behavior by nonequilibrium ``gapless'' excitations associated with different energy levels occupied by the unpaired electron. These excitations are generated by inelastic cotunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 .eps figures include

    Laser Fabrication by Using Photonic Crystal

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    This paper involves the calculation for composition of different layer used in laser structure and the simulation of cavity, formed by creating air columns in the InGaAsP medium, for square lattice. The aim of this project is to fabricate approximately zero threshold current lasers. This project involves FDTD simulation for optimizing dimension of the device, fabrication of laser structure and finally characterization of the device structure.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    The spectral form factor is not self-averaging

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    The spectral form factor, k(t), is the Fourier transform of the two level correlation function C(x), which is the averaged probability for finding two energy levels spaced x mean level spacings apart. The average is over a piece of the spectrum of width W in the neighborhood of energy E0. An additional ensemble average is traditionally carried out, as in random matrix theory. Recently a theoretical calculation of k(t) for a single system, with an energy average only, found interesting nonuniversal semiclassical effects at times t approximately unity in units of {Planck's constant) /(mean level spacing). This is of great interest if k(t) is self-averaging, i.e, if the properties of a typical member of the ensemble are the same as the ensemble average properties. We here argue that this is not always the case, and that for many important systems an ensemble average is essential to see detailed properties of k(t). In other systems, notably the Riemann zeta function, it is likely possible to see the properties by an analysis of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., permanent e-mail address, [email protected]
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