123 research outputs found

    A Report on the History of the Acheulean Industry of Mai Idon Toro in the Central-Region of Nigeria

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    The last time the Acheulean tools at Mai Idon Toro (NAFOK) were collected and studied scientifically by different archaeologists/historians for the purpose of national and international patronage was in the 1920s through the 1960s. After the 60s up-to-date, many writers have been writing about the Acheulean tools in NAFOK without having a physical contact with the tools or without having a direct understanding of the dilapidated state of the Acheulean site in NAFOK. More so, in the process of this study, I have not come across any single library material that deals specifically and wholly with the Acheulean industry in NAFOK, instead; the subject is casually or indirectly referenced as secondary. The information from the secondary sources I collected about NAFOK was peripheral and in distinct pieces seemingly because a specific author had not wholly dealt with the subject. This instigated the need to visit the Acheulean site in NAFOK in search of primary sources or information. This research is a study of the history of the researches done strictly about NAFOK and its Acheulean finds. The aims of this research are first, to give an update on the history of researches done about the Acheulean in NAFOK and second, to create further awareness on the need to encourage the patronage of public archaeology among Nigerians using the Acheulean site in NAFOK as a case study. Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The presence of fossils and bones of early humans found in Eastern, Northern and Southern Africa are often referred to as the “direct evidence” for the existence of early humans in these regions of Africa. This is so because there is a view among many archaeologists, anthropologists and paleontologists according to which bones are reliable evidence for the existence of early humans than stone tools. Bone tools or bone evidence for the existence of early humans in West Africa is scanty. Archaeologists rely on stone tools to explain the probable existence of early humans in West Africa and the stone tools are referred to as “indirect evidence.” It is likely that early humans might have lived in NAFOK not because direct evidence has been found but indirect evidence. This research is a study of the indirect evidence found in NAFOK for the existence of early humans. Historical archeologists and students of anthropology and West African history would find this research of great benefit because it discusses the contentious history of the view according to which early humans lived in NAFOK millions of years ago

    Citologija u dijagnozi raka jajnika

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    Cytology has so far been underutilized as a modality for the primary diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Lately the outlookon fi ne needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has greatly shifted. With the availability of modern techniques, USG and CT guided FNAC is becoming an optimum modality for the diagnosis of primary and metastatic ovarian neoplasms and evaluation of recurrent malignant tumors, which consequently has a great impact on patient management. The most common indication for peritoneal washing cytology is staging or upstaging of ovarian carcinomas (First - look). Second - look procedures nare performed in patients previously treated by surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy to determine the presence of residual or recurrent ovarian cancer. In both procedures cytology has proven itself as a useful diagnostic method.Kao dijagnostička metoda, citologija je do nedavno bila nedovoljno uključena u primarnu dijagnostiku raka jajnika. No, u novije se vrijeme stav prema aspiracijskoj citologiji tankom iglom jasno mijenja. Uz dostupne suvremene tehnologije, ultrazvukom i CT-om vođena citološka punkcija postaje optimalna metoda za dijagnozu primarnih i metastatskih novotvorina jajnika, te za rano otkrivanje relapsa maligne bolesti. Time se citologija izravno upliće i u management liječenja pacijenta. Citološka pretraga ispirka trbušne šupljine najčešće je indicirana u određivanju stadija karcinoma jajnika (tz v. „prvi pogled“). Zahvati tz v. „drugog pogleda“ izvode se na bolesnicima koji su prethodno tretirani kirurški, zračenjem i/ili kemoterapijom da bi se odredila ostatna bolest ili recidiv karcinoma jajnika. U oba navedena slučaja („prvi i drugi pogled“) citologija se dokazala kao korisna dijagnostička metoda

    Samuel Johnson on the Egyptian origin of the Yoruba.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy and Ethics. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2016.Abstract not available

    Growing out of overconnection: the process of dis/connecting among Norwegian and Portuguese teenagers

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    Young people struggle with permanent online connection that is associated with their generation. This article looks at teenagers’ affective relationship to connectivity and disconnectivity, and how it is socioculturally influenced by the media, family, and peers. It reports on an interview study with 36 teenagers between 15 and 19 years of age from Norway and Portugal. Our findings evidenced how disconnection may arise out of a latent feeling of “disaffect” generated in the experience of the ambience of connected and platform culture as well as the media; or of the unavailability created by how teenagers spend their leisure time, which is influenced by families’ moral economies. Teenagers have to perform affective labor in managing the different, sometimes contradictory, forces that converge in the experience of connectivity. Managing digital disconnection appears as an individual—but socially produced—moral obligation to self-govern, to which teenagers have unequal conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stereotypes of Women and Men Across Gender Subgroups

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    In this paper, we argue for the value of studying gender stereotypes at the subgroup level, combining insights from the stereotype content model, social role theory, and intersectional perspectives. Empirically, we investigate the stereotype content of gender subgroups in Norway, a cultural context for which a systematic description of stereotypes of gender subgroups is lacking. In a pilot study (n = 60), we established salient subgroups within the Norwegian context. Employing the stereotype content model, these groups were rated on warmth and competence in a main study (n = 191). Combining social role and intersectional perspectives, we compared stereotypes of women and men in the same social roles and social categories across subgroups. Comparisons between subgroups of women and men occupying the same social role indicated that at the subgroup level, women are often viewed as warmer than men, whereas the reverse appears to be a rare exception. Competence ratings, however, did not show this consistency. Our results at the subgroup level are consistent with research indicating that current gender stereotypes converge on constructs related to the competence dimension and remain divergent for constructs related to warmth.publishedVersio

    The Contribution Of Napoleon Bonaparte To Egyptology

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    Egyptology is a collection of many disciplines including history, arts, mathematics and sciences. While some scholars argued that the formal study of Egypt can be dated back to the pre-Greco Roman period, others objected to this notion and they proposed that Egyptology officially started from the 18th century after Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt. Not all people applauded Napoleon as the father of Egyptology after his exploitation and exploration of Egypt. Many Afrocentric scholars blamed Napoleon for dissociating the Egyptian civilization from other Africans while a number of Eurocentric scholars emphasized only the legendaries or positive contribution of Napoleon. This paper is limited to not making conclusions about the position of both Afrocentric and Eurocentric scholars on Napoleon. The paper is an emphasis on Napoleon’s contribution to Egyptology and to scientific studies. Using the background of his biographical engagements with other scientists, I argued that there are certain administrative skills endowed upon Napoleon that worth commendation for both Africans and non-Africans

    Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Diagnosing Rare Breast Carcinoma – Two Case Reports

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    In this paper, we are presenting the two cases of very rare tumors: breast sebaceous carcinoma, which has been described for the first time in Croatian medical literature, and pure breast squamous carcinoma. First case, sebaceous carcinoma, is still quite unknown regarding its morphological characteristics and biological behavior. In the second case, squamous carcinoma, also very rare, was found in a patient who previously had a number of diagnosed head and neck skin carcinomas, and was diagnosed as primary squamous breast carcinoma. As a first case we present a 85-year-old female with a two months history of swelling of the left breast under the mammilla. The second one, a 69-year-old female presented to our hospital in January 2008 with a two months history of a lump in the lower outer region of the left breast and enlarged lymph nodes in left axillary region. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the breast was performed in order to diagnose the exact type of both tumours. This methodology was found important in diagnosis, but in both cases showed certain limitations in diagnosing such rare tumors. The final diagnoses were determined after carefully synthesizing the histological findings and clinical data. Careful and accurate classification of these tumors is necessary. A detailed analysis of their biological behavior and response to the therapy is necessary in order to formulate definite recommendations in managing these patients/diseases

    Uloga citologije u otkrivanju i liječenju tumora dojke

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    Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an established, highly accurate, and cost-eff ective method for diagnosing lesions in the breast. The method is minimally invasive without unwanted side efect. FNAC forms part of the triple assessment of breast lesions and has a high accuracy and sensitivity in dedicated centres. Method as a part of triple assessment has provide its value in describing the fi ndings most accurately. The diagnostic impact depends on experience of the operator, quality of preparation and diagnostic skills of the cytopathologist. Inadequate sampling with FNAC is particulary seen in collagenous lesions and in submitt ed specimens sampled by physicians lacking experience with the FNAC procedure. The highest accuracy is achived at centres with multidisciplinary approach. The majority of European countries use similar reporting system for breast FNAC (C1-C5), in keeping with European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. A clear reporting system ensures that an unequivocal cytological diagnosis of malignancy is reliable, and in cases where mammography/ultrasonography and clinical examination are in agreement with FNAC, frozen section examination is unnecessary. The issue of optimal sampling to obtain adequate cell material in suffi cient quantity is of paramount importance when assessing the accuracy of FNAC. The inadequate rates in FNAC from diff erent sources are lowest when FNAC is performed by a cytopathologist and highest when done by a non-cytopathologist. The multidisciplinary approach is necessary to amplify FNAC quality and to reduce its diagnostic limits. Only when this model of activity is not available, the role of FNAC is less eff ective and the addition of core biopsy (CB) to FNAC should be considered. CB as an alternative diagnostic modality should be used advisedly, in situations where it is more likely to yield diagnostic information, e.g., in the diagnosis of impalpable masses, microcalcifi cations or a clinically apparent malignancy where preoperative chemotherapy is planned. CB should not be used as a substitute for poor performance at FNAC. The methods are not mutually exclusive.Aspiracijska citologija tankom iglom (FNAC) je utemeljena, visoko pouzdana i jeftina metoda u dijagnostici lezija dojke. Metoda je minimalno invazivna bez neželjenih nuspojava. Sastavni je dio tzv. trojnog pristupa u dijagnostičkoj obradi lezija dojke, te u specijaliziranim centrima ima visoku pouzdanost i senzitivnost. Također je unutar trojnog pristupa dokazala svoju vrijednost mogućnošću da izrazito pouzdano okarakterizira promjene. Dijagnostički učinak ovisi o iskustvu liječnika koji izvodi postupak, kvaliteti obrade materijala te dijagnostičkim vještinama citopatologa. Neadekvatni uzorak se najčešće susreće u kolagenoznim lezijama,komplex sklerozirajućim promjenama te u oskudnosti primljenih materijalima od strane liječnika koji izvode punkciju, a nemaju dovoljno iskustva s procedurom. Najviša razina pouzdanosti postiže se u centrima s multidisciplinarnim pristupom. Većina europskih zemalja koristi isti sustav pisanja citoloških nalaza vezanih za dijagnostiku dojke (C1-C5), koristeći se smjernicama za osiguravanje kvalitete u probiru i dijagnostici karcinoma dojke. Jasni sustav pisanja nalaza time osigurava pouzdanost nedvojbene citološke dijagnoze maligniteta, te u slučajevima kada je ona u skladu s radiološkim nalazima (mamografijom/ultrazvukom), kao dio trojnog pristupa nije potrebna hitna, introperativna patohistološka dijagnostika. Optimalno prikupljanje materijala radi dobivanja adekvatno celularnog uzorka je od ključne važnosti za pouzdanost aspiracijske citologije ( FNA). Nivo neadekvatnog materijala je najniži kada postupak izvodi citopatolog, a najveći kada ga izvode liječnici drugih specijalnosti. Multidisciplinarni pristup je neophodan za povećanje kvalitete metode te za reduciranje njenih dijagnostičkih ograničenja. Samo u slučajevima kada ovakav model pristupa nije dostupan, uloga citologije (FNA) je manje učinkovita te se treba uzeti u obzir biopsija širokom iglom (CB). CB je alternativni dijagnostički modalitet, te se treba koristiti ciljano, u situacijama kada je izvjesnije da će omogućiti bolju dijagnostičku informaciju, npr. u slučajevima kada se radi o nepalpabilnim promjenama, mikrokalcifi katima, te u slučajevima klinički jasnog malignog procesa gdje se planira preoperativna kemoterapija. CB se ne treba koristiti kao alternativa slabo izvedenoj citološkoj punkciji, te se navedene dvije metode međusobno ne isključuju