398 research outputs found

    Hubungan Volume Lalu Lintas, Kecepatan Tempuh, Derajat Kejenuhan, Kerapatan dan Arus Lalu Lintas, pada Jalur Khusus Sepeda Motor (Jksm) di Jembatan Suramadu

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    Pada akhir tahun 2013 populasi sepeda motor mencapai 85,45 juta unit dengan komposisi sepeda motor di jalan rata-rata mencapai hingga 70% (AISI, 2014). Dalam rangka memfasilitasi sepeda motor, maka terbitlah PP Nomor 44 Tahun 2009 yang menyatakan bahwa ”Jalan tol dapat dilengkapi jalur jalan tol khusus bagi kendaraan bermotor roda dua yang secara fisik terpisah dari jalur jalan tol yang diperuntukkan bagi kendaraan bermotor roda empat atau lebih”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh antara volume lalu lintas, kecepatan tempuh, kerapatan, arus lalu lintas, dan derajat kejenuhan pada JKSM di jalan tol dengan metode analisis adalah regresi linier. Survei dilakukan pada lokasi JKSM Suramadu dengan mengumpulkan data kecepatan tempuh dan volume sepeda motor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pengaruh volume terhadap kecepatan tempuh tidak terlalu signifikan dan bersifat negatif dengan nilai -0,324. Pengaruh bertambahnya kerapatan terhadap kecepatan tempuh di JKSM arah Madura adalah sebesar -0,460 sedangkan arah Surabaya sebesar -0,523 keduanya bersifat bertolak belakang. Pada JKSM arah Madura besarnya pengaruh faktor kerapatan terhadap arus sangat signifikan, yaitu sebesar 0,941 sedangkan pada arah Surabaya sebesar 0,966. Faktor pengaruh arus terhadap kecepatan tempuh di JKSM arah Madura adalah sebesar -0,195, sedangkan untuk arah Surabaya yaitu sebesar -0,391 keduanya bersifat bertolak belakang

    Полиморфизм вставки/делеции гена АПФ связан с глиобластомой у населения Ирана: исследование случай-контроль

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    Background. The insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene has recently been reported to be associated with the pathogenesis and development of human cancers.This study aimed to assess the potential association between ACE (I/D) polymorphism and glioblastoma in an Iranian population.Material and Methods. This case-control study was conducted on 80 patients with glioblastoma and 80 healthy blood donors as controls. Gap-polymerase chain reaction (Gap-PCR) was used to determine the ACE (I/D) genotypes. PCR products were separated and measured by electrophoresis on a 2 % agarose gel.Results. Analysis of demographic data showed a significant difference in the family history of cancer between the case and control groups (p=0.03). The distribution of ACE gene variants including II, ID, and DD genotypes was also calculated, and significant differences were seen in the DD genotype (p=0.03) and D allele (p=0.04) between the glioblastoma cases and controls.Conclusion. ACE gene polymorphism was associated with glioblastoma in the study population. Further studies are needed to approve this finding.Актуальность. Недавно сообщалось, что инсерционно-делеционный (I/D) полиморфизм гена ангиотензин-превращающего фермента (АПФ) связан с патогенезом и развитием рака человека.Целью исследования была оценка потенциальной связи между I/D полиморфизмом гена АПФ и глиобластомой у населения Ирана.Материал и методы. В исследовании случай-контроль участвовали 80 пациентов с глиобластомой и 80 здоровых доноров в качестве группы контроля. Полимеразная цепная реакция (Gap-PCR) использовалась для определения генотипов I/D полиморфизма гена AПФ. ПЦР-продукты разделяли и измеряли электрофорезом в 2 % агарозном геле.Результаты. Анализ демографических данных показал значительную разницу в семейной истории рака между основной и контрольной группами (p=0,03). Было рассчитано распределение вариантов гена АПФ, включая генотипы II, ID и DD, и были обнаружены значительные различия в генотипе DD (p=0,03) и аллеле D (p=0,04) между группой больных с глиобластомой и контрольной группой.Заключение. Полиморфизм гена AПФ был связан с глиобластомой в исследуемой популяции. Необходимы дальнейшие исследования, чтобы подтвердить эти данные

    Data Mining and Hypothesis Refinement Using a Multi-Tiered Genetic Algorithm

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    This is the published version. Copyright De GruyterThis paper details a novel data mining technique that combines set objects with an enhanced genetic algorithm. By performing direct manipulation of sets, the encoding process used in genetic algorithms can be eliminated. The sets are used, manipulated, mutated, and combined, until a solution is reached. The contributions of this paper are two-fold: the development of a multi-tiered genetic algorithm technique, and its ability to perform not only data mining but also hypothesis refinement. The multi-tiered genetic algorithm is not only a closer approximation to genetics in the natural world, but also a method for combining the two main approaches for genetic algorithms in data mining, namely, the Pittsburg and Michigan approaches. These approaches were combined, and implemented. The experimental results showed that the developed system can be a successful data mining tool. More important, testing the hypothesis refinement capability of this approach illustrated that it could take a data model generated by some other technique and improves upon the overall performance of the data model

    Diseminasi Resistor Standar 1 Kω Ke Standar Kerja

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    Dissemination of calibration value of standard resistor to working standard in Research Center for Metrology LIPI has been done. It aims to get the calibration result and the uncertainty estimation that are valid and traceable to SI on the working standard. The desimination was performed by implementing calibration value of 1 kΩ standard resistor to reference resistor and then to working standard. The value that had been disseminated to working standard, reference multimeter, had been compared to the measurement value made by KRISS (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science) through a degree of equivalence criteria. The error numbers based on the degree of equivalence criteria between Metrology-LIPI and KRISS for the resistors measurement of 100Ω, 10Ω, and 1Ω were 0.51, 0.73, and 0.87 respectively. Based on those error numbers, Metrology-LIPI measurement results had the measuring value agreement with KRISS measurement results. Moreover, Its had validated calibration result and the uncertainty estimation of reference resistor and working standard in Metrology LIP

    Frequency of Celiac Disease in Patients With Increased Intestinal Gas (Flatulence)

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    Excessive flatulence which impairs social performance in patients is one of the common reasons for referrals to gastroenterology clinics. Celiac Disease is a rare but important cause of increased intestinal gas (bloating) and if not diagnosed, patients face complications such as malabsorption, anemia, osteoporosis and even intestinal lymphoma. This study aimed to determine the frequency of Celiac Disease in patients with excessive flatulence.One hundred and fifty patients with a chief complaint of experiencing flatulence more than 15 times a day and lasting for three months were referred to the gastroenterology clinic of Rasoul-e-Akram Teaching Hospital. Serological tests for Celiac Disease, Anti TTG Ab (IgA-IgG) were requested and the patients with positive tests underwent upper GI endoscopy. Biopsies of the second part of the duodenum were then sent to the laboratory.From one hundred and thirty patients who completed the study, 92 (70.7) were female. Mean age of the patients was 32 ± 13 years. Anti TTG Ab was found in 5 patients (3.85). Only 2 patients (1.5) had a documented positive pathology for Celiac Disease.According to the results of this study and other studies, we conclude that Celiac Disease is an uncommon etiology for excessive flatulence but it is of importance to investigate it in excessive flatulence patients

    Efficacy of Probiotic Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Double Blind Placebo-controlled Randomized Trial

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    AIM: to evaluate potential improvement effect for probiotic E. coliNissle 1917 in the management of refractory IBS in an Iranian population. METHODS: a double blind placebo controlled approach has been used in the current clinical trial. 139 confirmed IBS patients were included into the study, and were given probiotic E.coli Nissle 1917 for 6 weeks. 11 items Birmingham IBS Symptom Questionnairehas been used for evaluation of changes in the symptoms every 2 weeks. CONCLUSION: probiotic therapy with E.coli Nissle 1917 was not able to induce significant improvement in the symptoms of patients with non-categorized IBS. Nevertheless, when IBS patients were recategorized to subgroups according to their main symptoms, evaluation of the efficacy of the probiotic on some individual items in the symptom list reached the significance level. Prospective clinical trials are recommended to confirm our findings. RESULTS: sixty eight subjects (49) were males. Mean±SD age of the participants was 38±13.3 years. 49(35.3) of the patients were diarrhea-predominant. The total scores showed no significant difference between the intervention vs. control group(-6.7±6.8 vs. -6.7±6.5, respectively; p=0.95); neither did any of the questionnaire items any significant alterations in the two groups. After stratification of patients based on their IBS type, diarrhea-predominant patients showed a positive response to the probiotic improving their sleep (p=0.05 and 0.03 at weeks 2 and 6, respectively). Patients with constipation-predominant IBS showed no response to the probiotic; while patients with diarrhea-constipation mixed IBS showed unfavorable response to the probiotic in the need for strain to pass a motion compared to the placebo (p=0.03 and 0.02 at weeks 4 and 6, respectively)


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    Motorcycle population growth more than 12,1% a year in Bali involved in increasing number of motorcycleaccident. To minimized accident rate at road that had high percentage of motorcycle like Sunset Road and 4/2Dtype of geometric a motorcycle lane (MCL) can be applied. Feasibility of MCL Application must fulfil criteriaaccident rate, motorcycle proportion, operational speed, saturation degree (V/C) at peak-hour volume (PHV) andminimum road width. Data of traffic volume and motorcycle speed were collected for 8 hours and analyze withMCL criteria (Idris, 2008) and minimum width road. Sunset Road assumed had motorcycle accident rate 55,6%,motorcycle proportion (pcu) 42% or 500 pcu/hour, operational speed 62 km/hour, V/C= 0,45 and road width 6meters. Compared with the criteria, Sunset Road didn’t fulfilled motorcycle proportion criteria <1.200 pcu/hour,operational speed >44,17 km/hour, V/C <65 and road width <7,5 m, therefore MCL can’t be applied in SunsetRoad

    Do symbiotic and vitamin e supplementation have favorite effects in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease? A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in the world. Oral administration of symbiotic and Vitamin E has been proposed as an effective treatment in NAFLD patients. This study was carried out to assess the effects of symbiotic and/or Vitamin E supplementation on liver enzymes, leptin, lipid profile, and some parameters of insulin resistance (IR) in NAFLD patients. Materials and Methods: We randomly assigned sixty NAFLD adult patients to receive (1) symbiotic twice daily + Vitamin E-like placebo capsule; (2) 400 IU/d Vitamin E + symbiotic-like placebo; (3) symbiotic twice daily + 400 IU/d Vitamin E; and (4) symbiotic-like placebo + Vitamin E-like placebo for 8 weeks. Results: Symbiotic plus Vitamin E supplementation led to a significant decrease in concentrations of liver transaminase (P � 0.05). Mean difference of apolipoprotein A-1 was more significant in symbiotic group compared to control. However, mean difference of apolipoprotein B100/A-1 was only significant in symbiotic group compared to control. At the end of the study, significant differences in total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were seen between the symbiotic plus Vitamin E and control groups (P < 0.001). Furthermore, intake of symbiotic plus Vitamin E supplements led to a significant decrease in concentrations of triglycerides (TG) after the intervention. Significant differences in leptin, fasting blood sugar (FBS), and insulin levels were seen between the symbiotic plus Vitamin E and control groups at the end of the study (P < 0.001). In contrast, symbiotic and/or Vitamin E supplementation did not affect high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and homeostasis model assessment for IR levels. Conclusion: In our study, symbiotic plus Vitamin E supplementation was the most effective treatment in lowering liver enzymes, leptin, FBS, insulin, TG, TC, and LDL-C among NAFLD patients. © 2016 Journal of Research in Medical Sciences

    Comparison of quadruple and triple Furazolidone containing regimens on eradication of helicobacter pylori

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    Background: The effectiveness of classic standard triple therapy regimen of helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication has decreased to unacceptably low levels, largely related to development of resistance to metronidazole and clarithromycin. Thus successful eradication of H. pylori infections remains challenging. Therefore alternative treatments with superior effectiveness and safety should be designed and appropriately tested in all areas depending on the native resistance patterns. Furazolidone has been used successfully in eradication regimens previously and regimens containing furazolidone may be an ideal regimen. Methods: H. pylori infected patients with proven gastric or duodenal ulcers and /or gastric or duodenal erosions at Imam Khomeini Hospital in Sari/Northern Iran, were randomly allocated into three groups: group A (OABF) with furazolidone (F) (200 mg bid.), group B (OABM-F) metronidazole (M) (500 mg bid.) for the first five days, followed by furazolidone (F) (200 mg bid.) for the second five days and group C (OAF) with furazolidone (F) (200 mg tid.). Omeprazole (O) (20 mg bid.) and amoxicillin (A) (1000 mg bid.) were given in all groups; bismuth (B) (240 mg bid.) was prescribed in groups A&B. Duration of all eradication regimens were ten days. Eight weeks after treatment, a 14C-urea breath test was performed for evaluation of H. pylori eradication. Results: A total of 372 patients were enrolled in three groups randomly (124 patients in each group); 120 (97) patients in group A (OABF), 120 (97) in group B (OABM-F) and 116 (93) in group C (OAF) completed the study. The intention-to-treat eradication rates were 83.7 (95 CI= 77.3-90.4), 79.8 (95 CI= 72.6-87), and 84.6 (95 CI= 78.2-91.1) and per-protocol eradication rates were 86.6 (95 CI= 80.5-92.8), 82.5 (95 CI= 75.6-89.4), and 90.5 (95 CI= 85.1-95.9) for groups OABF, OABM-F, and OAF, respectively. No statistical significant differences were found in case of severe drug adverse effects between the above mentioned three groups (p> 0.05). The most common side effects, namely nausea and fever, occurred in all groups, but more frequently in group C (OAF) (p< 0.05). Conclusion: In developing countries such as Iran, furazolidone-based regimens can substitute clarithromycinbased regimens for H. pylori eradication because of a very low level of resistance, low cost and high effectiveness. Considering per-protocol eradication rate of ten days OAF regimen, and the acceptable limit of ninety percent, we recommend this regimen in developing countries such as Iran to be substituted of classic standard triple therapy. In order to minimize rare serious adverse effects, one week high dose OAF regimen should be taken into consideration in other studies

    Combination of Nigella sativa and honey in eradication of gastric helicobacter pylori infection

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    Background: Gastric Helicobacter pylori is extremely common worldwide. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combination of Nigella sativa and honey (Dosin) in eradication of gastric H. pylori infection. Patients and Methods: Nineteen patients who had positive result for H. pylori infection by urea breath test (UBT) without a past history of peptic ulcer, gastric cancer or gastrointestinal bleeding, were suggested to receive one teaspoon of the mixture of Dosin (6 g/day of N. sativa as ground seeds and 12 g/day of honey) three times a day after meals for two weeks. The second UBT was used to detect the presence of H. pylori four weeks after completion of the test. In addition, symptoms of dyspepsia were scored before and after the study and analyzed with Wilcoxon signed-rank test Results: Fourteen patients completed the study. Negative UBT was observed in 57.1 (8/14) of participants after intervention. The median and interquartile range (IQR) of total dyspepsia symptoms was significantly reduced from 5.5 (5 -12) to 1 (0 -4) (P = 0.005). All the patients tolerated Dosin except for one who was excluded due to mild diarrhea. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Dosin was concluded to be an anti H. pylori and an anti-dyspeptic agent. Further studies are recommended to investigate the effect of Dosin plus antibiotics (concurrently or following another) on gastric H. pylori infection. � 2016, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal