177 research outputs found

    Improved jet noise predictions in subsonic flows using an approximate composite asymptotic expansion of the adjoint Green's function in Goldstein's analogy

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    Our recent work on jet noise modeling (Afsar et al. 2019, PhilTrans. A., vol. 377) has confirmed that non-parallel flow effects are needed to determine the wave propagation aspect of the jet noise problem. The acoustic spectrum calculated using an asymptotic representation of non-parallel flow effects produces the correct spectral shape of the small angle radiation beyond that which can be predicted using a parallel (i.e. non-spreading) mean flow approximation to determine the wave propagation tensor in Goldstein’s generalized acoustic analogy formulation. While the peak noise predicted using this approach works remarkably well at low frequencies (up to and slightly beyond the peak Strouhal number), the high frequency prediction in Afsar et al. (2019) relied upon an ad-hoc composite asymptotic formula for the propagator that was also restricted to the small angle spectra. In this paper we therefore attempt to remedy this defect by using the O(1) frequency locally parallel flow Green’s function as a kind-of outer solution to the propagator tensor in which the non-parallel flow theory used in the latter reference acts as the ’inner’ solution that is valid at low frequencies and is transcendentally small beyond the peak frequency. The hope is that this approach will allow more robust high frequency predictions with a single set of turbulence parameters for the acoustic spectrum at any given acoustic Mach number. In other words, both non-parallel and locally parallel regions of the propagator tensor solution are multiplied by the same turbulence source structure in the acoustic spectrum integral. The paper highlights the basic formalism of the low frequency jet noise theory and sum- marises the technical problems and strategy we use to extend this approach to higher frequen- cies

    Rapid distortion theory on transversely sheared mean flows of arbitrary cross section

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    This paper is concerned with Rapid Distortion Theory on transversely sheared mean flows that (among other things) can be used to analyze the unsteady motion resulting from the interaction of a turbulent shear flow with a solid surface. It expands on a previous analysis of Goldstein, Leib and Afsar (J. Fluid Mech. Vol. 824, pp. 477-51) that uses a pair of conservation laws to derive upstream boundary conditions for planar mean flows and extends these findings to transversely sheared flows of arbitrary cross section. The results, which turn out to be quite general, are applied to the specific case of a round jet interacting with the trailing edge of a flat plate and used to calculate the radiated sound field, which is then compared with experimental data taken at the NASA Glenn Research Center


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    Abstract. In [13] frames of subspaces extended to continuous version namely c-frame of subspaces. In this article we consider to the relations between c-frames of subspaces and local c-frames. Also in this article we give some important relation about duality and parseval c-frames of subspaces. 1. Introduction an

    Effect of large-scale mixing on the axisymmetric structure of turbulence correlations in complex dual stream jets

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    Dual-stream flows are a ubiquitous feature of turbofan engines used in civil aviation. In this paper we analyze the spatial structure of turbulence correlations in a high speed round coaxial jet operating at heated conditions. In particular we consider the effect of axisymmetry of a second rank correlation tensor and the usual fourth order Reynolds stress auto-covariance tensor that enters the Goldstein’s generalized acoustic analogy formulation. The invariants of these tensors can be reduced to a simpler form depending on whether isotropy or axisymmetry was assumed. We show that an axisymmetric turbulence approximation remains accurate in the core region but tends to break down in the bypass stream and especially in the interfacial region between both streams where high level of mixing of turbulence takes place. In the paper we present some of our latest results and provide a road map for the future calculations that we have planned

    Towards the prediction of supersonic jet noise predictions using a unified asymptotic approximation for the adjoint vector Green's function

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    In this paper we continue efforts aimed at modeling jet noise using self-consistent analytical approaches within the generalized acoustic analogy (GAA) formulation. The GAA equations show that the far-field pressure fluctuation is given by a convolution product between a propagator tensor that depends on the (true) non-parallel jet mean flow and a generalized fluctuating stress tensor that is a stationary random function of time and includes the usual fluctuating Reynolds’ stress tensor as well as enthalpy fluctuation components. Here, we focus on approximating the propagator tensor by determining an appropriate asymptotic solution to the adjoint vector Green’s function that it depends on by using an asymptotic approach at all frequencies of interest for jet noise prediction. The Green’s function is then rationally approximated by a composite formula in which the GSA (Goldstein-Sescu-Afsar, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 695, pp. 199-234, 2012) non-parallel flow Green’s function asymptotic solution is used at low frequencies and the O(1) frequency parallel flow Green’s function is used for all frequencies thereafter. The former solution uses the fact that non-parallelism will have a leading order effect on the Green’s function everywhere in the jet under a distinguished scaling in which the jet spread rate is of the same order as the Strouhal number for a slowly-diverging mean flow expansion. Since this solution, however, is expected to apply up to the peak frequency, the latter O(1) frequency Green’s function in a parallel flow must be used at frequencies thereafter. We investigate the predictive capability of the composite Green’s function for the prediction of supersonic axi-symmetric round jets at fixed jet Mach number of 1.5 and two different temperature ratios (isothermal & heated) using Large-eddy simulation data. Our results show that, in the first instance, excellent jet noise predictions are obtained using the non-parallel flow asymptotic approach, remarkably, up to a Strouhal number of 0.5. This is true for both heated and un-heated jets. Furthermore, we develop the analytical approach required to extend this solution by appropriate asymptotic approximation to O(1) frequencies

    Modeling supersonic heated jet noise at fixed jet Mach number using an asymptotic approach for the acoustic analogy Green’s function and an optimized turbulence model

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    In this study we show how accurate jet noise predictions can be achieved within Goldstein’s generalized acoustic analogy formulation for heated and un-heated supersonic jets using a previously developed asymptotic theory for the adjoint vector Green’s function and a turbulence model whose independent parameters are determined using an optimization algorithm . In this approach, mean flow non-parallelism enters the lowest order dominant balance producing enhanced amplification at low frequencies, which we believe corresponds to the peak sound at small polar observation angles. The novel aspect of this paper is that we exploit both mean flow and turbulence structure from existent Large Eddy Simulations database of two axi-symmetric round jets at fixed jet Mach number and different nozzle temperature ratios to show (broadly speaking) the efficacy of the asymptotic approach. The empirical parameters that enter via local turbulence length scales within the algebraic-exponential turbulence model are determined by optimizing against near field turbulence data post-processed from the LES calculation. Our results indicate that accurate jet noise predictions are obtained with this approach up to a Strouhal number of 0.5 for both jets without introducing significant empiricism

    Analysis of the non-parallel flow-based Green's function in the acoustic analogy for complex axisymmetric jets

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    This paper considers how a complex axisymmetric jet modifies the structure of the propa- gator tensor in Goldstein’s generalized acoustic analogy. The jet flow we consider is in general a dual stream flow that operates either as a single jet or a complex co-axial jet flow. The latter of which is of interest to turbofan engine manufacturers. The form of the acoustic analogy that we use here is based on our recent work on jet noise modeling (Afsar et al. 2019, PhilTrans. A., vol. 377) that highlighted the importance of non-parallel flow effects in the correct calcu- lation of the propagator. The propagator calculation takes advantage of the fact that mean flow non-parallelism enters the lowest order asymptotic expansion of the former at sufficiently low frequencies of the same order as the jet spread rate. Whilst this might seem restrictive, our previously reported calculations at high subsonic and mildly supersonic jets indicate that the subsequent jet noise predictions remain accurate up to the peak frequency (typically at a Strouhal number based on jet velocity and diameter of ≈ 0.5 − 0.6) for the small angle acoustic radiation. One of critical assumptions of this approach is that the mean flow speed of sound squared is given by either the Crocco relation (in unheated jets) or the Crocco-Busemann relation for heated flows. Our analysis for the dual stream complex axisymmetric jet however shows that the latter assumption (in the form of Crocco-Busemann formula) is no longer an accurate representation of the speed of sound variation. We therefore present a more general form of the asymptotic analysis than that used in Afsar et al. (2019a & b). For the complex jet mean flow field, the mean flow speed of sound is otherwise arbitrary but must remain a single-valued function of the streamwise mean flow. The predictions based on this approach are shown to remain accurate up to the peak frequency. We discuss how to extend the range of validity by utilizing a suitable composite asymptotic solution for the Green’s function problem

    Effect of non-parallel mean flow on the acoustic spectrum of heated supersonic jets : explanation of 'jet quietening'

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    Noise measurements of heated axisymmetric jets at fixed supersonic acoustic Mach number indicate that the acoustic spectrum reduces when the temperature ratio increases. The 'spectral quietening' effect has been observed both experimentally and computationally using Large Eddy Simulations (LES). It was explained by Afsar et al. (M. Z. Afsar and M. E. Goldstein & A. M. Fagan AIAAJ., Vol. 49, p. 2522, 2011) through the cancellation introduced by enthalpy flux/momentum flux coupling term using the generalized acoustic analogy formulation. But the parallel flow assumption is known to give inaccurate predictions at high jet speeds. In this paper we therefore extend the non-parallel flow asymptotic theory of Goldstein et al. (M. E. Goldstein, A. Sescu & M. Z. Afsar, J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 695, p. 199, 2012) for the vector Green’s function of the adjoint linearized Euler equations (ALEE) in the analogy. Using a steady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) calculation for the jet mean flow, we find that the coupling term propagator is positive-definite and asymptotically sub-dominant at low frequencies corresponding to the peak jet noise when non-parallel flow effects are taken into account and self-consistent approximations for the turbulence structure are made. The validity of the non-parallel flow-based acoustic analogy model is assessed at various observation angles by computing the overall sound pressure level (OASPL) and use this to suggest a more rational explanation of the quietening effect. In general, our noise predictions are in very good agreement with acoustic data beyond the peak frequency

    Generalized rapid-distortion theory on transversely sheared mean flows with physically realizable upstream boundary conditions : application to trailing edge problem

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    This paper is concerned with rapid distortion theory on transversely sheared mean flows which (among other things) can be used to analyze the unsteady motion resulting from the interaction of a turbulent shear flow with a solid surface. It extends previous analyses of Goldstein, Afsar & Leib (2013 a, b) which showed that the unsteady motion is completely determined by specifying two arbitrary convected quantities. The present paper uses a pair of previously derived conservation laws to derive upstream boundary conditions that relate these quantities to experimentally measurable flow variables. The result is dependent on the imposition of causality on an intermediate variable that appears in the conservation laws. Goldstein et al (2013a) related the convected quantities to the physical flow variables at the location of the interaction, but the results were not generic and hard to reconcile with experiment. That problem does not occur in the present formulation which leads to a much simpler and more natural result than the one given in Goldstein et al (2013a). We also show that the present formalism yields better predictions of the sound radiation produced by the interaction of a two-dimensional jet with the downstream edge of a flat plate than the Goldstein et al (2013a) result. The role of causality is also discussed

    Sound generation due to the interaction of turbulence with surfaces embedded in transversely sheared flow

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    This paper reviews the application of Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT) on transversely shear mean flows to the prediction of sound generated from solid surfaces imbedded in turbulent shear flows. This phenomenon is relevant to the so-called installation noise problem which has received considerable attention in recent years. A few representative results from applications that have appeared in the literature are also presented. This article is part of the theme issue 'Frontiers of aeroacoustics research: theory, computation and experiment'
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