8 research outputs found

    Work Stress Factors in Innures at the Putri Hijau Kesdam I Bukit Barisan Medan

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    One of the jobs that is prone to stress is a nurse. According to PPNI, 50.9% of Indonesian nurses experience work stress. This study was to determine the factors that influence the stress of nurses at the Putri Hijau Level II Hospital, Medan. The research design used was cross sectional with a population of 152 nurses in this study and the sample used a stratified random sampling technique to 60 nurses. Data analysis using binary logistic regression test. Research shows that there is an effect of workload (p = 0.03) and interpersonal relationship (p = 0.03) on nurses 'work stress, while the variables of gender, tenure, career development and role conflict have no effect on nurses' work stress. Workload and interpersonal relationships in the workplace have the potential to cause work stress for nurses. So it is advisable for the management to adjust the physical and mental workload with the capacity and ability of nurses, and strive for a conducive social environment


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    The Period of menopause represent one of the period to feeling concerned about woman in her life cycle, this matter is caused by dread of change will that happened when entering a period of menopause. In this period will happened change of physical and psychological. That is needed a knowledge which enough to be more recognizing and can handle changes that happened. Target of this research is to know relation between knowledge of old age woman with level of anxiety period of monepause in Panti Jompo Yayasan Nurul Jannah Werdha. This research use analytic survey with transversal surgical operation (sectional cross). Research sampel amount to 37 responder people representing old age woman. Measuring instrument that used is kuesioner that is kuesioner mount anxiety a period of menopause and kuesioner knowledge of old age woman about menopause. Data analysis use Test of Chi-Square with meaning level of a = 0,05. Result of research is descipted that knowledgeable responder less is owning of heavy anxiety counted 47,1% (8 responder people), knowledgeable responder enough have heavy anxiety counted 83,3% (5 responder people), and knowledgeable responder of goodness have heavy anxiety counted 50,0% (7 responder people). While statistical test by using test of Chi-Square obtained by value of p value 0,614 meaning bigger than a = 0,05. This matter show there is no relation having a meaning between knowledge of old age woman with anxiety at a period of menopause in Panti Jompo Yayasan Nurul Jannah Werdha

    A Confession of Female Smokers in Medan about Their Smoking Habit (Cigarette and Chewing Tobacco): A Preliminary Study

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    Indonesia is the country with the highest number of smokers in ASEAN, with 65.19 million people. Equivalent is 34% of the total population of Indonesia in 2016. As 2545 women smoke, they smoke in various types, such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and vape (SDKI, 2018). Smoking prevalence among women is lower than that for men in most countries, but the rate is increasing rapidly from 4.2 percent to 6.7 percent in 2010-2013 (Riskesdas,2013).This research used qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were held with 47 individuals from Medan city. A purposive sample was used who self-identified as female smokers in the past 30-days. Most of the participants who volunteered to take part in the study were over 25 years old. Tobacco users are divided into two focal categories which are cigarette smokers and chewing tobacco addicts, 31 reported as cigarette smokers, and 16 were reported having a chewing tobacco habit. Researches categorized cigarette users or smokers as CU and chewing tobacco users as CTU. The analysis of transcripts from the interviews revealed five main themes: 1) Personal problem lead to smoking (CU) 2) School friends’ influences initiate the habit (CU) 3)  Family tradition originate the chewing tobacco habit (CTU) 4) Prevent egoistic status from the tribe (CTU) and 5) Intent and struggle to quit but unsuccessful for CU but not CTU. Acclimatizing health promotion awareness and activities shall be concentrate on such as oral health, quit smoking and chewing tobacco program as well as motivational improvement approach to quit the smokin

    Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Stres Kerja Pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II B Meulaboh

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi stres kerja pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan kelas IIB Meulaboh, menggunakan metode survei analitik melalui pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh pada bulan Maret s.d April 2019. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh yaitu 72 orang. Sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian adalah total sampling, yaitu seluruh pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh yang berjumlah 72 orang. Adapun metode pengumpulan data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Lalu, analisis data menggunakan analisis multivariat, untuk melihat kemaknaan korelasi variabel bebas dan variabel terikat secara simultan menentukan faktor lebih dominan berpengaruh. Uji statistik untuk analisis multivariat yaitu regression binary logistic pada batas kemaknaan 95% dengan perhitungan statistik a = 0,05. Dari hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa jenis kelamin, masa kerja, shift kerja, beban kerja dan hubungan interpersonal berpengaruh terhadap stres kerja, sedangkan variabel umur, keamanan dan pengembangan karir tidak berpengaruh terhadap stres kerja pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh. Adapun jenis kelamin bernilai sig-p 0,003 <α = 0,05, masa kerja sig-p 0,013 <α = 0,05, shift kerja sig-p 0,025 <α = 0,05, beban kerja sig-p 0,002 <α = 0,05 dan hubungan interpersonal sig-p 0,018 <α = 0,05, artinya ada pengaruh terhadap stres kerja pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh. Namun, variabel jenis kelamin berpengaruh besar terhadap stres kerja pegawai Lapas Kelas IIB Meulaboh yaitu 40 kali lipat.Kata kunci:  faktor, mempengaruhi, stres kerja, pegawai lapa

    The Effect of Providing Self-Love Education to Increase Happiness in Grade I Students of SMKS Al-Fajar

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    Self love is a person's way of loving themselves and treating themselves well. Individuals who have self-love will increase happiness within themselves. Providing education regarding the importance of self-love is also very important, especially during the transition period between the adolescent development period and the early adulthood period. The aim of this research is to find out the effect of providing self-love education in increasing happiness in class I students at SMKS Al-Fajar. This research uses quantitative methods. The research population was 50 people who were class I students at SMKS Al-Fajar Sei Mencirim and the sample in this study was 25 people. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire, namely the happiness scale questionnaire. Hypothesis testing in this research was carried out using t-test analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that using lecture, discussion and question and answer methods using video learning and Microsoft Power Point with Self Love and Happiness material obtained an average pre-test score of 124,840 and post-test of 144,280. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, the post-test t result was 6.583 and the significance value was 0.294. The significance value states that it is greater than 0.05, so it can be said that there is no significant difference. In this research, self-love has a relationship with the happiness of grade 1 students at SMKS Al-Fajar

    Kompetensi Tenaga Kesehatan Mempengaruhi Kinerja Petugas Promosi Kesehatan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Puskesmas Sentosa Baru Medan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi serta menganalisis dampak kompetensi pada kinerja. Merupakan penelitian analitik menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Sentosa Baru, Medan Perjuangan, Kota Medan pada tahun 2021. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 60 petugas kesehatan. Sampel penelitian diambil dari populasi sebanyak 60 orang. Data dianalisis melalui uji chi-square serta uji regresi logistik. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, model kandidat terdiri dari semua indeks kompetensi seperti pemahaman, kepribadian, sikap kerja, keyakinan, pengalaman, kepribadian, emosi, kompetensi, serta budaya organisasi. Analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan nilai sig. sebesar 0,038 serta t - nilai 2,125. Oleh karena itu, disimpulkan H1 menunjukkan adanya pengaruh kompetensi terhadap kinerja. Selain itu, uji regresi logistik menunjukkan p-value 0,25. Dari kesimpulan penelitian ini, disimpulkan variabel kepribadian intelektual ialah indikator paling dominan mempengaruhi kinerja dengan signifikansi 0,002 (p value 0,05), OR = 0,085 (95% CI = 0,085-3,376). Nilai koefisien B menunjukkan bahwa responden dengan kepribadian tinggi berpeluang mempengaruhi kinerja responden tersebut sebesar 0,085 kali lipat dari responden dengan kepribadian rendah, bertanda positif sebesar 0,625. Semakin tinggi kepribadian petugas promosi kesehatan, maka semakin baik kinerja petugas tersebut


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan PIS-PK di Kecamatan Kota Juang Kabupaten Bireuen Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian campuran (mix method), yang dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Kota Juang Kabupaten Bireuen pada bulan Oktober s.d Desember 2018. Adapun sampel penelitian adalah seluruh petugas kesehatan di Kecamatan Kota Juang Kabupaten Bireuen, yang berjumlah 33 responden dan diambil dari petugas kesehatan yang aktif dalam pelaksanaan PIS-PK. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Lalu, informan penelitian adalah petugas kesehatan yang melaksanakan PIS-PK di Kecamatan Kota Juang Kabupaten Bireuen sebanyak 10 orang yang mencakup 6 petugas kesehatan dan 4 masyarakat. Data yang diperoleh diolah melalui tahapan editing, coding, entry dan tabulasi data. Lalu, dianalisis dengan teknik bivariat. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif diperoleh bahwa pendanaan, sarana prasarana dan dukungan pemerintah berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan PIS-PK. Sedangkan, hasil penelitian kualitatif dalam bidang pendanaan, dana diamprah dari BOK, karena anggarannya belum dicairkan sehingga pelaksanaannya tertunda. Bidang dukungan pemerintah, tingkat pemerintah daerah sudah terlaksana dengan baik, tetapi di desa masih terkendala dari pihak kepala desa yang belum mensosialisasikan ke masyarakat. Bidang SDM, admin PIS-PK hanya 1 orang. Bidang sarana prasarana, sudah terpenuhi namun tidak cukup. Bidang kondisi masyarakat, tidak semuanya siap dengan PIS-PK karena kurangnya sosialisasi. Bidang hubungan dengan pusat, masih ada jaringan internet yang terganggu. Diharapkan pihak puskesmas melakukan perencanaan  komprehensif dalam hal alokasi anggaran, tenaga pelaksana kunjungan rumah dan mekanisme pengumpulan data, serta sosialisasi ke lintas sektor untuk kelancaran kunjungan rumah.Kata kunci: pendanaan, sarana prasarana, dukungan pemerintah, PIS-P

    Work Stress Factors in Innures at the Putri Hijau Kesdam I Bukit Barisan Medan

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    One of the jobs that is prone to stress is a nurse. According to PPNI, 50.9% of Indonesian nurses experience work stress. This study was to determine the factors that influence the stress of nurses at the Putri Hijau Level II Hospital, Medan. The research design used was cross sectional with a population of 152 nurses in this study and the sample used a stratified random sampling technique to 60 nurses. Data analysis using binary logistic regression test. Research shows that there is an effect of workload (p = 0.03) and interpersonal relationship (p = 0.03) on nurses 'work stress, while the variables of gender, tenure, career development and role conflict have no effect on nurses' work stress. Workload and interpersonal relationships in the workplace have the potential to cause work stress for nurses. So it is advisable for the management to adjust the physical and mental workload with the capacity and ability of nurses, and strive for a conducive social environment