11 research outputs found

    Rendahnya Dukungan terhadap Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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    Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI Perjuangan) is a strong party in Indonesia winning three presidential elections in 1999, 2014 and 2019. However, it got low people’s votes in some provinces like Sumatera Barat. This article explains why PDI Perjuangan got little votes in Sumatera Barat by using the concept of populism as its analytical framework. The required data were collected through interviews and literature study, and were analyzed through qualitative approach. This article argues that the loss of PDI Perjuangan in presidential elections in Sumatera Barat is closely related to the people’s perception of the party as less populist than its competing parties. The people of Sumatera believed that PDI Perjuangan had no sensitivity to their unique characteristics and developed party identities and policy that were considered in contradiction with their social and cultural background. This impacted on Joko Widodo’s low support and votes in 2014 and 2019 presidential elections. He was perceived to have leadership style and characteristics that were not in line with the expectation of Sumatera Barat people, and have issued policies considered unsupportive of people interest


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    Kejadian Stunting menjadi isu yang signifikan dari banyak negara, termasuk Indonesia. Asupan makanan bergizi yang kurang dapat menghambat proses perkembangan pada anak. Karena anak sangat peka oleh penyakit terutama stunting yang menjadi ancaman. Kondisi stunting juga merupakan kondisi dimana tubuh anak tidak sesuai dengan teman seusianya, stunting dapat memberikan dampak yang buruk pada motorik anak. Selain itu penyebab langsung dari stunting yaitu salah satunya pola asuh orang tua, beberapa keluarga minim mengetahui bagaimana menyediakan asupan yang baik pada anak kemudian faktor ekonomi lainnyatidak mendukung untuk orang tua memenuhi kebutuhan anak oleh sebab itu gizi anak tidak terpenuhi dengan baik program ini bermaksud guna menyediakan pemahaman bagi ibu-ibu terkait olahan pembuatan makanan tambahan bagi balita dengan memanfaatkan bahan-bahan lokal yang tersedia di desa, seperti daun kelor yang dapat dibuat puding. Metode yang digunakan pada program ini melncakup tahap persiapan, perencanaan kegiatan, tahap pelaksanaan, metode pelaksanaan, dan relevansi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah antusias masyarakat yang tinggi didukung oleh relawan posyandu lainnya untuk turut mensukseskan kegiatan program yang dilaksanakan. Masyarakat, khususnya ibu-ibu balita, dapat mengetahui produk-produk tersebut. Kata Kunci: Stunting; PMT; Pangan Loka


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    Tulisan ini adalah kajian politik identitas yang bertujuan untuk melihat efek domino yang terjadi ketika rezim pemerintahan di tingkat lokal membangkitkan kembali lembaga formal yang dulu pernah hadir di daerah tersebut. Tulisan ini mengajukan tesis utama bahwa identitas dibangkitkan sebagai alat bagi penguasa dalam merebut, mempertahankan, dan menunjukkan kekuasaan. Lembaga formal yang dihidupkan kembali adalah Kesultanan Kutai Kartanegara yang dibubarkan akibat diberlakukannya Undang-Undang Darurat No. 3 Tahun 1953 dan Undang-Undang No. 27 Tahun 1959 tentang pembentukan daerah tingkat II di Kalimantan. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kulturalisme dengan pandangan instrumentalisme menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rezim membangkitkan kesultanan adalah untuk mendukung proses elektoral dalam pemilihan kepala daerah. Namun tujuan itu tidak tercapai karena Kesultanan Kutai Kartanegara mendukung kerabat kesultanan yang juga ikut dalam proses elektoral tersebut.  Dengan keadaan seperti itu terjadi pergesekan antara rezim pemerintah Kutai Kartanegara dengan Kesultanan Kutai Kartanegara. Akibatnya hajatan tahunan kesultanan (Festival Erau) selama tiga tahun (2004-2006) terhenti karena ketergantungan anggaran pihak kesultanan dengan pemerintah.This paper is a study of identity politics that aims to see the domino effect that occurs when government regimes at the local level revive formal institutions that were once present in the area. This paper proposes the main thesis that primordial identity is raised as a tool for rulers to seize, defend, and show power. The formal institution that was revived was the Kutai Kartanegara Sultanate, which once existed as a state institution and was dissolved due to the enactment of Emergency Law No. 3 of 1953 and Law No. 27 of 1959 concerning the formation of second-level regions in Kalimantan. This paper uses the approach of culturalism with an instrumentalist view that uses qualitative methods and data collection techniques through literature study. The results of this study indicate that the regime arousing the empire was to support the electoral process in regional elections. However, that goal was not achieved because the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara supported the Sultanate's relatives who also participated in the electoral process. Under such circumstances there was a friction between the government regime of Kutai Kartanegara and the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara. As a result, the annual celebration of the empire (Erau Festival) for three years (2004-2006) was stopped due to the dependence of the Sultanate's budget on the government


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan lokal yang dimiliki masyarakat nelayan dalam menjaga keamanan lingkungan khususnya populasi lobster. Dalam tulisan ini difokuskan dengan memotret praktik-praktik yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat nelayan dalam melindungi keberadaan benih bening lobster (puerulus). Argumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pengetahuan lokal yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat nelayan menciptakan ekosistem bening lobster yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori Ekologi Budaya dari Julian H. Steward. Teori ini menjelaskan bahwa interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan menciptakan pengetahuan lokal sehingga menjalin hubungan mutualisme diantara keduanya. Data penelitian terdiri dari data primer yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pemerintah, lembaga adat, nelayan, dan pelaku usaha lobster sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui jurnal ilmiah dan media massa online. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa ada beberapa praktik pengetahuan lokal yang berdampak dalam pelestarian bening lobster yaitu penangkapan bening lobster merupakan kegiatan degradasi progresif terhadap lobster, penjualan bening lobster tidak memiliki nilai instrinsik, pertumbuhan bening lobster lebih baik di alam daripada dipenangkaran, dan penggunaan alat tangkap tradisional dalam menangkap lobster


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    The formation of local political parties in Aceh is an example of an asymmetrical political policy being carried out by the Indonesian government in relation to Aceh's status as a region with a special autonomy. In that situation, the concept of accountability inside national political parties needs to be discussed as well in order to figure out how local party accountability is applied in Aceh. When it comes to the presentation of data connected to outcomes that have been produced by earlier researchers, this study makes use of the documentation approach. According to the conclusions of this study of Aceh's local political parties, the level of accountability and transparency that has been maintained by Aceh's local political parties in general has been pretty satisfactory. Even though in general terms the provisions are still not as good as they should be, the Aceh Party has become the most complete in carrying out its principle of financial accountability. This is the case despite the fact that the Aceh Party has become the most comprehensive

    Meningkatkan Minat Kuliah pada Siswa Melalui Sosialisasi dan Motivasi di SMA Negeri 1 Woyla Barat

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    Increasing interest in lectures through outreach activities and providing motivation to students is an important thing to do. This activity is an important part of one of the obligations of lecturers who must carry out community service. The implementation of this activity is very much in line with the national development agenda in improving the quality of human resources through the education sector. The method of implementing this activity begins with observation and surveys to determine the condition of the school and the potential of students at SMAN 1 Woyla Barat, West Aceh District. The team conducted a pre test and post test to measure the accuracy and usefulness of the activity. The presenters explained material about tertiary institutions, selection pathways, scholarship information, inspirational stories, and motivation to increase students' insight and interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions. The success of this activity was marked by the enthusiasm and positive response of the students who gave very good scores in the evaluation questionnaire. Activities like this need to be carried out in several underdeveloped areas so that students in those areas receive information about tertiary institutions and are motivated to continue their education at tertiary institutions

    Sosialisasi terhadap Pemberdayaan Remaja Putus Sekolah Di Gampong Suak Bilie Kabupaten Nagan Raya Melalui Pendidikan Entrepreneurship

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    The potential of adolescents in education has a huge influence on the development of a better social life, especially in the order of interaction in their daily lives. However, the problem of education equality is still a trigger for high levels of youth unemployment, including one of them in Gampong Suak Bilie. Different reasons for the problem of dropping out of school can be directed by empowering teenagers who drop out of school, this is due to the habits of teenagers who spend more time playing. The method of implementing youth empowerment is through socialization and mentoring adolescents who drop out of school. The results of this service found that adolescents in Gampong Suak Bilie have the potential to develop their interests, but the lack of resources and motivation that support to develop the potential of adolescents results in not accommodating the interests of adolescents

    Rendahnya Dukungan terhadap Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan di Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

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    Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI Perjuangan) is a strong party in Indonesia winning three presidential elections in 1999, 2014 and 2019. However, it got low people's votes in some provinces like Sumatera Barat. This article explains why PDI Perjuangan got little votes in Sumatera Barat by using the concept of populism as its analytical framework. The required data were collected through interviews and literature study, and were analyzed through qualitative approach. This article argues that the loss of PDI Perjuangan in presidential elections in Sumatera Barat is closely related to the people's perception of the party as less populist than its competing parties. The people of Sumatera believed that PDI Perjuangan had no sensitivity to their unique characteristics and developed party identities and policy that were considered in contradiction with their social and cultural background. This impacted on Joko Widodo's low support and votes in 2014 and 2019 presidential elections. He was perceived to have leadership style and characteristics that were not in line with the expectation of Sumatera Barat people, and have issued policies considered unsupportive of people interest


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    This paper looks at how a public policy process is issued, implemented, and its implications. The policy issued was the stipulation of Law no. 16 of 2017 (Law on community organizations) in lieu of Perppu No. 2 of 2017 (Perppu for community organizations). The main thesis proposed in this paper is that the policy of passing the law on community organizations is an attempt by the state to protect the Pancasila ideology, which is the sole ideology in Indonesia. This paper is prepared using qualitative methods by collecting data through Library Research. The findings of this study are that the issuance of the first law on community organizations cannot be separated from debates in parliament. The parties in parliament are inconsistent with their party ideology. Supporting or rejecting the law on community organizations is based on the pragmatic interests of the party. Secondly, the existence of the Community Organization Law makes it difficult for community organizations to stand and makes it easier for the government to dissolve community organizations that are not under Indonesian ideology. Third, the first community organization that was dissolved after the law on community organizations took effect was the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)