55 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia dalam Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia

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    Corruption according to law is the behavior of public officials, both politicians or politicians and civil servants, who improperly and illegally enrich themselves or enrich those who are close to them, by misusing the public authority entrusted to them. According to the law of corruption eradication which is one of the most important agendas in improving governance in Indonesia. The Corruption Court is a court specifically dealing with Corruption cases. The Corruption Court is tasked and authorized to examine and decide on the Corruption Crime case whose prosecution was filed by the Corruption Eradication Commission

    Implementasi Protokol Routing Jaringan Ad Hoc Multiuser Pada Gateway Untuk Sistem Komunikasi Kapal Laut

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    Sebuah protokol routing untuk jaringan wireless ad hoc sangat diperlukan pada proses komunikasi antara beberapa node, untuk mengirimkan paket data melalui satu atau beberapa node menuju alamat tujuan dimana topologi jaringan selalu berubah. Protokol routing yang dibangun harus dapat mencari rute alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah ketika terjadi rute error sehingga node tidak memulai proses pencarian rute dari awal. Selain itu, sistem komunikasi kapal laut yang menggunakan kanal VHF memiliki jumlah kanal terbatas dan bitrate yang rendah(1200 bps). Pada penelitian ini, protokol routing yang dibangun adalah protokol routing AOMDV. Protokol ini terdiri dari lima pesan kontrol yang dikirim dalam bentuk paket. Paket RREQ, RREP dan RRER berperan dalam pencarian jalur dan paket data-ACK berperan dalam transfer data. Protokol untuk data link layer menggunakan algoritma Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). Protokol diwujudkan dalam bentuk program pada terminal komunikasi data. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa protokol yang dibangun dapat mencari rute alternatif yang berfungsi ketika terjadi jalur utama rusak. Protokol dapat berjalan pada jaringan ad hoc multiuser dengan keterbatasan jumlah kanal yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil pengujian bahwa nilai terbesar packet loss adalah 16,7%. Selain itu, sistem yang dibangun hanya sesuai digunakan untuk pengiriman data dengan priorotas yang rendah

    Dynamics of Darul Dakwah wal Irsyad Education Institute

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    This study aims to determine the dynamics of Darud Dakwah Wal Irsyad Education Institute. This study uses quantitative research. The data used in this research is secondary data. Data obtained were obtained from literature studies or literature studies from articles and books. Data analysis was performed using content analysis. Based on the results presentation of the literature study, it can be concluded that the dynamics of DDI educational institutions can be summarized as follows: 1) There are 800 Madrasas in Indonesia. Education is general in nature, consisting of DDI Islamic Kindergarten (TKI) to DDI Islamic Senior High School (SMAI). Education is Fanniyah in nature which consists of: DDI Islamic Community Schools (SKI), DDI Islamic Trade Courses (KDI), DDI Islamic Teacher Schools (SGI), DDI Islamic Kindergarten Teacher Schools (SGTKI), DDI Islamic Boarding Schools (SKTI); 2) 50 DDI Islamic Boarding Schools throughout Indonesia, 36 in South Sulawesi each, 3 in Central Sulawesi, 3 in Southeast Sulawesi, 2 in Gorontalo, 2 in East Kalimantan, 1 in South Kalimantan, 1 in Riau, one fruit in East Java, one fruit in Timika, one fruit in Jayapura, and one fruit in Biak; 3) For tertiary institutions, fourteen DDI assisted units, 1 STAI in Barru, 1 STAI in Pare-Pare, 1 STAI and STKIP in Pinrang, 3 STAI in Polmas (1 STAI, 1 STKIP, 1 STIP), 1 STAI in Sidrap, 1 STAI in Maros, 1 STAI in East Kalimantan, 1 STAI in Makassar, 1 STAI in Jeneponto, 1 STAI in Majene, 1 STAI in Pangkep, and 1 STAI and STKIP in Mamuju. Madrasas abroad, especially in Malaysia, have not submitted their reports to PB-DDI, so data collection cannot be carried out. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that DDI is developing in the field of education


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    The revolution from industry 4.0 has created a new finding in the financial sector, namely digital finance. The unclear legal rules governing business competition in the digital financial services industry can lead to cartel actions in conducting business competition. The method used in writing this article is normative legal research on the phenomenon of the development of the digital financial era in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the legal regulation of business competition for digital financial services and fair business competition in the digital financial services industry. The regulation of digital financial services in Indonesia is regulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 19/12/PBI/2017 concerning the Application of Financial Technology, and is also regulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 13 /POJK.02/2018 regarding digital financial innovation, it also includes consumer protection for digital financial service users. However, to guarantee legal certainty for the community or consumers, it must be regulated in the form of a law

    Pengaruh Total Quality Management terhadap Kinerja Manajerial dengan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja dan Sistem Penghargaan(reward) sebagai Variabel Moderating pada PT. Pln di Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this research is to test empirically the influence of total quality management to managerial performance with performance measurement system and reward system as moderated variables, empirical study at accounting staff division in services companies in PT PLN in Pekanbaru. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires with conveniences sampling to the respondents. Samples used in this study are staff at accounting division with a total sample of 10 services companies of 106 respondent. The method analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis.From the results of multiple regression, is one hypothesis that influence to managerial performance: 1) total quality management significantly influence on managerial performance. Meanwhile, two more hypothesis with moderated regression analysis is not influence to managerial performance, that is: 2) performance measurement system and TQM interaction have no significant influence to the managerial performance. 3) reward system and TQM interaction have no significant influence to the managerial performance.Keywords : management quality, performance, reward, and manajeria

    Handling Imbalanced Data for Acute Coronary Syndrome Classification Based on Ensemble and K-Means SMOTE Method

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    Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a disease that has a high mortality rate with a mortality percentage of 40% after 5 years from diagnosis. Despite the high mortality rate, the conventional process of overestimating ACS can be life-threatening. For this reason, several alternatives for prediagnosis have been investigated to reduce the detection of ACS intensively, one of which is by using a machine learning approach. The machine learning-based prediagnosis approach utilizes patient medical record data as input for making detection models. This approach can produce an optimal model when there is quite a lot of data and the labels have a fairly balanced comparison. However, in machine learning-based ACS detection studies, researchers often do not have balanced data between positive and negative labels that have the potential to cause overfitting. That problem occurs because obtaining additional data with specific labels is difficult. To solve the imbalanced problem in ACS detection, we generated synthetic ACS data using the K-Means SMOTE method. The synthesis data is used as training data to build an ensemble-based machine-learning model. In this study, we obtain an increase in the F1 score of more than 10% when compared to machine learning models that do not use the K-Means SMOTE as an oversampling process. In addition to the greater F1 score, the results obtained are relatively more resistant to overfitting because the data variations in the training set are more diverse

    Orang Tua: Harus Jadi Teladan Utama

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    Dunia pendidikan harus dimulai dari keluarga. Dalam keluarga, peran orang tua sangatlah penting dalam membentuk karakter anak. Dan yang menjadi utama adalah tauladan dari orang tua itu sendiri. Berikut wawancara dengan Prof. Dr. Afif Muhammad, pada tahun 1990an


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    Traffic is one of the most important aspects in human daily life because traffic affects smoothness of capital flows, logistics, and other community activities. Without appropriate traffic light control system, possibility of traffic congestion will be very high and hinder people’s life in urban areas. Adaptive traffic light control system can be used to solve traffic congestions in an intersection because it can adaptively change the durations of green light each lane in an intersection depend on traffic density. The proposed adaptive traffic light control system prototype uses Beagleboard-xM, CCTV camera, and AVR microcontrollers. We use computer vision technique to obtain information on traffic density combining Viola-Jones method with Kalman Filter method. To calculate traffic light time of each traffic light in intersection, we use Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DCSP). From implementations and experiments results, we conclude that BeagleBoard-xM can be used as main engine of adaptive traffic light control system with 91.735% average counting rate. Lalu intas adalah salah satu aspek yang paling penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia karena lalu lintas memengaruhi kelancaran arus modal, logistik, dan kegiatan masyarakat lainnya. Tanpa sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas yang memadai, kemungkinan kemacetan lalu lintas akan sangat tinggi dan menghambat kehidupan masyarakat di perkotaan. Sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas adaptif dapat digunakan untuk memecahkan kemacetan lalu lintas di persimpangan karena dapat mengubah durasi lampu hijau di setiap persimpangan jalan tergantung pada kepadatan lalu lintas. Prototipe sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas menggunakan BeagleBoard-XM, kamera CCTV, dan mikrokontroler AVR. Peneliti menggunakan teknik computer vision untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kepadatan lalu lintas dengan menggabungkan metode Viola-Jones dan metode Filter Kalman. Untuk menghitung waktu setiap lampu lalu lintas di persimpangan, peneliti menggunakan Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DCSP). Dari hasil implementasi dan percobaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa BeagleBoard-XM dapat digunakan sebagai mesin utama sistem kontrol lampu lalu lintas adaptif dengan tingkat akurasi penghitungan rata-rata sebesar 91.735%
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