443 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Hernia merupakan salah satu kasus di bagian bedah yang pada umumnya sering menimbulkan masalah kesehatan dan memerlukan tindakan operasi. Pada pasien hernia sering disertai dengan faktor komorbid, usia dan status gizi yang tidak menguntungkan dalam penyembuhannya. Faktor komorbid, usia dan status gizi yang dihubungkan dengan lama rawat inap pasien hernia yang dilakukan herniorepair tanpa mesh menjadi dasar penelitian ini dilakukan. Tujuan: Untuk melihat hubungan faktor komorbid, usia dan status gizi dengan lama rawat inap pasien hernia yang dioperasi dengan herniorepair tanpa mesh di RS PKU Muhammadiyah periode 2005 sampai 2007. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional berdasarkan data rekam medik. Pengambilan data subyek penelitian harus memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yaitu pasien hernia yang dilakukan operasi herniorepair dengan data rekam medik terdapat lama rawat inap, tekanan darah, gula darah dan usia. usia lebih dari 18 tahun. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 48 pasien, kemudian data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode SPSS 16. Perbedaan dianggap bermakna jika nilai p<0,05. Hasil: Dari uji korelasi data nominal, diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,364 untuk komorbid, dan 0,654 untuk usia. Dan status gizi tidak dapat dianalisis karena tidak bisa mewakili empat kolom dalam chi square 2x2, dengan demikian Ho pada komorbid dan usia diterima (lebih besar dari α=0,05). Kesimpulan: Tidak didapatkan hubungan perbandingan faktor komorbid, usia dan status gizi dengan lama rawat inap pada pasien herniorepair tanpa mesh di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta periode 2005-2007

    Penerapan Algoritma Naïve Bayes Untuk Klasifikasi Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus di Rumah Sakit Aisyiah

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    Gula darah disimpan atau digunakan untuk energi yang berasaldari darah yang dipindahkan ke sel manusia oleh hormon insulin .Penyakit metabolisme disebabkan oleh kadar gula tinggi didalamdarah disebut Diabetes mellitus. Tubuh jika terserang Diabetes, padatubuh manusia insulin tidak biasa dihasilkan secara cukup bahkantubuh tidak dapat menggunakan insulin tersebut secara benar sesuaikebutuhan. Diabetes Mellitus terdaftar sebagai penyakit penyumbangkematian kedua terbesar terbesar didunia. Diabetes Mellitus dapatdiklasifikasikan berdasarkan kemungkinan terkenanya dari atribut gejaladiawal fasenya. penyakit ini bisa dideteksi karena banyak gejala yangterdeteksi. Data yang digunakan pada analisis ini merupakan data primerdari dataset Rumah sakit Aisyiah Kudus tahun 2020. d a t a t e r s e b u tterdiri 17 attribut. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi data preprocessing,model, dan evaluasi. Pengujian Metode klasifikasi pada riset adalah NaïveBayes Classification. Hasil klasifikasi menunjukkan akurasi sebesar 90.20%dan nilai AUCnya yaitu 0,9

    Analisis Cluster Ward Pada Pengelompokan Wilayah Puskesmas Di Kota Kediri Berdasarkan Penyakit Tidak Menular

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    Abstrak. Penyakit tidak menular menjadi penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia. Kegiatan skrining atau deteksi dini dan pemantauan faktor resiko penyakit tidak menular sangat penting dilakukan sebagai upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian di suatu wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokan wilayah Puskesmas di Kota Kediri dan mengetahui karakteristik dari setiap kelompok yang terbentuk. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan data sekunder. Data penelitian didapatkan dari pencatatan jumlah kasus penyakit tidak menular yang terdapat di 9 Puskesmas Induk dan 1 Puskesmas Perawatan Kota Kediri tahun 2019. Teknik analisis statistika yang digunakan adalah analisis cluster ward. Variabel penyakit tidak menular meliputi kardiovaskuler, kanker, obesitas, diabetes mellitus, penyakit paru obstruktif kronik, stroke, asma bronkiale, hipertensi, gagal jantung dan ginjal kronik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengelompokan wilayah Puskesmas di Kota Kediri berdasarkan kesamaan karakteristik dari jumlah kasus penyakit tidak menular tahun 2019 adalah 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok 1 terdiri dari 3 Puskesmas, kelompok 2 terdiri dari 4 Puskesmas dan kelompok 3 terdiri dari 2 Puskesmas. Kesimpulan dan saran berdasarkan karakteristik dari masing – masing kelompok, diperoleh kelompok 1 memiliki jumlah kasus penyakit tidak menular terendah, kelompok 2 sedang dan kelompok 3 tertinggi. Sehingga disarankan kelompok 3, yaitu Puskesmas Sukorame dan Pesantren II harus lebih optimal dalam mengurangi jumlah kasus penyakit tidak menular. Kata Kunci : penyakit tidak menular; puskesmas; war

    Oil Palm Monitoring System Application

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    Most of the mobile applications are mobile games, photography, social network, travel applications, education application and entertainment sites. However, even with all these interesting mobile applications, there are few applications that based on environmental information and monitoring system. One mobile application that that may be related to this is the „Oil Palm Monitoring System Application‟. The system is a monitoring system for the oil palm‟s production industry that developed for Google Android device‟s users. Generally, this mobile application focused on to develop an „Oil Palm Monitoring System Application‟ that follows the needs and requirements of the users. Besides, this application aims to provide a harvesting activity planner which to convey the instruction from the manager to the supervisors and workers of the oil palm plantation regarding the future harvesting activities through the system. This dissertation will mainly focus on the introduction of the project, literature review, methodology used, result and discussion of the project and lastly the conclusion and recommendation resulted from this project. It is to be said that this application has its own potential to be commercialized and improved in the futur

    An Overview Of Learning Support Factors On Mathematic Games

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     In this study, we examined the factors in game design that were used by developers to support the interests of mathematics learning. The aim is to overcome the lack of empirical evidence about the impact of factors in the game on learning outcomes, identify how the design of in-game activities affects learning, and develop an overview of general recommendations for designing mathematics education games. This study tries to illustrate the impact of game design factors in mathematics education games on the objectives and results of game-based learning

    Apple storage in ultra-low oxygen cold store

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    Apple storage under lower concentration of oxygen (1.0-1.3% in some cases lower than 1%) in controlled atmosphere cold stores is described as apple storage in ultra-low oxygen cold store. Ultra-low oxygen store room is an airtight gas cold room and its atmosphere is composed of lower rate of oxygen and higher amount of CO2. It has been Investigated and recorded that ultra-low oxygen cold store extends storage life of apple varieties (Royal Gala, Red Delicious, Idared, Jonagold and Golden delicious) from 3 to 6 months under common cold stores to 7-11 months with preserving its nutritional, sensorial and biological parameters and characteristics after harvest. For storage of apples in Afghanistan, mostly simple and cold storerooms are applied but inadequately and with local methods and facilities, due to application of ultra-low oxygen cold storage both can benefitfarmers, customers and economic growth of the country. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. &amp; Tech. 9 (1): 18-22, June, 201


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    Pemanfaatan Forum Web Teknologi Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) di SMKN 22 Jakarta: Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, 2019.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan web “FORUM TKJ SMKN 22 JAKARTA” sebagai sumber belajar siswa jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan di SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 22 Jakarta yang terletak di Jl. Condet Raya Jakarta Timur, pada Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan Pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2020 Penelitian yang digunakan termasuk ke dalam penelitian deskriptif, Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survai. Menurut Masri Singarimbun, teknik survai merupakan cara pengumpulan informasi dari responden dengan menggunakan kuesionerHasil penelitian menunjukan secara umum Siswa SMKN 22 Jakarta telah memanfaatkan forum TKJ sebagai sumber belajar saat perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan tindak lanjut sebagai sumber belajar harus ditingkatkan lagi agar dapat membantu mahasiswa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapka

    Evaluasi Media Video Pembelajaran Untuk Sekolah Dasar Pokok Bahasan Pengurangan Dan Penjumlahan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data dan informasi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kualitas media video pembelajaran interaktif yang dilakukan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muallimien Muhammadiyah di Jl. Raya Leuwilliang No. 106, Leuwilliang Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluatif, yang bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana kesesuaian video pembelajaran interaktif mata pelajaran Matematika yang diporduksi Pustekkom dengan karakteristik video pembelajaran interaktif yang efektif yang diadaptasi dari Hannafin dan Peck, yang dibagi ke dalam 11 aspek. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan cara menyebarkan angket (kuesioner) yang diberikan kepada siswa dan guru mata pelajaran Matematika. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media video pembelajaran matematika ini, sangat menarik dan mudah dipahami oleh siswa, hal ini dibuktikan dengan respon positif dari siswa dan guru yang menggunakan media ini, serta adanya kenaikan nilai antara pre-test dan post-tes yang cukup signifikan

    The self-concept of Arabic and English speaking bilingual and monolingual pupils with specific literacy difficulties

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    Researchers have conducted many studies to examine the academic, social and general self-concept of pupils of differing ages and in varied settings. Yet, not very much is known about the varied facets of self-concept of bilingual pupils and the monolingual who have specific literacy difficulties (SpLD). Furthermore, the influence of learning a second language on the self-concept or the motivation to learn a second language in the Arabic- English pupils in the Middle Eastern region has also not been addressed by any researchers. So, the main focus of this study was to examine the self-concept of bilingual (Arabic-English) and monolingual pupils who have specific literacy difficulties. The motivation to learn a foreign language and its impact on the pupils' English and general self-concept was also studied. This study used a mixed methodology design using a systematic survey followed by purposive case studies. Established measures were used to examine each facet of the self-concept moving from the literacy in both English and Arabic (reading, writing and spelling) to the maths self-concept and to a more general self-concept, academic self-concept and school self-concept. Furthermore, this study also examined the non-academic self-concept such as athletic self-concept and social self-concept among a group of bilingual (Arabic-English) and monolingual (Arabic) who have SpLD. The study was conducted in Oman in a bilingual private schools and monolingual state schools which included 99 pupils. A Foreign Language Learning Orientation Scale/ intrinsic – extrinsic motivation was also designed to measure the motivation to learning English as a second language. In phase two, this study examined the consistency between the pupils’ and Arabic and English teachers’ interview reports and the pupil's questionnaire for 6 bilingual pupils who had SpLD. This study compared 4 groups (monolingual SpLD, bilingual SpLD, monolingual typical literacy level and bilingual typical literacy level). The quantitative results showed differences between the four groups in terms of the self-concept. There were no differences in terms of the self-concept between the monolingual SpLD and bilingual SpLD in any facets of the self-concept. However, there were a significantly lower Arabic handwriting self concept, Arabic spelling self-concept and general school self-concept for monolingual SpLD pupils in comparison to their peers who had typical literacy level. Also bilingual pupils with SpLD showed significantly lower English reading self-concept, English spelling self-concept, and the general school self-concept than for the bilingual typical literacy pupils. The last comparison showed that there were significantly lower Arabic reading, Arabic handwriting, and Arabic spelling self-concept for the monolingual typical literacy levels in comparison to their bilingual typical literacy peers. In terms of intrinsic extrinsic motivation there were no significant differences shown between the SpLD bilingual and the bilingual typical literacy levels groups. According to the case study analysis there was a general inconsistency between the pupils’ interview and their questionnaire reports for their general, English and Arabic self-concept and the intrinsic and the extrinsic motivation for learning a foreign language. In many cases the pupils were negative about their literacy self-concept according to the questionnaire, but they perceived themselves more positively in the interview. In general, there was a tendency for both quantitative and qualitative results to indicate positive social self-concept for the bilingual and monolingual pupils who had SpLD and the 6 case studies. It was concluded that as research into self-concept of the bilingual (Arabic- English) is not well developed, more research is need in this area, especially in the Middle East using the same methods from this study. It is concluded that it is important for language assessors to consider assessing the literacy difficulties in two languages when the pupils are bilingual

    Biomarker as Indicator of Aerial Dispersal of Heavy Metal within Remediated and Abandoned Tin Mine Site

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    This project aims to investigate the behavior of aerial dispersal of heavy metals in the former tin mine sites in Perak. Research consists of two parts: (a) the study of heavy metal concentrations at remediated sites of former tin mine and (b) the study of heavy metal concentrations at abandoned sites of former tin mine. In this report, the research activity focuses on the application of biomarkers from plants in these sites due to their reliability in environmental monitoring study. Tree barks from several tree species are collected to indicate the concentration level of lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn). Species of plants are chosen based on their availability at the study sites. Accumulation of heavy metals left by mining activities would contribute to the degradation of mineral contents needed by plant for growth in former mining lands. Previous attempts to exploit the idle lands as agro forestry plantation mostly failed to meet the expectation especially in health and safety issues. According to several studies, the crops grown on former mining land are found to contain high level of heavy metals (Reuters, 2002) which could be a threat to human health. To overcome this issue, former mining lands must be remediated to reduce the degree of pollution and establish the accumulation of heavy metals to a tolerable level. Forest Research Institute Malaysia - Bidor Research Station (FRSB) is one of the examples of former tin mine which has had remediation activities such as phytoremediation. Studies are done to determine and investigate the behavior of aerial dispersal of Pb and Zn thus assessing the pollutant effects over the years when remediation started. Tree barks will be collected from the sites and used for laboratory analysis to indicate the Pb and Zn concentration by using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). To study the influence of distance in airborne deposition, samples were collected at three different distances which are 5 m, 50 m, and 100 m from a point source. To study the relation between height and concentration, samples are collected at three different heights which are 0.6 m, 1.2 m and 1.8 m ofa single tree. From results analysis, concentration ofPb and Zn at TDH is higher than FRSB mainly at 5 m distance from the point source. Comparisonbetween concentration of Pb and Zn in 2006 with current concentration referred from this study in year 2010, shows reduction in Pb and Zn concentration. In the context of distance from source aspect, most of the trees located closer to the source point are receiving the mine waste greatly enriched in Pb and Zn. From this study, it shows no relation between height of a single tree with Pb and Zn accumulation