9 research outputs found

    Komposisi Dan Kelimpahan Plankton Di Perairan Pulau Gusung Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan

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    Plankton adalah penyusun dasar dalam ekosistem perairan. plankton dapat dibedakan menjadi fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, indeks dominansi fitoplankton dan zooplankton di perairan Pulau Gusung, Kepulauan Selayar, Sulawesi Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 5 Oktober 2013 pada 5 stasiun yang merupakan kawasan penangkapan ikan karang. Sampel fitoplankton diambil secara pasif dengan menyaring air sebanyak 100 L. Sampel zooplankton diambil secara aktif dengan menyaring air secara horisontal dan di tarik perahu 100 m.Penelitian menunjukan fitoplankton ditemukan 2 kelas yaitu Bacillariophyceae (14 genus), dan Dinophycea (2 genus). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 42.000-92.000 sel/l (kelimpahan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Rhizosolenia. Indeks keanekaragaman 1,539-1,761 (sedang), indeks keseragaman 0,773-0,889 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,111-0,227 (tidak ada dominansi). Zooplankton ditemukan 7 filum yaitu Arthopoda (15 genus dari 3 kelas), Cnidaria (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Chaetognata (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Protozoa (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Annelida (3 genus dari 1 kelas), Mollusca (4 genus dari 2 kelas), Chordata (1 kelas). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 2.240 - 4.880 ind/l (kesuburan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Limacina. Indeks keanekaragaman 2,411-3,303 (sedang-tinggi), indeks keseragaman 0,740-0,908 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,092-0,260 (tidak ada dominansi)

    Load-deformation analysis on a slope at Gunung Pulai water treatment plant, Sultan Ibrahim reservoir

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    The Sultan Ibrahim Reservoir located at Gunung Pulai catchment area was previously managed by the Singapore's Public Utilities Board before the Board handed over the reservoir to Johor State Government under current management of the Syarikat Air Johor. At the present time, the Syarikat Air Johor is operating a Gunung Pulai Water Treatment Plant consisted of two main plants, i.e. Water Sedimentation Plant and Water Filtration Plant for treating raw water from the reservoir before supplying to the consumers. However, the integrity of water treatment plant's structure should be checked due to several cracks were observed, and moreover the structure was built over more than 90 years. The formation of the cracks in the Gunung Pulai Water Treatment Plant may be induced by movement of the sloping area to the south-east of Water Sedimentation Plant. The calculated Factor of Safety (FOS) via sensitivity analysis for cross sections of original slope indicates any decrease in friction angle and/or cohesion strength or increase in horizontal seismic load will further cause instability on slope. Also, the results of Load-Deformation analysis on cross sections of original slope show significant vertical displacement and horizontal displacement on the bottom and both sides of sedimentation tanks, respectively. The results indicate applied structural and water loads significantly affect deformation at both vertical and horizontal directions which could have contributed to FOS < 1 in slope stability analysis

    Women Victims of Domestic Violence as A Gender-Based Crime

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    This study aims to find out why women are the dominant victims of domestic violence. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, with a literature study. The result of this study is that the relationship between men and women is still unequal, which still considers men to be more than women in all respects so that the wife/woman is only in charge of household matters. The wife's economic dependence on her husband is also one of the triggers for the violence. So that the husband commits violence with the intention that the wife no longer refuses the husband's will, as well as to show masculinity. This oppression is also caused by a subordinate view that is supported by socio-political dynamics rooted in a hierarchical, submissive level and legitimizes violence as a control mechanism. The conclusion of this study is that domestic violence is part of gender-based violence because violence was born as a result of an imbalance in the pattern of power relations between men and women which was then justified by both state law and religious beliefs as a result of interpretation gender-biased religious texts. Building a pattern of relations that is egalitarian and fair and away from the practice of violence in the context of family life is part of both humanitarian and religious duties

    Analysis of Salinity Tolerance in Tomato Introgression Lines Based on Morpho-Physiological and Molecular Traits

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    The development of salt-tolerant tomato genotypes is a basic requirement to overcome the challenges of tomato production under salinity in the field or soil-free farming. Two groups of eight tomato introgression lines (ILs) each, were evaluated for salinity tolerance. Group-I and the group-II resulted from the following crosses respectively: Solanum lycopersicum cv-6203 × Solanum habrochaites and Solanum lycopersicum M82 × Solanum pennellii. Salt tolerance level was assessed based on a germination percentage under NaCl (0, 75, 100 mM) and in the vegetative stage using a hydroponic growing system (0, 120 mM NaCl). One line from group I (TA1648) and three lines from group II (IL2-1, IL2-3, and IL8-3) were shown to be salt-tolerant since their germination percentages were significantly higher at 75 and 100 mM NaCl than that of their respective cultivated parents cvE6203 and cvM82. Using the hydroponic system, IL TA1648 and IL 2-3 showed the highest value of plant growth traits and chlorophyll concentration. The expression level of eight salt-responsive genes in the leaves and roots of salt-tolerant ILs (TA1648 and IL 2-3) was estimated. Interestingly, SlSOS1, SlNHX2, SlNHX4, and SlERF4 genes were upregulated in leaves of both TA1648 and IL 2-3 genotypes under NaCl stress. While SlHKT1.1, SlNHX2, SlNHX4, and SlERF4 genes were upregulated under salt stress in the roots of both TA1648 and IL 2-3 genotypes. Furthermore, SlSOS2 and SlSOS3 genes were upregulated in TA1648 root and downregulated in IL 2-3. On the contrary, SlSOS1 and SlHKT1.2 genes were upregulated in the IL 2-3 root and downregulated in the TA1648 root. Monitoring of ILs revealed that some of them have inherited salt tolerance from S. habrochaites and S. pennellii genetic background. These ILs can be used in tomato breeding programs to develop salt-tolerant tomatoes or as rootstocks in grafting techniques under saline irrigation conditions

    Patient and tumor factors contributing to distant metastasis in well-differentiated thyroid cancer: a retrospective cohort study

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    Abstract Background Distant metastasis in thyroid cancer significantly reduces survival in patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma (WDTC). There is limited information available to clinicians regarding pathological features that confer a higher risk of distant metastasis (DM). This study aimed to identify patient and tumor factors that were associated with the development of DM over time in patients with WDTC. Methods A retrospective cohort analysis of patients with WDTC (n = 584) at our institution was performed between 2007 and 2017. A total of 39 patients with DM and 529 patients with no DM (NDM) were included. Patient demographics, tumor characteristics and patient survival were compared between the DM and NDM groups using a univariate analysis. Multivariate Cox-proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the risk of developing distant metastasis over time. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to compare survival between the DM and NDM groups. Results Distant metastasis had a substantial impact on disease-specific survival (DSS) at 5 and 10-years in the DM group; 71.0% (SE 8.4%) and 46.9% (SE 11.6%) respectively, compared to 100% survival in the NDM group (p < 0.001). The DM group had significantly higher proportions of males, lymphovascular invasion (LVI), nodal metastasis (NM), large tumor size (TS), extrathyroidal extension (ETE), positive resection margins, multifocality, follicular thyroid cancer (FTC), tall cell variant of papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), and Hurthle cell carcinoma (HCC), when compared to the NDM group (p < 0.05). A TS ≥ 2 cm (Hazard Ratio (HR) 1.370), NM (HR 3.806) and FTC (HR 7.068) were associated with a significantly increased hazard of developing distant metastasis in patients with WDTC. Conclusions TS ≥ 2 cm, NM and FTC are associated with a significantly increased propensity for developing DM in our cohort of WDTC patients. Graphical abstrac