13 research outputs found

    Correlation between antibutyrylcholinesterasic and antioxidant activities of three aqueous extracts from Tunisian Rhus pentaphyllum

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    For centuries, plants have been used in traditional medicines and there has been recent interest in the chemopreventive properties of compounds derived from plants. In the present study, we investigated the antibutyrylcholinestrasic (anti-BuChE) and antioxidant (against some free radicals) activities of extracts from Rhus pentaphyllum. Aqueous extracts were prepared from powdered R. pentaphyllum roots, leaves and seeds and characterized for the presence of tannins, flavonoids and coumarins. Seeds aqueous extract contained the highest quantities of both flavonoids and tannins (21.12% and 17.45% respectively). In the same way, seeds extracts displayed remarkable inhibition against BuChE over 95%, at 100 μg/ml and with IC50 0.74 μg/ml. In addition, compared to leaves and roots extracts, seeds aqueous extract revealed relatively strong antiradical activity towards the ABTS.+ (IC50 = 0.25 μg/ml) and DPPH (IC50 = 2.71 μg/ml) free radicals and decreased significantly the reactive oxygen species such O2.- (IC50 = 2.9 μg/ml) formation evaluated by the non-enzymatic generating O2.- system (Nitroblue tetrazolium/riboflavine). These data suggest that the anti-BuChE activities mechanism of these extracts occurs through a free radical scavenging capacities

    Polymorphism in apoA1 Influences High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels but Is Not a Major Risk Factor of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background: Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) is the major apolipoprotein constituent of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and is involved in reverse cholesterol transport. Variation in the apoA1 gene might influence the function of the protein and, thus, brain cholesterol metabolism, leading to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aim: In the current report, we investigated the role of the functional apoA1 polymorphism (–75 G/A) as a genetic risk factor for AD in a Tunisian population. Methods: 173 AD patients and 150 healthy controls were studied. Results: No association was found between this genetic variation in apoA1 gene and the risk of AD. The presence of the (–75 G/A) A allele appeared, however, to be associated with lower levels of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ42 and HDL cholesterol levels in sera. Conclusion: Our data support the observation that apoA1 polymorphism influences cholesterol metabolism and Aβ42 deposition in the brain

    Etude et résolution d'un problème bi-critère d'ordonnancement par lots

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    Nous considérons un problème de regroupement et d'ordonnancement par lots dans un flowshop à deux machines. Les travaux d'un lot sont traités en série sur les machines ayant une capacité limitée. La durée d'exécution d'un lot est égale à la somme des durées d'exécution des travaux qu'il contient. La date d'achèvement des travaux d'un lot sur une des machines est égale à la date d'achèvement du lot. Deux critères sont à minimiser. Le premier critère est la date d'achèvement totale. Le second critère est le nombre de lots. En effet, la formation d'un lot induit un coût fixe qui engendre un coût total proportionnel au nombre de lots. Nous démontrons que notre recherche peut être limitée aux solutions efficaces ayant des lots consistants. Nous étudions la complexité du problème dans un cas particulier et proposons dans le cas général une formulation en programme linéaire et un algorithme de programmation dynamique qui s'applique à une séquence fixée de travaux. Lorsque les travaux ont des tailles unitaires, nous développons deux algorithmes d'approximation polynomiaux avec une garantie de performance et identifions certains cas particuliers pour lesquels nous fournissons des algorithmes polynomiaux exacts ainsi qu'une relation de dominance. Nous terminons par une étude expérimentale comparative des programmes linéaire et dynamiqueWe consider the two-machine flowshop serial-batching scheduling problem where the machines have a limited capacity. The processing time of a batch is equal to the sum of total processing time of the jobs contained in it, and the completion time of a job in a batch is defined as the completion time of the batch containing it. Two criteria to be minimized are considered here. The first criterion is the makespan. The second criterion is the number of batches. This criterion reflects a situation where processing of any batch induces a fixed cost, which leads to a total cost proportional to the number of batches. We show that we can restrict our search to efficient schedules having consistent batches.We study the complexity of the problem in a particular case and propose in the general case a linear programming formulation and a polynomial dynamic programming algorithm that can be used for a fixed job sequence. In case of unit sized jobs, we develop two polynomial-time approximation algorithms with a guaranteed performance and also provide exact polynomial-time algorithms and a dominance relation for some particular cases. Finally, we lead an experimental study to compare linear program and dynamic program resultsPARIS-DAUPHINE-BU (751162101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    The two-machine flow-shop serial-batching scheduling problem with limited batch size

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    We consider the the two-machine flow-shop serial-batching scheduling problem where thebatches have limited size. Two criteria are considered here. The first criterion is to minimizethe number of batches. This criterion reflects situations where processing of any batchinduces a fixed cost, which leads to a total cost proportional to the number of batches. Thesecond criterion is the makespan. We study the complexity of the problem and proposepolynomial-time algorithms for some particular cases and an approximation algorithm witha guaranteed performance for the general case.ouinonouirechercheInternationa

    Synthesis and characterization of a hybrid material (C10H28N4) [CoCl4]2 using Hirshfeld surface, vibrational and optical spectroscopy, DFT calculations and biological activities

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    International audienceThe preparation and structural characterization of a new complex compound (C10H28N4) [CoCl4]2 (abbreviated BAPCO) were reported. The crystal was grown by the room temperature slow evaporation method and characterized by single crystal X-Ray diffraction. The functional groups present in BAPCO were characterized by several techniques such as FT-IR, UV-Vis absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy, thermal measurement, Hirshfeld surface analysis and DFT investigation. The title compound crystallizes in the P21/n space group of the monoclinic system with the following cell parameters: a = 18.5765(11) Å, b = 7.1390(4) Å, c = 18.6346(11) Å, β = 110.858(3)°, Z = 4 and V = 2309.3(2) Å3. The structure consists of an alternation along the a-axis of organic layers formed by [C10H28N4]4+cations and inorganic layers built up of isolated tetrahedral [CoCl4]2−. The crystal cohesion is ensured by a network of Nsingle bondH … Cl and Csingle bondH … Cl hydrogen bonds. Vibrational and optical properties were explored by means of experimental techniques along with DFT and TDDFT calculations. Furthermore, frontier molecular orbital analysis (HOMO-LUMO) was accomplished to understand the chemical stability of BAPCO, and the activation of thermodynamic parameters are calculated. Good agreement was found between theoretical and experimental results. The bioassay results showed that the structure exhibits significant antibacterial activity

    Indirect effect of Covid-19 on Vegetation Indices around the cement plant of Gabes region

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    To contain the Covid-19 pandemic, Tunisia imposed a national lockdown at the end of March 2020, a decision that resulted in a massive industrial complexes shutting down. The cement industry of Gabes was one of these complexes. However, to assess the impact of Covid-19 on the state of the vegetation around this industry three radiometric vegetation indices (RIs), NDVI, SAVI and EVI, were calculated from two Sentinel-2A imageries extracted at 22th December 2018 and 16th December 2020. Six plant species such as Oleo europaea, Ficus caria, Medicago sativa, Prunus persica vulgaris, Zygophyllumalbum and Helianthemum kahiricum were collected from 30 sites. Results suggest that, the period of pre-outbreak has the lowest averages of RIs. While, the after outbreak date has the higher levels of RIs presenting especially perennial species such as Oleo europaea. Then, EVI was the most higher index comparing to the rest of indices whatever the year studied. It was the most sensitive to cement dust and more susceptible to detect defoliation. Finally, through a remote application (RIs), the period of confinement allowed to improve the state of the vegetation surrounding the cement plant. It has helped the ecosystem to regenerate, especially perennial plant species. Cite as: Ben Atia Zrouga K, Ben Amor A, Dridi Almohandes B and Khebour Allouche F. Indirect effect of Covid-19 on Vegetation Indices around the cement plant of Gabes region. Alg. J. Eng. Tech. 2021, 4:59-65.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4592373 References Chen K, Wang M, Huang C, Kinney P L & Anastas P T. Air pollution reduction and mortality benefit during the COVID-19 outbreak in China. The Lancet Planetary Health. 2020, 4;6 : 210-212. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, Ren L, Zhao J, Hu Y & Cao B. 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    Therapeutic efficacy of a biosimilar epoetin alfa in hemodialysis patients

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    Anemia is a frequent complication in patients with chronic kidney disease. However, human recombinant erythropoietin (rHu-EPO) has revolutionized the management of anemia in chronically dialyzed patients. Epomax ® is a new rHu-EPO alfa manufactured in Tunisia (Medis Laboratories). The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of Epomax ® in chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients in a phase-III, multicenter, clinical trial. Fiftythree HD patients (mean age 47.7 ± 13 years) who received a stable dose of rHu-EPO (Hemax ® , a rHu-EPO alfa manufactured by Biosidus Laboratories) subcutaneously were switched to Epomax ® via the same route of administration. At baseline, the mean systolic pressure was 132 ± 18 mm Hg and the mean diastolic pressure was 79 ± 8 mm Hg. The mean blood hemoglobin was 10.2 g/dL and the median ferritin level was 667 ng/mL. After a follow-up of 43 days, the mean blood hemoglobin was 10.5 g/dL under the effect of Epomax ® . There was no significant difference in the mean hemoglobin levels between the treatments with both drugs. Few adverse events were reported during the study. We conclude that Epomax ® was effective at maintaining the hemoglobin levels at target concentrations and was well tolerated in HD patients