369 research outputs found

    Psychological features of parent-child relationships families having children with acute lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    © 2016 Afanasyev and Fedorenko.The paper describes the experimental study of psycho diagnostic characteristics of parent-child relationships in families with a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In the study we used the following methodics: a questionnaire “The analysis of family relationships”; the methodic of studying the parental convictions (PARI - parental attitude research instrument); projective methodic to study specific - personal, emotional relationships of the child with other people. The leading breeding style in families with a child under school age, who has cancer, is indulgence hyper protection. Mother in an effort to help her sick children tends to establish the optimal emotional contact, but despite that fact they have faulty convictions too, which are at the level of trends. Children with leukemia are in need of both mother and father, but the couple of parents is under-represented in the child's mind. The critically ill children of preschool age reveal the two opposing trends: the desire to communicate and dominant in a group of children and a desire for solitude. This contradiction finds its expression in the conflictness and aggressiveness of a child. The materials presented in the article are of practical value for doctors, psychologists, volunteers and other people who work in the departments of palliative care and in the departments of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology information activities

    The multilevel trigger system of the DIRAC experiment

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    The multilevel trigger system of the DIRAC experiment at CERN is presented. It includes a fast first level trigger as well as various trigger processors to select events with a pair of pions having a low relative momentum typical of the physical process under study. One of these processors employs the drift chamber data, another one is based on a neural network algorithm and the others use various hit-map detector correlations. Two versions of the trigger system used at different stages of the experiment are described. The complete system reduces the event rate by a factor of 1000, with efficiency ≄\geq95% of detecting the events in the relative momentum range of interest.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Alienation of personality in higher education

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    © 2016 Afanasyev and Sharaj.The problem of alienation of personality in the learning process is common for all the education levels in our country and abroad. In this connection, it is becoming increasingly important to identify its causes and the ways to overcome them. The article presents a complex vision of the phenomenon of alienation of personality in the field of higher education in modern Russian society from the philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical positions. The general approach we chose when considering the phenomenon of alienation in the field of higher education is the activity approach which is well-developed by Russian researchers and examines the social subject as an active actor included in the actual system of social relations. Within the framework of empirical research conducted in the phenomenological tradition, the subjective experience of the individual in the system of higher education and the individual-personal side of the objective social reality is represented. In the article the factors affecting the alienation reproduction in the higher education learning process are revealed; the characteristics of the traditional approach in teaching, contributing to alienation are shown; the basic forms of alienation of high school students are highlighted; the most formulized and most established subjectivizing practices in higher education are described; the basic elements of subjectivizing social practices are formulated. The identified social practices of alienation overcoming may be directly used in the education process in higher school. Also, the main results of the study can be used in working-out the concept of specialists training in the system of higher education

    The Coulomb Interaction between Pion-Wavepackets: The piplus-piminus Puzzle

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    The time dependent Schr\"odinger equation for π+\pi^+--π−\pi^- pairs, which are emitted from the interaction zone in relativistic nuclear collisions, is solved using wavepacket states. It is shown that the Coulomb enhancement in the momentum correlation function of such pairs is smaller than obtained in earlier calculations based on Coulomb distorted plane waves. These results suggest that the experimentally observed positive correlation signal cannot be caused by the Coulomb interaction between pions emitted from the interaction zone. But other processes which involve long-lived resonances and the related extended source dimensions could provide a possible explanation for the observed signal.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 1 figur

    State of the Kozmin and Wrangel Bays (Peter the Great Bay, Japan Sea): dynamics of pollution with heavy metals

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    Pollution with heavy metals, as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, lead, nickel, and cadmium is considered for the coastal waters in two bights of Peter the Great Bay on the data of the metals content in tissues of the algae Sargassum miyabei and Saccharina japonica . The Fe and Mn indicate terrigenous runoff, the Zn and Cu - anthropogenic impact, and the Pb, Ni, and Cd are the tracers of industrial pollution. The content of Fe is the highest among heavy metals; its maximum concentrations are found in the top of the Kozmin Bay and at Cape Petrovsky in the Wrangel Bay. The Pb and Cd contents are higher at the small boats berthing in the Kozmin Bay. The Ni content is the highest (up to 4 mg/g) on reefs in front of the oil terminal in the Wrangel Bay and in the top of the Kozmin Bay that is possibly reasoned by shipping activity because Ni is included in all oils. The Zn concentration is the highest at the pier in the Wrangel Bay constructed of stone blocks. The contents of heavy metals in algae from these bights are compared with similar data from the Avachinsky Bay (Kamchatka), Nha-Trang Bay (Vietnam) and port Santos (Brazil); relatively high pollution of the Kozmin and Wrangel Bays by Pb is revealed. Pollution in these bights has mostly industrial and anthropogenic nature. The pollution with Ni and Cd decreased between 1995 and 2008, but became higher again in 2012-2013, the pollution with Mn, Zn and Fe also increased in 2012-2013

    Determination of ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths from measurement of π+π−\pi^+\pi^- atom lifetime

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    The DIRAC experiment at CERN has achieved a sizeable production of π+π−\pi^+\pi^- atoms and has significantly improved the precision on its lifetime determination. From a sample of 21227 atomic pairs, a 4% measurement of the S-wave ππ\pi\pi scattering length difference ∣a0−a2∣=(.0.2533−0.0078+0.0080∣stat.−0.0073+0.0078∣syst)Mπ+−1|a_0-a_2| = (.0.2533^{+0.0080}_{-0.0078}|_\mathrm{stat}.{}^{+0.0078}_{-0.0073}|_\mathrm{syst})M_{\pi^+}^{-1} has been attained, providing an important test of Chiral Perturbation Theory.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    A posteriori correction of camera characteristics from large image data sets

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    Large datasets are emerging in many fields of image processing including: electron microscopy, light microscopy, medical X-ray imaging, astronomy, etc. Novel computer-controlled instrumentation facilitates the collection of very large datasets containing thousands of individual digital images. In single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (“cryo-EM”), for example, large datasets are required for achieving quasi-atomic resolution structures of biological complexes. Based on the collected data alone, large datasets allow us to precisely determine the statistical properties of the imaging sensor on a pixel-by-pixel basis, independent of any “a priori” normalization routinely applied to the raw image data during collection (“flat field correction”). Our straightforward “a posteriori” correction yields clean linear images as can be verified by Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC), illustrating the statistical independence of the corrected images over all spatial frequencies. The image sensor characteristics can also be measured continuously and used for correcting upcoming images

    A Machine to Machine framework for the charging of Electric Autonomous Vehicles

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    Electric Autonomous Vehicles (EAVs) have gained increasing attention of industry, governments and scientific communities concerned about issues related to classic transportation including accidents and casualties, gas emissions and air pollution, intensive traffic and city viability. One of the aspects, however, that prevent a broader adoption of this technology is the need for human interference to charge EAVs, which is still mostly manual and time-consuming. This study approaches such a problem by introducing the Inno-EAV, an open-source charging framework for EAVs that employs machine-to-machine (M2M) distributed communication. The idea behind M2M is to have networked devices that can interact, exchange information and perform actions without any manual assistance of humans. The advantages of the Inno-EAV include the automation of charging processes and the collection of relevant data that can support better decision making in the spheres of energy distribution. In this paper, we present the software design of the framework, the development process, the emphasis on the distributed architecture and the networked communication, and we discuss the back-end database that is used to store information about car owners, cars, and charging stations
