170 research outputs found

    Методологичні підходи до дослідження феномена "виборча інженерія".

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    Афанасьєва М.В. Методологичні підходи до дослідження феномена "виборча інженерія". / М.В.Афанасьєва // Актуальні проблеми політики : зб. наук. пр. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), Л. І. Кормич (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ ОЮА. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2011. – Вип. 44 . С.48 - 57.Implementation of legislative changes in the regulation of the electoral sphere requires scientifi c support, which includes broadening the scope narrow disciplinary view of the political-legal issues. An example of an interdisci- plinary methodological borrowing is a social engineering approach, which is applied to the electoral law objectively manifested in the electoral engineering. The article deals the features of the objective and the problem methodological approaches within the electoral engineering


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    Objective: There are no any systemized studies of relationship between the coagulative haemostasis’ disorders and metabolic and cytokine status in patients with septic tuboovarial formations. The aim of the present work was to study the mechanisms of blood coagulation disorders and their relationships with changes of cytokine status and acute phase of inflammatory response in septic tubovarial formations in women. Methods: 32 patients with purulent tubovarial formations and 30 healthy women were examined. Results: Shortening of activated partial thromboplastin, prothrombin and thrombin clotting time, increasing the duration of XIIa-kallikrein-dependent fibrinolysis, as well as the elevation of paracoagulation products in blood plasma were observed. IL-1β (p =0.000023), TNF-α (р 0.001), C-reactive protein (р 0.001), haptoglobin (р 0.001) and fibrinogen (р 0.001) levels were higher in peripheral blood of patients in comparison with healthy women. Accumulation of lipid hydroperoxides (р 0.001) and malonic dialdehyde (р 0.001) occurred in the blood plasma of patients. Serum albumin (р 0.001) and transferring (р 0.001) levels were lesser in patients with purulent tuboovarial formations in comparison with healthy women. Conclusion: The obtained results showing an initiating role of cytokine and oxidative metabolic status changes in blood coagulation potential’s and fibrinolysis activity’s disorders developing. This biochemical signs may be used as objective criteria which may serve to determine the risk of thrombosis in case of acute inflammatory response in women with purulent tubovarial inflammation.  До настоящего времени отсутствуют систематизированные сведения о нарушениях коагуляционного гемостаза при развитии гнойных тубоовариальных образований и их взаимосвязи со сдвигами цитокинового, метаболического статуса организма. Цель исследования: изучить особенности нарушений коагуляционного потенциала крови, изменений цитокинового статуса, формирования острофазного ответа при развитии гнойных тубоовариальных образований у женщин. Методы: в основную группу включены 32 пациентки с гнойным тубоовариальным образованием, в группу сравнения — 30 небеременных женщин без признаков болезней органов репродуктивной системы в возрасте 18–40 лет. Результаты: у больных обнаружены укорочение активированного частичного тромбопластинового, тромбинового времени свертывания плазмы крови, увеличение продолжительности XIIа-калликреинзависимого фибринолиза, содержания в плазме продуктов паракоагуляции. В крови пациенток основной группы увеличено содержание интерлейкина (ИЛ) 1β (p =0,000023), фактора некроза опухоли (ФНО) α (р 0,001), С-реактивного белка (СРБ)(p 0,001), гаптоглобина (p 0,001), фибриногена (p 0,001), малонового диальдегида (p 0,001), гидроперекисей липидов (p 0,001) по сравнению с показателями группы сравнения. Одновременно уменьшалось содержание альбуминов (p 0,001), трансферрина (p 0,001) в крови больных основной группы по сравнению с показателями группы сравнения. Заключение: обнаружены активация внешнего и внутреннего пути формирования протромбиназной активности, снижение активности фибринолиза у больных с гнойными тубоовариальными образованиями на фоне накопления в крови ИЛ 1β, ФНО α, гаптоглобина, СРБ, малонового диальдегида, гидроперекисей липидов. Результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости дальнейших исследований роли сдвигов цитокинового, метаболического, оксидативного статуса в инициации прокоагулянтных нарушений, а также целесообразности использования показателей ответа острой фазы воспаления в качестве объективных критериев прогнозирования тромботических осложнений у женщин с гнойными тубоовариальными образованиями.

    About some mappings in λ(r) -regular metric spaces

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    It is formulated conditions on functions Q(x) and boundaries of domains under which every Q-homeomorphism admits continuous or homeomorphic extension to the boundary in metric spaces with measures.Сформулированы условия на функцию Q(x) и границы областей, при которых любой Q-гомеоморфизм допускает непрерывное или гомеоморфное продолжение на границу в метрических пространствах с мерами.Сформульовано умови на функцiю Q(x) та межi областей, за якими будь-який Q-гомеоморфiзм допускає неперервне або гомеоморфне продовження на межу у метричних просторах iз мiрами

    Pathogenetic Grounds of Principles of Depotentiation of Lethal Effects <i>Y. pestis</i> toxins

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    Lethal combination of lypoplyssacharide and mouse Y. pestis toxin is decreased by the use of effective preparation - Cytoflavinum, the antihypoxant of substrate and regulatory activity. The positive resolving impact to the lethal activity of toxins of plague microbe provides also Emoxipinum, the synthetic preparation, the effect of which is enhanced by the use of Contrykal, Klexan, hemodez

    Development of ideas about professions close by their social environment in preschoolers with intellectual disability via a plot based role-playing game

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    В статье рассматриваются представления о профессиях близких по социальному окружению у дошкольников с умственной отсталостью и направления работы по их совершенствованию средствами сюжетно-ролевой игры.The article is devoted to the study of the ideas about professions in preschoolers with intellectual disability, which is undoubtedly urgent in the search for effective approaches to their development and social support. The ideas about the professions close by their social environment were developed in the process of playing, in particular, in plot based role-play games

    Психолого-педагогічні засади формування готовності педагогічних працівників до професійної сертифікації

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    Today the demand for certification of pedagogical staff is the priority issue. It is related to rebranding teaching and educators’ competitiveness. The research purpose was to investigate psychological and pedagogical features of forming readiness of educators to certification.The results of the accomplished questionnaire of respondents of Zaporizhzhia region in 2016-2017 about their attitude toward certification show that 85 % of respondents refer critically. It speaks to the absence of readiness of respondents to educational reform, changes in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education in general and implementation of procedure of certification in particular.According to the investigation, 62 % of respondents are engaged systematically in self-education. The third of respondents (31 %) pay attention to self-education with the frequency of several times a year. Among basic barriers of professional self-education, respondents name external factors (lack of time (56 %), large academic load (38 %)), and personal factors (emotional fatigue (33 %), lack of motivation to self-education (34 %)). Basic motivators of the professional development are the personal interest in professional activity (60 %) and internal satisfied of the necessity of professional development (48 %). Financial stimulation is the main reason of professional development for 45 % respondents.Forming of readiness of pedagogical staff to the certification requires learning not only the standard professional knowledge and skills but also the development of professionally meaningful qualities. It is possible due to the implementation of the technology of psychological and pedagogical support of the professional development of pedagogical staff into the process of continuous formationУ статті висвітленні нові підходи до професійного саморозвитку педагогічних працівників, означених в новому Законі «Про освіту» як добровільна сертифікація. Обґрунтовано зміст поняття «готовність педагогічного працівника до професійної сертифікації» та виокремлено необхідні умови формування цієї готовності. Презентовано результати експериментального дослідження психолого-педагогічних особливостей готовності педагогічних працівників Запорізької області до професійної сертифікаці

    Composition, stability, and structure of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) complexes with adipic acid dihydrazide in aqueous and aqueous-ethanol solutions

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    Solvation and complexation of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) with adipic acid dihydrazide (L) in aqueous and aqueous-ethanol solutions (ethanol mole fraction 0.07-0.68) were studied by spectrophotometry. The formation constants of the species M(LH)3+, ML2+, M2L4+ (μ = Cu2+, Ni2+, Co2+), and also M2L 2 4+ and ML 2 2+ (μ = Cu 2+, Ni2+) were determined. With Cu(II), the complexes Cu(LH) 2 4+ , CuL(LH)3+, and Cu 2L(LH)5+ were also detected and characterized. Evidence is given for the hydrazide coordination mode: tridentate in ML2+, bidentate in M(LH)3+ and ML 2 2+ , and tetradentate in M2L4+ and M2L 2 4+ . The ligand exchange reactions involving CuL2+, Cu(LH)3+, Cu(LH) 2 4+ , CuL(LH)3+, CuL 2 2+ , and Cu2L(LH)5+ in aqueous solutions of Cu(II) were revealed and kinetically characterized by nuclear magnetic relaxation. The heretofore unknown rate constants of formation of these complexes were calculated from the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. Factors controlling the rate constants of the complex formation and chemical exchange are discussed. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Smectite-bearing clays of the Middle Eocene Kievskaya Formation in the Russian Plate and their genesis

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    The component composition and specific features of the structure of smectite-bearing clays in the Middle Eocene Kievskaya Formation of the Russian Plate were studied by the scanning electron microscopic, X-ray phase analysis, and complete chemical analysis methods. The clays are characterized by metastable (unstable) state of material expressed as abundance of the semidissolved clasts of felsic volcanic ashes and radiolarian skeletons, as well as colloidal segregations of siliceous, aluminosiliceous (Al-Si) and ferroaluminosiliceous (Fe-Al-Si) gel-type materials and newly formed smectite. Three stages of the diagenetic alteration of Middle Eocene dacite ashes are identified. Mechanism of the further transformation of rocks into smectite clays with siliceous nodules is proposed. The viewpoint suggesting the volcanosedimentary origin of clays of the Kievskaya Formation is confirmed. Sources of the pyroclastic material (suppliers of material for clays) in the Kievskaya Formation could be related to active explosions in the Caucasian volcanic arc in the Middle Eocene. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage: Vol. 38

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    CMH 38 cover design based on the cover design of CMH 34 created by Eva Dujardin Dale.Biannual newsletter of the Hilandar Research Library (HRL) and the Resource Center for Medieval Slavic Studies (RCMSS), The Ohio State University. Includes: features by guest contributors, which may appear under the column heading of "HRL Journal" – where Cyrillic Manuscript Heritage asks researchers who have used the resources of the HRL in the past year to describe their experience and work; a column, "Director's Desk," by the Director of RCMSS; "RCMSS & HRL News Notes," i.e., reports on recent visitors, research, events, exhibits, projects, updates, etc.; contributors to both the Hilandar Endowment Fund and Hilandar's Friends of the Library Fund are listed, as are donors of "Gifts in Kind." Also included may be seasonal announcements regarding the International Hilandar Conference series and the Medieval Slavic Summer Institute.Front cover image: SPEC.OSU.HRL.GMS.FRAG.2, two sides of a single vellum leaf from a Byzantine Greek Gospel lectionary, purchased by the HRL with donations made to the Hilandar Endowment Fund and Hilandar Friends of the Library funds by Frances Roslovic, the Ostich Family, and Sharon Fullerton Maliska; Table of Contents, masthead, front cover photo caption, p. 2; "From the Director's Desk" by Dr. Predrag Matejic, p. 3; "Our Visitors": "A Blast from the Past," photo by Jessi Jones, "A Family Affair" and "HRL Public Lecture on Ivan the Terrible," photos by Jessi Jones, and photo by Georgios Anagnostou of Dr. William Kaldis and his daughter Maria Kaldis Arend, p. 4; "A Special Chaplains' Visit to the HRL" and "An Undergraduate Class Visit," photos by Jessi Jones, p. 5; "All in the Family: A Research Visit from an Alumna of MSSI 2001" by Monica White, photo courtesy of M. White, pp. 6, 8; "'Approaches to the Editing of Slavonic Texts' Workshop in Regensburg, Germany" by Susana Torres Prieto, photos courtesy of S. Torres Prieto, pp. 7-8; Unnumbered insert: recto - "In Memoriam: Professor Charles Edward Gribble," based on an obituary written by Daniel E. Collins, photo courtesy of the OSU department of Slavic and East European Languages and Cultures, and verso: Medieval Slavic Summer Institute 2017 announcement, photos by Jessi Jones; "HRL Journal: Accessing the Forbidden" by Kristina Nikolovska, photo courtesy of K. Nikolovska, p. 9; "Catching up with our MSSI Alumni," photos courtesy of Michael Furman, Alice Sullivan, and Federica Candido, p. 10; "HRL Journal: Examining the Serbian Euchologion" by Tatiana Afanas'eva, photo courtesy of T. Afanas'eva, p. 11; "HRL Journal: My First Trip to the U.S." by Marta Peña Escudero, photos courtesy of M. Peña Escudero, pp. 12, 14; "Manuscript Marginalia Lecture by Dr. Nikolovska," photo by Jessi Jones, p. 13; "A Step into Sociology: Slovene Scholars' Lecture," photos by Jessi Jones, p. 13; "In Memoriam: Protinica Ljubica Matejic," photo courtesy of Nenad Matejic, p. 14; Contributions to the Hilandar Endowment Fund, Gifts through Friends of the Library, and Gifts-in-Kind to the Hilandar Research Library, p. 15; back cover, birth announcement of Predrag Matejic's granddaughter, Elisaveta Todora Matejic, photo courtesy of Svetoslav and Sarah Matejic