312 research outputs found

    Prevalence and diversity of Chlamydiales in Swiss ruminant farms.

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    Chlamydia and Chlamydia-related bacteria are known to infect various organisms and may cause a wide range of diseases, especially in ruminants. To gain insight into the prevalence of these bacteria in the ruminant environment, we applied a pan-Chlamydiales PCR followed by sequencing to 72 ruminant environmental samples from water, feed bunks and floors. Chlamydiales from four family-level lineages were detected indicating a high biodiversity of Chlamydiales in ruminant farms. Parachlamydiaceae were detected in all three types of environmental samples and was the most abundant family-level taxon (60%). In contrast, only one bacterium from each of the following family-level lineages was identified: Chlamydiaceae, Criblamydiaceae and Simkaniaceae. The observed high prevalence of Parachlamydiaceae in water samples may suggest water as the main source of contamination for ruminants as well as their environment due to spoilage. The absence of reported infections in the investigated ruminant farms might indicate that either detected Chlamydiales are of reduced pathogenicity or infective doses have not been reached

    Evaluation of a Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assay for Detecting Chlamydia trachomatis in Vaginal Samples.

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is an important cause of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in Western countries. It is often asymptomatic, and thus, left untreated, and can have severe negative consequences, such as tubal infertility or adverse pregnancy outcomes. Other sexually transmitted microorganisms, such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Trichomonas vaginalis, as well as normal residents of the vaginal flora, such as genital mycoplasmas, also negatively impact human sexual and reproductive health. We evaluated the reliability of the Seegene Allplex STI Essential Assay for C. trachomatis detection using the real-time qPCR routinely used in our diagnostic laboratories as the gold standard. The Seegene assay displayed a sensitivity of 97.8% and a specificity of 98.9%. As this assay can also detect six other urogenital pathogens, we applied it to 404 samples from women who attended Lausanne University Maternity Hospital and obtained the following prevalence rates: 2.5% for C. trachomatis, 3.5% for Mycoplasma hominis, 6.3% for Ureaplasma urealyticum, and 27.7% for Ureaplasma parvum. Two samples were positive for Trichomonas vaginalis, and one sample was positive for Mycoplasma genitalium. Bacterial vaginosis was present in 4.5% of the cases and was strongly associated with M. hominis. Finally, we confirmed the association between C. trachomatis infection and pre-term birth (p = 0.03) but could not detect any association of this condition with other urogenital pathogens (Mycoplasma/Ureaplasma). In conclusion, given its high sensitivity and specificity for C. trachomatis DNA detection as well as its multiplex format, which simultaneously provides results for six other urogenital pathogens, the Seegene Allplex™ STI Essential Assay represents an appealing diagnostic tool in modern microbiology laboratories

    Draft Genome Sequence of Vibrio coralliilyticus strain OCN008 Isolated from Kāneʻohe Bay, Hawaiʻi.

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    Vibrio coralliilyticus is a Gram-negative bacterium found in seawater and is associated with diseased marine organisms. Strains of V. coralliilyticus have been shown to infect coral from multiple genera. We report the draft genome sequence of V. coralliilyticus strain OCN008, the third V. coralliilyticus genome to be sequenced

    Crescent and star shapes of members of the Chlamydiales order: impact of fixative methods.

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    Members of the Chlamydiales order all share a biphasic lifecycle alternating between small infectious particles, the elementary bodies (EBs) and larger intracellular forms able to replicate, the reticulate bodies. Whereas the classical Chlamydia usually harbours round-shaped EBs, some members of the Chlamydia-related families display crescent and star-shaped morphologies by electron microscopy. To determine the impact of fixative methods on the shape of the bacterial cells, different buffer and fixative combinations were tested on purified EBs of Criblamydia sequanensis, Estrella lausannensis, Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, and Waddlia chondrophila. A linear discriminant analysis was performed on particle metrics extracted from electron microscopy images to recognize crescent, round, star and intermediary forms. Depending on the buffer and fixatives used, a mixture of alternative shapes were observed in varying proportions with stars and crescents being more frequent in C. sequanensis and P. acanthamoebae, respectively. No tested buffer and chemical fixative preserved ideally the round shape of a majority of bacteria and other methods such as deep-freezing and cryofixation should be applied. Although crescent and star shapes could represent a fixation artifact, they certainly point towards a diverse composition and organization of membrane proteins or intracellular structures rather than being a distinct developmental stage

    Deer as a potential wildlife reservoir for Parachlamydia species.

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    Wildlife populations represent an important reservoir for emerging pathogens and trans-boundary livestock diseases. However, detailed information relating to the occurrence of endemic pathogens such as those of the order Chlamydiales in such populations is lacking. During the hunting season of 2008, 863 samples (including blood, conjunctival swabs, internal organs and faeces) were collected in the Eastern Swiss Alps from 99 free-living red deer (Cervus elaphus) and 64 free-living roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and tested using ELISA, PCR and immunohistochemistry for members of the family Chlamydiaceae and the genus Parachlamydia. Parachlamydia spp. were detected in the conjunctival swabs, faeces and internal organs of both species of deer (2.4% positive, with a further 29.5% inconclusive). The very low occurrence of Chlamydiaceae (2.5%) was in line with serological data (0.7% seroprevalence for Chlamydia abortus). Further investigations are required to elucidate the zoonotic potential, pathogenicity, and distribution of Parachlamydia spp. in wild ruminants

    Assessment of disease lesion removal as a method to control chronic Montipora white syndrome

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    Coral colonies in Ka–ne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i (USA), are afflicted with the tissue loss disease chronic Montipora white syndrome (cMWS). Here we show that removal of chronic disease lesions is a potential method to slow the progression of cMWS in M. capitata. Over the 24 wk observation period, treatment colonies lost almost half the amount of tissue that was lost by control colonies. The percentage of tissue loss at each sampling interval (mean ± SEM; treatment: 1.17 ± 0.47%, control: 2.25 ± 0.63%) and the rate of tissue loss per day (treatment: 0.13 ± 0.04%, control: 0.27 ± 0.08%) were both significantly lower on treated colonies than control colonies. While lesion removal stopped tissue loss at the initial infection site, which allowed colony healing, it did not prevent re-infection; in all but one of the treated colonies, new cMWS lesions appeared in other areas of the colony but not around the treatment margins. Additionally, the rate of new infections was similar between treatment and control colonies, indicating that physical injury from lesion removal did not appear to increase cMWS susceptibility. These results indicate that lesion removal reduced morbidity in M. capitata exhibiting cMWS but did not stop the disease

    Presence of Chlamydiales DNA in ticks and fleas suggests that ticks are carriers of Chlamydiae.

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    The Chlamydiales order includes the Chlamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Waddliaceae, Simkaniaceae, Criblamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Clavichlamydiaceae, and Piscichlamydiaceae families. Members of the Chlamydiales order are obligate intracellular bacteria that replicate within eukaryotic cells of different origins including humans, animals, and amoebae. Many of these bacteria are pathogens or emerging pathogens of both humans and animals, but their true diversity is largely underestimated, and their ecology remains to be investigated. Considering their potential threat on human health, it is important to expand our knowledge on the diversity of Chlamydiae, but also to define the host range colonized by these bacteria. Thus, using a new pan-Chlamydiales PCR, we analyzed the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in ticks and fleas, which are important vectors of several viral and bacterial infectious diseases. To conduct this study, 1340 Ixodes ricinus ticks prepared in 192 pools were collected in Switzerland and 55 other ticks belonging to different tick species and 97 fleas belonging to different flea species were harvested in Algeria. In Switzerland, the prevalence of Chlamydiales DNA in the 192 pools was equal to 28.1% (54/192) which represents an estimated prevalence in the 1340 individual ticks of between 4.0% and 28.4%. The pan-Chlamydiales qPCR was positive for 45% (25/55) of tick samples collected in Algeria. The sequencing of the positive qPCR amplicons revealed a high diversity of Chlamydiales species. Most of them belonged to the Rhabdochlamydiaceae and Parachlamydiaceae families. Thus, ticks may carry Chlamydiales and should thus be considered as possible vectors for Chlamydiales propagation to both humans and animals

    Neglected zoonotic agents in cattle abortion: tackling the difficult to grow bacteria.

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    Coxiella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus and Leptospira spp. are difficult to grow bacteria that play a role in bovine abortion, but their diagnosis is hampered by their obligate intracellular lifestyle (C. burnetii, C. abortus) or their lability (Leptospira spp.). Their importance is based on the contagious spread in food-producing animals, but also as zoonotic agents. In Switzerland, first-line routine bacteriological diagnostics in cattle abortions is regulated by national law and includes only basic screening by staining for C. burnetii due to the high costs associated with extended spectrum analysis. The aim of this study was to assess the true occurrence of these zoonotic pathogens in 249 cases of bovine abortion in Switzerland by serology (ELISA for anti-C. burnetii and C. abortus antibodies and microscopic agglutination test for anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies), molecular methods (real-time PCR and sequencing of PCR products of Chlamydiales-positive cases), Stamp's modification of the Ziehl-Neelsen (mod-ZN) stain and, upon availability of material, by histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). After seroanalysis the prevalence was 15.9% for C. burnetii, 38.5% for C. abortus and 21.4% for Leptospira spp. By real-time PCR 12.1% and 16.9% of the cases were positive for C. burnetii and Chlamydiales, respectively, but only 2.4% were positive for C. burnetii or Chlamydiales by mod-ZN stain. Sequencing of PCR products of Chlamydiales-positive cases revealed C. abortus in 10% of cases and the presence of a mix of Chlamydiales-related bacteria in 5.2% of cases. Pathogenic Leptospira spp. were detected in 5.6% of cases. Inflammatory lesions were present histologically in all available samples which were real-time PCR-positive for Chlamydiales and Leptospira spp. One of 12 real-time PCR-positive cases for C. burnetii was devoid of histological lesions. None of the pathogens could be detected by IHC. Molecular detection by real-time PCR complemented by histopathological analysis is recommended to improve definitive diagnosis of bovine abortion cases and determine a more accurate prevalence of these zoonotic pathogens

    Development of a new chlamydiales-specific real-time PCR and its application to respiratory clinical samples.

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    Originally composed of the single family Chlamydiaceae, the Chlamydiales order has extended considerably over the last several decades. Chlamydia-related bacteria were added and classified into six different families and family-level lineages: the Criblamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Piscichlamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Simkaniaceae, and Waddliaceae. While several members of the Chlamydiaceae family are known pathogens, recent studies showed diverse associations of Chlamydia-related bacteria with human and animal infections. Some of these latter bacteria might be of medical importance since, given their ability to replicate in free-living amoebae, they may also replicate efficiently in other phagocytic cells, including cells of the innate immune system. Thus, a new Chlamydiales-specific real-time PCR targeting the conserved 16S rRNA gene was developed. This new molecular tool can detect at least five DNA copies and show very high specificity without cross-amplification from other bacterial clade DNA. The new PCR was validated with 128 clinical samples positive or negative for Chlamydia trachomatis or C. pneumoniae. Of 65 positive samples, 61 (93.8%) were found to be positive with the new PCR. The four discordant samples, retested with the original test, were determined to be negative or below detection limits. Then, the new PCR was applied to 422 nasopharyngeal swabs taken from children with or without pneumonia; a total of 48 (11.4%) samples were determined to be positive, and 45 of these were successfully sequenced. The majority of the sequences corresponded to Chlamydia-related bacteria and especially to members of the Parachlamydiaceae family