156 research outputs found

    Feasibility of NIRS in the Neurointensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study in Stroke Using Physiological Oscillations

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    Abstract Introduction Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive, real-time bedside modality sensitive to changes in cerebral perfusion and oxygenation and is highly sensitive to physiological oscillations at different frequencies. However, the clinical feasibility of NIRS remains limited, partly due to concerns regarding NIRS signal quantification, which relies on mostly arbitrary assumptions on hemoglobin concentrations and tissue layers. In this pilot study comparing stroke patients to healthy controls, we explored the utility of the interhemispheric correlation coefficient (IHCC) during physiological oscillations in detecting asymmetry in hemispheric microvascular hemodynamics. Methods Using bi-hemispheric continuous-wave NIRS, 12 patients with hemispheric strokes and 9 controls were measured prospectively. NIRS signal was band-pass filtered to isolate cardiac (0.7-3 Hz) and respiratory (0.15-0.7 Hz) oscillations. IHCCs were calculated in both oscillation frequency bands. Using Fisher's Z-transform for non-Gaussian distributions, the IHCC during cardiac and respiratory oscillations were compared between both groups. Results Nine patients and nine controls had data of sufficient quality to be included in the analysis. The IHCCs during cardiac and respiratory oscillations were significantly different between patients versus controls (cardiac 0.79 ± 0.18 vs. 0.94 ± 0.07, P = 0.025; respiratory 0.24 ± 0.28 vs. 0.59 ± 0.3; P = 0.016). Conclusions Computing the IHCC during physiological cardiac and respiratory oscillations may be a new NIRS analysis technique to quantify asymmetric microvascular hemodynamics in stroke patients in the neurocritical care unit. It allows each subject to serve as their own control obviating the need for arbitrary assumptions on absolute hemoglobin concentration. Future clinical applications may include rapid identification of patients with ischemic brain injury in the pre-hospital setting. This promising new analysis technique warrants further validation

    Insight into glucocorticoid receptor signalling through interactome model analysis

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    Glucocorticoid hormones (GCs) are used to treat a variety of diseases because of their potent anti-inflammatory effect and their ability to induce apoptosis in lymphoid malignancies through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Despite ongoing research, high glucocorticoid efficacy and widespread usage in medicine, resistance, disease relapse and toxicity remain factors that need addressing. Understanding the mechanisms of glucocorticoid signalling and how resistance may arise is highly important towards improving therapy. To gain insight into this we undertook a systems biology approach, aiming to generate a Boolean model of the glucocorticoid receptor protein interaction network that encapsulates functional relationships between the GR, its target genes or genes that target GR, and the interactions between the genes that interact with the GR. This model named GEB052 consists of 52 nodes representing genes or proteins, the model input (GC) and model outputs (cell death and inflammation), connected by 241 logical interactions of activation or inhibition. 323 changes in the relationships between model constituents following in silico knockouts were uncovered, and steady-state analysis followed by cell-based microarray genome-wide model validation led to an average of 57% correct predictions, which was taken further by assessment of model predictions against patient microarray data. Lastly, semi-quantitative model analysis via microarray data superimposed onto the model with a score flow algorithm has also been performed, which demonstrated significantly higher correct prediction ratios (average of 80%), and the model has been assessed as a predictive clinical tool using published patient microarray data. In summary we present an in silico simulation of the glucocorticoid receptor interaction network, linked to downstream biological processes that can be analysed to uncover relationships between GR and its interactants. Ultimately the model provides a platform for future development both by directing laboratory research and allowing for incorporation of further components, encapsulating more interactions/genes involved in glucocorticoid receptor signalling

    THPP target assignment reveals EchA6 as an essential fatty acid shuttle in mycobacteria

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    Phenotypic screens for bactericidal compounds against drug-resistant tuberculosis are beginning to yield novel inhibitors. However, reliable target identification remains challenging. Here, we show that tetrahydropyrazo[1,5-a]pyrimidine-3-carboxamide (THPP) selectively pulls down EchA6 in a stereospecific manner, instead of the previously assigned target Mycobacterium tuberculosis MmpL3. While homologous to mammalian enoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) hydratases, EchA6 is non-catalytic yet essential and binds long-chain acyl-CoAs. THPP inhibitors compete with CoA-binding, suppress mycolic acid synthesis, and are bactericidal in a mouse model of chronic tuberculosis infection. A point mutation, W133A, abrogated THPP-binding and increased both the in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration and the in vivo effective dose 99 in mice. Surprisingly, EchA6 interacts with selected enzymes of fatty acid synthase II (FAS-II) in bacterial two-hybrid assays, suggesting essentiality may be linked to feeding long-chain fatty acids to FAS-II. Finally, our data show that spontaneous resistance-conferring mutations can potentially obscure the actual target or alternative targets of small molecule inhibitors

    Compton Thick AGN: the dark side of the X-ray background

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    The spectrum of the hard X-ray background records the history of accretion processes integrated over the cosmic time. Several pieces of observational and theoretical evidence indicate that a significant fraction of the energy density is obscured by large columns of gas and dust. The absorbing matter is often very thick, with column densities exceeding N_H > 1.5 10^24 cm-2, the value corresponding to unity optical depth for Compton scattering. These sources are called ``Compton thick'' and appear to be very numerous, at least in the nearby universe. Although Compton thick Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are thought to provide an important contribution to the overall cosmic energy budget, their space density and cosmological evolution are poorly known. The properties of Compton thick AGN are reviewed here, with particular emphasis on their contributions to the extragalactic background light in the hard X-ray and infrared bands.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Review for "Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe", Ed. A. J. Barger, Kluwer Academi

    Mycorrhization of fagaceae forests within mediterranean ecosystems

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    Mediterranean Fagaceae forests are valuable due to their ecological and socioeconomic aspects. Some profitable plant species, such as Castanea (timber and chestnut), Quercus (timber and cork), and Fagus (timber), encounter in this habitat the excellent edaphoclimatic conditions to develop. All Fagaceae plants are commonly associated to ECM fungal species, which are found in these forests in quite stable communities, mainly enriched in Russulaceae and Telephoraceae species. Currently, the Mediterranean Basin is considered as one of the global biodiversity hotspots, since many of their endemic plant species are not found elsewhere and are now under threat. Due to climate changing and introduction of disease agents, Fagaceae forests are facing an adaptation challenge to both biotic and abiotic threats. Although ECM communities are highly disturbed by climate factors and tree disease incidence, they could play an important role in increasing water availability to the plant and also improving plant tree defense against pathogens. Recent advances, namely, on genomics and transcriptomics, are providing tools for increasing the understanding of Fagaceae mycorrhization process and stress responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. Such studies can provide new information for the implementation of the most adequate management policies for protecting threaten Mediterranean forests.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Therapeutic opportunities within the DNA damage response

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    The DNA damage response (DDR) is essential for maintaining the genomic integrity of the cell, and its disruption is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Classically, defects in the DDR have been exploited therapeutically in the treatment of cancer with radiation therapies or genotoxic chemotherapies. More recently, protein components of the DDR systems have been identified as promising avenues for targeted cancer therapeutics. Here, we present an in-depth analysis of the function, role in cancer and therapeutic potential of 450 expert-curated human DDR genes. We discuss the DDR drugs that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or that are under clinical investigation. We examine large-scale genomic and expression data for 15 cancers to identify deregulated components of the DDR, and we apply systematic computational analysis to identify DDR proteins that are amenable to modulation by small molecules, highlighting potential novel therapeutic targets