87 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine and analyze: 1) the influence of the distributive leadership style on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel at SMAN 10 Pangkep, (2) the influence of the consultative leadership style on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel at SMAN 10 Pangkep, (3) the influence of leadership styles distributive and consultative leadership on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel at SMAN 10 Pangkep. This type of research is quantitative research. This research was conducted at SMAN 10 Pangkep. The population in this study were teachers and education personnel with a total of 55 respondents. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression test. The results showed (1) distributive leadership style had a significant effect on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel at SMAN 10 Pangkep, (2) consultative leadership style had a significant effect on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel at SMAN 10 Pangkep, (3) distributive leadership and leadership. simultaneously have a significant effect on the work ethic of teachers and education personnel in SMA 10 Pangkep. The contribution of the influence of the distributive leadership and consultative leadership variables was 20.3% and the remaining 79.7% showed the influence of other variables that were not evaluated in this study

    A Novel Technique for Anterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse Repair: Anterior Vaginal Wall Darn

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to introduce a new technique, anterior vaginal wall darn (AVWD), which has not been used before to repair the anterior vaginal wall prolapse, a common problem among women. Materials and Methods. Forty-five women suffering from anterior vaginal wall prolapse were operated on with a new technique. The anterior vaginal wall was detached by sharp and blunt dissection via an incision beginning from the 1 cm proximal aspect of the external meatus extending to the vaginal apex, and the space between the tissues that attach the lateral walls of the vagina to the arcus tendineus fascia pelvis (ATFP) was then darned. Preoperation and early postoperation evaluations of the patients were conducted and summarized. Results. Data were collected six months after operation. Cough stress test (CST), Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) evaluation, Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7), and Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI-6) scores indicated recovery. According to the early postoperation results, all patients were satisfied with the operation. No vaginal mucosal erosion or any other complications were detected. Conclusion. In this initial series, our short-term results suggested that patients with grade II-III anterior vaginal wall prolapsus might be treated successfully with the AVWD method

    Acute renal failure developing for the forgotten dj stent in patient’s functional solitary kidney: case report

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    Üreteral stentlerin endikasyonlarının artması ve kullanımının giderek yaygınlaşmasının doğal sonucu olarak stentlere bağlı komplikasyonların görülme sıklığı da artmıştır. Literatürde soliter böbrekli hastalarda unutulmuş stentlere bağlı gelişen böbrek yetmezliği, sepsis ve ölüm vakaları rapor edilmiştir. Soliter böbrekli hastalar klinik önemlerine rağmen stentlerine yeterli ilgiyi göstermemektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda sağ nonfonksiyone böbrekli hastada dört yıl süre ile unutulan double J stente bağlı gelişen akut böbrek yetmezliği tablosu sunulmuştur. Fonksiyonel tek böbreği olan hastalarda unutulmuş stentin oluşturabileceği katastrofik sonuçlar nedeniyle daha dikkatli olunmalıdır. Üreteral stent takılması planlanan hastalara stent endikasyonları, süresi ve komplikasyonlarının ayrıntılı anlatılması hastanın daha ilgili olmasını sağlayabilir.The frequency of complications subject to stents has increased as a natural result that ureteral stent indications increase and its usage becomes widespread gradually. There has been renal insufficiency, sepsis and death cases reported developing due to stents forgotten in patients with solitary kidneys in literature. Patients with solitary kidneys cannot give sufficient care to their stents instead of clinic precautions. In this case report, we present acute renal failure findings developed subject to double J stent forgotten for four years in a patient right non-functional kidney. We should be more careful due to catastrophic results created by stent forgotten in patients with single functional kidney. Telling stent indications, period and complications in details to patients to whom ureteral stent will be placed might provide them become more interested

    The cientificWorldJOURNAL Clinical Study Fasting Blood Glucose and Lipid Profile Alterations following Twelve-Month Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Men with Prostate Cancer

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    properly cited. Purpose. In this retrospective study, we aimed to investigate the effects of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) on blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels over a 12-month period. Materials and Methods. Between January 2010 and June 2012, the data of 44 patients with prostate cancer who were receiving ADT were collected from a hospital database. Patients with additional malignancy or diabetes and those who had been prescribed and were currently taking cholesterol-lowering medication were excluded from the study. Data (including fasting blood glucose levels and a cholesterol profile) were collected and analysed statistically. A P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. Twelve months after the initiation of ADT, fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) levels changed. FBG, TC, LDL cholesterol, and TG increased significantly (P = 0.009, 0.000, 0.000, and 0.000, resp.), while HDL cholesterol decreased (P = 0.000). Conclusion. ADT may increase FBG, TC, LDL cholesterol, and TG but decrease HDL cholesterol by the end of a year of treatment. Therefore, close followup may be needed as a consequence of one-year ADT regarding metabolic alterations

    Aile işletmelerindeki yönetim devrinde kadınların üst düzey pozisyonlarda sınırlı yer alması üzerine bir araştırma

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    Son yıllarda her alanda yaşanan değişimler yönetim biliminde de etkilerini göstermektedir. Gittikçe karmaşıklaşan ve uzmanlık alanları genişleyen örgüt yapıları yöneticiler için yeni kavramlarla tanışma veya bilinen ve uygulananları ise tekrar gözden geçirme zorunluluğunu doğurmaktadır. Bu noktada yöneticilerin artan iş yükünü ve rekabet ortamının getirdiği zorlukların üstesinden gelebilmeleri için yönetim devrini sürekli bir yönetim uygulaması haline getirmeleri bilinçli olarak bu süreci kullanmalarını gerekmektedir. Aile işletmeleri alanında yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında yönetim devrinin çok önemli bir süreç olduğunu görmekteyiz. Başarılı bir yönetim devrinin gerçekleşebilmesi için yönetimi devralacak varisin bir takım niteliklere sahip olması ile beraber kurucuların cinsiyete göre tercih yapmaması gerekmektedir. Üst pozisyonlarda yer almak isteyen kadın yöneticilerin daha fazla güç harcamak zorunda olduğu bilinmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra kadın yöneticiler, çok sayıda ve çeşitli cinsiyet ayrımcılığı uygulamalarına maruz kalmaktadırlar. Bu araştırmada, aile işletmelerinde üst düzey kadın yöneticilerin yönetim devri çalışmalarında neden sınırlı yer aldıklarının etkileri üzerinde durulması ile beraber kadın yöneticilere karşı yıllardır kalıplaşmış düşüncelerin değiştirilmesi gereği üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu çalışma; aile işletmelerinin işleyiş sürecinde devir gibi zor ve kapsamlı aşamasına yardımcı olacak, aile işletmelerinde yönetimi devredecek olan kuruculara yol gösterecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aile İşletmeleri, Yönetim Devri, Kadın Yöneticiler. ABSTRACT The changes taking place in the previous years, are showing their effects in the management science too. The enlarging organization structures being complicated more and more and are in need of area of specialization, are giving the opportunity of being introduced for the managers or are generating the necessity of overviewing the known and applied things again. Here; the managers should convert the managament tahcover into a continuous managament application and should apply this process consciously to overcome the difficulties of the competetion environment and the business burden. When the efforts made in the area of the family businessses are observed, it is seen the management tahcover is a very important process. To realize a succesful management tahcover, it is necessary for the successor to have some important qualities and for the founders not to make a selection according to the sexuality. It is known the woman managers who wants to place in the top positions, should save more efforts. The woman managers are receiving many various sexual discriminations. In this paper, it has been examined why the top level woman manager are placing restricted in the management tahcover efforts and also it had been stated the stereotyped opinions against the woman managers for the years should be changed. This study is going to help the family businesses’ operation process for the tahcover subject, difficult and comprehensive, and is going to give a direction to the founders wishing tahcover the management. Keywors: Family Businesses, Management Tahcover, Woman Managers


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    The Effects of Age, Metabolic Syndrome, Nocturnal Polyuria and Sleep Disorders on Nocturia

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    Conclusions. Age, nocturnal polyuria, metabolic syndrome and sleep disturbances have been shown to be contributing factors in the frequency of nocturia and LUTS. Therefore, steps taken to alleviate factors that can be altered - such as hypertension, weight gain, sleep disturbances and IPSS - may improve the individual's quality of lif

    Application of spectroscopic, microscopic and thermal techniques in archaeometric investigation of painted pottery from Kuriki (Turkey)

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    The results of an archaeometric investigation on painted pottery obtained from the archaeological excavations carried out in Kuriki (southeastern Anatolia) are presented. It was intended to reveal the production features of the painted pottery which were occasionally unearthed from the sites dated to the Late Iron Age and Hellenistic period. The samples were subjected to spectroscopic (X-ray diffraction), microscopic (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy) and thermal (thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis) analysis techniques. It was deduced from the results that most of the ceramics were produced with calcareous clay batches. This assumption was supported by high amounts of CaO (detected through EDX), presence of calcite and occasionally the neo-formations (i.e. gehlenite, pyroxene) identified by XRD. The abundance of calcareous raw materials in the vicinity of the region therefore suggested a local production for the majority of the samples. Considering the mineral/phase contents of the potsherds and insufficient vitrification behavior in micro structure, the firing temperature of the samples was found to change between 700 °C and 900 °C, but mostly in the range of 800–900 °C. TG-DTA, used as a complementary technique, brought a convenient data in terms of elucidating the mineralogical content and the production properties. The same rock type (schist) determined through the petrographic analysis (OM) suggested that the raw materials used in production originated from the same or close sources. Finally, the results are compared with the outcome of the former archaeometric studies regarding the production features of various pottery types of Kuriki belonging to different time periods. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l